Chapter 3

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It's mad silent on the ride home. Linda has not said anything to me since she picked me up from school. I know that she is disappointed in me but I really didn't start it. I would rather HER fuss at me instead of being silent. I can only imagine what she is thinking.

We pull up to HER house. I started to get out the car but she grabbed my arm and told me to wait. "Oh lord. Here we go" I said in my head.

ME- Before you say anything, I want to say that it wasn't my fault.

She just looked at me for a good thirty seconds and then finally spoke.

LINDA- Look, I'm not mad at you because I know that it wasn't your fault. One of the teachers that broke ya'll up, saw the whole thing and told me what happened.  Mena, you have to be careful about the people that you hang around because the people that smile in your face aren't your friends.

ME- I know sissy and I'm sorry for letting it escalate to that point. She put HER hands on me first and that's when I snapped.  I was scared.

LINDA- Scared? Scared of what...HER?

ME- No. Scared of you.

LINDA- Me? Why?

ME- Because you said if I let someone put their hands on me and me not do anything, you were gonna kick my ass when I got home. I didn't want that to happen so I did what I had to do.

Sissy just started smiling from ear to ear. I'm not exactly sure as to why she is smiling but hey, at least she's not mad lol.

LINDA- Well, I'm glad that you listened to me.

ME- Even though it may look like I'm not paying attention to you, just know that I really am. I love you Sissy.

LINDA- I love you to Mena.

After a few hours had went by, Linda took me home. I had to go to sleep so I can be well rested for this test tomorrow.  I just have to pass because I really wanna be in the talent show next week.

*Day of the talent show*

I'm backstage and I'm mad nervous.  Not because I won't do good but nervous because....hell, I don't know why I'm nervous....I just am lol.

I'm looking at all the acts before me and started to drift off in a daze.

*In a daze*

Coming to the stage, the woman you've all been waiting for...ERIIIIICAAAAA MENNNNNA

*Crowd Chanting*



*Snapping back into reality*

Why is that always always happening!? Why won't they just let me dream!? I turn around and see my boy Trigga standing there.

ME- What's up Trigga?

TRIGGA- I came back here to wish you good luck but you were so into whatever you were into lol. You were daydreaming again huh?

ME- Yeah I was lol. Thanks for coming back here, I really appreciate it.

TRIGGA- Don't sweat it ma! You just go out there and kill it. Plus, I'm your man so why wouldn't I come back here and support my girl?

ME- Thanks baby. Welp, they just called my name so I guess it's my turn.

TRIGGA- Ok cool. I'll be right here waiting. Just remember, you are Erica Mena.

I walk out on stage and say to myself,"I am...Erica Mena".

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