By soulfulstiles

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{DYLAN O'BRIEN} {SOCIAL MEDIA FIC} On-screen, Liv Mason and Dylan O'Brien have natural chemistry. Playing chi... More

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the end: your choice
christmas bonus:)
bonus: never have i ever
bonus: staying silent isn't an option
bonus: olivia and tyler take friendship test
bonus: dylan o'brien and olivia mason find out how well they know each other
bonus: lake trip
bonus: q&a and pb&j waffles
bonus: pb&j waffles cont'd
bonus: season six promo
bonus: vote
bonus: things that need to be said
bonus: last day of filming
bonus: outdoors
bonus: tw reunion
bonus: tw reunion part 2
i can't believe it
New Book
bonus: just dylia being cute :)
bonus: surprise!
bonus: the outfit premiere
bonus: teen wolf movie
bonus: teen wolf interview
bonus: the actual interview (young hollywood)
bonus: not okay premiere
vote on new cover
bonus: tw movie poster
bonus: trio photoshoot and interview for flaunt magazine
bonus: tw countdown :)
bonus: dylia in wonderland magazine
help me pick a new cover!

private message 8

16.9K 423 505
By soulfulstiles

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
private message
Dyl-Pickle {dylan}
T-Pose {tyler}

what're you up to, posey

hey honey, how was your day?
Really? That's great, my day was fine too.


man you have no respect for a proper convo
i mean would it kill you to ask how I'm feeling?
why do you always assume I'm 'up to' something

mostly because you almost always are
why'd you post that photo 

because I like it and I have a freedom to post what I want.
why? did it bother you

of course not.

you seem bothered


ur use of all caps tells me otherwise
and can you really blame me?
the feud between you two is driving me insane
And the rest of the cast


we just want you guys to be friends
why didn't you let olive apologize ??


well u need to figure it out
you need to talk to her.

you think she'll let me?
I've been the jerk she always thought I was

Change her mind.
I know you Dylan. And it's time Olivia gets to know the real you too.

thanks tyler

anytime buddy 👍🏻😉

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
private message
stiles🚙💡 {dylan}
Olivia {olivia}


I'm sorry, you're talking to me? Since when.

Okay, i deserve that.
But I really want to talk to you

About what?

About everything. Me being a jerk, our feud that's been going on...I want to get to know you
And I realize that sounds like I'm trying to ask you out
That's not what I meant
I mean to get to know who you really are
Like a friend
You know?
God I just made things worse, didn't I?



Shut up.

duly noted

so you're being for real?
you actually want to talk

I do


Are you busy now?

I'm with my sister, but I'm free later after she leaves back for Vancouver

she's playing that girl on the flash, right?

So tonight? Is that ok

that's perfect. There's a coffee shop called Delights & Things on 3rd ?

I love that place!!

really? I do too

Really!? That's weird we've never run into one another

have you ever had their strawberry smoothies? They're to die for 😫

Ooo, I love their mango ones!!

then it's settled, we're definitely meeting there. Around seven?

Seven it is

Okay, see you then Livie

And See you

Olivia has been officially changed to livie 🙈💜

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

There are two times in Olivia's life where she felt true nerves. The first was her audition for the Disney Channel, since she was young and terrified of the spotlight. The second was when she decided to move to L.A. It was scary and terrifying all the way up to the moment she stepped onto the plane, but the second it landed she felt nothing but excitement.

She felt jitters now, her anxiety causing her knee to bounce. Her fingers picked at a loose thread on her jeans and her eyes kept darting between her phone and the front door.

Dylan was supposed to meet her five minutes ago. Surely, he wouldn't stand her up.

She didn't know why she was freaking out; it wasn't a date or an audition. It was simply a conversation with a co-worker.

So why did every second that passed without him hurt?

Olivia kept her gaze on her smoothie, realizing he most likely wasn't going to show.

And then the bell to the small coffee shop rang, signaling someone's appearance.

Hopefully, Olivia looked up, expecting to see Dylan's face. But all that greeted her was an elderly couple walking inside hand-in-hand. She smiled at them as they passed, but inside she was upset.

Where was Dylan?

The bell chimed again but this time Olivia didn't bother looking up. It probably wasn't him anyways.

"I am so, so sorry," she first heard his voice pour out genuinely, and that's when she raised her head.

Dylan stood across from where he sat, shrugging off his jacket and already rambling from the guilt he was experiencing. "I was on the phone with my sister, Julia, and I lost track of time. I tried to get here as soon as I could-"

"You're fine, Dylan," Olivia gave him a small smile of reassurance. "It's only been like seven minutes."

"Yeah, but that's seven minutes I could've been talking to you," Dylan expressed with a shrug of his shoulders.

He didn't notice her cheeks flush from his words, Olivia hiding her blush in the sleeve of her shirt. His eyes had fallen to the table, where there were two drinks.

He pointed to one of them, fighting back a smile. "Is that for me?"

Olivia shyly nodded, casting her glance towards the table so she didn't have to see his smirk. "Yeah, you said you liked their strawberry smoothies so...I bought you one."

"That was incredibly sweet of you, thanks," he smiled, finally taking a seat across from her.

