Why do we Fight? - Volume II...

By ArcanePanzer

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The continuation of the story as it follows the lives of Argen Lorderius (The reader) and the inhabitants of... More

Chapter 1: Raiding the Raiders
Chapter 2: Warriors of their own Accord
Chapter 3: Still Alive and Kicking
Chapter 4: A Rouge's Life
Chapter 5: Viking Diplomacy
Chapter 6: Driving Force
Chapter 7: A Fallen's Final Request
Chapter 8: Reenlistment
Chapter 9 (Part I): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 9 (Part II): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 10: The Harsh Reality of Life
Chapter 11: The Truth Always Hurts
Chapter 12: Common Enemies
Chapter 13: Common Negotiations
Chapter 14: New World, New Possibilities
Chapter 16: Cycle of Allegiances
Chapter 17: A Returned Fruit
Chapter 18: Foreign Relations
Side Stories: The Strong, the Honorable
Chapter 19: Beginning of an Invasion
Chapter 20: Up the Beach
Chapter 21: Who are You?
Chapter 22: Reconnaissance
Side Stories: Our Life Then and Now
Chapter 23: Cross' Revelation
Chapter 24: The Great Raid
Final Chapter: The Real Beginning

Chapter 15: Allies and Enemies

366 13 26
By ArcanePanzer

So I read up a little bit about Vortiger's background as well as his own faction of Knights, Black Prior. I had an idea that Vortiger would only appear post-volume III considering that the events in multiplayer is about the three factions in an open war. After reading a bit of the backgrounds, that will be changing and I can confirm that Vortiger and Black Prior will be coming soon here in Volume II! Enjoy the read, peeps!

Thou shalt not ignoreth thy disclaimer

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any resources that might make an appearance here. If I did, then I would seriously add the Spartan Hoplites here xD


- One week later in the docks, General POV... -

Samurai, Vikings, and Knights alike stand around inside the main building of the shipyard. Their officers are talking over each other, some even aggressively. It's a miracle that they haven't attempted to murder each other yet.

Among these officers are Salavander's officer, Jorgensen, Gudmundr, Gulisano, and a Samurai Seieibushi whos name is a kept secret still.

They remained in this state of throwing statements and insults back and forth for a time. It makes one wonder on how the traditional enemies even ended up in the first place. Whatever the case may be, no one should be surprised.

They were barely silenced only by six people entering the main building; four Knights and two evidently from the Myre, then being Anaximander and the rest of his company. Yana is seen delicately carrying a small sack in front of her.

Samurai Seieibushi: "Your kind murdered half of my people here, Viking. There's no place for brutes like you in the Myre!" The Seieibushi of the Samurai in white says to the Vikings, reigniting the trading.
((A/n): Reminder that 'seieibushi' means 'elite samurai')

Before anything else could escalate, Anaximander brandished his longsword and slams it in the middle of the table where Sigmund and the Seieibushi are glaring daggers to each other, startling them both. Surprisingly, the Knights in the room remained passive throughout the entire time.

Anaximander: "I want you two to shut the hell up this instant. I requested to bring yourselves here to talk, not bicker." The Warden says sternly.

Sigmund: "Fine. Make it quick. I can't stand the stench of rotting wood here." The Viking Warlord remarks, which ticked off the Seieibushi again.

Before the Seieibushi can strike back, Anaximander points a finger towards him, then to the seat behind him. He grumbles and sits back down defeated. Arashicage, being the silent one, just stands near the entrance, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Anaximander: "I ordered the release of you and your men for a good reason, Samurai. Now both of you stand down and listen." He says to the two of them.

Gudmundr comes over to Sigmund's side, and tells him that he'll take over. Sigmund nods and he gets up from the seat that was taken by the jarl afterwards. Anaximander takes a seat as Salavander and Yana did the same with the spare spots.

Anaximander: "Now, I will be straightforward. I want to forge an alliance with you and your Samurai."

Samurai Seieibushi: "After you killed half of the inhabitants here? You can go back to your ships empty handed, Knight. There is no way that that is happening at all." The Seieibushi remarks, which Anaximander expected.

