Rock Bottom

By amyhicks16

1.2K 88 58

"I pray that the last time I said goodbye was not meant forever." *** Growing up with a single parent with no... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: If You're Single and You Know it Hug Your Cat
Chapter Two: Offically the Worst Liar in the Universe
Chapter Three: I Should be Working the Street Corner
Chapter Four: Weird Psychotic Serial Killer Vibes
Chapter Five: Beggars Can't be Choosers
Chapter Six: You Look like a Homeless Slob
Chapter Seven: A Cell Under a Microscope
Chapter Eight: This Isn't Weight Watchers
Chapter Nine: You Look like a Rat in a Sewer
Chapter Ten: Balls the Size of Texas
Chapter Eleven: Why Must the Pale Kids be the UV Rays Worst Victim?
Chapter Thirteen: Smooth as Chunky Peanut Butter.
Chapter Fourteen: Teenage Girl Pummels Henry Miller
Chapter Fifteen: You're a Wizard with Words
Chapter Sixteen: Friends with Benefits
Chapter Seventeen: They are Going at it in There
Chapter Eighteen: A Way with the Ladies
Chapter Nineteen: Do You Two Have a Thing?
Chapter Twenty: Major Man Crush on Patrick Swayze
Chapter Twenty-One: She Definitely Didn't Tell Kayla About That.
Chapter Twenty-Two: Blowing like a Dandelion in the Wind
Chapter Twenty-Three: All Sorts of Crazy
Chapter Twenty-Four: Family Comes First
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Second Chance
Chapter Twenty-Six: Stone Cold to the Core
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Have a Little Faith
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Always and Forever
Chapter Twenty- Nine: All it Took
Chapter Thirty: Never Leave My Side
Chapter Thirty-One: We Do Not All Get a Fairytale Ending
Author's Note

Chapter Twelve: Aurora Borealis is Not a Disney princess.

39 2 1
By amyhicks16

"Morning, Kayla," Kate greets as she comes downstairs. I'm seated at the barstool shovelling Cheerios into my mouth. "Morning John," she kisses him in the cheek. He sets his coffee cup down and looks up from his newspaper.

"Morning Hun," he watches as she pours her own coffee into a travel mug. He stares at her intently before speaking again. "Are you sure you want to wear that to work?"

Kate looks down at her outfit. She's wearing a clean navy dress that hugs her body down to her knees. She has paired it with a blazer over top creating a professional attire. She looks fine to me.

"What's wrong with it?"

"It looks like you're trying to give off the wrong idea. If you were my accountant I would think you wanted more than just my money, if you know what I mean," he shames. "Of course wear what you like."

"Maybe you're right," she says after a moment of consideration. Then she scurries upstairs to change.

"How has school been?" John asks. I'm shocked at first because he usually doesn't make an effort not to talk to me.

"Oh, it's been pretty good. Everyone has been really nice," I offer him a smile. I go back to eating my breakfast.

"You don't need to inhale your food. If you don't fit into your clothes because you're eating a pound of sugary cereal, I'm not buying you new ones. Eventually all that food is going to catch up to you."

I nearly choke on the O's. Nobody has ever mentioned my weight before. I have always been really thin even though I eat as of my stomach is a bottomless pit. It's never been a concern of mine since I've been given the gift of a fast metabolism. I never felt ashamed of how much food I could shovel in my mouth. Dad would always teased I should enter pie eating competitions because then we would be rich. He never said anything negative about it. I stare at him as he turns to his newspaper.

"Kayla, are you almost ready to go? Olivia should be here soon," Kate returns wearing black slacks and a white long sleeve blouse that goes up to her neck and ties in a big bow. "I would like to go out for lunch this weekend by the way."

I dump the remains on my cereal into the organics bin and put my bowl in the dish washer.

"Kayla, I'm talking to you."

Wait... me? I stand up straight and turn to her. She wants me to go for lunch with her?

"Uh, okay," I respond hesitantly. Her face drops in disappointment at my lack of interest. I quickly try to hide it by immediately initiating damage control. "That sounds fun."

"Great!" She flashes her smile that would make any man's insides melt. "I think we could use some bonding time. You should come too John, since we are all a family now."

"I don't have time to do lunches, dear," he pulls himself up from the table adjusting his tie. "I'm a very busy man. People depend on me to save their lives." John kisses her on her cheek before grabbing his jacket and heading off to the hospital. John is a cardiovascular surgeon. He thinks he's better than everyone else In other words, he thinks he's one hot tamale. John is just exhausting to be around sometimes. Kate grabs her Prada handbag off the counter slinging it over her shoulder. "Are you sure you want to go? You don't seem very excited."

I'm extremely grateful for the familiar sound of a horn that is exactly on time. I don't want to pretend I'm excited to endure what I presume will be an incredibly painful lunch experience.

"Sorry, I have to go."


"Ouch! That hurt!" I rub my forehead trying to sooth the pain of the cherry pit that has nearly penetrated my skull. I use my sleeve to scrub away the red stain I know it there.

