Working for Mr. Shinoda

By EstieAckerman

2.3K 101 4

This is a follow up on Working for Mr. Bennington. Things don't always go according to what we plan. Sometim... More



80 5 0
By EstieAckerman

The one year has come. This was the day. Maddie decided to come and pick me up for a day out with her. I get dressed and get the kids ready. They are going to spend some time with Sammy and Eddie for the time I'm with Maddie.

Few minutes later. Maddie stops at my house and she picks us up.

We dropped the kids off and then went to our first shop. On our way there I saw it. A ring on Maddie's finger. And I got angry for seeing it.

"What the hell is that?"

"What is what?"

"The ring? On your finger? What is that?"

"Oh. I'm engaged."

"What the hell Maddie?"

"What do you mean Em?"

"What about Mike? Do you have any idea how much he is dealing with right now? His best friend died a year ago today. You left him out of the blue. And now this. How can you be so heartless?"

"Em. Mike and I are over."

"This is not fair to him Maddie."

"Who's side are you on here?"

"I'm just saying Maddie. He has been through a lot. You can't spring this on him too."

"Look. Okay. Yes. Maybe I might seem heartless. But I haven't loved Mike in a very long time anymore. We drifted apart a long time ago."

"It's still not fair Maddie."

"Are you in love with him? I mean you are all defense here and I thought you had my back on this."

"I don't have your back on this. Mike is such a great guy. What you did was wrong. And you know it. Mike didn't deserve this from you."

She sighs and she pulls over.

"Okay. I agree with you. I'm sorry. He didn't deserve this. But I can't help that I fell in love with my guitar player. I'm sorry for that. I know it was wrong but I couldn't be unfair to Mike and keep giving him hope where there wasn't anymore for us. I'm sorry I hurt him. It doesn't mean I don't care for him anymore. I do still care. But as a friend now."

"I'm sorry. I just snapped when I saw the ring. And knowing how much Mike is dealing with right now with everything. It just broke my heart seeing the ring."

"You didn't answer my question."

"What question?"

"Are you in love with Mike?"

"What? No...."


She looks at me and I sighed.

"I don't know. If I am. It's too soon."

"Do you have feelings for Mike?"

"I think so."

"You should tell him."

"It's too soon Maddie. I'm not ready."

"I know. Give it more time. But I will be okay with you and Mike."


"Yes. You deserve to be happy. And if Mike gives that to you. Then I'll support it."

"Thanks Maddie. And sorry."

"I deserved it. You scolding me."


"Okay. Too honest now. Let's go shopping."


Maddie and I went shopping. After that we picked the kids up again and Maddie dropped us off. The kids and I went to Mike and Mike and I did something special for the one year with the kids. We lighted up a candle and we sang some songs. We wrote I am the change on our hands and took pics for the program. And then we prayed.

After that I went on social media to post our pics and I saw all the fans posts. I started crying and I couldn't stop myself from crying. Mike took the kids to bed and he soon came back to me. He hug me from behind and we both comforted each other from the sadness.

After we cried and support each other and calmed each other we made our posts.


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