Chapter 9

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ME- Kiiiiing,your food is ready. Wash your hands and come downstairs.

KING- Ok ma...coming.

I just got off of tour and I'm mad tired. Three months around the world can put tire a girl out. Lol However,I wouldn't change it for the world.

I'm in Miami visiting my family and my son. It feels real good to be home to some type of normal. King is doing really good in school and I can't be any prouder of him. I often wonder what my life would be like if I stayed with his father....



ERICA- Why are you yelling?

RAUL- Don't worry about why I'm yelling. Just get in here.

ERICA- Well I'm here so what do you need? I have to feed our son.

RAUL- That's the problem,where is my plate? You know good and well that daddy eats first.

ERICA- Sorry,I didn't think it would be that big of a deal that I feed OUR son first...damn

RAUL- What the fuck did you just say?

ERICA- Nothing...I'm gonna go and get your plate.

I began to walk into the kitchen but suddenly,I got yanked back. "what the hell" I thought to myself

ERICA- Raul,what the hell are you doing? I'm gonna go and get your food.

RAUL- Nah, that can wait until after...*gco

KING- Daddy stop. Leave my momma alone

We both looked in King's direction. The look on his face just broke my heart. I looked back at Raul...

ERICA- So you are gonna be me in front of our



ERICA- Huh? I'm sorry Chubby. I must've been daydreaming.

KING- It's ok. It must've been a real bad dream.

ERICA- Why do you say that

KING- Well mommy, you're sweating.

ERICA-Ah man...I think I'm just hot from being in this kitchen with the oven and stove on

King just gave me the side eye.

ERICA- what?

KING- Really mom? I'm eight and I'm not slow. It's very I cold in here but I'll let you have this one lol

ERICA- Well,thank you son lol

I went to go and get King's good for him. We sat down the table. I really need to talk to King about me being engaged to Shad. I need to know where his head is at.

ERICA- So King,I have to talk to you about something.

KING- Ok...what's up?

ERICA- Well Chubby, it's about Shad. I know you know that him and I are engaged and I wanna know how you really feel?

I just looked at King and he had a very weird look on his face. Oh man

ERICA- What's up Chubby? Why are you looking like that?

KING- Well mommy, I'm just kinda weirded out by all of this

ERICA- Why baby?

KING- Well,I don't wanna sound selfish but I just got you back from being on tour. I wanted you and I to spend a lot of time together because I barley see you. The few times that I spent with Shad,I know he makes you happy and he makes me laugh but I kinda want you to myself for a little while.

*WOW...I didn't know that he felt this way*

ERICA- It's ok to want me all to yourself
Chubby. Are you saying that you don't want me to marry him?

KING- No,that's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is that now that you are done with the your and the show, I want you and I to be "Mommy and Son" for a little while. I don't mind that we are around people sometime but just not all the time. I'm just like you mommy.

ERICA- Just like me? What do you mean?

KING- Territorial lol I don't wanna share you all the time. You spend a lot of time out of town and with other people...I understand because it's apart of your job and you are the "Bread Winner". I just wanna be selfish.

ERICA- Ha ha ha you're crazy boy but I get what you are saying.

KING- Ok. By the way,this food is really good lol

ERICA- Why thank you baby.

*Ah man. Shad is supposed to be coming to Miami tomorrow. I don't know if I should just tell him to hold off coming here for a second or...Hell I don't know

ERICA- King, I really appreciate you telling me how you feel but um Shad is suppose to be coming to visit tomorrow. Do you want me to to tell him to hold off or what?

KING- Nah,you don't have to but remember what I said please. Plus, I wouldn't mind beating him in MineCraft again!! Lol

ERICA- I will Chubby lol and thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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