Anaximander: "Well, can you at least tell me what is the Owari Clan doing in a trading shipyard?" He asks, which surprised the Seieibushi upon the mention of the clan of their affiliation.

Samurai Seieibushi: "How did you know?" He asks, or more like demanded. Anaximander gestures towards Yana who has her mask raised. "Who are you, stranger? You seem well-versed about the Myre." He asks Yana.

Yana: "That is because I AM from here. I am a Shinobi, believe it or not." She declares. Whispers sound among the Samurai ashigaru upon the mention of her supposed affiliation.

Samurai Seieibushi: "Do not play me, girl. The Shinobi are just a myth."

Yana: "That doesn't matter. What matters is that you focus on what is currently laid upon you, now." She tells him with an authoritative tone that surprised Anaximander since he never heard her talk in such a level.

Anaximander: "Continuing on. I'd like for you to answer the last question."

Samurai Seieibushi: "And if I don't?"

Salavander: "Well, there's always someone who could replace you among your peers. We still have the numbers, if that doesn't work." The other Knight says.

The Seieibushi looks towards the side where the Knights are at. His eyes lands on Gulisano, who made a slitting motion on his neck upon catching the Samurai's attention. The Seieibushi sighs before turning his head back towards the Warden.

Samurai Seieibushi: "We are tasked by our daimyo to recover an artifact that went missing after being excavated more than two years ago. Simple as that." He says.

Anaximander: "I see. If we recover this artifact and return it to you, will we be able to secure your allegiance?" He asks the Samurai.

The Seieibushi looks behind him towards his Samurai peers to find answers from them. He turns back.

Samurai Seieibushi: "What will we get from associating ourselves with invaders?"

Anaximander: "I'd describe us more as 'seekers' but that is beside the point. What will you get? An artifact and possibly freedom from your daimyo." The Warden tells him.

Samurai Seieibushi: "You are asking us to dishonor ourselves!" The Seieibushi exclaims.

Sigmund: "Just put yourself down and accept the offers!" One of the Viking Warlords half-yells, but Gudmundr stops him and talks to the Samurai.

Gudmundr: "I assure you that these men here are not what you may think. They have brought me, a Viking farther in many ways."

Samurai Seieibushi: "Things are different here in the Myre, Viking. You are in our territory now."

Anaximander: "However, we all share one common thing." The Warden says to them as he stands up from his seat, earning him the attention of everyone inside. "We are all men with limited powers. We all came from different cultures and our way of life and thinking very different from each other, yes. As I said, we are all limited, so are our goals, riches, and even our lives. Times change, and so do we." Anaximander tells them as they listened to him. He gestures to Yana, who nods.

She stands up and puts the sack  that she had been holding on the table, untying it and revealing the very same figurine that the group managed to use to effectively bribe the former sailor leader.

Upon seeing the artifact, the Samurai flocked around the table to have a look at the well-detailed shimmering piece of gold. They were all in disbelief.

Samurai Seieibushi: "This artifact...!" The Seieibushi was at a loss for words as he hesitates to touch the delicate thing as if it would break the moment pressure touched it.

Yana: "The Dragon of the Great East, yes." Yana finishes for him.

The spacious room became filled with noise as chatter between the Samurai became vivid. Some of the Vikings and Knights lost interest and went out of the main building without resistance from Arashicage. This continued for sometime as they observe the figurine.

Samurai Seieibushi: "This is not the artifact that we have been tasked of retrieving, but this certainly is worth more than a fortune!" He exclaims. "Do you even know how valuable this thing is?"

Anaximander: "Not a hint, for I am not from your lands." He replies to him.

Arashicage: "The Dragon of the Great East is more than a treasure. It is a seal that symbolizes power among us, Samurai. He who possesses the Dragon controls an army." The Aramusha by the wall says to those who may listen.

Samurai Seieibushi: "Precisely! With this seal, you can be sure to gather yourself an army of Samurai! I could even raise my own army if I want to!" The Seieibushi says. He gently puts down the artifact back on the table. "With our loss here, however, I don't think Dokuja would want to hear from me anymore."

Salavander: "We made sure that none of you got out, Samurai. The Myre won't hear of this anytime soon." The Warden in gold says to the Seieibushi, although the latter stared at him, not knowing how to react to that revelation.

