The Dark Prince

By gabbyh27

21.7K 1.2K 456

This is the sequel to The Lost Princess. Do not read this description if you have not read the first book... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter!!
The third book is posted!!

Chapter Five

750 41 10
By gabbyh27

Chapter Five
Aiden told me he'd be picking me up at 8, so obviously I started getting ready at 4. It's a good thing I did, because finding an outfit to wear took forever. My closet is full of a lot of casual wear, with only a few fancier outfits. I'm assuming this isn't a super formal ball, but formal enough that it requires some form of looking nice.

I ended up deciding on a low cut, long sleeved dress that falls at my feet. It has a yellow flowery design that compliments my skin tone rather well. I decided to just french braid my hair to the side. I wasn't in the mood to do anything else. I also decided on light makeup. Honestly, finding my outfit took up way too much time for me to be able to do anything else.

As I did the finishing touches on my makeup, Aiden knocked on the door. Perfect timing. I quickly ran to the door and opened it. Aiden stood there, with his hands thrown casually into his jean pockets. He's wearing a black shirt that says "this is my party shirt" in bright lettering.

My heart dropped. Maybe this is more casual than I originally thought. When Aiden saw me, he instantly burst out laughing. "What are you wearing? Have you never been to a party before?"

My face heated up instantly. "I thought..."

"I know what you thought," Aiden gasped between laughs, balancing his hands on his knees. "Looks like the fae changed you more than I thought. Not everyone throws a ball every weekend."

I bit my lip and shifted on my feet. Aiden slowly stopped laughing and stood up, shaking his head at me. "Put something on similar to what you had on yesterday. Maybe add a leather jacket."

I nodded and motioned for him to come into the room. "This might take a while."

Aiden shrugged. "We've got time. It's never cool to be the first ones at the party anyways."

An hour later, my outfit was updated and my makeup was changed to a more sexy look. My hair was taken out of the braid and turned into loose curls. Once I was done, Aiden gave me a once over and nodded in approval.

"Much better."

Honestly, I agree. I'm much more comfortable in this than anything else. Aiden led us out of my room, down a flight of stairs, and out of the castle. He led us over to the garage that Rowan had shown me earlier, but this time his vehicle sat in the driveway.

In said driveway, sat a sleek motorcycle. I grinned at the thought of being able to ride on it. The last time I rode a motorcycle I was 15, and I stole it. But that's a story for another time. Aiden led me to the motorcycle and handed me a helmet. I looked at it and cringed.

"This is going to destroy my hair."

Aiden tilted his head and analyzed me for a moment before shaking his head with a grin. "Nope. It'll make it sexier."

I shrugged and threw the helmet over my head. Rather have bad hair than die in a crash. Aiden swung his leg over the bike and motioned for me to follow. I did, enjoying the thrum of the motorcycle underneath me. I cannot wait for this ride.

We were off before I knew it, riding down the street at top speed. I laughed aloud, my hair blowing in the wind. I leaned my head against Aiden's back, watching the lights from the town twinkle by. We road for about ten minutes before coming upon a house surrounded by cars.

My mouth dropped open at the college party vibe I was getting from this place. I was not expecting that at all. Aiden pulled up in a parking spot with his name colored into it, just barely big enough for his motorcycle. He must be a regular here.

He cut the engine and swung off before helping me get off. I slipped the helmet off my head and shook my hair out, scrunching up the curls. Aiden grinned in my direction. "I knew it."

I smirked at him and gave my hair one last shake before placing the helmet back onto the motorcycle. "Let's go get this party started!"

Aiden laughed at my enthusiasm and led me through the long driveway to the house. We walked into a home full of blaring music and sweaty bodies. Thank god he made me change, because I would have stuck out like a sore thumb. I already stick out, with my bright hair and light eyes.

Some people turned in our direction, but most were too into the music to care. Or too into their alcohol to think straight. My blood shined at the thought of getting drunk. I haven't been in far too long. Ever, really. Aiden seemed to notice my excitement and led us right to the kitchen, where a large selection of alcohol lay in stacks behind a gorgeous bar.

The male behind the bar grinned as we approached. "Aiden!"

