PELAIR. The Gems of the Golde...

By Samuelegarrido

50K 1.9K 219

Aela lives a rather happy and unpretentious life as part of the servitude of a minor principality in northern... More

1. Aelanis
2. Sorah
3. Aela
4. Brannan
5. Rinna
6. Gertrudis
7. The Angmar Castle
8. The Alor Castle
9. The Marsh of Azcara
10. The Luris Swamps
11. Magyar
12. The Abbey of Kerst
13. Máire
14. Snowflake
15. A Fire at Canabal
17. Revolt in Tricia
18. The Road to Azcangor
19. Miralia
20. The Encounter
21. The Mission
22. An Audience at Ardel
23. The Getaway
24. March to the South
25. Agneer
26. The Orhun Pass
27. Alarigo
28. Alkiria
29. Agnees
30. Two Spirits
31. Elan
32. Balin
33. Keralia
34. The Clash

16. The Ceremony of Noor

551 45 0
By Samuelegarrido

The full moon nearly approached its zenith. Its radiant glow lit like a small white sun, the serene bay that, penetrating from the sea, washed the foot of the mountains of Tricia. A gentle wind from the north favored the lifting of small ripples on the water that trapped flashes of light from the moon, creating the illusion of thousands of restless silverfishes leaping over the calm waters.

The warmer climate announced that winter was already giving way to spring. The port of Tricia was at the intersection where the warm winds of the Abyssinian Sea caressed the northern coasts of Pelair for most of the year, propitiating a climate of eternal spring.

The expectant congregation of devotees waited in agonizing silence for the peak of the zenith. Facing them on a flat promontory of sand that penetrated the sea, several women utterly naked in the process of birth-giving lay on beds of mats specially fitted for this purpose, waiting for their labor to start. Many maidens from the court of Noor ably directed by a group of priestesses attended the births giving women.

Occasionally a woman emitted a howl at breaking waters, starting her exhausting work of bringing a new being into the world. However, everyone knew that that newborn was not the chosen one.

A few clusters of clouds crossed over, at times overshadowing the moon representing the Goddess Noor, spreading playful shadows over the surface and threatening to tarnish the ceremony with their shade. However, the Goddess fought these rebel saboteurs to end prevailing. It was her night, and nothing would interfere.

A girl should be born just at the precise moment the moon reached its zenith, to bring back prosperity and peace to the kingdom. The court of Noor would immediately adopt the girl, who would be trained and have a place ensured among the elite of priestess of the cult of the Goddess. All boys and girls born before or after the peak received a unique charm, which would ensure them a life of fulfillment. That was the reward for choosing to be born on the night of Noor.

"It seems that our hastened efforts to arrive here were in vain," commented Rinna, seeing the dismissed High Priestess from the congregation of Magyar, celebrating the rite of the offering to the Goddess.

Another baby broke into a bawl, showing her pain and frustration at not being the chosen. The crowd waited expectantly with their heads upward facing the moon, and their hands extended. Little else they could do.

Suddenly, the Goddess executed her final move to take her place of honor at the center of the celestial vault. Her bright face wasted light and beauty. However, no weeping came. The familiar sound of a baby crying to announce her long-awaited wail didn't happen this time. Little by little, a murmur of regret and disappointment began to emerge among the large crowd. The seconds became minutes. Even after they had had several years without having the fortune of welcoming a baby within Noor, there had never passed more than a minute in hearing the crying. At least this suggested that not all was wrong.

The last time the Goddess had given them, the joy of welcoming in her womb her beloved representative in the world of the living had happened eighteen years ago, when Princess Enora, Prince Axel's consort, and heir the throne had given birth to the chosen of Noor. There were no known written records in the kingdom that the candidate to be the Supreme Priestess of the cult of Mother Noor was as well the beloved heiress to the throne of Terrara. The abduction of Princess Aelanis at the ceremony of her offering to the Goddess changed everything. As in answer to that dreadful event, the war had installed on the borders of the kingdom.

"Let's go! proposed Rinna to her pupil. "If Elizia is here, there isn't much we can do for now. We still have Queen Miralia as our last hope," she said.


"Don't you think it'd be better if we go to sleep?" Rinna asked Aela. "Why do we need to go around looking for trouble?"

