I Am Erica Mena

By IamChaeDolla

7.2K 184 5

Ever wonder what it's like in Erica Mena's world? Well, lets take a look as I give my perception of what it's... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Something Better
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

2.2K 30 1
By IamChaeDolla

*In The Dressing Room*

ALBEE- You hear that boo? The crowd is ready for you!

*Crowd Chanting*


ME- I hear!!! Can you believe it!? Just a year ago, I was the number one reality star and now I'm headlining my own concert!

ALBEE- I know, right? Look at God! You've come a long way Ms. Mena. You are not that same fourteen year old girl that I met on the Young Gunz video shoot. You are "ERICA MENA"!!!

ME- You're right Albee!! I Am...ERICA MENA and I'm a fucking ROCK STAR!!!!

ALBEE- Well, rock star, it's time to go and give the people what they want.

As I walk to the stage, I start to think about how I got here...my journey. I've been through hell and back but I'm here. I've had people come in and out of my life but I sucked that shit up like a real bitch and kept it moving. Why? Because I am Erica Mena. I am...


*Waking up*

Wait...what the hell? How did my mom get in my...

MOM- Girl get up and get ready for school or you are gonna be late.

ME- Yes ma'am.  I'm up...I'm up.

MOM- Good. Breakfast is ready whenever you come downstairs. I'm on my way out the door. I work a double shift so I'll be home a little late.

ME- Ok but I thought that you didn't have to work double shifts anymore?

MOM- Well, I have kids baby so a mother has to do what she has to do in order for HER kids to live. You'll see what I'm talking about once you start having kids...no time soon though lol

ME- Hahaha No time soon!!! Thank you mommy.

MOM- No need to thank me baby. I'm a BREADWINNER and we do what we do!!! Now go get in the shower and I'll check on you later. Ok? Love you

ME- Love you too.

I get up and get in the shower. I start to think about what my mommy said about being a "BREADWINNER". I know one day, I'm gonna take that title from my mother and I'll become the BREADWINNER. Nobody in my family will ever have to worry about anything ever again once that happens. 

I finish my shower and go downstairs to eat and to my surprise, it's my favorite... Waffle House!!! "Well, I be damn. My mommy is the best!" I said to myself. As I'm looking at the food, I'm making a mental checklist: Waffle...check.  Grits...check. Eggs with cheese...check. Hashbrowns...check. "Yep, it's all here".

I finish my food and go to the refrigerator to get something to drink. I opened the door and mommy has done it again. Snapple Apple Juice!!! I can tell already that today will be a good day. I need to hurry up and get to school because if I'm late again, my mommy will have my ass.

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