They did a weird male handshake as a greeting before the man noticed me. His green eyes shined brighter as he took me in, a large smile taking over his face. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Christian."

I've always liked the name Christian. I grinned at him and leaned over the bar a bit. "I'm Freya."

He nodded. "I know who you are. What's a princess like you doing at a party like this?"

I shrugged and tilted my head slightly. "I think the right question is where has this party been my whole life?"

He winked. "Good answer."

Aiden shook his head at the exchange before interrupting us. "Can I have a beer?"

Christian grinned at me before reaching down and grabbing a beer for Aiden. "And for you?"

"Surprise me," I winked. Wow, I'm in a good mood.

Or maybe a part of me hopes Rowan will come see and get jealous. You know, a small part of me. Like really small. Practically nonexistent.

Christian handed me a red solo cup. Against my better judgement, I decided to down the whole thing. I'm sure he didn't just drug my drink. It's fine. It burned going down my throat, but I barely noticed. I didn't stop until it was completely gone.

I set the drink down in front of me and grinned. "Another."

Christian's eyes widened, along with his grin. Let's get this party started.


I leaned against Christian, enveloping myself in his woodsy scent. There's something about it that doesn't smell right, but I ignore that just like I ignored everything else tonight. Christian placed his hands on my hips as I swayed to the pounding music.

I spun away from Christian and giggled, throwing my arms up in the air as I danced on my own. Christian swung me back to him, but I barely noticed. I was in my own little world, dancing to my own beat. Aiden stood across the room, talking to some random girl. A part of me in the back of my mind is aware that his eyes have not left me all night.

As I danced, I noticed a small commotion in the corner of the room. My eyes narrowed in on it, sober enough to know who that commotion might be for. Sure enough, a set of familiar forest green eyes came into view. A giddy feeling erupted through me, causing tingles to flow through my fingers.

I hate how attracted I am to him. How much I want him to come storm over here. To demand why I was drunk, and whisk me away from the boy I'm dancing with. Maybe start a fight. Anything, really, to prove that he cares about me. Thankfully, he just stared. I don't know what I would have done if he would have actually done that.

I forced my attention away from Rowan and moved closer to Christian, grinning up at him. Rowan barely blinked an eye at the exchange, before turning to the group of people surrounding him. Something bitter tasting filled my throat.

Why does it bother me so much that I'm dancing with Christian instead of him? Maybe because he held me while I cried. And because he's always miraculously there for me when I need him. Though, who am I kidding? Of course Rowan doesn't care for me in that way. I don't know why I keep forgetting that I am just a princess to sway onto his side to him. I am nothing.

With a start, I realized I wanted Rowan to do exactly what Saxon would have done. Saxon would be at my side, holding my hair back as I puked. Then he would yell at me for getting drunk, for jeopardizing my safety. I laughed aloud then, a bitter sound drowned out by the music. When did Saxon become the better option?

I turned to Christian. "I need to get some air."

He nodded, somehow hearing me over the music. I walked away from him and started pushing through the crowd, trying to find some kind of exit. Aiden was at my side in seconds. "Are you okay?"

I smiled reassuringly at him and nodded. "I'm okay. Just need a breather."

I stumbled slightly, and Aiden caught me. He threw one of my arms over his shoulder and helped guide me out a back door. Once we were outside, I sighed in relief. Aiden sat me down on a bench and kneeled in front of me.

"How drunk are you?"

I sighed. "I'm more tipsy then anything. Despite my best efforts, getting drunk is nearly impossible."

Aiden nodded grimly. "The more powerful you are, the harder it is to get intoxicated."

"That's bullshit," I mumbled, leaning against the bench and closing my eyes.

I could feel a set of eyes on me, somewhere in the party. I know that it's Rowan, but I can't bring myself to care. I have had enough excitement for one night.

"Can you take me home," I murmured softly.

Aiden nodded instantly, standing up and offering me a hand. I took it gratefully and followed him around the house. He didn't even bother to go inside and say goodbye.

Why is a complete stranger treating me better than everyone else? I shook that thought away with a sigh. I'm being a child. Rowan and everyone else cares about me.