Aela and Rinna had witnessed from the main square, the beautiful display of fireworks of countless colors with which the city formally received the festivities of the spring equinox in honor of Noor.

A multitude of red, scarlet, yellow, blue, orange, green, and violet stars burst over the sky of Tricia, their trajectories marked by scratches of light that ripped the night, soon to explode to give rise to luminous spheres that expanded throughout the celestial vault.

"Oh, Rinna. It's so marvelous," said Aela watching in awe, the fires that burst in the sky.

"We better go, girl. It isn't wise to wander on these streets so late," insisted Rinna.

"Come on, Rinna!" answered the girl. "Don't be a party pooper. The vintage is at its peak, and rarely if ever, I get to see and mingle with so many people."

After the incident in Canabal, the girl had resumed her old habit of posing as a young lad, using a tunic that hid her small breasts, and above it, a light breastplate made of thin brass rings that allowed her to go around without inconvenience. She fitted her abdomen under the tunic with a sash stuffed with goose feathers. That helped her to eliminate the curvature of her waist, camouflaging her round hips. Wide trousers and high suede leather boots completed her attire.

Her resemblance to a fine and delicate boy, made her look like those men who preferred the company of others of the same gender.

That amused her, and she had occasionally used this condition to test the manhood of some unfortunate men, who or unveiled their real instincts or retired obfuscated and offended. The few weeks she had been in Tricia had allowed her to discover a fascinating world unknown to her. She enjoyed talking with people, and her cheerful and innocent mood allowed the girl to get away with unmalicious pranks.

"Let's just stroll for a little while," said the girl, who longed to enjoy a glass of red wine, especially the wine from Terrara. Rinna had never allowed Aela to try the fermented nectar of the grapes, even though the girl had already tasted its delight behind Rinna's back, with the complicity of Balin, who spoiled her.

"But how can you wander alone out there?" Rinna insisted. "It is not seemly for a lady."

"That's why I will not look ladylike!" interrupted the young girl pointing to herself with a wave of her hands. "Do you see the advantage of my outfit?" reiterated the girl.

Aela longed to socialize and interact with people. She had spent the last six years of her life secluded in the deep woods of Magyar. During this time, she received the best training any priestess could get. Rinna had discovered the girl showed the gifts of Noor, although unknown to her. She was suspicious of the origins of the girl but had no way to confirm it. The woman remembered the two strange bracelets Aela had carried in her pouch and now wore in her arms. Those had been her only belonging from her past. Strangely, one belonged to Queen Miralia, at least according to its inscription.

"I'm already too old to accompany you," Rinna complained, trying to convince her pupil to desist from her festive intentions.

"You know you're not," replied the girl. "Do you think I cannot see your true appearance? If so, let me tell you that you lost your time with me. If you do not want to go, at least let me go with Balin."

"Of course!" exclaimed Rinna. "With that good for nothing that you manipulate at your will. Don't even think!"

"Oh, come on!" said the girl to Rinna, modulating her voice in a tone of persuasion she employed to get away with whatever she intended to do.

"What are we going to do with you?" finally said the woman defeated, while bobbing her pupil's hair. "Who can beat you?" said Rinna with a grin on her face. "But we won't stay up until late," conditioned the woman

The city was in celebration. People from all corners of Terrara and beyond gathered to celebrate the rites of Noor. Only the very devout attended the ceremony of baby's deliveries at the edge of the bay. The rest took advantage of the gathering to carry out business and have fun. The ritual was part of the religious beliefs of Northern Pelair. In the southern kingdoms, Noor was just a complementary goddess to Ker, the worship of the Sun God. Sometimes, she openly competed with the worship of the Sun God for the devotion of their subjects.

Despite the lateness of the night, the streets swarmed with people who took advantage of the relatively benign climate to gather around the countless booth that had been placed all along the main road with all kinds of foods, delicacies, gadgets, clothes, trinkets, and especially drinks. A profusion of posts bearing burning tar smeared torches lit the main street of Tricia profusely.

Crowning a small hill afar and under the silhouette of the moon, stood out a fortress. It protected the harbor and was as well as the palace of the ruler of the city.

Tricia was the busiest port of Terrara and one of the most important of all Pelair. Located north of the kingdom, on the seafront of Abyssinia, was the gateway to all commercial vessels that made life between the mainland and the realms of Newfoundland and Isamar. It was the homeport of most of the ships that, crossing the sea of ​​Abyssinia, traded with the distant northern territory of Antair.

