Chapter 24 - "Closure"

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Even though they just witnessed the destruction of their homes, and the deaths of their loved ones, everyone just couldn't believe that no one died from any of that. Everything that got wrecked is back in place. They all share the same stories. About how they got blinded by a warm and bright light. And, how everything went back to normal when they opened their eyes. None of them are aware that they perished within a sphere of nothingness and was recreated again.

Deep within a forest, our young storm dragon conducts strict training with Mara. Both of them wish to get stronger. At least strong enough to withstand a calamity of that level again. And in any case, both of them felt extremely frustrated at the fact that they couldn't even do a thing against a large chump of rock that nearly crushed them.

Rayla stops by and checks on them, but when she arrived, they had already taken a break.

Rayla: "Working hard, I see."

Draiz: "I need to work even harder. If I want to gain enough power to wake up that sleepyhead."

Rayla(chuckles): "Mara, how about you?"

Mara: "We have progress. But, there's more to be done. Now then, if you'll excuse me."

Mara walks away from them.

Draiz: "Huh? Where are you going?"

Mara: "Self-training. My mother has been nagging non-stop about how I need to use my powers efficiently."

Rayla: "It's because you have demon blood, right? And, it's what's making you unable to bring out your full potential."

Mara: "Something like that."

Mara teleports away.

Draiz: "..............."

Rayla: "Draiz... about Arufaz. Are you..."

Draiz: "Don't sweat it. I'm fine. You can stop worrying."

Rayla: "Oh... hehe~... It's funny though. Who would've thought that the once rebellious and repulsive dragon is finally opening up his heart."

Draiz: "Humph?!!"

Draiz reacted instinctively, but deep down, even he was surprised that he'd have these kinds of complex emotions stirring within him. He quickly shrugs it off.

Draiz: "I... still need to get stronger."

Rayla makes a big smile. If opening up his heart was surprising enough, the fact that Draiz now has a goal in mind really puts her heart at ease.

Rayla: "Must be nice. To have a dream as big as yours."

Draiz: "Arufaz probably has an even bigger dream than mine though."

Rayla: "Can't argue with you there."

Suddenly, Mara's head appears and startles the both of them. It seems to be just an astral form since she looks translucent.

Mara: "Hahaha. Did I startle you? Well, I won't say sorry. Anyways, Draiz, it seems that I'll be gone for a while so I won't be able to help you in your training. My mother won't let me leave until I'm successfully able to master 3000 of her lesson plans."

Draiz: "Say what?! How are you gonna make this up to me?!!"

Mara: "Make up to you? You seem to be mistaken. I was merely helping you out because I thought it would help me out as well. I never intended to get close with you in the least."

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