Dangerously Delicious

By nerdyflirtykari

1.3M 52.9K 26.4K

Filled with street smarts and book smarts, Arianna Lincoln reached her dream of owning her own restaurant. Re... More



29.6K 1.3K 815
By nerdyflirtykari


Being in Menaggio was beautiful anytime of the year, a place that can bring peace to your troubled mind. As fate would have it, it didn't work for me.
Arriving at the family home days ago I expected my mother to be calm about the situation. She's usually calm when dad sends her to a safe house and makes some silly joke about being Rapunzel for nearly half her life. What I encountered upon my arrival was a frantic, pale, chain smoking mother.
She quit smoking years ago, instantly I grew alarmed, something rattled her.
Her first question when she spotted me was 'Did he get you?'

I frowned and brushed it off as her way of asking if Raizon got to me before things got worse.
After three days of her smoking like a train and her obsession with always having her phone in hand, I decided to actually talk with her. I've never seen her this way.
Giselle Delacourde was all poise and beauty with an Amazonian spirit inside of her. She was the one who taught me to fire my first gun and taught me the distress codes used through the empire. My mother excelled at martial arts and marksmanship. To be the wife of a Mafia Boss, you can't be a wilting flower and to see her that way was unsettling.

My sixth day there after constantly asking her about the reason for her distress, what she revealed to me was mind blowing. I became numb by her statement.

"It's your father. Your real father."

I couldn't speak. Heck what could have I said? I stood before her, frozen with that news. She told me everything without me ever having to ask a question. Watching her then as she told her story of my conception, the hit placed on her head and being born under the Delacourde name. Renith Delacourde saved her and myself, taking me in as his own. For years, this secret have been kept from me and now this man wanted us dead to have a clean slate for his political record.

It has been two weeks and four days since I've left the US and also that long since I've contacted my brother or Stephen. Word is being sent about his and Ari's recovery, all good news but now I feel like a douche for not replying to them. I wanted to be angry at Stephen for keeping such a secret from me and also taking part in a retrieval mission pertaining to Monroe's latest rape victim. If people thought a Mafia Boss was a monster, they haven't met an over-indulgent politician.

Now holed up in the guest house behind the family home, I dialed Stephen's number knowing he'll be awake while I was here in Italy struggling for sleep. Using one of the crypto's phones, I waited for him to answer. I can hear on the other end the connection of our call. We both said nothing to each other. I knew I felt guilty and a bit unsettled but I don't know how he felt. His therapy was going fine but I knew he's resenting the fact of being hindered by crutches. Not to mention the fact of not being able to visit Ari and the aftermath of her waking up.

"I love you. So much," he said finally. I closed my eyes and allowed his words to wash over me.
"I understood the secrecy but why did you get involved? Why did he approach you?" I asked softly.

"G. I can't divulge the specifics unless Raizon undo the code." I can hear the regret in his voice and it angered me. More secrets were being kept from me. It all involved me and yet here I am in Italy oblivious to it all.

"I take it Giselle has told you everything," he continued after I lapse in a tense silence.

"She's here fucking scared out of her mind and smoking, bet her lungs are black as my so called father's heart. I'm just.... it's hard to explain how I feel right now. I did my own research on the man. His public side. He's got everyone fooled that he's the perfect American husband and father. Why haven't Raizon just deal with him appropriately?"

"Politician goes missing during his campaign for senate brings a lot of heat on us. I myself wish we can storm his house and detach his head from his body but hey, a man can dream."

"Your bloodlust rivals Raizon's," I joked.

"Protective instinct I call it." I can hear the smile in his voice which calmed me a bit. Sighing deeply, I reclined in the lounge, looking over the moonlit sea, allowing the salty air to relax me.
"That's why you two get along so great. How's he doing? I haven't had that one on one talk with him yet. Still soaking in everything,"I returned.

"Raizon love you as his brother in his own... robotic way. From Gio's daily report, the guy is acting out of character. After that nurse's failed attempt to capture his attention, all his time is being spent with Ari. He called her, 'his woman' during the debacle with the nurse. Dude, I'm silently rooting for him to be more human with Ari but Michael... the jury is still out with that one."

"He claimed her?" I practically shrieked my question. Not quite becoming for a member of the mafia family.

"The whole compound knows now that she's his and only his. I can't wait for her to wake up. I'm both anxious and nervous. This can go both ways," he said with a chuckle.

"Damn. I wonder how he's handling it all. Ray never had a girlfriend. A quick fuck in his office is all he has ever known as a relationship with a woman," I commented.

"What about that girl he had? The stripper from one of the clubs," Stephen asked a bit confused. I wish he didn't bring that girl up.

"It was just sex. Someone nearby while he was working the clubs. She wanted more and thought Raizon was her ticket out of working for her own shit. She became territorial of him when he got his fill from other girls. He handled her," I replied.

"You're sure he's gonna be straight with Ari?"

"I believe he will. He redid an entire wing for her and now staying at her side. There will be mistakes, hopefully, none too big but just like you, I'm rooting for them. Ari will give him a run for his money. We can just hope for the best and for this.... this issue to go away for us so we can go back to our normal lives," I said. I was actually looking forward to get back to the US and him.
On his end, I heard him close a door and the clearing of his throat. He was nervous but why?

"I know this isn't the perfect moment to do this. Hell, what is the perfect moment? We're guys and who love each other so this can happen anywhere right?"

I chuckled lowly at his cute ramblings. I knew where this was heading but stayed quiet not wanting to steal his thunder. I know my Stephen. All his plans must be executed perfectly, if there's a hitch he had a solution in place.

"I wanted to do this when I'm walking once more and you're back here with me but I've waited for months to do this," he continued.

"Do what, love?" I asked. I'm sure he can hear the amused grin coating my words. My heart was beating out of my chest. It was like he was actually here with me.

"I want to marry you," he blurted out.

"Was that a proposal or a simple statement?" I teased.

"A proposal. I mean. God damn it, I'm not doing this right. Here goes. Gianni Racon Delacourde, will you marry me?" He rushed out.

"Yes,"I answered immediately.


"Yes, I will marry you, baby," I reassured him with the biggest smile on my face. His repetitive shouts of he said yes echoed through the phone making laugh heartily at his excitement. God, I missed him. I can picture his wide smile and eyes sparkling with excitement.

We are getting married.

"Dibs on Ari being my best man," he quipped.

For the first time in weeks I genuinely laughed forgetting the situation surrounding us. In the midst of dread there must be some happiness. I'm engaged to the love of my life, can't get any happier than that.

"I love you, Mr Caine," I said softly.

"And I love you, Mr. Delacourde," he returned mirroring the same tone of affection I placed in those three words.

The other source of happiness will be our best friend waking up and watching Raizon fall at her feet.


I'm not doing any self defense classes after so much long hours at the restaurant. My body hurt. My eyes even hurt to open and that was a sign of pure exhaustion.
Turning in my bed, I found it a challenge, my limbs felt heavy. I heard a groan escape me but it sounded so distant. Finally being able to turn my head and body slightly, I felt a tug of something against my cheek and my hand.

Probably  tangled in my sheets again but those tugs were too sharp and my chest plus stomach hurt like a bitch. Again I tried to open my eyes. I was able to do so but just a fraction, though my view was blocked partially by my eyelashes I knew I wasn't in my apartment.
White walls with abstract art I couldn't recognize and that led out to a plush sitting room was not in my apartment's layout.

I've been kidnapped by rich people.

That's the only logical explanation. Lifting my hand to my face which was a task by it self, I discovered a line or a tube of some sort. Opening my eyes wider, I lifted my left hand that's when I noticed the IV.

What the hell was going on?

I became frantic, my heart was beating wildly and it felt like it was coming through my chest. With the pain in my body and the hatred of being so weak, I began to cry. My throat was hoarse I can only swallow in that moment of panic as I tried to sit up or get out of ...... my bed.


A blaring sound began beside me, I tried to turn to investigate it but my body was screaming to stop, that brought in more tears. Shouts and barking filled my ears, I was beginning to panic. A flash memory of Stephen and I came to mind, with us at the mall. The dogs were with us. Where was he? Where was Vinny?
I began to hoarsely shout both their names but grew frustrated when it came out as a whisper. The thundering footsteps I heard, came through the sitting room and into the room I was trapped in. My eyes widen with the sight of four men all in black and heavily armed.

"Stephen? Where's Stephen? Where's Vinny?" My cheeks were wet with tears, my eyes were blurred and I was trying my best to inch farther away from them.

"Miss Lincoln. It's okay..." one began to say before a matronly woman and younger guy in green scrubs pushed him away. I eyed them all not knowing what the hell was going. My head was aching, my chest was hurting and I couldn't stop crying.

"Where am I? Where's Vinny? I want Vinny!Vinny!" I tried to yell. The woman came to my side, reaching out to me but I flinched away. I don't know who she was, nor do I trust her because of her medical garb. It can all be farce.

"Let him in," one of the men said.

"Miss Lincoln. We won't harm you. You're safe. Please keep calm," the woman said with a smile. I didn't return it, but flinched away from her reach even more, wincing in pain. The loud excited barking had me turning to the door, the men created a path and there was my Vinny. He rushed onto the bed, pushing me against the headboard to lick my face excitedly, I swallowed the cries of pain and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Why are we here? What happened?" I asked as loud as I can. Having Vinny with me calmed me instantly. If he was here and calm that means the people around me weren't bad, right?

"Nurse Eileen. Trevor. Please step out for a moment. She needs to see someone familiar," a deep no nonsense voice said cutting the tension in the room. I didn't remove my face from Vinny's neck who was now breathing calmly and staying as still as possible, keeping me calm himself. This wasn't the first time he calmed me. He always protected me.

The sound of people leaving and the closing of the door made the room quiet again. The machine wasn't blaring and I was able to finally process my thoughts.

"Ari? Ari? Baby girl it's me. It's Stephen."

My head shot up so quick at the sound of my best friend's voice,I gasped at the pain shooting through it. "Easy. You've been out of it a long time," he said but he didn't sound  like he was in the room with me. Looking to my right, was a mounted iPad on the bed next to me.

"Where are you? Where am I? What happened?" I asked holding my throat.

"Gio. Can you get her a glass of water with a wedge of lemon or orange? Let me talk to her," he replied. I glanced at the man standing a few feet away from my bed. Eyeing him more, he looked familiar. I knew this man. He smiled my way, gave me a quick bow and left the room.
"Okay. What's the last thing you remember?" Stephen asked shifting in his seat.

"Our evening at the bookstore," I answered.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "After we left the mall, we went to the jewelers. Around your neck is the necklace you bought, right after we chose the engagement ring for Gianni," he continued. Slowly, I reached up and felt a cool metal around my neck, tracing it and looking into the inset video, I saw the gold crescent moon and tourmaline jewel designed necklace, it was beautiful.

"What....what happened next?" I asked in a whisper.

He didn't answer for a while. I watched on as so many emotions played across his face. I've never seen Stephen so distressed.

"Stephen? What happened? Why am I hurting? Why am I at this place?" I begged.

"We were attacked. A gun man came in... shot me then.... then he shot you. We nearly lost you," he answered.

"Shot?" I asked in disbelief. I pushed my trembling hands to lift the silk top off my body to check my torso myself. There, I had the most pain so I deducted there I got shot. Looking down at my bare chest I saw the white sterile bandage an inch  down past my breast then another on the lower right of my torso. I saw my tears falling to my body before I slowly brought the covers to hide my chest.
I didn't understand. Why would I be a target? Why can't I remember being shot?

"Who.... was it Ricky?" I asked. His name came with fear remembering how delusional he became about our relationship.

"No. We have eyes on him. He was seen around your apartment and restaurant looking for you but you're safe. Ummm.... first off. You're in Gianni's childhood home. His brother. Raizon is now the master of the house," Stephen said with a bit of a nervousness.

"Raizon? Isn't he living in Paris or something?" I asked. The sadness in his eyes told me something was wrong.

"Just know all the people in that house are there to help you. If you need anything, ask for Gio. I will try to come visit you. They got me in the knee so I'm on therapy. If you feel you need to keep Vinny next to you then so be it. There's a lot to go over. Just try to stay calm. The nurse. Nurse Eileen will explain to you everything," he said.

"Stephen? What's wrong? What are you keeping from me? If this is G's house, where is he?" I cried. I hate feeling so weak physically and mentally because I can't remember a thing and I'm in a strange house. I can't move and I'm left to depend on these strangers. My best friends are no where around because I needed them now.

"Baby girl, please don't cry. When I come over, I will explain everything. It will all be fine. Trust me," he said. I took that time to look around the room and peeked in the sitting room. I recognized some of my stuff, my art, my rugs, practically my whole apartment.

"Stephen?" I swallowed a sob to ask him the next question .
"How long have I been here?"

He looked away from me, just as the guy, Gio returned to the room. I pulled the blanket tighter around me and Vinny tucked himself closer to my body.
The man slowly gave me a tall glass of water, steadying it as I drank a good bit. "Thank you," I said lowly, taking a quick look at him before turning back to Stephen.

"I'll be in the sitting room when you're ready, ma'am," he said leaving the room.


"You've been there for nearly three weeks but.... you've been in a coma for a month," he answered.
I was practically out of it for nearly two months, moved out of my house, in my best friend's house and no recollection how the hell I got into this situation. All I need now is the overdramatic background music to make all these events a freaking soap opera.

Distractedly, I began to stroke Vinny's head and look around my new room once more. It looked like my type of style.
"My restaurant. What about it? Is everything okay?"

"It's fine Ari. Raizon took over the paperwork. He owns a couple of restaurants all five star so he knows what he's doing. That I can guarantee," my friend replied.

My body sank in relief. Feeling a bit tired, gingerly I proceeded to put on my top and found a good spot on the bed. I was really tired and this Raizon seem to go all out for me and we've never met.

We both stayed quiet, simply keeping our gazes, he knew I wanted to sleep but was scared after knowing why I was here. I've never  been good at sleeping at stranger's house, I had to know the person a good while before deciding on a sleep over.
"Hey, guess what?" He said softly while leaning closer to the camera.

"What?" The word came out more like a whisper with my eyes getting heavier.

"He said yes," Stephen said. Though he tried to stay quiet the excitement couldn't be missed in his voice. I felt my lips formed into a grin and a bout of low laughter escaped me. I wish I can convey how happy I was even more.

"And I want you to be my best man," he continued.

"Of course and I will plan the wedding. Can I?"

The same sadness as before passed across his face then the smile returned to his face. "Who else will be better than our best friend?" He teased. I laughed but it was painful to do so. Vinny huffed beside me and nudged my arm a bit before resettling himself.
Taking one last look and yawned, I relaxed my body for sleep. "We love you, Baby girl," I heard him say. I know I smiled and whispered something but the sleep was too much.

Waking up once again was less stressful. I had an idea of where I was and what happened. My body still aches from the lack movement, worse yet my wounds. I can't believe I was shot. My head started to ache by trying to rack my brain by figuring out what happened after the mall. Everything stopped at the mall but why?
A knock sounded on my door, looking towards it I spotted the elderly nurse and the male nurse standing there with small smiles waiting for my permission.

"Ummm hello," I said aloud trying to sit up. They both rushed to my side with Vinny jumping off the bed and claiming a corner in the room. I frowned at his actions. I never taught him that.
"The men taught him to give you space while we doing checkups and therapy," the woman said. I think they called her Eileen.

"Oh. That's nice," I replied, eyeing them carefully as they propped me up with some pillows. In silence they removed the IV then the breathing tube before checking my bandages.
"Before I go any further, I'm a Registered Nurse my name is Eileen Ashford and this is my assistant, Trevor Carlson. Till your full recovery we will be here to assist you all the way. From getting back to your feet getting back to that wonderful restaurant you own. Outside in the sitting room, is your admitting doctor. Dr. Rakim will explain to you your admittance to St. Helen's and the extent of your injuries but first of all, let's remove that catheter," she said.

My eyes widen in embarrassment before shifting them to Trevor. He chuckled and respectfully bowed out. The procedure was quick but she told me everything that she was doing to reassure me.

"What time is it?"

"It's near 7pm. I will let Dr. Rakim in while I go get your dinner," she replied giving my hand a gentle pat before leaving. It wasn't long before an east-Indian woman came in with a bright smile and a messenger bag slung across her shoulders. Vinny gave her a soft bark from his corner, making the woman a bit nervous.

"Miss Lincoln. So happy to see you awake," she greeted and took a seat on the armchair beside my bed.

Why was it so close to my bed and the end table clear of decor?

"Hello doctor. I guess it's good to be awake. Does that sound morbid?" I asked.

"Not at all. I'm sure you're confused about the goings around you. Nurse Eileen told me of your disorientation and your panic attack. That is normal. You've been shot twice. It could have been fatal if you didn't move before being shot. One was lodged two inches away from your heart the other tore one of your kidneys. We had to remove one of your kidneys but you were such a fighter. You coded once on the table and once during recovery. With the removal of your kidney your diet will have to be extremely healthy. No extra salt on foods. No processed foods and that means bacon, sausages, any processed foods. Don't over indulge in food. Eat till you're full and no more. Each day I want you to take short walks, as days goes by make them longer. When you're tired, stop and listen to your body. Take the nap it's asking for. It may be a struggle but to help your body work on one kidney you need to follow this diet," she explained. I was handed an outpatient booklet on my situation.
My recovery will be long, there were precautions to be taken, over the counter medicines to avoid and the diet that I now have to adapt to. It was all overwhelming.
My whole life was changed and I didn't know how or why.

"I... I own a restaurant and also the chef. When can I go back to work?" I asked, the uncertainty coating my words.

"I'm sorry. Miss Lincoln but from the reports of your friends with your work load at the restaurant, I'm afraid you can't go back to that same momentum. Your heart went through a lot of distress and won't be able to be overworked also with one kidney lifting of heavy objects and stress on your torso will be a big no," she replied. I saw the sympathy on her face and I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks.
I always prided myself in being active in the restaurant and now I'm going to be stuck behind the desk and circling the dining room.

"I can cook right? Please tell me yes," I asked.

"You can but not behind the line. I have a sister who's a chef and I've witnessed how active behind the line is. You use all your muscles and quick movements, you get in the zone and lifting things that sometimes you don't realize how heavy it is. I saw her lift three large pots of cooked stew across the kitchen then having her complain of chest pains and back pains. Please don't take that chance, Miss Lincoln. Cooking is your passion I can see that maybe you can see where you can help along the way and still create great dishes." Dr Rakim was genuinely honest and I appreciated it a lot. My life has to do a full 180, I was worried of making it work.

"Thank you doctor. Ummm.... I'm having trouble remembering the shooting. Is that normal?"

"Actually yes. It's your mind blacking out the trauma to help your body heal. It's common in shooting victims and coma based patients. The memory may come back in a form of a dream but don't push yourself. I'm sure you will be told soon," she answered before getting to her feet.

I found myself gazing at the door thinking over everything she said.
"See you in two weeks," I heard her say then the closing of the door.
Moments later it reopened with Eileen and Trevor bearing my dinner. My stomach growled at the scent of whatever was under those two covered domes. Trevor placed napkin in my lap before a standing tray was place over it. "Thank you."
Eileen was next when she placed the silver tray on the stand and opened the domes. In stunning dinner dishes was a bowl of vegetable and steak stew and a fruit salad.
Trevor went to a little doggie bowl stand near Vinny and served him his meal adding a few pieces of raw steak from a container in his hand.

"Who is spoiling my dog?" I asked grinning at the sight.

"Everyone including Mr. Delacourde," Trevor commented before bidding me his good bye.

"Now you eat. Press this button when you're through so we can prepare you for the night," Eileen said giving me a black remote.

"Alright. Will do," I returned and slowly began to feed myself. It was a bit unsteady at first but gradually my muscles grasped the concept of holding the spoon. Who would of thought eating required so much muscle usage?
The food was delicious, it wasn't over spiced not bland but just right. Thoughts of cooking my own meal came to mind then the prospects of leaving this place.
I'm sure with me being awake and in the clear, I can return home now. To be living under the same roof as Gianni's brother will be majorly uncomfortable for me. I've never met the guy but he's having me stay in his house, with all my stuff.

Looking around for the thousandth time, I heaved a heavy sigh. "All of this to make me comfortable," I muttered to myself. Turning to Vinny, I saw how situated he really was. Besides the guys, he never took to any other male and now he's roaming this house like it's his own.

"Vinny? Is he nice?" I asked pushing away the tray from my body. He came bounding up to me and sat waiting. Probably sensed that I wanted to get out of bed. Slowly I was able to sit up right and have my legs dangle at the side of the bed. I wiggles my toes and stretched my legs to get some feeling in them.
"Once I'm back to my normal self then we'll go home," I said to him. Stephen said something of Ricky being seen around my apartment and business, that behavior after giving him a restraining order is concerning and frightening. Is that why Gianni had me move to his brother's? But, he wasn't the reason for the shooting, I was determined to find out.

Pressing the button for Eileen, I silently waited for her, patting Vinny's head and thinking of my life now.

The nurses entered my room through my planning, they quickly took away my empty dishes, gave me a non-drowsy pain killer and helped me stand up.
Walking was a bit tricky with my weak limbs but with their help I was doing it by myself , though small steps, I was walking once again.

