Chapter 10 - "The Highest Mountain"

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"Y-you beast. You intend to end the war by annihilating both sides?!" the old man from the left side said clenching the hilt of his giant sword.

"Well... I... uhh....."

"All soldiers, fall back! Clear away from the lava!" the man from the right side said. "Dragon! I swear that one day... I, or my great grandchildren, will end you!"

Wow. He sure suddenly became ambitious. But... it's not like I can do anything about it anyways. Oh well, I guess I better fix up my mess, or something. They keep saying that I have the power to destroy the world. But, it's not like I'm planning to destroy it, anyways. If what they said was true, and I do have that much power, then let's see by how much do I really have.

"Draiz, summon a small hurricane in the middle of the lava flow."

"What?! Why would I do that?!"

"To end this."


Before Draiz continued, I dove down to the lava underground. I went as deep as I could until I arrived at the flow of magma from beneath the earth. To think that my fire can reach this deep underground. I grabbed hold of the plates beside me, pulling them closer to each other as the underground magma kept on flowing to the surface right past through me. It didn't hurt, but I still felt the heat, it felt like bathing in a furnace. The two plates that I was pulling finally reached each other, and it blocked the flow of magma to the surface. *phew* That takes care of that. I then headed back to the surface.

When I arrived back at the surface, both sides that were at war started readying their weapons and gearing up for battle again.

"Arufaz!" Elze shouted as she ran towards me.

"What happened?"

"When the flow of lava slowed down, that's when...!"

Before Elze said anything else, something fell from the sky landing right on top of me. Ow, my head. Even from that, my body still doesn't have a single scratch. And what the heck fell from the sky anyway?

"Ow, ow... my head. Huh? Hey! Why am I back in the ground, again?!" a beat-up, stinky, and worn-out old man said, exiting through some kind of tower, and... the thing that fell from the sky... was a large island?! "Wha-?! A-a... a dragon!"

As I looked around the thing that fell, it seemed like an island that was large enough to have its own garden and farm, and a series of houses.



"Is this your place?"

"Y-y-yes! T-this is my residence. I-I built it using various ancient artifacts."

"That so? Then from this point on, I'll now claim this place as mine."


"There's no problem with that, is there?" I asked glaring intently at him.

"N-... no... n-nothing at all..." the old man replied, still shivering and his voice still stuttering.

"That's good then. Hey, you old man over there...!" I pointed a claw towards the old man from the left side of the terrain. "Get some food from this place and scram. That goes for you guys there too...!" I glanced at the men from the right side.

"W-what?! You want to waste everything that I've built and accomplished for these ill-mannered barbarians?!"

"Is that a problem...?" shifting my glance back at him.

"Y-yes! I-I refuse to accept that my life-long years of research and isolation ending up being scrapped by mere lower-intellects."

"I see. Then, that shouldn't really be a problem. They're only taking away all of your food rations. And, I know someone else who would be interested in your work."

"Marvelous! Splendid! Gorgeous!" Strazz said, looking around the island-like thing that fell from the sky. "This  is truly a work of art! I must ask how you made all of this possible?" Strazz asked the old man with the worn-out clothes.

"Ho-ho. You seem like a more intellectual man than the rest. Very well, I can explain to you in details." the old man said, leading Strazz into one of the houses. Both sides from the war also went into one of the houses and grabbed as many food and grubs as they can find. Some filled a sack of it, and some others ate it the moment they grabbed a hold of it.

"Now that everything seems to be calmer. Can I ask for a map?"

"Why?" Elze asked. "Is there a place that you want to know more? Maybe I can look it up in my MAT-map."


"Magic-Assisted Tablet Map."

What a convenient acronym. "Hmm...? What's that part over there...?" I asked, pointing a spot on the map that seemed more rocky than the rest.

"That? That's... the tallest mountain in the whole world. A haven for all magical beasts, and a place where a man's soul lingers on for eternity if they are said to perish there. The highest pinnacle of the Earth, 'Mount Everlast'."

Again! It sounds so similar, yet so far-off! I guess I can just assume that this world is fairly similar to my original world. And that makes my decision even firmer than before.

"Draiz. Let's go. To Mount Everlast!"

Our MC, along with his young student, sets off to the highest known point of this magical world. He has left the group of Adventurers behind as he embarks on yet another journey to Mount Everlast!

Look forward for the next chapter! "The High Mage"

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