Anaximander: "Your experience here in the Myre will be of great help to us, my friend. Will you take this seal in exchange for your allegiance?" The other Warden asks him.

The Seieibushi hesitates and does not say anything. On one hand, if he takes the seal, he is sure to have his own separate army in due time, with the condition of allying himself with foreigners. On the other, if he returns empty-handed with news of their loss, he is sure to be punished. However, he has something that he values more than anything.

Anaximander: "I know this is a very unusual thing for you, but-" He continues, but was cut off by the Seieibushi.

Samurai Seieibushi: "No. I may have failed here, but my loyalties lie with the Dawn Empire and the Owari Clan. I have pledged myself to the Emperor and my daimyo, and I plan on honoring that." He says to Anaximander. The Knight leans back to his chair and hums in understanding.

Anaximander: "Hm, I understand. Very well then."

Samurai Seieibushi: "However, you spared me and my men's lives. I suppose it's fair if I give something in return." He gently pushes the golden figurine away from him. "I will leave the seal to you, and you can do what you wish with it. There are more clans deep within our lands. Provided that you do not seek to harm our people, there is a chance that you may be able to rally them to your cause." He reveals to them.

Gudmundr: "A chance, you say?" The jarl asks.

Samurai Seieibushi: "Not everyone looks up to the marvel of the Dragon, Viking." He replies.

Anaximander: "In any case, you will be leaving to return back to your clan, I assume?"

Samurai Seieibushi: "Yes. Even though I failed, Dokuja still needs to hear of this, as well as the Emperor. Do not worry about your image. This never happened."

Anaximander: "Then it is here where we part ways."

They all stand up from their seats. The Seieibushi bows to the foreigners as a sign of respect, then leaves with his officers and ashigaru. After the Samurai have left, the Knights and the Vikings followed suit alongside Sigmund and Gulisano. Salavander was about to leave as well when he was stopped by Anaximander. He knew what this means and did not say anything else and just sat back down.

Gudmundr: "So, who was that lad?" Gudmundr asks them.

Yana: "Owari Arinaga. Son of the clan's daimyo, Owari Dokuja. I don't know why would he of all people be here." Yana answers.

Salavander: "Seems like they don't have the best of father and son relationship."

Yana: "Arinaga is the exact opposite of his father. He is courageous and honorable as you noticed while Dokuja is a coward."

Anaximander: "This Arinaga mentioned clans deep within the Myre who we could rally potentially. Who is he referring to?"

Yana: "I don't know. He could be referring to the Uesugi or the Date, but I can't be sure."

Anaximander: "And... what of your clan?"

Yana: "Huh?"

Anaximander: "Your clan. Surely you came from one as well, no?"

Yana: "Yes. I came from the Hattori clan, but I doubt that they will-"

Anaximander: "I don't mean to enlist them through the seal, Hideyoshi Yana." Yana looks at him confused. "I think it's about time that we see (Lorderius') promise to you fulfilled." He says to here.

Yana: "W-wait, really?" She asks, her voice slightly cracking.

Anaximander does not reply and instead stands up and leaves the building, with Salavander following behind. Somehow, Yana knew that the man behind that faceless helmet is smiling. She offered her abilities to him, yet he hasn't forgotten of his and (Lorderius') promise of bringing her back to her people. And now, she is one step closer to reuniting with her brother.

Gudmundr stays silent in his seat and watched. Anaximander is about to fulfill a promise, seeing how much honor he has. He wondered, if he and (Lorderius) went so far to keep a promise for a young girl, would they be able to fulfill their promise to him regarding his people?

He thought that it's impossible. The Warborn are already building their fleet for a raid against the Samurai. He has so many things to think about.

He was so deep in his thoughts that the next thing he knows, he's already alone inside. He stands up to leave and see whatever he could do to pass the time.

- At a fort East of Harrowgate, a day later... -

Alyssa: (Narrating) "It's very odd, almost disturbing that there were nothing more than small uprisings or rebellions to quell. All my life, I was trained to fight off invasions from the Samurai and the Vikings. It seems so alien to me that there was peace for once, that I don't want to believe that it will last."

