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By Sacha_How

4.3K 138 14

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Finding You, Finding Me
1. Project Insight
2. Thoughts and Remorse
3. Three Shots
4. Turning Point
5. Going Rouge
6. Jealousy and Not so Good Undercovering
7. Revelation
8. Sam Freakin' Wilson
9. Zola's Algorithm
10. The Winter Soldier
11. Unexpected but Expected
12. Planning and Stealing
13. Down With Hydra
14. The Rescue
15. Fatal Flaw
16. Charlie Lock?
17. Rose Falsworth
Finding You, Finding Me 0.2
2. Who's Unworthy? You're Unworthy
3. Ultron?
4. Together
5. Back to The Past
6. Nightmares and Lost Memories
7. More than an Archer
8. No eyes, No ears
9. Seoul
10. Thor's Vision
11. Sokovia
12. Fate and Destiny
13. Avengers Assemble
14. The Beginning of The End

1. Return to Avengers Tower

112 4 3
By Sacha_How

"Rachel! I just cannot deal with this!" Rose shouts aloud as Rachel slumped in the armchair in Rose's bedroom. "This is a bloody emergency and you are just sitting there! Your being so lazy! Look at you!" Rachel honestly knew she was being lazy.

She sat there with her head leaned against the palm of her hand as her eyelids threatened to close shut right then and there due to the 'emergency' as one leg sat over the other.

"Emergency? Sure." Rachel lies in a boring tone. "Let me know when you're dead."

"I will be if this doesn't work! It's a nightmare already! I swear."

"Uh huh.. right." Rachel lies again leaning her head back as she sighed.

"I'm being serious Rachel!" Rose shouts. "This is a life or death situation!"

"Oh, sure, and saving London or the country isn't one?" Rachel asks, her tone filled with sarcasm. "I'm sure, wait, I'm one hundred percent certain RAID could drop a grenade at your feet and you wouldn't notice..." Rachel assures rolling her eyes as she lifted her head back up slowly with Rose still not in sight.

"Very funny!" Rose yelled sarcastically.

"So, Rachel Falsworth. What do you do for a living?" Rachel asked herself. "I'm an agent of MI6 who loves kicking ass. I'm a speedster who also loves to kick ass. And babysitting my sister over the dumbest shit that I'll probably kick her ass over..." Rachel answers herself causing a muffled 'Hey!' to bounce back in return from her sister's direction.

"I'm not deaf!" Rose assures.

"Really? Didn't notice." Rachel responds as Rose made herself known in a mint green dress she had bought with some white heels adorning her feet. Rose's glare was sent straight in her sister's direction as she walked into her bedroom.

"So. Do the shoes go with the outfit?" Rose smiles in a hopeful tone.

"Take twenty seven. Mission: success...." Rachel sighs in relief.

"Great!" Rose squealed. "Are you sure?" She then asked for confirmation. "I'm meeting the Avengers and I want to look my best."

"I noticed." Rachel acknowledged raising her eyebrows. "And it's fine. Plus the majority of the guests a veterans. Semi-formal is semi-formal for a reason."

"I know but the Avengers are your friends and I want to impress them."

"Your my sister. They are already impressed and surprised that you even exist."

"Do they even know I'm coming?"

"Not Stark or Thor for sure." Rachel assures. "I want to see their reactions."


"Now pack!" Rachel orders. "The flight leaves in less than twenty four hours."


Walking into the Stark- I'm sorry Avengers Tower Rose couldn't help but geek out to herself. Her eyes lit up in amazement as she locked her hands together tightly and brought them close to her chest.

"This is amazing!" Rose exclaims with a huge smile. Rachel chuckled at her sister's truthful opinion as she shook her head from side to side at her immaturity.

"Jarvis, the teams on the usual floor right?" Rachel asked aloud as she looked upwards causing Rose to look at her sister in confusion.

"Why are you-"

"As usual Miss Falsworth. Mister Stark is expecting your arrival." Stark's AI Jarvis piped, his British accent flowing as sweetly as normal.

