By wrinklytimelord

2.6K 40 38

The sole survivors of two great civilisations and a merciless alien foe..... The Daleks have destroyed Krypto... More

Chapter one
Chapter Three -Dark alliances
Chapter four- Prisoners and a storm
Chapter five- The Oncoming Storm


347 5 6
By wrinklytimelord

"Remember that ?"said The Doctor , as Superman studied him curiously. This thin man in a suit withy his spiky hair and almost electric air of energy about him. "Of course i do ...Doctor . A few of my associates and myself dealt with these things when they tried to take people for testing." He kicked the now dead Dalek as his father looked on. "They needed specimens to test a device on. they called it..."

"Reality Bomb"  interjected the Timelord. The Kryptonian nodded and snapped his fingers loudly enough to  distract the dog from his new chew toy. The Doctor explained how The Daleks had stolen 27 planets from their original points in space and placed them in a specific alignment  creating the energy that would disintegrate every living thing and planet within it's radius . Doing what it implied.  Destroy everything the Daleks abhored. if they couldn't have rule of every living thing in the galaxy then they would eradicate it and it's civilizations. This would have been their ultimate victory.

"If it hadn't been for you and your friends ,Kal-El a lot  more people could have died....."


The skies over Metropolis were filled with dalek ships, bolts of energy spat from them engulfing terrified people in blue fire.

In an alley just behind what had been the Daily Planet a Dalek had cornered three people, a boy and his parents  by a dumpster. " DO. NOT. MOVE!!!" it barked ."YOU.ARE . PRISONERS OF THE DALEKS!!"

The boys father was about to foolishly answer the Dalek, when something at the other side of the alley caught his eye. Silently, out of the shadows came a figure garbed in a black cowl and cape, designed like batwings. in his hand he was carrying what looked like a lump of putty with electronic components stuck in it. Almost ghost like he quickly stuck the object on one of the Dalek's back panels. He wasn't quick enough, The top half of the Dalek span round to face the stranger. WHAT. ARE . YOU .DOINGG?" It screeched. Raising his hands in a submissive gesture "Nothing- n-nothing at all" he answered it in mock fear. This time the Dalek turned completely. "WHY. ARE . YOU .DRESSED. LIKE. A . KRILLITANE? EXPLAAAAINNN?" It screeched. "I have no clue what a Krillitane is but- YOU PEOPLE! RUN! GET SOMEWHERE SAFE. NOW!!!" The costumed man dived for cover as the alien fired, missing him repeatedly. The family ran without looking back.

"Looks like your prisoners have escaped" snarled Batman as he looked for better cover. "YOU. WILL .NOT .MOVE!! YOU . WILL .BE. EXTERMINATED!!" The invader trained it's gunstick on it's target .The masked manclosed his eyes waiting for death, but it never came. He heard it blast, but he was unscathed. Then he heard a familiar voice "Hey that tickles" said the voice with a hint of amusement. "Clark" muttered the detective under his breath. The Dalek fired on it's new target again, still nothing.

"HOW. IS. THIS. POSSIBLE?" The Dalek yelled "NO. HUMAN. CAN.SURVIVE. MY WEAPONRY" Superman chuckled "Now there's your mistake. I'm not human, I'm Kryptonian" The alien backed away slightly. "IMPOSSIBLE!! KRYPTON. IS. A DEAD WORLD!!! WE-" It exploded. Superman turned to face his friend "Why did you do that, Bruce? it was about to tell me something"  The masked man grimaced "It was getting on my nerves, besides, i don't think you'd have liked what it was going to say"

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind. Look" He pointed up "More Daleks" The two men saw four daleks descending toward them, they readied themselves preparing for a battle, but it never came, all of a sudden the Daleks exploded, and one by one the ships also exploded til there were none left.

"Impossible" snorted Batman. It wasn't though . At that moment onboard the Dalek crucible, a unique group of people had destroyed the invading forces without the aid of heat vision or special gadgets.

 Suddenly the ground lurched and the two heroes almost fell. "What now ?" growled the masked man "The planet's moving" gasped the Kryptonian "The planet's MOVING!!" he repeated. "How?" asked the Batman. Using his vision powers Superman studied the changing skies "NO WAY" The planet was moving alright, no  it was being towed....... by a vintage British police box. "Bruce, if i told you, you wouldn't believe me"

Hours later , Superman dropped Batman in a clump of trees behind Wayne manor. " I best get back to Lois. See you at the next 'League meeting" with a burst of speed he shot skyward and was gone. Batman stood there Looking around the grounds of his home . He spotted a new statue on the lawn " Huh. Must be new. Better talk to Alfred about  spending money  on pointless art." Pressing a button on his belt, a trapdoor opened in the neatly trimmed lawn, revealing stairs that led to the cave. He went down them, past the statue. the statue of  an angel with its face buried in its hands, as though it were crying...


The Doctor sat at the table in the Kents kitchen drinking tea that Martha Kent had made him. She was just as kind and welcoming as her husband had been despite being woken by the  ruckus in her barn. She'd scolded him for that and it had stung almost as much as one of Jackie Tyler's legendary face slaps. However he didn't care. It was nice to sit down and not be running from whatever part of the universe was annoyed with him. "Lovely!" he said after finishing his drink and giving Martha his biggest beaming smile.

Clark Kent joined him at the table. even in his civilian guise he cut an impressive figure. "So Ma got you to sit down for more than two minutes. I'm impressed." The Doctor  smirked "Well, i've learnt the hard way that you never argue with somebodys mum" He blinked away various images of the senior Tyler And Jones women giving him a backhander.

Suddenly, he sat bolt upright "The Dalek remains! we need to get rid of them!"  Clark put a reassuring hand on the Timelord's shoulder ."I've dealt with it i threw them into the sun, apart from the gunstick that Krypto refuses to give up". They all laughed.

Later that day , The Doctor and Clark  were on the porch staring at the fields that stretched before them. " i envy you all this, Clark , your wife and your absolutely brilliant parents. You lucky man".He found himself thinking about Rose again, he looked over to his new friend and saw the look of worry on the man's face. He suddenly felt uneasy "Doctor something's worrying me. something another Dalek said to me during the planets in the sky thing" He  told the Timelord what had happened and what the alien had said to him.

"Clark- listen i have to explain something to you" He  took a deep breath and related the events that led to Kal-El's arriving on earth, how Krypton's death was a fixed point in time , but how the Daleks had provided the catalyst for the planetary explosion tampering just enough not to disrupt that point. "Clark , i'm sorry. I am so sorry, i had become great friends with your parents i...." The Kryptonian glared " The Daleks despise failure and your death is something they will pursue single mindedly"

The Kryptonian wiped his tear stained face " I want the Daleks, Doctor... i want them dead,

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