TGGBB Fanfiction Book Three

By waifukei

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It's all about the ships now. Comment suggestions! More

Jussa Heads Up
Nurse Musketeer
Bennett X Naomi [1]
Jordan X Naomi [1]
Declan X Naomi [1]
Bennett X Reader [2]

Bennett X Reader [1]

276 3 8
By waifukei

You and Naomi were the best of friends since you were little. However, on the last day of middle school, you had to move away from some business problems. You were the next sole heir for your father's big company, (L/N)'s Enterprises, where your company made many different things.

Fortunately, about four years later, you finally move back to your home-state.

The first thing you did was to surprise Naomi. You haven't seen her for years; you wanted to see how much she changed. 

After your parents let you out of the house, you set a car to go to Naomi's house. You hoped that she hadn't changed addresses. You reach a familiar house. It had the same doorsteps you used to walk on, and it also had the same windows you'd look out on with Naomi on rainy days.

You stepped out of the car, letting your (F/C) dress flow with the breeze. You felt confident in yourself, knowing that Naomi will accept who you are no matter what.

You walked slowly on the patio, making subtle creaking sounds on the wooden floor. You held your hand over the doorbell, hesitating. You were still scared of how Naomi might see you now. You were completely different; your body structure, hair length, everything was so different about you. 

"Will Naomi even remember me..." you mumbled to yourself before ringing the doorbell.

You stepped back before hearing a bunch of crashing sounds and a bunch of deep voices. You wondered who they were. The door knob jiggled, as if something was frantically trying to open it. 

You heard a curse from the other side. You knew Naomi didn't really swear. Maybe it was her parents?

The door opens wide, and you see three tall boys and a girl in the middle. Your (E/C) eyes gazed over the one with black hair and sapphire blue eyes. 

"N-Naomi Lorraine?!" you said, yelling in surprise. You walked up to her; she was a bit taller than you. You hugged her tight, feeling the heat from her face. 

"I-I'm sorry, who are you?" she asks, pulling away before stepping back, "Don't tell me that you've been sent here by someone who paid you a lot. You can just keep the money and leave me- us alone,"

"And by "us" she means, well, us," the blond one says to you. His green eyes reminded you of emeralds. He squinted those eyes at you, looking at you weird. "Say, do you even go to Dartwell High?"

"Now that Jordan says it, she doesn't look like she goes to our high-school," the brown haired guy adds. He stared at you, making you blush. 

"Nor does she look like she even lives here. Who are you?" the black haired one asks you. He walks up to you. You hear small chains rattle as he walks towards you. 

Your cheeks redden more when he leans down to look at your face. You notice studs pierced on his ears, and you could feel the intensity of his intimidation. His minty breath huffed in your face as he studied you. 

You notice that your face was completely flushed. You shook your head and pushed the black haired boy away and looked at Naomi again.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to recognize me without my glasses or my braces... or my headgear... or my-"

"(F/N) (L/N)!? Is that really you?!" Naomi yells as she tackles you for a hug, just as what you tried doing to her earlier. She pulls back and looks at you through her infamous black-rimmed glasses. "What even happened to you?- I mean, you don't look bad but, what happened to your... Your geeky self?"

You chuckled, looking at yourself. You did change. You used to have braces because your teeth were shattered from your sweet tooth. You had bad vision because of how many times you were hit with sport equipment. But now, you were physically different. You didn't have braces because your teeth is now perfect. You didn't wear glasses because your parents forced you to wear contacts.

"Business is what happened, Naomi. But that doesn't matter- I'm back!" you say as you pull her in for another hug. Naomi's brown hair tickled your cheeks as she gladly took the hug. "It's been too long. I basically begged my parents to let me live here again,"

"They didn't want you live here?" Naomi asked you as she let go of the hug, looking at you. 

You nodded in response and gave her a sad smile. "They thought that I would get bullied again... but really, I didn't care about the bullies," Naomi looked down at her shoes as you said that, "But it's like the last year of high-school, who'd even bully people now?"

