Burn (Book 2 of The Fire Tril...

By Emrald2222

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Written By: Emrald2222 The Fire Trilogy: Book 2 "Pages so flammable they'll set the house on Fire." -Tasha... More

Chapter 1: Please, just hit me in the face with a brick.
Chapter 2: Every other millennia, there is a new female werewolf. I am her.
Chapter 3: A vampire killer for hire
Chapter 4: What the hell is wrong with me?
Chapter 5: WereCat
Chapter 6: This was going to be one hell of an explanation.
Chapter 7: "You screamed bloody murder because of a TV show?"
Chapter 8: My Queen
Chapter 9: 'Ratchet ass cunt-punting mother fucker'
Chapter 10: 'Boohoo, hero. Your getting saved by the damsel in distress'
Chapter 11: Did I step through a time machine and get sent back to the 1600s?
Just Avoid This
Chapter 14: 'Ms. Drama Queen of the 21st century'
Chapter 15: I did that for NOTHING!?
Chapter 17: The big bad wolf got shot with a sliver bullet.
Chapter 18: I. Hate. Pep-Rallys.
BONUS CHAPTER! (Aubrey's Letter to her Mom)
Chapter 20: I am an Alpha.

Chapter 16: Urban Survival Rule: Never annoy an armed man

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By Emrald2222

Unedited-feel free to point out my mistakes.

Chapter 16: Urban Survival Rule: Never annoy an armed man.

*Aubrey's POV*

When I came to, there was only one thought on my mind.

Seriously, they sedated me again?


I rolled over to see I was in a room that was lined with beds.

Kind of like those military rooms you see on T.V.

But without the bunk-beds and just a simple single bed.

I looked over and saw The Group and Alex lying on the beds talking lowly.

I got up and clutched my stomach in pain, and laid back down.

Oh those fuckers!

They did not!

"Ow," I whispered after I moved my stomach at the wrong angle.

"Aubrey," I heard someone whisper lowly.

I looked over and The Group met my eyes.

"What did they do to you," Tina asked running over.

I looked at her and my face contorted to anger, "Those fuckers gave me a fertility drug."

Alex's face visibly paled and he said, "They are trying to get you pregnant?"

I nodded my head and tried rolling over.

Kelsey ran to my side as I almost fell on the floor.

I whimpered as I felt my stomach turn at a bad angle.

My God, I'm whimpering. How pathetic.

"Are you okay," Lea asked frantically, voicing them all.

They knew I didn't whimper, I, Aubrey Mondell, did not whimper.

"Yeah," I grunted out pulling myself back onto the bed.

They had to do something horrible if I was in this bad of a condition and I hurt this badly.

I pulled up my shirt and they all sucked in their breath.

"What," I asked, "What is it?"

I looked down and saw white gauze lining my stomach around my navel, and a line of blood soaking through the gauze.

"What did they do to your stomach," Rae asked.

I thought of the needle and I looked at the gauze.

"I have no idea."


It couldn't have been half an hour later, but I had no idea, they weren't kind enough to put a clock in here, but Adam Dell'Antonio strolled into the room.

He smiled as he looked at The Group and Alex.

"Ahhh.... My betraying daughter and my stuck up younger cousin, Ella's friends, and," he eyes rested on me and he looked at my stomach, "and of course, Ella, herself."

He tsked at my stomach and said, "And look at that you tore your stitches open already."

I gave him a hard look, "Why am I not healing?"

He smiled and said in a too cheerful tone, "Because the drug I gave you won't allow you to heal."

I gave him a harder look if that was possible and said, "You're saying if I jumped off a cliff I would die?"

"No," he said rolling my eyes as if this was obvious, "I'm saying the sedative I gave you won't allow you to heal until it passes out of your system."

"And when will that be," I asked darkly.

"Mmmmm... Not too long from now," he then gave me a look, "oh, and you killed one of my men while you were unconscious."


"Figured you would say something like that," he stated looking at me in a knowing way.

I was happy I had killed one of his buffoons. God knows they probably deserved it.

"So, how do you feel, Ella?"

"Like I could kill someone, namely you," I said smiling joyfully.

"Why am I not surprised?"

He smiled at me before clasping his hands together and saying, "Oh, I almost forgot why I came here-"

"To bad-"

"I came here to bring you to Lillian-"

"Of course," I interrupted again.

"To see how your progress is going," he said giving me a death glare, "you know, you should treat me with more respect-"

"Not in this life time."

He rolled his eyes and Kyle came in, "How are you feeling today, beautiful?"

"Murderous and homicidal. Call me 'beautiful' and you'll know just how murderous and homicidal I'm feeling," I said giving him a fake smile.

"You didn't seem so murderous when you were kissing me."