"Actually," Olivia stopped him before he got too comfortable. "Do you mind if we talk somewhere else? It's just, I don't know-"

Dylan didn't make her explain why. If she was uncomfortable in the coffee shop, then he'd gladly take her somewhere else. "There's a park down the road?" He suggested. "We can walk down there and talk."

Olivia nodded, blowing a small laugh through her lips. "I'd like that very much."

It was quiet at first, just the sounds of cars flying by and the city filling the air. Olivia focused on the ground, taking one step at a time with her hands tightly grasping her smoothie. Dylan stole glances as they walked, biting on his lip as he thought how to start the conversation.

Then he had an idea.

"You know, I saw Tyler's post today," he started first, her head raising from hearing him speak. He looked forward but he was smiling at the nostalgia he felt when he saw the photo. "It's funny because I remember that day perfectly. You were dead set on convincing me the best Disney movie was Beauty and the Beast. I didn't tell you that it was one of my favorites because I was amused by how frustrated you got. Your nose scrunched up and you had this little crinkle between your eyebrows that you always get when you're mad. And then Tyler fell, literally over nothing, and you started laughing so hard I thought you were going to fall. And you almost did, until I caught you. I remember wondering in that moment why I had decided to always make you angry with me, because seeing you happy was so much better."

Olivia was completely entranced by his words; she felt a warmth in her heart and she just wanted him to keep talking. So she didn't say anything. She listened.

"And the truth is, Livie, I was forcing myself to hate you because I was jealous," Dylan revealed through his fear, gulping nervously. "I was jealous that you were in a relationship with someone who made you happy...and that that someone wasn't me."

He noticed how her movements paused, leading him to quickly continue. "Before you freak out, no I do not have a crush on you anymore. I promise. But I did back then and I took my frustration of not being able to be with you out on you, and that just wasn't fair. You never did anything wrong to me and I treated you like dirt, and for that I am so sorry."

"But I did do something wrong to you," Olivia replied quietly, stopping in front of a bench. He looked towards her curiously and she nudged her head towards the bench, asking him to sit. Olivia placed her smoothie on the ground and turned towards him, her hands in her lap.

There were kids playing on the playground to their right, embracing the sunshine before it started to set.

Olivia gathered her thoughts, Dylan waiting patiently. Though he was extremely eager to hear her.

"I never gave you a chance," she eventually stated, not finding a better way to say it. "The first day we met I remember looking forward to coming to work because I'd get to work with two incredible people: you and Tyler. I mean, we just clicked so well at the chemistry read. But on the first day, I remember you being kind of cold, and I was surprised. I didn't remember insulting you in any way, but I'm sorry I never let you explain. I just accepted the behavior and learned to just snap back. And then you tried to be nice, but I was so used to the cold, you know?"

"I'm not trying to back myself up for pranking you, because I was completely out of line. You being nice was strange and different, but I liked it," she confessed, the words tumbling from her mouth. "I liked it a lot. I just didn't know how to handle it. But I want you to know I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I pranked you and made you upset, for making a judgment before even getting to truly know you, for kissing you without permission...everything."

"You know, Tyler said he thinks we would be good friends," Dylan replied, looking at her with smile growing at the corner of his mouth. "Since we both apologized, do you think we could give it a shot?"

He held out his hand to her, even though he felt his heart rate starting to escalate as Olivia looked back at him.

And then she smiled.

He swore that's when their journey began. Seeing her face light up and her blue eyes twinkle as she shook his hand firmly with her own.

"I'd like that very much, Dylan," was her reply.

"Then I am happy to announce I am glad I am your friend, Livie," he declared and tilted his head in curiosity at the way her nose crinkled. "What?"

"Why do you call me Livie?" She wondered out loud, the thought having been on her mind since she first heard it. Everyone always called her Olivia or Liv, except for Tyler who nicknamed her Olive. "You're the only one who does."

"I think it suits you better," Dylan shared with a small shrug. "Olivia is too formal, I mean, only the older people call you by it and I know you don't like it as much as you say you do."

"Why not Liv?"

"Everyone calls you Liv. At first I called you Livie to annoy you," he told her.

Olivia let out a chuckle, rolling her blue eyes. "Of course you did."

"But then," he continued on to defend himself, "it grew on me. To me, you're not the Liv Mason or Olivia. You're just Livie, and it suits you. Just like I think we suit one another."

Olivia couldn't hide her smile. It was way too wide to be contained and Dylan knew from the second he saw it, he was in too deep. This girl was messing with his heart and she didn't even know it.

Hours flew by without the two taking notice, the time spent simply talking and getting to know each other. They stayed up for hours.

After all, Tyler had been right; they had a lot in common. The Mets were their all-time favorite baseball team, and they had an intense love for smoothies (though different flavors) and movies. Dylan adored how much she loved Spider-Man, the web-slinger being his favorite hero, and both of them admitted to loving all Disney films, though she still claimed Beauty and the Beast was the best of all time.

They shared how they got into acting, moving from the bench to a set of swings.

Neither of them would forget that day, the day they truly connected. Dylan would always remember her squeals of laughter as he pushed her towards the sky and Olivia knew she couldn't forget the sight of him attempting to jump off the swing in mid-air.

That night was the start of something special. It was the start of Dylan and Livie.

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