You felt the atmosphere shift when you said that. The aura Naomi had was way different than the last time you had seen her. You knew something had changed drastically. 

Naomi's eyes flutter back to you, smiling. "I'm glad your optimistic self is still there,"

You smile back to her. "It never left, Naomi!"

She laughed as she pulled you into her house. You noticed the shift in decor in her house; there were a lot of new pictures and furniture placed in the living-room. 

Naomi sat you down on her couch, standing in front of you.

"I've noticed things have changed," you say to her. 

She nods, giving a sheepish smile. "Yeah... I've... I've gotten more friends lately,"

Your eyes widened. You jumped up. "Really?! Who are they?"

Naomi chuckles as she points to the three guys who were at the door earlier. The blond one, the brown haired one, and the black haired one- the one who never took eyes off of you since you rang the doorbell. 

"Guys, come here and introduce yourselves to (Y/N)!" Naomi yells to them. 

Suddenly, all three of them shuffle themselves over to you. They looked confused at Naomi. The black haired one still was looking at you. 

"Naomi, who even is that? A former bully who wants to be friends with you 'cause your friends with us?" the blond one asks Naomi loudly. 

You felt a bit of color drain from your face; it was because of your looks that made them think you were a bully. But really, you just wanted to dress nicely. Your (H/C) hair was the only thing that didn't physically changed. 

Naomi tsks and hits the blond one, making him groan in pain. He mutters a "sorry" towards you after Naomi tells him a few things. 

"She's not a former bully," Naomi replies, squinting at Jordan, "She's an old friend of mine. I met her back in what... Kindergarten I think. She had to urgently move away at the last year of middle school, that's why I didn't recognize her,"

You chuckled at the last part. "I'm sorry that we never kept in touch. My parents made me change everything. Literally, everything," 

Naomi shakes her head. "Overprotective much?"

You agree with her. She takes your hand and walks you to the three boys.

"This is Declan Lynch," she says, pointing at the brown haired one. He gives you a small smile as he scratches the back of his neck.

"S-Sorry about the comment I made earlier. I didn't know you were good friends with Naomi," he says to you. 

You grin at him and wave your hand. "Water under the bridge, don't worry about it,"

"And then this one is-"

"I'm Jordan Wallace, nice to meet you Naomi's friend-"

"Her name is (Y/N), Jordan," Naomi corrected. 

Jordan coughed. "-(Y/N). Anyway, after being interrupted. Sorry- again, for being rude earlier. I'm just protective over my great friend Nao-"

"Then this one is Bennett Frazier," Naomi says lastly. "He's a bit of a dork so don't feel bad if anything he says offends you,"

You were shocked to hear the last name of the black-haired boy who was staring at you the whole time. You looked at Bennett, raising your eyebrow. 

"Frazier as in Fra-" 

"(L/N) as in (L/N)'s Enterprises?" Bennett asks blandly. "I knew I recognized that name. My father always talks so lowly of it,"

You both exchanged small glares. Bennett's company was an "enemy" of your father's company. You both slowly nod before frowning. 

"(Y/N)?" Naomi asks worriedly, "You okay?"

You nod, giving her a thin grin. "Yeah, sorry. Sorry Bennett. I shouldn't be judging you for what your father owns. I hope we can be friends with the company stuff behind us,"

You felt his eyes burn on you as you look at him. His expression does not change as you said that. 


When you finally had the chance to enroll yourself at the school, you found yourself with schedules nearly the same as Bennett. Bennett had given you the silent treatment since the day you finally got in touch with Naomi. You thought that not even mentioning the companies ever again would put an end to this little feud, but it didn't. Bennett would always be staring at you but he'd never talk to you. 

You kind of had a crush on Bennett. His coolness and intimidation was something you were very fond of. 

It's not until lunch time when you sat by Naomi at a table when Bennett finally talked to you. 

"Hey, (Y/N), can I talk to you?" he says as he gets up. The whole table silenced as he said that. "Alone?"

You nod slowly, putting your stuff down. You followed him out of the cafeteria, going into the hallway. 

He stops briefly before turning towards you. You noticed that this time, he wasn't looking at you. 