What a fuck.

Using that against me.

"Yeah, you suck at kissing by the way. You lack technique and your lips are too small, like other things, I'm sure," I said smiling like the devil.

"I can assure you-"

"Kyle, just take her to the damn Doc, and you can continue this later," he said turning around and dismissing him. He then thinking better of it turned back around and told Kyle, "But, be fucking careful. If you hurt her in any way, your ass will be toast. I have Alphas all over this girl."

Thank you for the warning.

Kyle followed orders and tried to get me up when I let out a hiss.

"You can't take her, she can't walk, she's not healed," Alex said.

Adam gave Alex a glance before turning back to Kyle with a smile, "My young cousin's right! She will never be able to walk up there," I saw an evil look flitter through his eyes before he said his next words, "carry her."

Kyle smiled and didn't need to be told twice. He grabbed under my knees and picked me up bridal style, and I could feel the creep vibes drift off him.

Yes, the creep vibes.

I saw Alex give me a regretful look, before we exited the room.

I couldn't blame him. He was only trying to help me.

Kyle then proceeded to carry me up the stairs and I didn't move because I knew there was no way I could get away from him in my condition.

I saw Lillian upon entering the room giving us a cold shark-like smile in greeting.

"Ah, I see you have torn your stitches open. Very bad of you, Ella," she said tsking me as if I was a child.

Kyle laid me gently on the table as Lillian took my shirt off making me feel exposed to Kyle in my bra.

"I have to find Adam to let him know what I need," she told Kyle, "do not let her out of your sight."

"Trust me," he said his eyes filling with a look of lust, "I won't."

Oh no.





This isn't going to end well, for me.

"Ummmm.... Doc... I'd rather you not-" but she was already gone and out the door.

Kyle smiled at me and chills formed on my skin.

Why don't people listen to me?


But does anyone listen to me? No.

Now who is going to die? That fucking rogue, if he touches me.

Because I am sure as my name is Aubrey that I am not dying.

"So beautiful, I can smell your fear-"

"No," I said cutting him off, "that's just the smell of how much you disgust me."

He bared his teeth at me before turning around and avoiding me.


That was close.

Lillian came back in the room and I mentally let out a sigh.

Thank you, Jesus.

"So now Ella, I'm going to have to restitch you," Lillian told me unenthusiastically.

Well... this should be fun.

~Five Minutes Later~



Evidently, being 'non-healing' and getting a needle dragged through your fucking skin, hurts like a bitch!

No, I am not exaggerating.

The more you know, fucking rainbow.

Anyways, oh where was I? Oh yeah...

"I swear TO GOD if you stab me with that needle one more fucking time I'll kick you so hard in your va-jay it'll make your grandkids cry!"

She gave me a look that basically said 'I would so fucking kill you, if I could, without blinking.'

"If you don't hold still, I will get Kyle," she said darkly.

Well fuck you too.

I felt like tearing off her finger nails.

It was not my day.

Or, well, week.

I held still and kept the thousands of comments I would have LOVED to say in my head.

Bitch, I will murder you.

Oh what the fuck?

Fuck you.

I wish you would fall... off a cliff. Or I could push you.

Why can't you conveniently fall on that scalpel over there?

My God what did you eat before this? Onions?

God ever heard of a nose-hair trimmer?

I have to pee.

It's hotter than Satan's balls in Spandex in here.

Oh my God.

It is really fucking hot in here!!!!

"Hey, would you mind cracking a window? If I wanted to fucking sweat I would have went to a sauna."

She bared her teeth at me and turned on the fan.

I then in a flash felt a burst of numbness seep through me.

And then, power.

I waited until she came back into my zone before launching out at her with my foot.

She flew back and hit the wall before sinking to the floor leaving a head sized indent in the wall.

Nice for you to be back, Wolfie.

I tore the straps off my body and got up, and I felt extremely dizzy; I collapsed to the floor and puked out everything in my stomach.

Come on, Aubrey. We really don't have time for this.

I then wiped my mouth and ran out of the room.

I made my way down the hall when I ran into something hard.

I turned and saw what I ran into.


I gasped before kicking him in the balls on instinct.

He fell on the floor and I kicked him in the face.

"Stay," kick, "out," kick, "of," kick, "my," kick, "WAY!" KICK!

He then flew down the stairs.

Jesus, I am losing my mind.

I shrugged before running down the stairs, and once reaching the end, I looked around frantically searching for something familiar.

Then my eyes landed on something.

A door.

I pulled the door open and there they were.

My friends.

Then there was red.

I looked for the source of the light and then a loud alarm wailed through the air.

A loud high pitch that made me collapse to the floor, clutching my ears in pain.