"Be careful, sweetie!" Rinna said, taking Aela by her arm after she stumbled upon the cobblestones of the moist and muddy alley through which they walked. A gentle rain had fallen just after the ceremony of the births, making the trees shine with thousands of twinkling dew beads that sparkled with the white moonlight.

The city was large and spacious. Its houses were mostly of baked clay blocks. The streets and alleys that crisscrossed the city in capricious winding paths ended into the large bay where the port settled proudly.

Large buildings surrounded the big central square that served as headquarters for the most prestigious companies. Many warehouses, barracks, and booths with all kinds of goods and merchandise crowded the surroundings. The largest of all buildings served as headquarters for the customs and local government.

"Let's get near the square, where all the fun is!" said Aela feeling enthusiastic and glad to have convinced her guardian to go along with that little enjoyment.

They walked along the main street, crowded with people that ate and drank having fun. Soon, they spotted a group of booths that exhibited all sorts of delicious food and exquisite meals. The smoke from a lamb skewer interspersed with peppers and onions roasted over a gentle fire in a near stall made their mouth water.

"Get me one of those!" Aela yelled above the crowd gathered to purchase the delicious snacks. Her stomach rumbled from hunger. They hadn't eaten all day, fastening as part of the ritual of awaiting the birth of Noor. "Have you forgotten me, my little girl?" called Rinna smilingly.

"Two, two of those!" yelled the girl.

"Hey, what about me? Inquired Balin, showing a faked upset face.

Then, they sat quietly to enjoy their well-deserved meal while watching with amusement; the typical dance was staged in the middle of a large square that lay next to the Oroko River shore. The river came parsimoniously from the far reaches of the mountains of Magensa, and Magyar, meandering slowly through the city until it finally shed its brown waters into the Gulf of Pelair.

A group of musicians with bagpipes and flutes played a harmonious and inviting dance that incited the body to move.

"Where are you going?" Rinna asked Aela worried, trying to constrain the girl by the arm, when the girl was about to jump to the dance floor.

"Where else would I go, auntie? Answered the girl, referring to the woman as she did when she felt her mentor started to boss her around excessively.

Aela was a cheerful and lively girl with a natural smile and pleasant disposition. She was gentle and willful and predisposed to make friends.

"But, you cannot dance with that outfit!" Rinna pointed, trying to discourage her pupil.

"Well. That is easy to resolve," Aela replied quickly, taking off her breastplate over her head, and holding out to the annoyed woman, the sheath and the sword she carried in her belt.

When Rinna tried to replicate, the girl was already giving the antics of the typical dance staged in the square.

Her sinuous and feminine movements attracted the attention of some men, who smiled immediately, noticing the cadence of that young man, mistaking her for those who abjured of their gender. On the other hand, those who identified her with her real gender immediately approached with obvious intentions. She tried to ignore them, innocently concentrated on enjoying her dance.

A trio of men that stood by went to where Rinna sat. They started to harass her and make fun of her pupil. They had noted the breastplate and the sword Aela carried and decided they would be a worthy souvenir from the festivities.

"Hey!" cried Rinna, upset. "Leave me alone!" she said outraged and alarmed.

Aela saw people crowding around her teacher. She then noticed the three burly men that besieged and scoffed at Rinna trying to seize her belongings.

The woman struggled against her will to use her spells, not wanting to spoil the evening her pupil was enjoying.

"Hey!" cried Aela, withdrawing a dagger hidden in her belt, approaching the trio of thieves.

"The little boy got upset!" said one of the men speaking with mocking grace. "Oh, what a shame!" he pointed with derision. "Come, sweetie! Take it away from me," he said, lifting Aela's breastplate he had managed to snatch from Rinna.

Aela approached, and with a flick of her knife, cut the man's wrist. A trickle of blood sprout out.

"You, stupid idiot!" roared the man, drawing a large hunting knife he had hidden in his tunic. "Now, fight like the man you are not!" he said scornfully.

Aela quickly responded with another cut, this time deep in the cheek of the crook.

The other two men roared with laughter; at the public outrage, their comrade suffered from a young boy with girly gestures.

"The little fellow is too much for you!" voiced the evildoers loudly, taunting their buddy.