I swung onto the bike behind him and rested my head against his back, closing my eyes. I don't think the whirring colors will do good things to my stomach right now. I enjoyed the ten minute ride home, using it as a buffer between the comfort of this ride and reality.

Maybe I'm the one who is spiraling.


I didn't get much sleep that night. All I could think about was Amilia and Cameron, and the fact that they are mates.

Does Cameron know? I would assume probably not. Amilia is going to tell him, right? She has to.

I need to go check on him. It's been a while, and he needs to meet Bruce. I sighed and slowly forced myself out of bed. I walked over to the vanity and brushed out my hair before throwing it into a messy bun. I grabbed a random outfit out of my closet and threw that on too.

I walked out of the room to go wash up in the bathroom, but ran practically right into Aiden.

Aiden threw his hands out to steady me, laughing slightly. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

I stepped back and smiled. "I'm so sorry! I'm just trying to go check on my friend."

Aiden nodded in understanding. "Your guard, right?"

I nodded before raising my eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

Aiden smiled and shrugged. "I was just coming to check on you. Make sure you're doing okay."

I grinned. That's so sweet of him. "I feel fine, honestly. Would you want to come with me to see Cameron?"

Aiden shrugged. "Sure!"

"Just let me finish getting ready first, okay," I questioned.

Aiden nodded so I dashed into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I was presentable enough to go outside, I walked back and told him that we could go.

It didn't take us long to get to the hospital. On the way, many people nodded or acknowledged Aiden in some way. It doesn't surprise me at all that he's extremely popular. He's just so easy going.

Our pace slowed a bit once we were actually inside the hospital. I rubbed my hands together nervously, not sure where to begin with catching him up. Hopefully he likes Bruce and Aiden. I can see Aiden becoming one of my best friends, and since Cameron already is my best friend, it is important to me that he likes him.

Bruce trodded at my side, paying attention to nothing but me. I figured I would have to put a leash on him or something, but he never left my side. Never even wanted to. He's like a dream come true.

I took a deep breath outside of Cameron's room before entering. Here goes nothing. This time, he is awake. He grinned in my direction as I entered, before raising his eyebrows at Aiden, and then at Bruce.

"Cameron, this is my new friend Aiden. Aiden, this is my best friend Cameron," I introduced them.

Cameron tilted his head in Aiden's direction, a little unsure. Aiden, however, was at Cameron's side in seconds, shaking his hand. "Hi, I'm Aiden. I've been introducing Freya to the wildness of the demons."

I rolled my eyes as Cameron tensed. "What he means is, he gave me my familiar tattoo. Which leads me to my next introduction. Meet Bruce."

Cameron raised his eyebrows when his eyes landed on my familiar. "Bruce?"

I bit my lip. "You don't like it?"

Cameron laughed and shook his head. "I love it. It's impressive that you got a familiar. I've heard they are incredibly hard to get. Some people wait years for theirs to come."

The pride in Cameron's eyes made my heart swell.

"Well Cameron, it's inevitable for us to become best friends. You are Freya's best friend and I have every intention of getting up there with you. So, have you ever killed someone," Aiden asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Cameron practically choked. I sighed and gave Aiden a dirty look. "He's just messing with you."

"Yeah sorry, I make jokes in awkward situations. And in sad situations. In any situation, really. Jokes just make even the worst of moods happy," Aiden shrugged.

That caused a smile to finally light up Cameron's face and he nodded. "I can respect that."

I let out a subtle sigh of relief. I think they are going to be okay. Thank god, because I don't know what I would do if Cameron hated Aiden. I wasn't worried about the other way around. Aiden seems to get along with everyone.

We sat in there for a while, playing uno. I don't know why Aiden always mysteriously has a game of uno stashed in his pocket, but he does. Bruce slept in my lap as we played, and I barely paid any attention to the game because of how cute he was.

The nurse came into the room a few minutes ago and basically kicked us out, saying Cameron had to get some rest. Now we are walking home. We couldn't take Aiden's motorcycle since we have Bruce. The walk isn't that far, so it's not a big deal.

Bruce's tail started to wag, and I looked around trying to find the culprit. Then a girl was bending down, cooing about how cute he was. Bruce was beside himself in excitement.

