Destruction (Book 1 of the De...

By RageBabi

120 1 0

Everyone thought the end of the world was a hoax that some neanderthal came up with to cause an Uproar in soc... More

When it Happened
To stay?
When it rains it pours


3 0 0
By RageBabi

Rage's POV
     I spaced out and left Mike to fend for himself, I shouldn't have but I wanna wasn't thinking at the time. I spent all day yesterday trying to get away from the bogeys. Now here I am limping out in the open like a deer caught in headlights. I take shelter in a bus, I'm no use to anyone if I get myself killed. I can't believe there's more than one of those things out there, how the hell did they become that? I wake off my pants tend to my stab wound. It's not deep, I can make it till I get back to h.q. I have to, after what feels like forever I get up and quickly head towards my boys. I don't make it far when run into another bogey, I really wasn't planning to shed blood today but I guess it's inevitable.
I tear through the first first few as if this were a hobby of mine, but they keep appearing out of no where. I stubble into a house trying to put some distance between us, I need to regroup. I swore to Bentley I'd come back to him, and I plan on keeping my word. I take out my gun firing at everything that enters, within the next two hours it looks like a slaughterhouse in here. I drag myself up the stairs and into the bathroom locking the door behind me as I strip and make my way into the bathtub.

Mike's POV
      I make it back to h.q. barely, the creatures seemed to be drawn to something a few blocks down.  I hop out and sprint inside to see everybody look up from the table. "Mike? The hell, you okay bro?" Tyler and Gio ask walking over to me. "Yeah one of those suckers bit me though, stupid bitch" "Did you run into Rage?" What? "I thought she already headed here!" "No! She called saying they were in some building with her" shit! That's where those things were heading. "They left me, and ran two blocks down towards a house. I'm guessing she was the reason." "SHIT!" Gio yells, "I can't lose my sister again. I just got her back" "Gio you and Mike stay with the kids I'll head out with Lala and Tyler." Brent grabs medical supplies and water while Tyler gets the walkie talkies as Lala fills the tank. "Come on it's almost night fall!" We watch as they head off in the direction I ran from.

Brent's POV
     We drive by house looking for any sign of life and so far nothing, my heart is in my throat as we approach the end of a neighborhood. Just as I'm losing hope I see blood painted on a porch "stop here! Watch my six!" We head inside and my heart stops, it's a slaughterhouse in here. So many bogeys as Rage called them, litter the floor. I follow a trail of blood up the stairs with Ty and Lala close behind, it leads to a door that's locked. "Lala pick the lock" it takes her less than a minute to have it open, the bathroom looks worse than downstairs. There in the bath is my girl drenched in blood, I walk up to her and turn her face so she's looking at me. Her pupils are dilated stating that she hasn't come back from an episode. "Rage baby come back to me, Please I need you. Come back-" I run my fingers through her hair "Bentley" she whispers. I look down and a tear runs down her face, "There were so many and they kept coming! I was all alone. For the first time in forever I was actually terrified."
I take off my jacket and cover her naked body and pick her up carrying her towards the car. "Brent is she okay?" I look at Tyler and shake my head, "No but she will be." We all pile in and head back to Gio, Lala drives while I hold my girl on my lap. "Don't you think her brother is gonna be worried when you both show up covered in blood? Not to mention you're carrying his naked little sister!" I'm getting sick and tired of Lala sticking her nose in my business. "I'll explain it to him, so stay out of it!"
Giovanni meets is at the door his eyes taking in the state of his sister as Mike brings her one of my hoodies to put on "what happened? Why is she naked? Did those things rape.." WHAT?!  I didn't even think to ask. "NO! If they had I'd kill every last one of them!" They all stare at me shocked, "you seem pretty close with Gio's little sister Brent" I turn to see a smirking Lala. "He's doing his job and looking out for her Lala" Lala turns towards Gio, "oh he's doing more than looking out for her." "What are you talking about Lala?" Gio looks at me while his sister goes to take a shower. "Well He was on the roof making out with her a few weeks ago, then slept with her." Gio throws a punch at me, "WHAT THE HELL BRENT!" "it's not like that Giovanni!" "YOU SLEPT WITH HER! You're 28!" "I laid in bed with her but that's it, I didn't make love to her!" "SHE IS 16!" "I know! I tried to distance myself from her but I can't anymore!" "YOU WILL STAY AWAY FROM HER! That's an order!" "I can't.." he flips the table getting in my face, "WHY NOT?!" "Because, I love her."

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