In Another World As A Dragon...

By BlazingDragonicWolf

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Welcome to another fantasy story about some guy suddenly waking up as a Dragon! Out of all the confusions, mi... More

Before Anything...
Chapter 1 - "The Awakening"
Chapter 2 - "The Intrusion"
Chapter 3 - "Rage"
Chapter 4 - "Dream"
Extras - "Chapter 4.5"
Chapter 5 - "Adventurers"
Chapter 6 - "The Far East"
Chapter 7 - "The Orphanage"
Chapter 8 - "Dispute"
Chapter 9 - "Divided"
Chapter 10 - "The Highest Mountain"
Chapter 11 - "The High Mage"
Chapter 12 - "Residence"
More Extras - "Chapter 12.5"
Chapter 13 - "Black Sun"
Chapter 14 - "Destruction"
Chapter 15 - "A Familiar Face"
Chapter 16 - "Necromancy"
Chapter 17 - "The Second Dragon"
Chapter 18 - "Break Time"
Chapter 19 - "White Dragon"
Even more Extras - "Pre-chapter 20"
Chapter 20 - "There You Are"
The Final Extra - "Pre-chapter 21"
Chapter 21 - "Crossing Paths"
Chapter 22 - "Climax"
(Bonus Extra!) Pre-chapter 24 - "Fates Intertwined"
Chapter 24 - "Closure"

Chapter 23 - "Eternity"

4.7K 141 31
By BlazingDragonicWolf

Aster once said before that both the Dragons of Creation and Destruction were supposedly born from one egg. Although he's not sure of it himself, maybe he's right, though? His consciousness return and when he opens his eyes, there's nothing around him but darkness in sight.

He can still move his body freely and he can also feel his wings and tails moving, so I guess he's still a dragon. He looks around him and there's really nothing here but darkness everywhere. He hears a sound. It's a voice. It's telling him... "hello"? Turning around and looking above, a glowing naked man approaches him who looks like he's still in early adulthood.

Infiniti: "Oh, I've been dying to meet you!"

Arufaz(speechless): "................"

Infiniti: "Hm? What's wrong? Is it because I'm nude?"

Arufaz remains quiet. He's busy still trying to figure out what the heck is going on here. He remembers his fierce battle with Nero, and that both of them hit each other with their own mega moves. After that... is he dead? Did he lose? He doesn't know the situation he's in, so he faces the naked man in front of him and speaks.

Arufaz: "Hey... what's happened to me..."

Infiniti: "Pretty straightforward, aren't you? You don't even ask for my name. You're an interesting fellow, that's for sure."

Arufaz: "....................."

Infiniti: "Alright, alright. I'll start explaining stuff to you now. You don't have to look at me that way. Or, is it because... you find me sexually attractive?"

Arufaz is starting to get an inexplicable urge to crush him with his claws, but he holds it in.

Arufaz: "I want answers..."

Infiniti: "Oh, fine. But, where to start? Hmm........... I guess, we can start by telling you that everything in this world is gone."

Arufaz: "..... What...?"

Infiniti: "Gone. Poof. Vanished. You're all inside a sphere of literal 'nothingness'. The Dragon of Creation should also be somewhere inside here as well, but unlike you, who's indestructible, he's also reduced to nothingness here. But, since his body can automatically recreate itself, he'll survive. However, since he's inside this sphere, you could say that he keeps on getting reduced to nothingness and regenerating over and over again."

Well, that sounds sad. Recovering yourself and getting disintegrated repeatedly without end is just... I'm glad I'm not in his position right now. But, wait... we're in a sphere? A sphere that reduces stuff into nothingness? And, everything is now gone?!

Arufaz: "So, everyone's dead...?"

Infiniti: "Well, if by dead, then you mean they no longer exist, then yes. Only you two dragons remain. But, given the other one's state, you're probably the only one here who's as alright as can be. Which is why... I have a favor to ask of you."