"That did not hurt, you're just dramatic," Lucas pops another cherry in his mouth. "I kept saying your name to ask you something and you wouldn't answer. This was a last feeble attempt."

"Flicking a cherry pit at me? Why don't you try just tapping me on the shoulder next time?" I glare at him.

"Then I have to reach across the table and that takes so much time and energy," he pretends to try to reach across the table with his limp arm struggling to make contact with me. Now this is the guy who calls me dramatic.

Such a hypocrite.

"Oh yes, and making a catapult out of a plastic spoon is so much easier?"

"When you're a genius like me it is," Lucas says smugly.

I snort, "You are far from a genius I'll tell you that. I had to inform you the other day that the Aurora Borealis is not a Disney princess."

"Sleeping Beauty's real name is Aurora! Sorry if I got it confused with the dumb scientific light show!"

"It's not a light show! It's the sun interacting with the molecules and atoms in Earth's atmosphere which results in a unique celestial display seen at the magnetic poles of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres," I explain exasperatedly.

"Who are you? Einstein?"

"Okay, that's enough!" Olivia intrudes. "You two fight like toddlers. You two could seriously go on forever. Lucas, what did you even what to ask Kayla anyways?"

Oh right, I forgot about that.

"Has Leon texted you yet?"

"You mean Leo?"

"She knows what I meant and she still has to correct me! This is what I deal with," Lucas points out to Olivia. She rolls her eyes at him turning her attention back to me.

"Not yet. It's only been two days so I'm not stressing about it," I shrug it off.

Okay, so maybe I was just a little tiny bit stressed he wasn't ever going to text me and I'm slightly disappointed that he hasn't called me yet, but it's totally fine.

"Yeah, sure you aren't," Olivia says sarcastically. She directs her attention to the boys approaching our table. "Hey guys!"

Jeremy and Daniel sit down at the cafeteria table with their trays full of food. Let me tell you, those guys can eat. Lucas' friends have been spending a lot of time with us lately. I talk to Daniel all the time now. I don't always particularly enjoy every one of our conversations because he can be a little vulgar sometimes. I guess I would consider the guys as my friends. Never thought I would be saying that. Henry exits the cafeteria line with his try in hands. He begins to approach our table but veers left changing his mind to go sit with the rest of the hockey team.

"What's up with him?" Lucas asks out of concern. "He loves the team but he hates sitting with the rowdy bunch at lunch just as much as we do."

"He's just butt hurt that Kayla wasn't drooling over him like every other girl," Daniel cackles.

"Me?" I gasp.

"Dude, I don't think you were suppose to say anything," Jeremy grumbles under his breath.

"Now you have to tell us," Olivia orders. Of course nobody wants to argue with her. You might as well accept that you've already lost before you even start a battle with her. It's better to just take the loss in order to save some of your dignity.

"I think his ego has been bruised because you dismissed him for that other guy at the Surf Shack. He's just not used to girls not fawning over him the first time he shows them any attention. Henry was getting all alpha male with the other guy and when he was trying to look like Mr. Casanova, you literally threw him off of you and ran into the arms of the enemy," Jeremy explains.

"That's ridiculous! He can't be mad at me because I didn't want the guy I've been talking to think I'm dating another boy. It's not like I was trying to stomp all over his bad boy reputation. Maybe next time his shouldn't try to choose me to be his shiny trophy to prove he's better than everyone else!" I slam my fork down on the table.

"We didn't say you did anything wrong. Plus he's technically not mad at you," Daniel quickly trying to correct my concerns before turning to Jeremy. "This was probably why we weren't suppose to say anything."

"So what, he's going to act like a big sulking baby until his ego recovers?"

"Once he gets laid I'm sure he will be feeling pretty good about himself once again. I heard that guy is great at the horizontal hokey pokey if you know what I mean."

Of course that was Daniel. Which leaves us all speechless and somewhat mortified. I really didn't want that mental image in my head. I glance over at Henry leaning back in his chair laughing along with the guys.

Lydia and her friends are gossiping at the table next to them. I'm sure they are discussing which one of the jocks has the biggest muscles or the best lips. They seriously have brains the size of peanuts. I know that's kind of harsh, but it's accurate. It's a waste of time to even attempt a normal conversation that requires the minimal use of brain cells. As if Lydia decides it's the perfect opportunity for attack, she pushes out of her seat and strolls over to their table. I watch in disgust as she flips her hair over her shoulder exposing her perfect collarbones.

Lydia has been trying to date Henry since before I can remember. It's like he's a challenge to her. Girls always want what they can't have.

She's wearing a red tank top that could easily pass as a bra, along with her skin tight black jeans that appear to have gone through the paper shredder. Her tan legs are on display through all the gaping holes in her pants. She giggles to whatever Henry has said to her reacting like it's the most hilarious joke she has ever heard. I hope Lydia isn't planning on taking up a career in acting. Her forced laughter is painful to watch. Next he hands her a napkin and she slowly and sensually strides back to her table.

"I really don't want to know how you know that," Lucas teases Daniel going back to what he said. The screech of the bell causes everyone to beginning filing out of the cafeteria to get to their next class. I dump my half eaten garden salad in the garbage. I just couldn't stomach another leaf of spinach. I weave my way through the crowded hallway trying to push my way to class.

"Kayla, wait up!" I come to a halt when someone taps my arm. I swing around to see Jeremy.

"What's up?"

"I hate to bring it up again, but I just want to ask how you're doing?"

"Oh," I pause awkwardly. "I'm okay, I guess."

"Remember if you ever want to talk I'm all ears. I'm actually really good at giving advice if you ever need some," he smiles. I can see the hint of nervousness in his eyes as he speaks.

"Thanks for the offer. Honestly I'm more if 'suffer in silence' type though," I shrug. The last thing I feel like doing is poor my entire heart out telling my sad story just to receive a pity party.

"Oh alright, no worries," Jeremy tries to hide his disappointment from the rejection of his offer. I feel bad because I know he's just trying to help. He did watch me lie on the shrapnel covered pavement screaming until my throat was raw. I'm sure Jeremy feels like he had been completely useless and is trying to make up for it now.

Join the club, Jeremy.

There is a lot of things I'd like to make up for with my dad, but some wounds can't be healed no matter how much time goes by.

"I have to get to class, but thanks again," he nods pepping up a bit at my sincerity. It is nice knowing someone cares about you. I continue on my journey to class when I am suddenly elbowed in the side.

"Hey!" I call out in anger. I soon realize that may not of been my brightest idea when I see who the culprit is.

"It's not my fault you take up the entire hallway, sweetheart," Lydia scoffs. "Why don't you try a low carb diet so you can save us all the trouble." Angie snickers from beside her obviously enjoying the show.

"At least people can lose weight, but you'll always be a bitch," I snap back. I hold my ground even though it's two against one. Lydia stops in her tracks and swiftly turns on her heels stalking towards me. I take a small step back once she's merely inches away from my face. She towers above me due to her unpractical ruby red stilettos.

"You're lucky I don't slap that smirk right off you're ugly face. Unfortunately, that would be considered animal abuse," she glares at me in disgust making me feel as small as a piece of dirt on the bottom of her shoe. "You don't want to provoke me, because I should warn you, I always come out on top."

She struts off down the hall leaving me stunned like a deer in the headlights. I hold back the tears of rage that burn at my eyes and scurry off to class before the tardy bell rings. I don't know what I did to make that girl hate me so much. Lydia has always been nasty to everyone, however she is down right hateful to me. Her venomous words always sting no matter how many times I try to convince myself they don't matter.

"Ms. Johnston, you're just in time," Mr. Regal, my chemistry teacher, announces as I walk in just as the second bell rings. I find my seat carelessly tossing my bag next to my chair. I flop into my seat laying my head down on my desk. I'm fully prepared for a nice long nap to avoid the pain of protons when my phone vibrates in my pocket. My fingers are itching to pull the device out and peek at the text message. Mr. Regal is typically a fairly laid back teacher. I eventually decided to cave into the temptation. My curiosity out weighing the risk of getting caught. I stealthily pull my phone out to look at the screen to see that an unknown number has contacted me. I quickly read the message and my mouth morphs into a smile.

Hey beautiful, what are the odds that you would like to go on a date with a guy named Leo?

I can't believe he actually messaged me! Of course my hopes were high, but I always thought in the back of my head that I was praying for something that was never going to happen. Am I suppose to wait to message him back right now?  I don't want to come off as desperate. I also don't want to play all these games like other girls.

"Ms. Johnston, what is the bond polarity of Ammonia?" I tear my eyes from my screen to the question on the board.

The remainder of the class goes by painfully slow. I anxiously await for the bell. When it finally goes I hastily shove my binder into my bag and plow into the hallway. I pull off to the side of the hall in front of the daily announcement bulletin board which nobody every looks at since they are now posted on the school website. I park myself in front of it where I know I won't be bothered so I pull out my phone.

I think the odds are pretty good :)

I'm shocked when he responds almost immediately. That never happens.

Pick you up at 5 tomorrow night?

I message Leo back telling him that sounds great. I can't believe the guy I met in an elevator is taking me on a date. Not to mention a very cute boy at that.

"Why do you look like a puppy on crack?" I glance up to see Lucas approaching me. He pokes my cheek multiple times like the annoying pest he is. "Has your hearing been compromised? I repeat, what's up with your face?" He raises his voice at the end while preforming his own form of sign language. I lift up my phone to show him the messages.

"Unfortunately, I have not been snorting illegal drugs in the bathroom. I haven't quite reached that point in my life. I had to settle for a date instead. It's a little less life threatening which is always nice."

"He asked you out?" Lucas lights up. I nod and he pulls me into a giant bear hug completely squishing my face.

"They grow up so fast," he fake sobs. "Don't worry, I'll give him the over protective brotherly figure talking to. I'll make sure he looks after my little Kayla."

That's just great.

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