I covered my ears and I felt blood pool out onto my hands.

The Group looked at me and Kelsey ran toward me and said quietly, but loud enough to be heard over the alarms, "Aubrey."

I looked at her with watery eyes and said, "Go. Go on without me."

She looked at me with a sad look before her face hardened, "Fuck you," she said catching me by surprise, "No. You're not the hero. You don't get to be the hero. You've already sacrificed yourself enough. You don't get to be the bloody martyr. No."

I was speechless. And in that time of speechlessness she gestured Lea over and they ignored the blood coming out of my ear and pulled me up.

We ran out of the room then and we found an elevator.

Thank you, Jesus.

We ran toward it and it opened up in seconds.

We all scrunched inside of the elevator and pressed level 1.

We stood there in the awkward silence as the ringing started vanishing from my ears.

I looked down and saw the stitches were reopened and I was bleeding again.

I thought I was healing...

The elevator opened up and there were a flight of stairs in front of us leading up to a door.

We all gave each other a look and Val said, "You know how they say never go in the closet. I'm getting that feeling."

I nodded my head in agreement before we walked carefully up the stairs, making sure it didn't creak, and we paused.

I saw Alex mouth "One. Two. Three."

And then we opened up the door quickly.

To see a couch.

And a fireplace.

And a kitchen.

We were in a house?!

What the....

We looked at each other before Nina suddenly shouted out pointing her finger, "THERE!"

It was a large door surrounded by windows showing the outside.

I smiled as we ran toward the door and opened it.

Outside the door there were a couple of other houses and a road.


We ran out and a car started driving by us and we stuck our hands out.

I was holding on to my wound which was pouring way more blood then was healthy.

The driver slammed on the breaks, and an older lady in her sixties got out.

"Oh my God," she exclaimed, "come on children she needs a hospital!"

They looked at me and sucked in their breaths.

I looked and felt like death.

She drove us to the hospital as I went in and out of consciousness.

Finally sometime later we arrived at a hospital, and The Group more of the less, carried me inside.

They gave me to the doctors who took me to a room and gave me something that made me sleepy. I felt them tugging at my skin.

I wanted to scream.

It hurt.

But I couldn't scream.

I don't know what time it was, but I woke up.

I was in a hospital bed and a nurse was in the room, looking extremely nervous.

She looked at me, sucked in her breath, and walked very quickly out of the room.

The nurse came back a minute later and let someone in the room.

"Hello, Aubrey Mondell," he said pulling out something.

It was a badge.

An FBI badge.

"I would like to ask you a few questions," he said in a very serious voice.

I looked down at my wrist which was cuffed to the bed.

Oh well, this isn't good.

I swallowed and tried to look innocent, "What about?"

His face hardened and his voice lowered and octave, "What do you know about The Group?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said breathlessly.

Then my heart monitor started beeping louder because of the level I was flipping out at.

He then glared at me, "I think you do."

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

What the hell do you say to a very pissed off man?

Urban Survival Rule: Never annoy an armed man.

"Why don't you just tell me what you know," he asked in a deadly calm voice.

I swallowed once again and said, "I don't know anything."

He scowled at me and opened up a folder, "Aubrey Mondell, let's see what we have on you. Oh look at that," he said showing me the blank paper with my name written on it, "nothing."

"So," he said continuing, "Why don't you tell me your real name?"

I said nothing and he sighed, "The more you don't tell me the worse it will be for you."

I swallowed and said, "My name is Ella."

He smiled, "Good, that's a start! Now how do you know The Group?"

I'm part of it....

But then I got an idea.

I was so evil, so horribly devious, and a total lie.

But it just might work.

"I saw them..... I saw them do... something... I saw them...."

He nodded his head started writing, "Continue."

"I was at the hospital. My Grandpa was there. They were in the Morgue and they were doing something."

He nodded his head and said distractedly, "Keep going."

"I saw them, and then I must have passed out. I don't remember," I paused and let fake tears flow, "when I woke up I was somewhere else."

He nodded his head and passed me tissues, "And then what happened?"

"I was there for a long time. I didn't know what was going on. Except that one of them, one of the men from the morgue, always came to check up on me every day. He terrified me..."

He looked up from his papers, 'What was his name?"

I sniffed and looked up at him with my tearful eyes, "Adam," I said pausing to breathe in, "Adam Dell'Antonio."






And shout out to my amazing friend TrisPrior17! She is finally a TEENAGER! Happy 13th Birthday, Julia!

And now to vote, comment, message, follow. You know the drill.

Thanks for reading!!

Go wish TrisPrior17 a good birthday or comment it here!

Who knows maybe I will update faster... 😈

Goodbye, CuppieCakes!

And remember monkeys love bananas!



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