The Dark Prince

By gabbyh27

21.7K 1.2K 456

This is the sequel to The Lost Princess. Do not read this description if you have not read the first book... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter!!
The third book is posted!!

Chapter Three

776 48 20
By gabbyh27

Chapter Three
I have no idea how Amilia got his phone number, or why, but I don't care. It's her. It's really her.

"Amilia," I breathed.

"Oh Freya," she sighed. Then her eyes widened and she shook her head. "There's no time for catch up right now. I need to know how Cameron is."

My heart sunk as the selfish part of me wished she was calling for me. The rational part knew why she was calling for Cameron. The last time she saw him, he was dying.

I guess I was taking too long to answer, because Amilia was screaming my name again. As she did, she began to absentmindedly scratch her arm.

"He's alive. He's not healing, though. They think the vampires poisoned him somehow," I began, but stopped at the sight of Amilia.

Her face went so ashen, her eyes so wide. She looks like she's about to puke. In fact, she looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep in days.

"But we are super close to a cure for that poison, so don't worry about it," I lied, realizing she doesn't need to worry more than she already is.

I saw her sigh in relief, but the worry not leave. I wonder if she can see through my lie. I decided to change the subject.

"How did you get this number? How did you even get a phone?"

Amilia laughed nervously. "You actually left yours here. I went to the human world to get a charg-"

"You what," I screamed. Is she kidding?

Amilia shook her head. "I was fine. Anyways, I got a charger and now here we are."

"Amilia, that's insane. Why would you do that," I exclaimed.

This is so unlike her. I knew she had real feelings for Cameron but this is on a whole other level. This is almost at the brink of insanity.

She shrugged. "I had to know that he was okay."

Rowan took the phone from me then, his eyebrows furrowed. "Amilia, can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"I need you to pull up the records of Cameron and send them to me. His health history and things like that. It will help us immensely."

I practically heard the wistfulness as she responded. "Of course."

She's happy to be able to help. Before I could even say goodbye she was hanging up, going to go get those records. I shook my head slowly. She has lost her mind.

Rowan slowly put the phone in his pocket before turning to me. "I don't want you to freak out, but do you know if Amilia might be part demon?"

I startled. "What?"

Rowan sat down, motioning for me to do the same. "Who are her parents?"

"Um, her mom is my moms sister. Christina Strong. Her dad is Jamie Strong. I don't really know much about them," I admitted, not sure where he was going with this.

Rowan tilted his head, his eyes widening slightly. "Why do I know that name? The Strongs?"

I shrugged. What does he think? That Amilia's father is somehow a demon and hiding it from everyone? I don't think so.

Then it seemed to hit him, whatever he thought the Strongs were. His eyes widened. "Freya, I think Amilia is half demon. And I think Cameron is her mate."

I laughed. He can't be serious. I looked at him then. His eyebrows are furrowed, his eyes a little wide. Oh god, he's serious. Before I could even blink, he was gone from the room. Is he just going to leave me here? Maybe he's losing his mind too. There's got to be some bug going around because this is too much.

Then, he was back. In his hand was an old newspaper clipping. He sat back down and wordlessly handed me the clipping.

I sighed and decided to humor him. I glanced down and noticed a black and white photo of a man. It's hard to see, so there's no way to really depict any of his significant features. Then, the heading.

Man Hung for Raping someone's Wife

My eyebrows rose. "Why are you showing me this?"

"It's the demon news. Just keep reading."

Demon news? I decided to wait to ask questions until I finished reading.

Braydon Simmons was taken in front of the council for allegedly raping a fae women.

I skimmed through the technicalities of the council meeting, waiting for whatever Rowan was hoping I'd catch. And then I saw it.

The woman's husband, Jamie Strong, claims to have seen the incident happen. The wife declined to comment while Simmons swears it was consensual.

The women he raped was Amilia's mother. I looked up at Rowan, my eyes wide. "Could she have gotten pregnant from this rape?"

