When it rains it pours

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Rage's POV
These past weeks Bentley has been ignoring me and I can't help but feel like it's my fault. "Mommy are you ok?" I smile picking up Lovey "yes my love." Lively has been spending time with his dad and Giovanni a lot recently. I don't mind, but I miss the times when it was just me and my boys. All these stupid emotions are giving me a headache, I need to get out to clear my head. "Go play with your brother my love, I'll be back." "Okay mommy" Lovey laughs running to find his brother. I stay put for a little while longer then pack a backpack and change and
head down toward the kitchen when I stop and feel my heart break. Bentley has Lala on his lap while he's shoving his tongue down his throat. I put on my shades and walk past like nothing happened, I knew we wouldn't work. "Where you going?" I turn to him and laugh "I'm leaving, I'll be back for my boys soon you have my word." He stands up telling Lala to leave, "oh please don't stop on my account Lala you stay I'm leaving now." "Lala leave NOW!" Brent yells causing Lala to hurry out of sight, "where are you going baby?" Really? He's gonna play that card right now. "I can't stay here! I can't. I've never had a boyfriend but I'm sure you're a prime example of a shitty ex boyfriend!" "Ex?" "You ignore me like if you're to close I'd burn you! Then you spend all your time with that bitch and kiss her! My heart hurts, it feels like I took a bullet to the chest. You're mine! I've never felt like this for anyone, I finally let my walls down and you break my heart! I can't believe I fell in love with you! You're an asshole!" I storm towards the front door, before I make it I'm being spun around "I'm sorry! Giovanni told me to stay away from you. He says we can't be together, you're a kid Rage. I didn't know you were that young, if I'd known I would've-" " you would have what! Not wanted to be with me!" "I'll always be with you Rage, we can't help who we fall in love with." He slams his lips on mine, the kiss is passionate and lasts for a lifetime but in reality it wasn't more than a minute.

"Hey Brent-oh sorry, I didn't know you were um.." we break apart and turn towards Mike, "what the hell man! Giovanni told you not to be near her!" "I don't give a shit! She's mine. I talk to him about it, what do you want! I was kinda busy as you saw." I blush hiding my face in his chest.  We look closely at Mike and he doesn't look like himself, he looks dead almost. "You ok Mike?" I walk towards him slowly, as if Bentley read my mind he follows suit behind me while feel my balisong blade in my sleeve, knowing that if I reach behind me for the gun in my pants Mike would catch on. "I-I don't know what's happening to me, Im so sorry Rage. P-please forgive me. I'm so so sorry!" He cries as he takes off his jacket. His flesh is falling off his bones and his ribs are on full display. "He's a Bogey!" I say loud enough for them both to here, "Did they bite you when we were ambushed Mike." He nods looking at Brent as I remember moments ago he was apologizing. "Mike what did you do?" "I didn't mean to!" I notice the blood on this arm "What happened to your arm?" He looks at me eyes filled with sadness. "You didn't! Mike WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" "He was looking for Lively. He asked me if I'd seen him and I didn't mean to hurt them is swear." "Where are my sons!" I cry, he doesn't reply and I take off into the building with Brent close on my heels. "LOVEY!" Brent yells scanning for any indication of where they could be, "LIVELY!" I scream just as loud. We find Lovely with Tyler, Gio, and Lala in the medical ward. "Where's Lively?" They look at us "what? He's not with you!" Tyler yells. "He came out of nowhere with dragging Lovey, I could tell he wasn't himself so I shot at him and picked up the boy and locked us in here with these two," Lala whispers. I look at her and smile "thank you for saving my son, I'm going to find Lively." "Not alone you aren't" "Bentley I'll be fine" I say getting my gear and gearing up. "Two is a crowd Bentley, I'm faster alone.  You need to find Mike because those things can send out location signals. You need to kill him before he figures that out." Brent looks unsure, "be careful Rage baby" "Yeah?" I ask smirking. He smiles "yeah." He pulls me close and places his lips on mine, Giovanni coughs but we ignore him. "I love you" "yeah?" He asks raising an eyebrow "yeah." "I love you too" I stare into his eyes smiling a million dollar smile before I exit the ward and head in the opposite direction I came from. As I round the hall I make crow calls listening for Lively to give one back so I know where to head. So far nothing.

Destruction (Book 1 of the Destruction Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin