When We Drown~Finnick Odair {...

By -AllFandoms-

633K 18K 5.6K

"You and I are destined to die." ••• Autumn Reeves 70th Hunger Games Volunteer Career District 4 Mentored b... More

•Characters + Playlist•
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Nine

25.4K 785 473
By -AllFandoms-


Autumn and Tyson walked off of the elevator and onto their floor. Amethyst was there, sitting in front of the TV and watching some kind of Capital fashion show that wasn't available to the Districts. Even if it was available to the Districts, Autumn would never have watched it. She never really liked fashion, especially Capital fashion.

Autumn went straight to her room, eager to wash the sweat off from combat and climbing. She walked in to see that the little device with the hologram had been cleaned up and taken away, although it hadn't been replaced by a new one.

Autumn stripped off her training clothes and left them in her bathroom where the Avoxes took the clothes. There was a whole drawer in the dresser dedicated to training clothes, so Autumn never had to worry about getting them back.

Autumn took a long shower, using half of the time to just stand and feel the warm water run over her skin. Autumn felt at home in the water and she was glad to have time to take as long as she wanted in the shower.

When Autumn got out, she changed into a black, long sleeve sweater and jeans before walking out of her room to find food.

As she walked into the kitchen and combined living area, she saw Finnick get off the elevator and arrive back to the floor. Autumn ignored him as he walked over to sit next to Tyson and Amethyst at the table. No doubt he was with a Capital lover.

Autumn sat down next to Amethyst, suddenly angry with Finnick. He should be spending more time training with his tributes, not sleeping with married Capital women.
Autumn took a sip of water, trying to swallow her disgust.

Finnick noticed something being wrong with Autumn, but didn't comment on it. He personally didn't have the energy as he had just gotten back from being with a Capital woman, although against his will. That Autumn didn't know.

Autumn cut into her rare piece of stake in silence, chewing slowly on the food as to not upset her stomach with the rich flavor.

"How was training?" Finnick asked, sipping at his wine.

"Pretty good," Tyson started speaking. "I learned about some edible plants and I'm getting better at climbing."

"That's great," Finnick smiled at the boy. "Did you make any allies?"

"I talked to the boy from District Twelve, but only to ask him where the bathrooms were," Tyson smiled, causing the table to laugh.

Finnick noticed how Autumn looked at Tyson. She had a sense of protection in her eyes. She looked at him like a big sister would look at a little brother.

"What about you Autumn?" Finnick asked, looking at her from across the table.

Finnick had to admit that Autumn was a very beautiful girl and would be desired by any man she met, including himself. But their fates are not meant for each other. She is a tribute and even with as strong and smart as she is, the odds are not in her favor.

Autumn's expression changed as she looked at Finnick. Everyone noticed as the table was silent. Autumn looked down at her steak, cutting it up even though she already had cut pieces to eat.

"Fine, although of course you wouldn't know that," Autumn dipped at her water.

"What does that mean?" Finnick asked, calmly.

"That you are obviously too busy with your one night stands to actually give us mentor advice," Autumn glared at Finnick. Mags was off who knows where and Amethyst knew nothing about surviving in the Hunger Games, so Finnick was the only one who could help Autumn and Tyson. This scared Autumn as she wasn't sure if Finnick would be there for them enough.

Finnick looked down at his lap with a smile before looking back up at Autumn, his face serious.

"Honey, you don't know anything about me or where I go," Finnick told her. He tried to stay calm as he thought about it from her point of view.

"Trust me, I know enough," Autumn glared as she stood up from the table and pushed her chair away. She then walked away and into the long hall that holds all the doors to the bedrooms. Finnick ran after her.

"Hey, Autumn!" Finnick grabbed her wrist and turned her to face him. "Just because you and I are almost the same age it doesn't mean you have the ability to boss me around."

"I can do whatever I want!" Autumn yelled back, taking her wrist from his grasp.

"You have no idea why I go where I go. Don't even think you for a second you understand," Finnick argues with her.

"I don't care what your motives are!" Autumn yelled, throwing her hands in the air before bringing them back to her sides and balling them in fists. "Tyson needs you," Autumn pointed in the direction of the dining room, where Tyson was still eating. "He is fifteen years old. And he knows he isn't going to live much longer, so you need to be there for him."

Finnick's expression changed within an instance. He suddenly looked surprised and guilty. He had thought Autumn was angry because she wanted extra training or because she was angry she wasn't getting enough attention. But it wasn't about her. It was about Tyson. Autumn wanted to make sure Tyson was as prepared as possible and that he had hope that he would live.

"Finnick," Autumn's expression now also changed. She looked desperate. "In the Games, do whatever you can for Tyson. He lives, not me." Autumn stared at a surprised Finnick for another moment before she turned and walked into her room, leaving him standing alone in the hallway.

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