"Thank you Jarvis." Rachel thanks as Rose looked around for the mysterious voice's physical form.

"Might I ask Miss who the woman is beside you?" Jarvis then inquisitively asks referring to Rose.

"Who is this, Jarvis?" Rose quietly asked keeping herself close to her sister.

"Jarvis is Stark's infamous AI." Rachel states as they approach the lift. "He helps him with everything technological which includes powering the Iron Man suits."

"Oh." Rose muttered slightly embarrassed.

"Jarvis, this is my sister Rose." Rachel then introduced as the lift door opened just as they approached its doors. "Don't tell anyone she's here, I want to see Tony's reaction."

"Of course Falsworth." The AI agreed and Rachel could sense the delight in his tone. "Should I still inform Mr Stark of your arrival?" Jarvis asks as Rachel and Rose positioned themselves in the centre of the lift.

"You may." Rachel tells him before the lift started to go up and Jarvis' voice left them.

"So. Cool." Rose then states. "You didn't need to touch anything! No button clicking! Oh, how time has changed." Rose exclaims causing her sister to flinch.

"You have no idea." Rachel assures. "But try to not shout in anyones faces or ears for that matter whilst you're here." She then suggested as the lift stopped moving. "For your sake. And mine." She concludes as the lift doors opened. The voices all around them flooded through their ears, distant music playing, dozens of conversations on every section of the room.

Rose's jaw dropped at the sight of the room whilst Rachel could only smile.

"Welcome to Avengers Tower." Rachel tells her sister before grabbing her sister's hand once she noticed the nervousness taking over her features. "They are going to love you. Now where is Tony...?"


Tony and Thor were busy catching up when Thor's foreign eyes caught sight of a familiar face.

"You weren't wrong Stark." He tells his friend catching Tony's attention. "Rachel has indeed arrived." Tony's head snapped around as he searched the crowd for his favourite speedster and it wasn't long until she was found. She had her smooth brown hair up in a high ponytail, she wore a pale blue blouse with a grey pair of jeggins and wore a pair of black ankle boots to finish the look.

"Who's the girl with her?" Tony then asked Thor who shrugged. Tony knew and had recognised every invited member of the party but the woman wasn't one. She wore a mint green long-sleeved dress which dropped loosely to her knees with a pair of sleek white heels. Her dark brown hair was loosely cascading down just over her shoulders. She was a pretty face for sure but not someone even Tony recognised.

Tony made sure to stop staring as Rachel dragged her nervous looking friend across the room towards them. Rachel smiled at the two brightly as she reached them with the woman beside her in shock.

"Tony, Thor great to see you both!" Rachel greets before hugging Tony and then Thor both of whom smiled back.

"Same to you Speedy." Tony greeted in return. "Would you like a drink?"

"No thanks." Rachel informs. "No alcohol for me."

"Scared to drink and run?" Tony teased smiling at Rachel as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't drink alcohol."

"Oh. Okay, plain nothing it is."

"Rachel, I can't help but notice your friends uncertainty... are you alright?" Thor suddenly pipes looking at the mysterious woman beside Rachel. At this Rachel chuckled lightly whilst wrapping an arm around her friend's shoulders as the friend blushed in embarrassment even though she had done nothing wrong.

"Thor's right. Plus I don't believe we have met..." Tony adds before looking at Rachel for an answer.

"This, my dear friends is Rose." Rachel introduces patting Rose's shoulder as she shyly looked up at the two Avengers. "My sister." Tony's jaw wanted to drop to the floor at the statement. Thor could only smile in delight at the news.

"Oh my, Rachel why didn't you tell us sooner?" Thor asks. "It's wonderful to meet you Rose. I am Thor Odinson of Asgard." Thor then introduces nodding politely in Rose's direction.

"I know." Rose blurts causing her already red cheeks to deepen in colour. "It's wonderful to m-meet you both..." Rose shyly continues looking towards Tony.

"Same. Here." Tony states truthfully but still blinked a good five times to get the fact the two were related over his head.

