(On Hold)Thorin and his Queen

By 7warsawa4

267 41 22

I never really wanted this, being queen and having a darwen king to my husband. The worst part is I know a li... More

A slight intro
Dining Room
Sugar and salt
Poised maiden
Designed disaster
The genius and assassin
Funeral services
Creations and disaster

My future queen

46 3 1
By 7warsawa4

He looked at the crowd, all gathered here under my roof for our first year living here. Even some eleves will bee coming to the party, they and a loot of darwen woman.

I will not get a moment of peace, that I am sure of. At least I hope the others will enjoy themselves with the rest. Other darwes will to come, i let my head rest in my hands for a minute as I am along looking over these people.

Then, in middle of everything I spot something. It's almost like a hidden treasure I saw for a second before disappearing into the crowd.

Fili wanders inn as I careless spoke out my mind, "I finally found her.."

"Really?" It's then I gather my mind to find Kili and Fili standing side by side smiling. Two seconds later they are gone, the hole mountain is going to know it now. Those two, really. But who am I to blame, she was perfect..

Gathered my finest clothes as I make myself ready to meet my future queen. I hope somehow that she isn't human, they have a short live.

People gathered Infront of the main gate, getting a better look over the crowd. They wait in eager to get in, I don't blame them.

"Welcome, my name is Thorin...." Making a great speach as I saw her in the corner of the crowd. She was to low to be human or elf, a hobbit or a darf.

Her eyes are scanning each meter of everything, crystal blue eyes that suddenly meet mine. They are nothing like anything I had seen, putting elven to shame.

"And I to hope to get to know my future queen better. Welcome inn." People applause and slowly gets in for the party, her eyes are still locked at mine.

Then Kili runs over the yard and to her, I smiled at the idea. Knowing that she would be in better hand's now then alone.

She makes a small bow to me before followed Kili in, "so that is the future queen ?" Oin ask, I slowly nodded.

"Well , I get on it. Try gather more information about her, you have a party to attend."


People are wandering all over the allowed places, I got even more guards from the other lords to get a better grasp of everything.

But how ever I look in the hall with all the young girls that hade come here to marry me, or try, I didn't see her. My heart sadden that she isn't here.

Fili comes to my side, "she has no family name, so she is with the others.."

Darwen maid, without a family, my ears couldn't believe this at all. Not only without a family, but woman of darfen kind are fewer than man.

"Bring her to dine with us.... Please."
Fili looked shooked at me, nodded and dissapear into the shadows.

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