"Who's your owner," the girl coo'ed. With a start, I realized it was Mal.

She looked up. I knew the instant she noticed me. Her entire demeanor tensed, and her eyes narrowed. She gave Bruce one last pet before standing up and brushing off her clothes. Then she turned her glare to Aiden.

"Why would you give her a familiar? Who knows what a halfling like her would do to this precious boy?"

I gritted my teeth together, not liking the implication. I took a menacing step toward her, but Bruce got in between us. He sat down right in between us and started wagging his tale, making us look at him rather than each other.

I grinned and dropped down to his level. "You're going to be a peacekeeper, aren't you Bruce?"

"Bruce," Mal announced, as if she couldn't help herself.

Aiden responded for me. "Yeah, like the shark from Finding Nemo!"

Mal let out an involuntary laugh, before narrowing her eyes again. "You really shouldn't have given her one. Who knows, maybe she will use him against you one day."

Before I could respond, Aiden stepped up. "Mal, you can't hate her before you even meet her. Trust me, she'll surprise you."

Mal shook her head. "I know what I saw, Aiden. You are only hurting yourself by getting close to her."

"What do you mean," I questioned, standing up then. Did she have some kind of vision about me?

"It's nothing. Just stay away from the ones I love, okay?"

With that, she turned on her heel and walked away. I really don't understand that girl.

"She has visions," Aiden explained as we started walking. "She saw something, but no one knows what. All we know is that it involves you, and now she is terrified of you."

"Terrified of me," I questioned, my heart dropping. What the hell do I do?

Aiden laughed and shrugged. "Don't get too worried. The future changes every second. Half of her visions end up not coming true anyways."

I laughed too, but deep down I was still worried. What about the other half? I really need to talk to her. Maybe if I find out why she is so scared, I can fix it. I don't know what I could possibly do to make her afraid of me, but clearly it's bad.

"Aiden," someone yelled from behind us. We both whirled around. A man was waving his hands frantically from across the street.

"What's up Greg," Aiden yelled back, a large grin taking over his features.

Aiden started jogging over in the new guys direction. I followed slowly behind him, not in the mood to run. It takes way too much energy. Once Aiden reached the guy, he clapped him on the back like they haven't seen each other in ages. Maybe they haven't.

"Are you coming tomorrow night," Greg asked Aiden.

"Wouldn't miss it," Aiden grinned.

"What's tomorrow night," I questioned.

Greg startled, just now noticing that I was there. He blinked a few times before bowing. "Princess."

I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. He is the only person that has done that when they met me here. I was starting to get the vibe that it's just not their thing. Now I guess I know that they just didn't respect me enough to do it. Not that I want them to. But a part of me hurts at the idea of them not liking me.

"No, there's no need for that," I laughed.

Greg smiled sheepishly. "I've never met royalty before."

I shrugged. "I barely acknowledge myself as royalty."

Greg gave me a big toothy grin, shifting on his feet so that he would be more comfortable. "Well, to answer your question, tonight is the fights."

Before I could even ask, Aiden explained. "The fights is just another term for a bunch of us being dumbasses and betting on who will win in a fight. No magic, no killing. Those are the only two rules."

I raised my eyebrows. "Sounds dangerous."

"Exactly," Aiden winked.

It sounds dangerous and illegal. Something tells me that is right up Mal's speed. If I go, maybe I will be able to talk her into telling me what the vision is about.

"I'm in."

Aiden's eyebrows shot up as Greg began to shake his head. "No way. If anyone finds out we let the princess fight, we would be shut down for good."

"Oh please," I laughed. "No one here sees me as their princess. They couldn't care less."

Aiden shrugged. "She's right. If anything, her fighting might actually give her brownie points. A lot of the lower class people do this. They outnumber royalty, so you're better off having them on your side."

"See! What could go wrong?"

Greg sighed. "Fine, but if anything happens to her it's on you man."

He's such a party pooper. I'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen?

*Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for the late update! I had yesterday off, so my mental clock was telling me that it was Sunday.

Anyways, how did you guys like the chapter? I know it was kind of short, but I love it nonetheless.

Thank you guys so much for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

-Xoxo, Gab*

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