Rowan raised his eyebrows and sighed, like I was an idiot.

"Why didn't I hear about this before?"

"They tried to keep it as contained as possible. I doubt anyone except the queen even knows in the fae realm. It's not like they have news like we do," Rowan shrugged.

Holy shit. Amilia is part demon. And Cameron is her mate.

"Is that why Cameron isn't healing," I asked, hope starting to bloom.

"I think that's a big part of it," Rowan nodded.

"So, what does that mean?"

Rowan sighed. "I guess we will have to arrange for Amilia to come here. I'm sure my people will love another fae on our soil."

My heart skipped a beat at that. Amilia? Here? A huge smile took over my features. I already miss her so much. Things would be so much better here with her around.

Then my smile slowly started to drop. Amilia? Here? She wouldn't last a day. She's too sweet and innocent and fragile. There's no way she'd survive here. But neither will Cameron if she doesn't come.

"I'll make the arrangements," Rowan informed me. I nodded absentmindedly.

There was a knock on the door, and a man walked in. My heart dropped at the sight of him. 

"The king would like to see her royal highness," Sebastian informed Rowan, sneering at my title.

Looking at Sebastian next to Rowan, the resemblance is clear. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. They have similar builds and coloring. The only difference really is that Rowan got his eyes from his mother, and Sebastian is a bit taller.

Rowan's entire demeanor went cold the instant Sebastian walked into the room. He leaned against his chair, every ounce of him a predator. "We'll be on our way in a second."

Sebastian shook his head, a feral smile taking over his features. "No. He wants me to escort her. He said you have other things to do."

I saw Rowan tense a bit, but he played it cool with a shrug. He motioned toward me before replying, "By all means."

Sebastian's feral grin turned to me. I gulped, and my hands started to get clammy. Who knows what this psychopath will do to me on the way to the king? Who knows how far a walk that is, or what he is capable of in that time?

Relax, Rowan murmured in my head. I won't be far behind.

I started to nod before realizing that I should not even be afraid of Sebastian. The last time I met him, I was a scared little girl who had no control over her powers. That is not the case anymore.

Thanks. But I think I can handle him.

Rowan grinned. That's my girl.

I stood up, keeping my back straight and my arms crossed over my chest. "Are we going to go or," I trailed off, keeping my tone bored.

Sebastian raised his eyebrows, but took it in stride. "After you."

I shrugged and shouldered past him. He hissed, but followed. Once we were in the hallway I paused, waiting for him to lead the way. He did, eyeing me as he did so. He's probably trying to read me, to see who I am now. To see what I'm capable of.

I let a small smirk coat my features as we walked. Let him fear me. He should.

He stopped, and I barely managed to refrain myself from slamming into his back. "What the hell?"

Sebastian turned to me, and I tried to not let my heart drop. There's a glint in his eyes that I don't like. "What are you going to do now that your little prince isn't here to save you?"

"Which one," I questioned, before realizing how that might sound. A blush started to coat my cheeks.

Sebastian laughed aloud, shaking his head slightly at my answer. "Whichever one suits you, I suppose. Of course a girl like you would have a variety."

I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Sebastian chose not to answer. Instead, he took a large step closer to me. I stayed rooted to my spot, not giving him any kind of satisfaction of getting to me. This seemed to only amuse him more, as he took one more step so that he was perfectly in front of me.

"Little Freya," he murmured, bringing his lips close so that he could whisper in my ear. "So naive. You think you're so high and mighty because you survived the fae realm. You are in for a rude awakening."

I shoved him away, giving myself some room to breathe. "Trust me, Sebastian. You're the one in for a rude awakening. Underestimation is the highest cause of death in war."

"Who said this was a war," Sebastian murmured, running a hand through my hair.

Instead of batting it away with my hand, I used my mind to fling it off of me, making it swing on impact. Then I stepped closer to him, as if to tell him a secret. I brought my lips to his ear like he did to me. "Me."