The Knights of the Embers has finally found their own place to stay and base their operations from. Years of being nomads has finally come to an end, and marks another chapter of Janna's achievements and dream of one day leading her own legion.

Right now, Goldfire's Knights can be described as kids playing with their new toys. Cavalrymen race around the wide field behind the fort while their blacksmiths are taking advantage of the metal foundry built inside.

At the gates of the fort are four footmen guarding. Janna is among them, simply standing idle without her helmet and coif, letting her blonde hair flow with the wind and the beautiful features of her face be revealed to the morning sun. She watches the scenery and lets out a contented sigh.

Alyssa comes out of the open gates and walks towards Janna's left side. Her helmet and coif are also removed that revealed her dyed light blue hair and equally beautiful features.

Alyssa: "Sir Laelius told me you would be here. I thought you would be elsewhere like absolutely annihilating your trainees." She tells Janna. She looks at her briefly, then back to the scenery.

Janna: "It's just... we've came so far now. We have our own place to call our own now."

Alyssa: "You have done a great work of raising your own men from scratch. Not many can do that, as most of our leaders either inherited their legions, or something else."

Janna: "Ooh, is that a compliment I heard from you?" She asks slyly.

Alyssa: "Ugh, don't start this again, Janna." She looks away, irritated. Again.

Janna: "Aw! But I want to, and you can't stop meh!" She says to Alyssa with her usual upbeat tone, which causes her friend to roll her eyes. "In all seriousness... thanks, Alyssa. I couldn't have gone this far without you." She says, this time with a genuine tone.

Alyssa looks back at Janna for a moment. She let a small smile grace her lips; something she rarely does.

Alyssa: "I told you a decade ago, Janna. We're in this together."

Janna: "Yeah. I'm surprised you managed to tolerate me this much, to be frank."

Alyssa gives Janna a look with one eyebrow twitching.

Alyssa: "I'm offended." She replies.

Janna: "Alyssa. I know how much different we are as individuals. Our personalities are almost the opposite of each other, as we both are aware. I'm just happy that you're still my friend." She tells Alyssa.

Another smile threatened to form, but Alyssa suppressed it this time, trying to hide her emotions.

Alyssa: "I'm not answering that." She says with a fake cold tone. Janna, being highly-resistant to Alyssa's antics just giggled.

Janna: "Heh~ I feel like telling some random stranger on how happy I am right now."

Alyssa: "Well you're in luck right now, because we have six riders coming here." Alyssa says as she points towards their left.

True to her words, they did see six Knights on horseback quickly approaching them. They immediately identified the riders to be Blackstones. However, one of them has a very distinct look in them. They both know where this Knight came from.

Janna: "Is that...?" She says, unable to believe her vision.

Alyssa: "A Black Prior." She says as she readies her longsword. Janna and the two guards followed suit and brandished their weapons.

Blackstone Peacekeeper: "Peace, Embers. We come with a message from a friend of yours." The Peacekeeper tells them. They recognized the voice.

Janna: "Elara? What are you doing here? And what is a Black Prior doing here?" She asks, still on guard.

Black Prior: "Do not worry. I did not come on behalf of Apollyon or Ordo the Brute." The Knight tells them.

Janna: "I don't trust your cult. None of us here do. So you either tell us your real intentions, or we'll take your heads." Janna threatened as more of her Knights come out of the gates and the battlements filled with archers.

The Peacekeeper known as Elara nods at the Black Prior Knight, and he nods back. They dismount their horses as the footmen mimic them.

Elara: "We come on behalf of Kalec Lorderius. He wishes to send you a message." She tells them, which surprised the two Wardens.

Blackstone Footman: "What is the meaning of this!? Black Prior, what is thi- agh!" One of the footmen says before being cut off by a stab on the back from Elara's dagger.

Elara: "Your turn." She whispers to the Black Prior.

Elara pulls off her dagger and ducks. The Black Prior brandished his sword and swings it towards his right side, slitting the throat of a footman. He wasted no time and stabbed the other one behind him, pulling it off immediately and letting the body fall down. The last footman tried to get away from the two, but he was shot in the back by one of Ember archers from the battlements.