Arufaz: "Ask away... Not like there's anyone else here you can ask instead..."

Infiniti: "Hahaha!!! I like you! It's sad that I won't be able to see you again, though. Oh, well. I guess that's not important now. Listen carefully. I want you to become this world's God."

Arufaz: "....... Huh...?"

Infiniti: "Both the dragon of creation and destruction come from the same egg. This only indicates that they were one and the same. Now, I don't really know what happened that caused them to split as they are now. One thing I know is that... you are the right medium to merge it into one."

Arufaz: "....... So.... I'm gonna become the Dragon of Creation and Destruction...?"

Infiniti: "Bingo! I'm glad a matching soul like yours existed though. Out of over an endless number of worlds, yours was the only one that was close to being compatible with that body."

Arufaz: "What...? You sent me here...?!"

Infiniti: "Whoops. Slipped my mouth. But anyways, will you do it?"

Arufaz: "What's in it for me...?"

Infiniti: "You can become God! You can do anything!"

Arufaz wondered about all of this. This almost feels like he's the chosen one. I mean, just like everyone else back in his world, he's just another person living a normal life, and following his dreams. He couldn't have possibly imagined that he'd end up becoming an omnipotent existence in another world.

He wonders if it wasn't him that got picked but another one. Would he have continued on living a normal life in his previous world? He shakes his head for getting sentimental all about it. Arufaz agrees to his terms and nods.

Arufaz: "Alright... I'll become your God..."

Infiniti: "Nice! From now on, Nero and Zero are no more. They will be reborn as one and shall be known as 'Arufaz'. Congratulations! You are now the first 'Eternal Dragon God', also known as the Dragon of Eternity."

Infiniti converges his palms together and creates a ball of light.

Infiniti: "This is Nero's soul. Thanks to you for weakening him, I was easily able to extract his soul out of his body. And, by handing it over to you, the two halves will then become one."

He hands it over to Arufaz. Arufaz reaches out his claw and touches the light on Infiniti's palm. The light then engulfs Arufaz and his form begins to change. His size is now doubled, he grew an extra pair of wings, some parts of his scales start to glow and turn white, his left eye dyes in black, and his right eye glows white.

Infiniti: "Everything is in your hands. What will you do now?"

Arufaz: ".................."

Infiniti: "Hmm? Are you there? Helloooo. Can you hear what I'm saying?"

Tears flow out from Arufaz's eyes.

Infiniti: "Wha-?!! What's wrong?!"

Arufaz: "................. Memories...."

Arufaz is seeing a vision, like a flashback. Images about Nero and Zero enter his mind. Their memories together and what they've been through this whole time. To think they both ended up this way in the end. It was purely a tragic ending in Arufaz's eyes. And so, with a steely glare, Arufaz makes up his mind.

Arufaz: "I'll grant both of your wishes."

Infiniti: "Huh? What?"

Without warning, Arufaz unleashes a wave of black and white light.

Infiniti: "Wha-?! What are you doing?!"

Infiniti shuts his eyes from being so near to the light. And, when opens them again, the first thing he sees is something blue. It's the sky. He's floating up in the sky naked. He looks down and sees mountain ranges, rivers, and plantation. He sees Aster flying towards him.

Aster: "You did it, I presume? And, why the bloody hell are you without your clothes?!!"

Infiniti: "Ahaha... you see, the craziest thing happened, and I-..."

Aster: "Save it for later. Go get some clothes now!"


Draiz wakes up and extends his claw upwards, blocking the blinding light that's approaching towards them. A large glowing dragon floats in front of Draiz and co.

Mara: "What is that?"

Arufaz(telepathy): "Hey, guys..."

Rayla: "That voice. Is it..."

Draiz: "Arufaz... Arufaz!!!"

The young dragon flies towards the eternal dragon and, despite his small size, gave him his biggest hug he's ever given him.

Strazz: "Arufaz... Arufaz?! Wh-what happened to you?!!"