Eileen presented me with a cane, she probably saw my confused expression then explained. It was actually to help me walk longer steps and when I grew tired I have something to lean on.
Trevor changed my sheets, Eileen got me fresh clothes and ran a shower for me.
With the bandages off I can see the surgical incisions and how fast I was healing. Naked as day, I was now in the beautiful bathroom suite, looking at my body in the full length mirror. I've lost a lot of weight, my face was drawn and my hair was filthy. Thank heavens, the nurse was African-American. She saw how I winced at the condition of my hair and offered to wash and treat it.
Spending forty minutes in the shower was heavenly. With their help, I felt fresh and like myself once again. They left me in the glamorous sitting room taking in a recorded show of Ghost Adventures. Miss a whole month of Zak and Aaron and I feel out of the loop.
It was late and I was watching Zak placing Aaron in a jail cell for his isolation session when someone knocked on my door.

"Jesus H. Christ!" I said startled by my the late visitor. Vinny began to bark excitedly and actually ran into the small ante-room. He knew this person.

"Come in!"

It felt like minutes before I heard the footsteps on the hardwood floor and the rushing of Vinny back to my side.
The person who was now standing in the door way wasn't the person I was expecting to see in this house. What was he doing here? I was speechless. I took in all of him, his beard was a bit fuller but not overpowering. His eyes were intensely focus on me and that pull  I initially felt back at the club was there once again. Lord please don't let this be a dream. A smile slowly formed on his lips, my heart began to race. Oh what a bad time to have heart failure.
His smile was beautiful. Imperfectly perfect with its crookedness. Brown hair naturally mussed making my fingers itch to run through it and his body..... God. To me he was my perfection.
Unsteadily I got to my feet, never taking my eyes off him. A panic look came across his face.
"Kitten. What are you doing? Stay there. I'm coming to you," he said rushing towards him. Wanting to be steadied, I grabbed onto his forearms just as he reached out to me.

"You," I breathed out, getting lost in his olive green eyes and scent of  body wash.

"We meet again," he said softly.

"Yeah. In a weird circumstance," I commented. I leaned into the palm of his hand he gently used to cup my cheek. This felt right. So right.

"I have Stephen and Michael coming by tomorrow. My brother is visiting our mother at the moment," he said.

My body tensed at the statement he just made. Awkwardly, I pulled out of his hold and actually looked at him. They didn't have major similarities but their angular facial features and somewhat similar eye color made him and Gianni pass as brothers.

"Raizon? You're Raizon? G's older brother?" I asked in disbelief while stepping away from him.

"Yes. Please don't step away," he replied. I can hear the panic in his voice but the confused expression on his face, caught my interest. Gianni once mentioned him of one not being in touch with his emotions. Was our interaction new to him?


Did the guys knew Raizon was the guy I wanted to meet? How long did they knew? What else were they keeping from me?
Fuck these tears. My emotions have been all over the place.

"Kitten? What's wrong? Are you in pain? I can call the nurse." His panicked questions brought out a more pronounced French accent.

"I'm fine. Just..... trying to get all of this in order. I can't even remember Stephen and I going to the jewelers or being shot," I muttered before going back to the sofa.
Raizon stood his ground and tucked his hands into the pockets of his lounge pants. Gone was his smile or the momentary panicked expression.

"Tomorrow, whatever questions you have will be answered. I assure you. Is everything well with you?"

The French accent was now covered, his words were more business like, what a drastic change in demeanor.

"Okay. Thank you. Yes. Everything is fine," I replied. He was acting like our moment didn't happen. I swallowed the lump in my throat remembering Michael's questions. Was his worry was just a common courtesy of staying in his house and his brother's friend? I wanted to ask him if he felt the connection, the pull I earlier felt but my brain just wanted rest.

Mindless tv will work. Now wasn't the time to focus on love. I have a business to run and a life  to focus on.

"Kitten. I..."

"Why do you call me that?" I asked softly before turning to him. Raizon looked like a toddler with his furrowed brows and confused expression. He was shifting uneasily on his feet avoiding my eyes. I think he was now out of his comfort zone.

"I'm afraid I must bid you good night Miss Lincoln. I'm pleased that you're awake and wish you a speedy recovery. Till tomorrow," that was his reply.  The formal use of my name made me flinch, I liked the pet name he gave me. I liked having him here with me.

"Good night, Mr. Delacourde," I returned.

So much for mutual attraction.

Maybe the boys can take me home tomorrow. After I get my questions answered though.

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