With that, I pulled away and started walking in the direction he stopped walking in. Sebastian stood there for a few moments before quickly catching up to me, leading me the rest of the way in silence.

I couldn't help but feel triumphant. The last time I saw Sebastian, I was a frightened little girl that needed a man to save her. Now, I have a feeling men will need me to save them. It's a good feeling.

We came upon the double doors to the throne room pretty quickly after that. Sebastian knocked on the door twice before they swung open. Only then did I remember to be nervous. The last time I saw the king, he used his mind to make me kneel. It wasn't fun. And that was before I had any interaction with this realm. It was my warning.

I took a deep breath and followed Sebastian into the room. The king sat on his throne, in the exact position he was in the last time I saw him. His hair was down this time, hanging all the way to his waist. It made him more intimidating.

"You may go," his voice boomed.

I was confused at first, thinking he was talking to me. Then I realized there was a young woman standing in front of his throne. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant ponytail, her clothes a tailored suit. She nodded and bowed low before making her way out of the room.

I smiled in her direction as she left, but she avoided my eye. I wonder why she was in here. The king turned to Sebastian then. "You may go too."

Sebastian nodded his head and bowed as low as the girl before leaving as quickly as she did. Once the doors were closed tight behind him, I was left alone with the king. "Hello, Freya."

His voice sent shivers down my spine. I could feel the power radiating off of him in waves. He does nothing to hide just how easily he could crush you. I straightened my shoulders and kept my chin up, refusing to bow down to this man.

"Hello, father."

I tried not to cringe at the prospect of calling this man my father. I don't know how else to address him. I am only now realizing that I never actually addressed my mother. I never called her mother. I felt a pang then, wondering if I would ever get the chance to call her my mother. If I would even see her again.

"You are just as headstrong as I remember."

What does he expect me to say to that? My mother taught me to never respond with actions, so I have to think of some kind of reply. "You act like the last time I saw you was so long ago."

The king shrugged. "For a place like this, any amount of time is a long time. I expected a whole other women to walk through these doors. You haven't really changed much."

I can't decide if that's a compliment or not. I'm going to take it as one. That means I did not fall into the prissy ways of the fae. In my eyes, that is a good thing. "Did you expect a complacent daughter to replace the headstrong one?"

"I hoped not," the king laughed. "What would be the fun in that?"

This man makes no sense to me. He wants me to bow down and be submissive to his every rule, but he also doesn't want me to be that kind of person? I can't wrap my brain around the thoughts that go through this mans head. A part of me is glad that I can't read his thoughts. I don't think I would like what I saw.

Before I could respond to his statement, he moved on. "How are you liking it here?"

"It's," I trailed off. "Dark."

The king laughed. "That it is."

I shifted on my feet, not sure of what he expected from me. In the fae realm, I had a schedule. I had to do all of these things every single day. I barely had any free time. As much as I hated not having the free time, at least I knew what I was doing every day. Here, the time is daunting. I don't know what I'm going to do.

"A little birdie told me that you and my prince have been getting pretty cozy."

"Your prince," I questioned, though I knew who he meant.

He ignored me and went on, "I would advise you to put those rumors to rest. They will do your reputation no good."

Saxon's ring seemed to heat up against it's spot resting against my breast, as if reaching for the king. I tried not to shift at the uncomfortable feeling of it. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The king grinned. In a flash, my ring was sitting face up in his hands. I let out a small gasp at the sight, reaching up in the place it once was as if I would find it there. "How did you-"

"You should know, I know everything. Keeping secrets from me is impossible. And don't trust anyone, I have spies everywhere."

I gritted my teeth, before willing the ring to go back in its place. The king didn't make a move to stop me. His goal was already achieved. "Why do you care?"

The king shrugged. "Your engagement to Saxon means a few things. The biggest and most important, is that any kind of sexual relation with Rowan will break that engagement. And I have a feeling that is the last thing you want."