That only served to inflame the violent man, who pounced on the girl trying to stab her in the chest.

Nevertheless, Aela was quicker. Years of training, first by the captain of the guard of the Angmar Castle where she had lived when a little girl, and then by Balin and the dwarves at Magyar, had prepared her to defend herself.

A man that stood somewhat afar from the brawl watched intently. He never took his eyes of a couple of scoundrels, who waited anxiously for the end of the scuffle.

Rinna was not too concerned about the outcome of the struggle. She trusted her pupil was more than qualified to take on any contender. Nevertheless, she was ready in case the other two rogues tried to intervene.

On the contrary, those crooks tried to leave on the run with the booty they had seized. Rinna was about to use her magic when the man watching intervened with a sword in his hand.

"It seems you are lesser men than the one you threaten," said to the two rascals with scorn, which in turn smiled mischievously while drawing their swords. Three others, who at first had limited to observe the scene, approached to join the two bandits.

The music stopped, and a crowd started gathering around the brawl. These riots were frequent during the holidays, and people celebrated and even encouraged them.

"And what do you care?" snapped one of the outlaws, showing a smile of rotten teeth while brandishing his sword menacingly. "Or are you perhaps the one who panders the little puppy?"

Finding himself threatened by five outlaws, the stranger drew a second sword, brandishing it on both sides of his body as if he were to cut the air.

A big woman with strong and powerful muscles and voluminous breasts that barely fit the bodice she wore, stepped out from the crowd, accompanied by a baby-faced big fellow dressed only in a simple doublet.

"I was already missing you," said the nobleman to the woman without taking his glance from his menacing opponents.

"We were getting bored, weren't we Toto?" the woman said, smiling to her portentous companion while holding in her hands, a couple of big beaked like daggers.

"Toto" replayed the giant, brandishing a massive club as if it were a toothpick.

The rogues looked at each other and, although outnumbering their opponents, decided to run away.

"The souvenirs" demanded the man cutting across the crook who held Aela's breastplate, the scabbard, and the sword.

The man dropped the apparel and ran through the crowd.

"Thank you, sir!" said Rinna, giving a graceful bow to the stranger that came in aid to her protégée.

"Don't mention it, ma'am," he answered gently.

Brannan was tall, powerfully built, yet not a robust man. His face was rather long, with expressive blue eyes rimmed by heavy brows. His strong chin and cheekbones made him look appealing to the sight of women. He carried his long hair tied behind the nape. He wore simple trousers of raw brown denim, accompanied by a cotton blouse covered by a coat of leather. A large hat covered his head. A sturdy leather belt with an elaborate sheath, from which he had drawn his sword hung to his belt.

Aela froze, admiring helplessly the poise and grace of her champion. Grateful and yet dazed, she didn't know what to say, or instead, she didn't dare to say anything. That intense glare was unmistakable. It was the same look that had pierced her eyes while being on the stage that had caught fire in Canabal. She didn't remember how she had ended up in his arms. She recalled, however, with vivid ardor the intensity of her first kiss. She had never felt before that feeling of anguish and anxiety that struggled to burst out of her chest.

"I'm Bran ... Brando," said the man "to serve you" completed his introduction though hiding his real name, "and these are Gertrudis and Toto."

"I'm Rinna, and this is Ae"..., hesitated the woman; "Ael," said. "But you are "...

Brannan suddenly turned his head without paying attention to the words the woman was about to pronounce. He stared up and down at the boy.

"Ael?" he asked between amazed and delighted. "That little scamp? I cannot believe it!" he said, genuinely bewildered.

Brannan approached Aela and tucked her in his arms and hugged her with real joy, as he would have done with any other of his comrades.

Aela felt faint. Her arms, hanging petrified on both sides of her body, could not respond to reciprocate his gesture of friendship. Her ragged breathing became increasingly difficult. Her eyes struggled with tears about to spill, and her heart began to pound rapidly, while her parched mouth could not utter a single word. An involuntary shudder ran through her body, feeling the warm embrace of the man who had awakened her to love. The memory of that kiss burned her lips again.

"Ael? Boy. Is it you?" Brannan asked with genuine emotion.

The passivity with which the girl received his token of affection and the intense blush that arose from her cheeks confused Rinna.