"Have you guys seen Steve?" Rachel suddenly asked causing Tony to smirk knowingly towards Thor who chuckled.

"Yes. Your star spangled man is up there." Tony informs pointing towards the pool table where he and Sam were currently playing pool. "Did he ask you out yet?" Tony then asks teasingly.

"What?" Rachel blurts instantly blushing. "No." Rose rose an eyebrow confused at the sudden question but it soon clicked.

"You didn't tell me you had a crush on Cap." Rose almost exclaimed causing Tony to smile. "God you don't tell me anything do you?! I told you everything about mine and you couldn't tell me about your first crush! Rachel, I'm disappointed." Rachel glared in her sister's direction as Rose's familiar sassy attitude sank in.

"I see you both got your attitudes from the same parent..." Tony then muttered to Thor causing him to chuckle.

"Quit it." Rachel demands as her cheeks turned red. "I don't have a crush on Steve."

"Really?" Tony asks. "You don't. After everything that's happened I'm pretty sure you do."

"Tony... I'm warning you." Rachel tells the billionaire firmly. "Look after Rose, introduce her to the rest of the team or whatever please. I'm going to speak with Sam and Steve now." Rachel quickly demands before walking away.

"She totally has a crush on him." Rose tells the two Avengers as her older sister waltzed away.

"You speak the words of truth." Tony states before patting Rose's shoulder. "Let's find Rhodey. He probably has a War Machine story to tell."


Rachel hopped up the sleek staircase as she waltzed towards her friends. Many said their helloes as they passed politely or they recognised her and Rachel responded with her own greets politely as she passed.

She stayed out of the mens' sight as she hid within the crowd and made her way subtly behind the two as Steve took his final shot, potting the number eight pool ball with ease confirming his win causing Sam to groan in annoyance from beside him.

Smirking Rachel crept up towards the two quietly which was easier seen as the music and constant chatter made it harder to hear her own footsteps. Once she got close enough she pounced at Steve grabbing his arms and yelling at him which made him and Sam jump.

Steve snapped his head around and sighed in relief when he saw Rachel as he placed his hand firmly on his chest.

"You scared me.." Steve quietly exclaimed towards Rachel as she let go of him and Sam could only smirk to himself as they spoke.

"I know." Rachel agrees smiling. "Nice to see you both." Sam nodded towards Rachel in agreement as she looked in his direction.

"You... you look nice..." Steve subtly complemented smiling shyly towards Rachel as she took a step back.

"Why thank you. You look nice too." She complemented in return as she smiled shyly in return. The two awkwardly fell into silence as Sam held in a laugh using his hand to cover his mouth before he approached the two.

"I see Falsworth brought mini Falsworth along." Sam acknowledges as he pointed subtly in Rose's direction. Tony was currently reintroducing her to Natasha who was at the behind the bar at the time and the two seemed to get Tony to realise they knew each other already by the confused expression plastered across his face.

"She caught me talking to James over the phone about it." Rachel explains with a laugh. "She insisted that I took her to see you guys. She then almost fainted when I told her it would include every Avenger." Rachel then continues as Rose began to match Tony's confidence which was way bigger than Rachel's own. She was clearly making sarcastic comments earning glares from Tony and genuine laughter from Natasha.

"She seems to be enjoying the company." Steve noticed smiling towards the three.

"Should've seen Tony when he found out we were related." Rachel tells the two as the three absentmindedly walked side by side towards the steps. "Jaw. Dropped." Sam let out a loud chuckle as Rachel over exaggerated. Steve couldn't help but watch Rachel's movements. He hadn't seen her so relaxed since they were with Bucky in that bar way back when.

"Did you know about the assembling?" Sam then asked the Brit as they past Clint who sent a smile towards Rachel in which she returned.

"Oh, I sure did." Rachel tells him before looking up at Steve. "Quite the fight I heard."

"It sounded like one hell of a fight, sorry I missed it." Sam agrees before apologising to Steve as the reaches the steps and began to walk up towards one of the least crowded areas of the gigantic room.