My blush returned. I opened my mouth, and then closed it tight. What does he expect me to say? There is nothing going on between Rowan and I. My body is attracted to him, sure, but it's not like that. It has never been like that.

The king laughed at my discomfort. "Don't worry, child. Your indecencies are safe with me."

My blush only worsened at his choice of words. I urged it away, knowing that's the reaction he was looking to get out of me. "Is that all?"

The king's eyes lit up, clearly amused. However, he nodded. "You may go."

I nodded my head in confirmation and in formality, before turning around to leave the room.

"You are so much like your mother."

He said it in a whimsical way, as if reminiscing of an old time. I didn't acknowledge him, but a part of me felt a pang. I forgot that he is hurting just as much, if not more, than she is. Being away from your mate is a horrible thing.

That thought made me think of Amilia and Cameron. This whole time, they have been mates. Everything makes so much more sense now. Amilia must know what she is. Must have been pushing Cameron away because she thought she was protecting him. My heart hurt for her. She has been carrying this dark secret for so long.

Why didn't she tell me, though? I guess telling the daughter of the women who would get you killed for your lineage wouldn't be the best idea. But if anyone could understand or even help her, it would be me. Maybe my time in the fae realm would have been easier if I knew I wasn't the only one who didn't truly belong.

I get why she didn't, though. I can't wait until she is here, so that I can tell her that I know. I can be there for her, and help her realize that pushing Cameron away is only doing more harm than good. I'm sure no one taught her how mates work. Who could have? She has grown up in a world where the mere thought of her being a demon could get her killed.

I continued walking out of the throne room, trying to piece together some kind of plan to get Amilia here. There has to be a good enough reason that doesn't out her for her true lineage. I'm sure Rowan has a plan.

I walked out and closed the doors behind me, expecting Rowan to be waiting for me outside of the door. Instead, Aiden stood there. I startled at the sight of him. I haven't seen him since the last time I was here. He was my bunkmate. A part of me figured he was probably hurt for his crimes, whatever they were.

"Nice to see you again, Freya," he informed me sincerely.

"You too," I answered honestly. "What ended up happening to you."

Adrian tensed a bit, before shrugging. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with. How bad was the fae realm?"

I shrugged and grinned. "Not your concern."

"Glad the fae realm didn't completely destroy your spirit."

I raised my eyebrows. That's the second person to tell me that within minutes. How bad do they think the fae realm is?

"Anyways, I'm here to escort you to your room."

I nodded and followed him up a flight of stairs and into the hall where my room lay. As we passed Rowan's room, I heard a distinctly female giggle. My ears perked at the sound, and my footsteps slowed a bit.

"You look tired. Let me distract you for a bit," The girl murmured, before the distinct sound of a bed creaking could be heard. Rowan's chocolatey laugh as an answer almost made me puke.

I quickened my footsteps, deciding I had heard enough. I tried to ignore the acid in my stomach at the thought of him getting cozy with other girls. Images started popping into my head of him caressing her cheek, and kissing her deeply. I started to feel dizzy at the thought.

I don't know why the thought of Rowan getting it on with another girl bothers me so much. Maybe because he comforted me when I was sad. Shit like that always gets girls attached.

I stumbled, and Aiden caught my arm to steady me. "Woah, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I laughed, cringing at the high tone my voice had taken. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Seriously."

I shook his arm off and gave him a large, hopefully convincing smile. Aiden gave me a weird look but decided to drop it. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

I shrugged. Aiden grinned and threw an arm over my shoulder. "Well then, I'm taking you to a party tomorrow night. It's about time someone introduces you to what the Daemonium kingdom is all about."

I grinned and nodded. My heart skipped a beat in excitement. I'm finally going to do something. Going to be able to be introduced to the demon people, introduced to their way of life. I have a feeling that it's going to be really fun.

*Hey guys!

So, what do you think so far? Is the sequel off to a good start?

Thank you guys so much for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment!

-Xoxo, Gab :) *

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