Humanity 2 "The Betrayal"

By Fiveboyfriends

126K 3K 556

"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together." ~Desmond Tutu SEQUAL TO~HUMANITY 1 "TH... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 10

5.5K 143 22
By Fiveboyfriends

I wake up and find myself lying on the ground of the Salvatore’s living room. I’m surprisingly comfortable and I lift my head up to realize that it’s because I’m not actually on the ground. My head is resting on Damon’s toned chest as it rises and falls in his sleep.

His arm is wrapped securely around my waist and I pull the blanket up to my neck, nuzzling closer to him. I smile when I think back to last night. Neither of us held back and it was amazing. Things are definitely going to change. This wasn’t like the drunken kiss we shared months ago. This wasn’t like the confession night in my bedroom recently. This was so much more and I’m so happy it happened.

I snap back to reality when I feel movement underneath me.

“Hmm…good morning.” Damon’s voice growls as he sits up, leaning back on his elbows.

I roll over to face him and he gives me a lazy smile.

He rubs his eyes before speaking again. “Hey, listen, Stefan texted me last night. I gotta go with him to do something real quick. We’ll be back at Elena’s when we’re done.” He says and I realize that whatever he’s doing with Stefan is vampire related but I’d rather not tag along on this one.

“Okay.” I smile and he leans down to kiss me.

“Last night was amazing.” He whispers with a wink and I blush.

He stands up, pulling the blanket with him. I gasp when it leaves my body and I yank him back down. I’d rather not be left completely naked on his living room floor.

“Sorry.” He smiles as he waits for me to stand up with him. He tosses me another blanket before wrapping his around him and exiting the room.

I let out a sigh of relief as a huge smile spreads across my face.


Yesterday was crap, but I wouldn’t have traded it’s ending for anything. All this time spent watching my brother fight for love…do everything for love, while I kept messing up. I finally did something right. I got the girl. Now I just hope I don’t screw that up.

The only downside to yesterday…well, aside from being attacked at a coffee shop…Elena apparently spent the whole day with Katherine. Katherine explained that she turned herself into a vampire to avoid being a part of the sacrifice for the curse.

She also said that the ritual requires the sacrifice of the doppleganger, a vampire, and a werewolf, along with a witch to do the spell. That’s why Katherine turned Caroline and triggered Tyler’s werewolf curse. It’s also why she never did anything to Bonnie.

The little bitch also told Elena that Klaus got his revenge by killing everyone Katherine cared about, which sent Elena into a panic.

I walk with Stefan down to the tomb and we stop in front of the door, looking at each other.

“Let’s do it.” I say as he and I walk over, grabbing the stone door. “1, 2, 3.” I count and we pull the door away from the tomb entrance.


I stand behind Stefan as he knocks on Elena’s front door. She pulls the door open and I smile when I see Ashley standing behind her.

“Hey. Uh, can we talk?” Stefan asks Elena.

“Why?” She asks.

“We went to see Katherine.” I speak up and she nods in understanding.

“Come on in.” She opens the door wider and we both walk inside.


After we open the door, we walk up to the entrance, leaning on either side of the opening. I watch as Katherine comes around the corner. She looks like hell.

“Please…come on in. There’s plenty of room for all of us.” She jokes weakly.

“I’d rather poke my eyes out.” I scoff as she gets closer.

“They’re such pretty eyes.” She coos and I shake my head at her.

“We’re here for the moonstone.” Stefan speaks up.

“Feel like tossing it over?” I ask.

“Tell you what, you get your little witch to hocus pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want.” She says. Exactly what we expected.

“I thought you liked it in here. Nice and safe where Klaus can’t get to you.” Stefan comments.

“I’ve had time to reconsider.”

“Meaning you’re hungry.” I conclude.

“I’m starving, Damon. And dirty. But above all, I’m bored.” She gets closer, keeping a tight grip on the walls around her. “At least running from Klaus wasn’t boring. So, here’s the deal. You get me out of here, you get the moonstone and I’ll disappear from Mystic Falls forever.”

I exchange a look with Stefan as Katherine starts backing away. “Let me know what you decide.” She says, holding up the moonstone and disappearing into the dark.


“You don’t believer her, do you?” Ashley asks me as the four of us sit around Elena’s island.

“No, of course not. We just want the moonstone.” I tell her.

“According to Rose’s friend, Slater, there’s a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break.” Stefan explains to Elena.

“No spell, no doppleganger sacrifice. Ergo, Elena lives.” I say.

“How do you destroy it?” Elena asks quietly.

“By releasing it from the moonstone.” Stefan tells her and I watch as Ashley thinks about all of this.

“How do you guys even know this is gonna work?” Elena asks.

“Cause we have a crafty witch on our side.” I smirk.

“You discussed this with Bonnie?” Elena accuses and I look at Stefan for this one.

