Filip x Aedgar [RQ][GB]

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RQ by: ---almiiighty

Just like every Agaphie ff, they're not related here (because I say no to incest o.o)


Both boys disappeared into the air. As Tessa (Tedros genderbent) reached out only to grab on to no hands. Aedgar.. her love, was gone.

Filip and Aedgar appeared back inside Filip's room in Gavaldon. While they hugged each other in shock.

Filip smiled while Aedgar's face was in pure horror. The blonde let go of his friend and in excitement plopped on to his bed. "We're back home Aedgar!" He yelled in celebration. Aedgar however stood there. Remaining silent.

Filip realized what he was thinking about, and his faced turned into a frown. "Aedgar... isn't this what we planned in the first place?" Filip asked as he sat up on his bed.

Aedgar's eyes jolt to Filip. "Of course!yes.. it is... I mean.."
Filip had the face of doubt. He knew his best friend was lying to him, and that Aedgar wanted to go back and be with Tessa. Filip looked down on his shoes in frustration.. he will never get a happy ending will he..? Is that how it is??

Filip stood up with a loud stomp which made Aedgar jump. "The Aedgar I knew wouldn't be dating a princess." He stated and walked out the door.

Aedgar stood there in guilt.

As soon as Filip walked downstairs, he was greeted by his worried mother Stefana. "Filip! How di-"
But Filip ignored her and walked straight out the door. He was so happy to be back home. But is it worth it  when the person you planned your happy ending with didn't even want it in the end?

Filip tried to calm himself and thought of the first thing he knew would calm him down. The Café.

The bell softly rang as soon as Filip entered. Ah yes.. the smell of coffee. Just a small sniff and Filip already felt calm. He walks to the counter with the good ol' angelic smile to hsi face. "One of the usuals please." He ordered.. but the man just stood there.. confused.

Filip's angelic smile faded. "Don't you remember? I come here all the time." Filip reminded. Until the man's face glew. "Filip!? I thought the school mistress kidnapped you!"
"Yes! But I got back!"

The man smiled. So did Filip, looking forced because all he wanted was a cup of coffee so he can relax. "So.. can I get the usual now?" He asled oen more time. "Sorry sir.. but I dont think I remember your usual order.. it has been a while.." he excused.

Filip's hands started forming fists, feeling like he was going to blow up the whole building until.. "I think he meant Café Au Lait." A familiar voice spoke.

Filip looked and saw Aedgar smiling at him. He just grimaced and looked away.

"Filip... Im sorry, that wasn't-"
"No Aedgar.. I know you want to be with Tessa again so dont try-" Filip tried to brush pass the topic. Aedgar felt conflicted. He wanted to make it up for his bestfriend, the person he so desperately wanted to leave the school with from the beginning. Now it's the other way around and it's honestly unbelievable for him.

The thing is.. he was never even suppose to be there, only Filip was chosen.. he just got pulled along when he tried to save Filip.

Maybe Aedgar and Tessa wasn't suppose to happen anyway.

Aedgar looked up to see Filip gone and walking to a table. He immediately ran to him. "Filip!"
Filip sipped on his caffiene and gave Aedgar a cold glare. Aedgar sat down next to his bestfriend. "Filip.."
"Hm?" Filip tried to stay calm as he cautiously sipped on his burning hot coffee whilst staring at his bestfriend.

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