My life is...Perfect?

By AddictiveAcid

976 29 24

Hi there my name is Destany, and this is my life... I'm kinda weird! I have my group of friends and my life's... More

My life is...Perfect?
Break time
English Class
At home
Does it really matter?
Clean up and Sleep time
Late Again
Anger has many results
My Life...
Movie Time!
Weird night
What a night
Forget fighting
What to do

Surprise Visitor

31 1 2
By AddictiveAcid

We arrive half way through Shaun's lesson. I let Ky walk in first and then wait around five minutes before I go in, "Ah, glad you could join us" Shaun laughs, I just smile and walk to my seat, it's only then I notice a new person at the table, he looks familair but I can't place where from. I smile at the boy and just start taking notes in my book. "Thought you were ill" he whispers, "Yes, but I didn't want to miss today's lessons" I whisper back nicely to him, "Fair enough" he shrugs. I mentally sigh in relief that he stopped talking; it's not that I don't like him, I haven't even met him...I don't think. It's just that I don't like talking to people I don't know in school. People twist what you say and pass it along, and then it gets twisted even more as it passes down and eventually circulates back to you and by then it's probably some random crap you would have never said in your entire life; like a game of Chinese Whispers.

I continue to take notes until he sends us off to work in our table groups and everyone starts talking. "So how was the wake up?" Sophie laughs at me, "Oh shut it" I roll my eye's at her, "It was tiring" Ky laughs. "How can you be tired when you had a lay in?" James says raising an eyebrow, "We had to rush around since we were late since no one woke us up" he glares at them. "We tried but neither of you moved or when you did you hit us" Jon smiles, "Yeah you two are similar in thay way" Sophie laughs. I roll my eye's and talk to Lacie about the work, since if we don't, it will never be done by these lot. "So you all stayed over?" The boy at our table says, "Yeah at her place" Ky grins, "Ah so what you all got drunk or something and you couldn't be bothered to come?" he asks. I shake my head, "Nope no drinking, just lazy" I laugh, "We just ate and then crashed" I smile. "Huh so why didn't you wake up on time?" he says a little confused, "I'm not an early ird" i shrug. "I'm Adam by the way!" I look at him properly then and he's smiling at me but I see him twitch, "Ok. i'm Destany" I rely, "Oh I know" I glare at him; he grins and shakes his head. The lesson goes on normally after that; we do work, I get tormented by the girls at the front, I ignore it and then lesson ends. I pack my things away and begin to walk out of the classroom towards the dining hall with Sophie when I feel someone put something in my hand, I glance back, not turning my head only using my eye's and see Adam grining. I look down into my hand and see a piece of paper. 

                                           Meet me after school, by the fountain.

                                                        You know which one.

                                                              Adam Roberts.

I run that name over and over again in my mind as we wait in line. I grab some toast and pay for it and sit down at our table. Not really concentrating on what's going on around me, I just keep my thoughts trained on that name. Then something clicks...That name....Adam....Roberts..!!!...Don't tell me it's him!! Shit! I throw my toast in the bin and walk out. I can hear the others shouting me but they sound so far away right now. I just keep walking bumping into people but not fully registering it. I walk out of the school building and walk towards the bike, "It can't be hi," I whisper to my self as I reach it. "Can't be who?" I jump as the owner of the voice's breath brushes against my ear. Damn! I was out of it and didn't notice someone there! I turn around and face the person; Adam... "You couldn't wait to see me until after school?" he laughs, "It's a good job I kept an eye on you" he glares at me. "Please say it's not you" I say looking at him, "Oh? And who do you think I should not be?" he laughs and takes a step closer. "You're not supposed to be here" I glare at him, "Don't you dare ruin this for me!" I shout at him angrilly. "Ruin what?!" he shouts back "You don't belong here! You belong back at our place; the Stuarts!" He shouts at me, "I do not belong there! I never belonged there!" I scream at him. "Don't you say that, you will come back and be with us all" he shouts and takes another step towards me. "No" I whisper as he get's closer and then he hugs me and I grin. "Fell for it" I whisper and punch him in the gut, he grunts and folds over, I kick him so he falls to he ground and laugh. "You think after all this time, I wouldn't learn how to defend myself?!" I yell at him; "It's you who shouldn't be here!" I say crouching down to him, "I left you all behind, now it's time for you to leave" I say to him and get on my bike. "So long" I grin and pull on my helmet as I do I see our group stood watching, even Shauns there! I sigh and drive off back to the house. I pull the bike into the garage, put my helmet away and walk into my bedroom. I pull out my phone and put my earphones in. "Music in, world out" I sigh as I flop onto the bed and close omy eye's listening to Thousand Foot Krutch; Let The Sparks Fly. "I lay there listening to the music letting it take me into a world of nothing but the lyrics and me. Just me on my own, in my own isolation, where even myself is blocked off by the music/

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