“She agreed to do anything she could to help us.”

“Okay, but guys.” I hear Ashley chime in and I turn to her. “It’s Katherine who has the moonstone. She’s not gonna give it to you.”

“We’re gonna get it from her.” Stefan says confidently.

“Well, what he means to say is, we will pry it from her cold, dead hands if we have to.” I clarify.

“Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone, and get out in time for her to return it.” Stefan explains.

“Wow. I mean, it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out.” Elena says and I nod with a smile. “Except for one thing. I don’t want you to do it.” My smile falls.

“What are you talking about? Elena, we don’t have a choice.” Stefan says, getting upset.

“What about Klaus?” She asks.

“We’ll find him right after we get the moonstone.” My brother assures her.

“Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about, including the three of you.” She states pointing at each of us.

“Elena, if we can de-spell the moonstone, we can save your life.” Stefan tries to reason with her.

“I know. Everybody keeps saying that.” She says, getting up and leaving the room. Stefan and I exchange a look as Ashley looks deep in thought. I really wish I could know what she’s thinking.


I lie and tell the guys that I’m going to school but really, I need to help Elena. Stefan and Damon have a good plan, but Elena’s right. Klaus killed Katherine’s entire family because she turned herself into a vampire to avoid being used for the sacrifice.

I pull up at the boarding house and walk inside to find Rose sitting on the couch.

“Stefan and Damon are out.” She calls to me before I even approach her.

“Actually, I came to talk to you.” I tell her and she turns around to face me. “I want to talk to Slater.” I tell her and she shakes her head.

“It’s a bad idea.”

“No, it’s not. Slater obviously has more information on Klaus. We just didn’t get it all.”

“Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it.” She reminds me and I take a deep breath before walking closer to her.

“There’s more to learn. We just have to find a way to learn it.”

“Why are you coming to me with this?” She asks.

“Because Stefan and Damon would never let me do this. They’re willing to risk everything, Elena isn’t, and I want to help her.”

“They’re just trying to protect you and Elena.” Rose tries to reason with me.

“And you have no reason to care whether I’m protected or not. So we’re back to you taking me to Slater.” I say, sitting on the couch next to her.

“What exactly do you hope to achieve by this?”

“How would you like to be able to walk during the day?” I bribe her and her face lights up.

“I’ve been a slave to shadows for 500 years, what do you think?”

“I think I know a witch who’s willing to do whatever it takes to help…if you’re willing to make a deal.”


We arrive at an apartment, again parking underneath it to avoid the sun. I follow Rose up the steps and she stops in front of a door. She knocks a couple of times, calling his name. No one answers.

“He’s not home. Sorry.” She tries to walk away but I stand in her path.

“No. We didn’t come all the way out here for nothing.”

She sighs heavily and turns to the door, pushing it open with her strength. I peer inside and Rose stands back, letting me go in first. I look around the apartment with Rose behind me, calling Slater’s name.

“I don’t think he’s gonna be much help.” I hear Rose say and I turn around to see Rose looking into the kitchen. 

I gasp when I see him lying dead on the floor with a stake in his heart. Rose gently pulls his body out of the way while I try to calm myself down. I walk over to a desk with a bunch of computers and papers.

This guy is…was loaded with information.

“Looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop found him and killed him for his information.” I conclude and Rose walks into the room.

“Yeah, probably to stop him from helping people like us. The guy was a vampire almanac. Knowing too much just bit him in the ass.”

I continue looking through the papers as Rose walks over and open the curtains. I’m about to say something about the sun when I realize they must be special windows.

“I used to come here and watch the day.” She says sadly. “Any luck?” She asks me as I try to get into his computer.

“Um…it’s password protected. I can’t get in.” I say as we hear a doorknob rattling in another room.

“Stay here.” Rose commands as she walks over to another set of doors. She pulls them open to reveal a girl hiding in the corner. “Alice?” She questions.

“Rose!” The girl exclaims and begins crying as she rushes into Rose’s arms. “He’s dead.” She cries.


“She found him a few minutes before we did.” Rose explains to me about Alice.

“How is she?” I ask as Alice waits for us in the other room. I pour a glass of tea for her.

“Overreacting big time.”

“Her boyfriend just died. There’s no such thing as overreacting.” I say to Rose.

“Those tears are for her. She didn’t care about Slater. She was only dating him long enough to see if he’d turn her.” Rose explains as I pick up the cup and walk into the other room.

I hand her the glass and she smiles at me. “Thank you.” She whispers. “You look really familiar. Did you know Slater?” She asks and I frown.

“I met him once. I know that he kept detailed records of all of his vampire contacts and I was hoping that he could point me towards Klaus.”

“Doubtful. Klaus doesn’t want to be pointed at.” She says.

“Do you know Slater’s computer password?” I ask and she scoffs.