The dragon of eternity says nothing and merely stares at all of them one by one. He then lets go of Draiz and gently pats him one last time on the head.

Heione: "He's saying goodbye."

Mara: "Hm? Goodbye? What do you mean by that, mother?"

Heione: "I can vaguely sense deep sorrow and regret in him."

Mara: "Sorrow? Arufaz, what happened?!"

Arufaz(telepathy): "I don't really have much to say... However, I came back to bid you farewell..."

Mara: "Farewell? What do you mean by that?!"

Draiz: "Arufaz..."

Arufaz(telepathy): "I'm about to enter in a very long slumber... We probably won't ever meet again... So, I came to say goodbye."

Rayla: "What...?"

Elze: "But, that's..."

Draiz: "Arufaz!! You and I have been together for a long time already, and... I... I know more than anyone else here how badly and how much you really love to sleep, but... but..."

Draiz unwillingly and subconsciously, without him realizing, kneels down on the ground. He raises his head and with emotion, he says...

Draiz: "... Don't go."

Arufaz(telepathy): ".......................... Draiz... you're strong now... you can handle yourself alright even without me..."

Draiz: "You're wrong!! I'm weak! I'm powerless! I couldn't even stop a piece of rubble falling from the sky!"

Arufaz(telepathy): "Then, get stronger. But, this time... without me."

Arufaz, with a smile on his face, slowly starts fading away...

Arufaz: "Take care."

Draiz stands up.

Draiz: "I'll get stronger! Strong enough to wake you up for sure! You won't be sleeping peacefully for long! Just you wait and see!"

The dragon longing for peace and quiet finally obtains what it was always been dreaming. He completely disappears from sight, leaving only a sparkle behind.

Draiz: "Arufaaaz..!!"

Rayla runs over Draiz and hugs him from behind, trying her best to console the crying dragon. Everyone else is still trying to sink in what just happened. Heione receives a telepathic message from Aster.

Aster(telepathy): "We found the entrance. Come over here quick."

Heione(telepathy): "Aster? Would you mind telling me what's happening?"

Aster(telepathy): "I'll tell you everything when you arrive. Come quick."

The link was then cut off. Heione sighs.

Heione: "Well, it looks like things are alright now. I'll be on my way."

Mara: "I'd like to know what's happening, if it's alright with you. Care to explain?"

Heione: "Aah. I can just tell you everything later. For now, bye."

Heione instantly disappears.

Frick: "I have absolutely no idea what's happening."

Strazz: "You and me both."

Draiz collapses on the ground.

Rayla: "Draiz..."


Aster explained everything to the other three representatives on the details. As well as the crack that the Dragon of Creation opened which leads to the dimension where Nero was taken.

Chrys: "So what happened to them?"

Infiniti: "It seems that Nero slaughtered them all."

Heione: "I see. Makes sense. But seriously, what in the world are you wearing?!!"

Infiniti was wearing a trench coat, equipped with thick boots and a fedora hat.

Gryard: "I see you haven't changed from your unearthly ways."

Heione: "What kind of people were they anyway?"

Aster: "They're just normal people. I can only guess that some time ago, they acquired one of the Sky Dragon's scales and it granted their wish. Whatever their wish was, even Infiniti couldn't locate them. It took us until now to find out that they were right here the whole time."

Chryselda: "All's well that ends well, it seems. If you'll excuse me, I have to be somewhere."

Chrsyelda leaves the site by walking straight through a tree. The rest do the same and went on their separate ways. Infiniti closed the crack before leaving.


In a world where light and dark collide, a lone dragon settles in and prepares for its deep slumber. Savoring the sweet comfort of rest, the dragon closes its eyelids slowly, recalling all the events that took place in its lifetime. All the memories of the two halves that are now one resides within him. As he stares at the light one last time, his eyes finally close in place, thus begins the dreams of one who knows eternity.

~Sweet Dreams!!

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