Elara: "That settles it. Now..." She turns to looks at the Embers who still have their weapons drawn. "We need to give you the message. It is very urgent." She tells them.

Alyssa: "How do we know that two of Apollyon's most loyal followers aren't doing something malicious here?" Alyssa asks.

Elara: "Sua sponte (Of their own Accord)." She says.

Kalec: (Narrating) "It's the phrase that only me and my closest friends and allies know. They will know it's me."

The two Wardens stand down upon hearing that phrase from her. They look at each other, unsure what to do with one of Apollyon's agents and one of her loyal followers.

With no other choice, they let the two of them inside of their newly built fort to see what comes out of this.

- Later, inside the meeting room of the fort... -

Alyssa: "Before we start, we want to know who this Black Prior is and what is he doing here." Janna says to the two Blackstones. The Black Prior Knight stands up from his seat and puts his fist to his chest.

Black Prior: "My name is Vortiger, and why I am here; I am here simply to accompany Elara." He replies. The two Wardens are curious and unconvinced.

Janna: "Riiiiight. Anyways, what are you two up to, and what message would Kalec want to tell us at this time of the year? Everything is fine, hopefully."

Elara: "That we do not know. He wanted to give you this parchment, which I assume contains his words for you." She says as she hands the said parchment to an Ember Captain who then hands it to Alyssa.

Alyssa removes the seal and opens the parchment. She reads the content, and moments later, her eyes widen in surprise. Janna notices her friend's sudden change of expression.

Janna: "What is it?" She asks.

Alyssa answers by handing her the letter, and Janna starts reading it. Alyssa then turns to the two Blackstones.

Alyssa: "It is indeed Kalec's handwriting. How do you know him, if I may ask?"

Elara: "Let's just say that we are good acquaintances. I have been acting as his agent for quite some time now."

Alyssa: "How long?"

Elara: "I don't remember. It has been a while."

Alyssa: "And of...- What's your name again?" She asks the Black Prior.

Vortiger: "Vortiger." He answers briefly.

Alyssa: "Right, Vortiger. Who is he to you?" She then asks the Peacekeeper.

Elara looks at the taller Knight who looks back at her. She quickly turns away and answers Alyssa.

Elara: "He's... a good friend of mine." Alyssa raises an eyebrow. Friend?

It's rare for someone outside of the Black Priors' cult to have a friend from that order. Their practices are not of that of the code of chivalry, which is one of the reasons why they are so reclusive from the rest of their peers. Either way, her raised eyebrow and overall fierce looks is enough to send the Peacekeeper on edge, although she hid it well.

Janna: "This is... surprising to say the least." Janna says after reading the contents of the parchment.

Vortiger: "Now that we have finished our business here, we must take our leave and make haste on our return back to Harrowgate before they start becoming suspicious." The Black Prior says.

Alyssa: "Our thanks for bringing this to us despite the risk of you being caught. Safe travels."

They all stand up after that brief meeting and salutes to each other. Sir Laelius leads them out of the room and towards where their horses are being kept. The doors close, and the two Wardens are left by themselves aside from a few of their officers.

Janna: "Kalec wants to meet us towards the East. Why though? Is he revealing himself to the world again?"

Alyssa: "I doubt it. He wouldn't have to send one of his agents to send us a message."

Janna: "He has never done this to us before. It must be very urgent."

Alyssa: "Captains. Prepare a contingent. We will leave as soon as we can."

Ember Captains: "Yes, milady./Understood./Jawohl, fraulein." They all reply respectively, leaving the room to tend to their tasks right away.

Janna: "What is Kalec up to?"

Alyssa: "Only one way to find out, Goldfire."


I felt that a brief introduction to Vortiger is necessary, si why not? In case you people are confused (likely most of you are), 'Vortiger' is not the name of the class. The class name is 'Black Prior' and Vortiger is their leader. Another fun fact is the female Black Prior is also named, and her name is Erzabeth (which is the Hungarian version of 'Elizabeth' according to the fandom wiki). Anyways, glad I managed to upload a new chapter faster than before! Hope you people enjoyed and have a good day/night!

Arcani out.

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