"If I'm honest, same here." Rachel admitted.

"If I knew it was a fire fight I would've absolutely called you." Steve assures Sam as he smiled in his friends direction.

"No, I'm not actually sorry. I'm just trying to sound tough." Sam quickly states making Rachel let out a laugh. "Very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case." He assured Steve causing Rachel to look downwards for a moment at the mention of Bucky as the three walked towards the nearby balcony which overlooked the entire room. "Avenging is your world... your world is crazy..."

"Be it ever so humble..." Steve adds.

"Crazy isn't wrong." Rachel quipped as the three now overlooked the party below. "Somehow yours is crazier than my own... and sometimes that's nice."

"Uh huh. And what's that speedster's name... um...?" Sam argues placing a hand on his hip sassily.

"Impulse. Yeah that asshole..." Rachel answered with a glare in his direction. Rachel could swear that Steve muttered something under his breath but let it slide.

Since the first appearance of Impulse he had been causing trouble whether it was him at the helm or not. From him stealing knowledge from MI6 right under its nose to selling forbidden weapons the world shouldn't have or to robbers making it harder for Rachel to cope alone.

"Isn't he crazy? I mean you're struggling as it is." Sam acknowledged gaining Steve's full attention.

"He isn't wrong Rach." Steve agrees placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Anytime we call you you're always busy."

"You're just calling at the wrong time." Rachel counters.

"Then what time would you consider 'break time'?" Sam asks inquisitively planting Rachel on the spot and she froze in realisation. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She didn't have free time these days. The last couple days somehow just seemed to be an chance at the smallest break ever.

"Does today count?" Rachel asks frowning.

"No." Sam instantly responds causing Rachel's frown to deepen.

"Then you have to rest your case. I do not have breaks. That is concerning for someone who can be as lazy as me..." Rachel admits before the sound of her name being called drew everyone's attention to Rose who was waving in her direction urging her to come downstairs. The person beside her: being Tony and Clint both in stitches beside her.

"Well..." Steve starts. "She certainly likes to embarrass you..." he states turning to face Rachel who had blush over her cheeks, the attention not being something she was used to as she glared at her sister.

"Uh huh, yeah." Rachel quickly muttered. "I'm gonna go." She then quickly says before racing off leaving Steve and Sam to laugh as they watched Rachel not so happily walk towards her sister and the two laughing Avengers beside her.

"So you didn't ask her out when you were last in London." Sam then states nodding to himself causing Steve to glare at his friend blushing. "Did you tell me you did so I would get off your back or..."

"Yes, I did it for that reason and so Natasha would stop nagging me about it." Steve honestly snapped before sighing heavily. "I just... I don't want to ruin the friendship we already have..."

"Which is one that has been turning into more than that in the last year." Sam adds looking up at Steve. "She likes you Steve. Whether you realise it or not."

"She doesn't like me..." Steve assures Sam. "She's too busy to date me.. I'd just get in the way..."

"And you haven't already?"

"Well no..."

"Well yes." Sam tells him. "You were worried in Washington. You panicked when you didn't see Rachel in the room when you woke up in a hospital bed, you-"

"Okay, maybe I already do..." Steve interrupts shrugging making Sam smirk to himself. "But it doesn't mean I can be with her..."

"Are you pulling a cliché motive?" Sam suddenly assumes. "The whole 'villains will go after her' thing?"

"No..." Steve lies.

"Have you seen how many kill lists she's on?" Sam asks. "Twice on many of them for a reason you and I both know." Steve on sigh at the realisation that Sam Wilson was indeed right. "That wouldn't change anything."

"But I'd worry-"

"Which you already do. Steve just stop arguing with me and accept you like her already!" Sam exclaimed in a quieter tone so Rachel or Natasha for that would hear. "You know what's gonna happen if you don't ask her soon."

"Natasha." Steve figures, his eyes widening in realisation. "Okay, maybe I do."

"Thank you!" Sam exclaimed. "Now. Have you found a place in Brooklyn?"

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