"What do you wanna talk to me about, Bennett?" you ask him quietly, rubbing your arm. You felt so out of place. 

He sighed, looking at you. "I'm... sorry for... how I've been acting towards you for the last few weeks. It's not myself to be acting like this. I'm sorry,"

You were stunned by his words. His icy blue eyes looked chill, but they were actually full of pain. 

"Bennett, why are you apologizing? I thought I was the one who messed up when I mentioned our father's companies," you replied, looking down.

He chuckled. You didn't expect it to be funny. 

"No. I'm sorry if this sounds rude to you, but I wholeheartedly don't intend it to be rude," Bennett says to you as he took a deep breath, "Our company's rivalry is beyond irrelevant. I was just, overwhelmed,"

"Overwhelmed?" you ask confusingly. You raised an eyebrow. "Bennett, whatever it is, I'm sure everything will be fine,"

You assured him, giving him a soft, small smile. 

He gave you a sad smile in return. "I just... You ever feel so pressured from your family? Especially when you feel so lost and so locked up in your own thoughts that you-"

"You feel powerless and emotionless? That you feel like your drowning in your own sadness?" you finished before giving a thin grin, "I've felt that ever since my father told me I was going to take over the company,"

You glanced over at Bennett, seeing his reaction. His eyes were locked on you. His smile only grew softer and a bit smaller. You felt a connection towards him. But you didn't know if he felt the same way. 

"Your father is pressuring you?" he asked you.

You nod slowly. A wave of nostalgia hits you when you remember all the talks you and your father had, most ending up as arguments. 

You and your father had a normal father and daughter relationship when you were younger. But as you got older, he became more distant and more demanding.

"Since I am an only child, my father expects high things from me. And in return, he'll give me anything I want. But..." you say, trailing off as your eyes fill with water. 

"But you just want to be more independent when it comes with money. You don't want to depend on your father for cash, and you don't want to please him just to get what you want," Bennett says to you, making tears stream down your face. He was right. 

Bennett slowly walks up to you and grabs your face softly, cupping it. Your cheeks go crimson as he brought his face closer towards yours. You could still smell that minty breath you smelled when you first met him. He pulls you closer to you, making you stand on your tippy-toes. 

He wipes your tears with his thumbs and gives you a small smile. "Tears and frowns don't look good on you,"

You give him a light chuckle. He lets go of your face, letting you wipe your tears as a small smile appears on your lips. 

"I know how hard it is... to be pressured like that, especially from a person who you thought you could look up to for the rest of your life. And I'm sorry... for making you revisit those memories and flashbacks," he says softly to you. His tone was like music to your ears. "I just... never had a real connection like that to someone else. I never felt like this towards another person,"

Those words made a way to you, making you blush even more now. Your crush, Bennett Frazier, just said that to you. 

You pull his arms and gave him a hug, nesting your head on his chest. He was at first, shocked, but you felt his arms slowly hug you back. You felt his head rest on yours. You smelled the faint cologne on his jacket, making you want to steal it after all of this was done.

The way Bennett hugged you was not like how other people hugged you. It wasn't like a friendly hug, but it also wasn't like a protecting kind of hug. It was a hug that told you that everything was going to be okay. 

You let go of the hug, looking up at Bennett's eyes. You gave him a small smile, letting your eyes sparkle. 

"I like you, Bennett Frazier. More than friends that is... and... I hope you feel the same way," you say to him. You saw a bit of pink cover Bennett's cheeks. 

"I like you too, (Y/N)," he replies, carrying you up by surprise. He puts your face close to his and puts his lips on yours. 

You could now stop reading fan-fictions about Bennett X Reader now because you are now dating the Bennett Frazier. 

[The End.]

Holy fricking crap. It's been like a week!

Yeah sorry, I had a flood of homework hit me this weekend. 

I will try to be updating every Sunday, and maybe a bit on Thursdays. 

I hope this X Reader wasn't too lame; this is my first time doing it so ;-;.

Make sure you leave your suggestions here!

au revoir~

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