"What is happening to my girl?" she wondered worriedly. It is true, remembered Rinna that the girl had felt her instincts awakened many years ago during that meeting, but she never thought it had left such traces. It had to be something else.

"Well, my friend, I invite a glass of wine," Brannan said, releasing from his oppressive embrace whom he regarded as the savior that had rescued him years ago.

Aela meanwhile, entirely still, longed to remain subject to that warm embrace.

"Let's cheer for the old times!" Brannan offered graciously. "Come on, boy! You did very well again," he said, patting Aela's back. "You've grown!" he commented.

The girl still couldn't quite say a word, even when she felt the steady hand of the man beat her back, inviting her to walk.

"No, my lord," gestured Rinna. "It isn't necessary. It's a little late, and we were about to retire to..."

"We accept my lord!" Aela said quickly, getting out of her daze only to blush even more, breaking the excuse of her mentor who glared at her. "It's the least we could do to repay your kindness," she said, quickly making up an excuse.

The girl couldn't believe she had dared to accept that invitation. In trying to dissemble, she stooped to pick up her breastplate and her sword, making time to cope with her bewilderment, while trying to think what to do or what else to say.

"What's wrong with you, idiot?" she rebuked herself. "Hadn't you ever seen a man before? Calm down!" she said to herself.

"We appreciate your kindness, but we don't drink," insisted Rinna.

"Come on, Rinna! It's just a drink," said the girl, whom for some reason she could not quite understand, didn't want to leave the company of the man who by chance had already crossed her path three times in her life. "There's not casually but causality," she recalled the old lady from Magensa forests had said.

"Only one glass of wine," said Rinna capitulating, having no choice but to accept that invitation.

Brannan led them to the nearest tavern. He ordered four cups of wine, for Toto did not drink.

Aela quickly dispatched hers in a gulp. She wanted to drown her obfuscation. She felt her heart running out of her with every glance Brannan stared at her during their conversation.

"What's the matter with this guy?" asked himself, Brannan, in turn. "Is he one of those? Certainly, his voice is too soft and sharp to be a man's voice," he thought. "Maybe he's just a teenager who has been slow to develop," he explained to himself. "I'm going to have to take care of getting him a woman," he thought, smiling.

Aela, in the meantime, wanting to appear tough and experienced, drained her second glass of wine, alarming Rinna, who had never seen her pupil so excited and beside herself. Unaccustomed to the effects of fermented beverages, Aela felt sudden dizziness that caused her legs to waver. As the stay began to spin before her eyes, she tried to hold up on Brannan, accidentally ending up in his arms. Despite her sickness, a series of alarms started sounding within her body. She tried to get away from the man but stumbled over and slipped instead. That brought their faces together, and their lips brushed. Both were quick to move away from each other. She, because of shame, and he, for having felt a kind of jolt that left him completely stunned.

That touch for some reason arose in Brannan, the memory of the kiss he had given to that girl a couple of months ago in Canabal. It was the most intense kiss he had ever experienced. He'd kissed dozens of women, having also shared pleasures with many of them, but he had never felt such tenderness and passion, as with that simple and passionate kiss.

At times, he felt the shame of having taken advantage of that defenseless young girl by stealing that kiss. However, it was a kiss cooked by fire, and he had no regrets. Over time, he missed it even more.

"What's happening to me?" he wondered, alarmed. "So many women have I had that I'm getting tired of them?" he questioned himself. In his confusion, he turned his glance just to run into the gaze of hilarity showed by Gertrudis. "She saw it all!" he realized. "What will she think?" he said to himself." How will I be able to endure her taunts now?"

"We better be going," requested Rinna. "Ael is not used to drinking," she said, trying to save the dignity of her pupil, held gently by Toto in his strong arms.

"Accompany them to their inn," gestured Brannan to Gertrudis. "Toto can carry him," he said, pointing out to the big fellow, trying to get rid of his companions and be left alone to figure out what had happened there.

"Let's go, Toto," gestured Gertrudis to her big nephew. "Carry the boy," she said, signaling as well to Rinna, showing them the path to their stay.

"What's wrong with that fool?" asked Gertrudis herself. "Is he so blind as not to realize she is a girl, and also a girl in love?" she told herself and smiled, somehow worried.

Meanwhile, Rinna attended confused and alarmed at the first sign of infatuation of her beloved protégée.

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