“Are you seriously asking me that right now? I just saw my boyfriend with a stake through his heart.”

“I understand that. Do you know his password?” I ask again and she rolls her eyes.

“Who do you think you are?” Alice asks, sipping her tea. My eyes trail over to Rose who is sitting on the couch.

“What if I could convince Rose to turn you?” I suggest and Rose’s neck snaps up at me. “Will you show us his files then?”


It took Alice a few minutes but she was able to get into Slater’s computer. Unfortunately, all of his files had been deleted.

“Someone’s been here. The hard drive’s completely wiped out.” Alice tells us.

“Yeah, probably whoever killed him.” Rose scoffs and I sigh in frustration.

“Lucky for you, Slater was paranoid. Everything’s backed up on a remote server.” Alice speaks as Rose turns to me, lowering her voice.

“You know that she’s not going anywhere near my blood, right?” She asks and I smile.

“I know that. She doesn’t.”

Rose smiles at me as I walk back over to Alice and look over her shoulder at the computer screen.

“These are all leads to vampires?” I ask her and she nods, scrolling through.

“Slater was obsessed. Almost as much as me.”

“What about that one?” Rose says from behind me. “Cody Webber. They exchanged dozens of emails about Elijah.”

“I could call him.” Alice suggests and I hand her my cell phone.

“Tell him that we’re trying to send a message to Klaus.” I tell Alice. “The doppleganger is alive and she’s ready to surrender.”

“What?!” Rose asks in a panic.

I was lying the whole time. It wasn’t just about getting more information on Klaus. It’s what Elena wants. Stefan wouldn’t let her out of his sight and she texted me earlier asking if I could do this for her. I know that Damon and Stefan won’t let anything happen to her and they’re also going to be pissed at me, but Elena is not willing to risk everything to stop Klaus. 

“Get the message please.” I say to Alice, avoiding Rose’s gaze.

I quickly walk out of the room, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. Is this the right thing to do? If I were in Elena’s spot, this is what I would do. But am I doing the right thing by turning her in. I know that it’s what she wants and there is no other way, but am I really going to be able to hand my best friend over?

“What are you doing?” Rose asks me, walking into the kitchen.

“I’m getting Klaus’ attention for Elena.” I confess.

“If Klaus knows she’s alive, he’ll find her and kill her.” Rose puts the pieces together and I stay quiet. “Which is what she wanted all along.” She realizes.

“It’s her or her family. Everyone is choosing her and that’s not what she wants.”

“Is that what you want? To lose your best friend?” Rose asks me and I don’t respond. She’s right and I’m making a huge mistake.

“Cody is on his way. He wants to meet you since you know about the doppleganger.” Alice says, walking into the room.

My mind fills with fear. I just got myself into something that I’m not sure I can get out of.


Today’s been crazy with trying to get the moonstone from Katherine. The plan is to blow some ashes on her that Bonnie created. They weaken her temporarily and then Jeremy can get in there, get the moonstone and get out.

Everything’s about to start rolling when my phone rings.

I roll my eyes before answering it. “Not a good time, Rose.”

“Don’t be angry with me.” She says and I frown.

“Why, what did you do?” I ask.

“You need to get to Richmond immediately.” She tells me and my mind flashes to Ashley.

“Tell me.” I demand into the phone.

I swear to god, if anything has happened to her…


I finish a glass of water, trying to calm my nerves. I can’t back down now. I have to go through with this. For Elena. I keep telling myself this is for Elena.

I come around the corner of the apartment and gasp when I see Damon standing in front of me.

“What are you doing here?” He asks and I can tell that he’s pissed.

“What are you doing here?” I shoot back.

Rose walks into the room and I immediately know she called him. I want to be mad, but I can’t. There was a part of me that knew I wouldn’t be able to go through with this. I’m glad that he’s here.

“Damon Salvatore.” Alice says from the doorway and he just rolls his eyes.

“Get rid of her.” He says to Rose. I watch as Rose pulls a protesting Alice out of the room.

“Come on. I don’t know what crazy suicide mission you’re on right now, but we’re leaving.” Damon demands.

“Elena doesn’t want to be saved.” I admit to him. “She told me to come here and find Klaus for her. She wants to turn herself in.” 

“Well, Elena doesn’t get to make those kinds of decisions anymore. And neither do you.” He fires back, still mad at me.

“When have we ever been able to make those kinds of decisions? You and Stefan decide everything for us.” I shoot back, getting angry at his demands.

“Who’s gonna save your life while you’re out making decisions?”

“You’re not listening to the issue here, Damon. Elena doesn’t want to be saved. Not if it means that Klaus is going to kill every single person she loves.”

He shakes his head and takes a step toward me. “Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself.”

As much as I want to get the hell out of here, I feel bad letting Elena down. Damon doesn’t give me a chance as he grips my wrist in his hand and pulls me towards the door.

“Alice is asleep and won’t remember any of this.” Rose tells us and before Damon can say anything, the door to the apartment bursts open. Three men walk into the room and Damon positions his body in front of mine.

“We’re here to meet the informer of the doppleganger.” A man that I assume is Cody speaks.

I take a step around Damon but he grabs my arm and pushes me behind him. “I will break your arm.” He whispers to me before turning to Cody. “There’s nothing here for you.”

Suddenly, one of the men drops to the ground, dead. Elijah is standing behind him. Rose speeds out of the room as Elijah looks at Cody and the other man.

“I killed you. You were dead.” Damon says in confusion.

“For centuries now.” Elijah speaks. “Who are you?” He asks Cody.

“Who are you?” Cody asks.

“I’m Elijah.”

“We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She knows where the doppleganger is. Klaus will want to here about it.” Cody says, clearly afraid of Elijah.

“Does anyone else know that you’re here?” Elijah asks.


“Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful.” Elijah smiles before raising both hands and plunging one into each of the men. I widen my eyes as he rips their hearts out and they fall to the floor.

Elijah turns to Damon and I expect the worst, but am shocked when he turns and vamp speeds out of the apartment. Damon looks at me with the same confusion on his face that I have.


“Thank you for bringing me home.” I sigh as Damon walks me up my front porch steps.

“Well, your ride left you. I didn’t wanna leave you stranded.”

I turn to face him as we reach the door. “She was scared. She didn’t mean to run.”

“Yes she did. She’s been running for 500 years.”

“I can’t believe Elijah’s alive. Why do you think he killed those two vampires and just let us go?” I ask him and he shrugs.

“If I had a dollar for every time some evil vampire surprised me.” He scoffs and I open the door, walking inside. I’m about to say goodnight and close the door, but he steps in behind me. “What you did today was incredibly stupid.”

“I know.” I whisper and he’s clearly shocked by my words. “I was trying to help Elena but I wasn’t thinking about what it would be like if she was gone. I’m really glad you showed up. I’m sorry”

His frown softens as I apologize and he leans close to me, holding my face in his hands.

“It’s okay. I just don’t want you doing anything like that ever again. If anything happens to you—”

I cut him off by pressing my lips to him. He pulls away with a smile on his face and I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Ryan looking at me.

I should probably explain all of this since Damon did kill Ryan.

“Ryan I…” I trail off when I notice that the frown on Ryan’s face is not about Damon. He has his phone in his hand and he moves his eyes from me to Damon.

“What?” Damon asks.

“It’s Stefan.” He says quietly and I whip my head around to look at Damon.


Ashley took off down the front porch steps, climbing into her car before I could even process what was happening. I gave Ryan a reassuring nod that I would find his little sister before taking off, vampire speed.

Jeremy Gilbert went into the tomb to get the moonstone, took too long, and got stuck in there with Katherine. Stefan went in to save him and now he’s stuck in there.

“Stefan!” I hear Ashley’s frantic voice as I make my way down into the tomb.

She’s about to run into the tomb, but I appear in front of her, grabbing her and pinning her against the wall.

“Don’t you dare.” I say firmly as she struggles in my grasp.

“Stefan’s in there, Damon! How could you let this happen?” She cries.

“What are you talking about? I was too busy saving you from your crazy kamikaze mission.” I spit back at her.

“You didn’t even have to go after the moonstone in the first place!” She yells as tears fall down her face. I press her harder against the wall.

“It was the right call, Ashley.”

“The right call? How was any of this the right call?!” She screams, pounding her fists against my chest. “Damon, let me go! Damon, let go of me! Let go of me!”

I remain calm and let her take her anger out on me. She isn’t hurting me and I know she needs this right now. He body slows down and becomes weak as the pounding stops.

“Please.” She pleads one more time, looking up at me.

“Are you done?” I ask her as her breathing slows. “Please go home.” I whisper, pressing my lips to her forehead.

I back away from her and she looks at the tomb one more time. Her eyes land on me and I shake my head. She groans in frustration and walks out of the tomb.

“Of all the idiot plans, Stefan.” I say as Stefan walks to the entrance of the tomb.

“Yeah.” He says flatly.

“I’ll find a way to get you out.” I promise him, walking closer.

“Ah, it’s all right. I’ll handle myself. Bonnie has the moonstone. Work with her. Try to figure out how to de-spell it.” He instructs and I roll my eyes.

“You martyr yourself in a tomb and I get partnered with a semi-competent witch. How’s Elena with all of this?”

“Bonnie and Jeremy are helping her. Keep Ashley away from here.”

“Yeah. Cause that’ll be easy.” I say referring to her little charade a minute ago.

“Promise me. No matter what happens, you’ll protect everyone.”

I nod as I start backing away from the tomb. “Promise.”

***Author's Note***

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