The Wallflower

By strawberryM1KO

51.8K 3.5K 1.4K

"You know that person you see who stands to the side at dances or parties? The one you automatically overlook... More

Nightly Disaster
New Neighbors
Meeting Kota
The Warning
First Days
Lunch, part II
A Fleeting Moment
Mr. Hendricks
A Most Unpleasant Dinner

Lunch, part I

3.2K 265 139
By strawberryM1KO


AP English and Calculus passed in relative silence. I saw some familiar faces and some not-so-familiar ones; at least none that were friendly. I must have the worst luck to get Danielle and Tiffany in Calculus. Thankfully all I faced from them during that period were their high-pitch giggling and matching smirks.

As Ms. Smith released us with a packet full of homework to do, I rushed out of there as quick as I could before Danielle and Tiffany could possibly corner me. I had Home Economics next and it was one of my favorite classes. I was thankful to be able to take it again.

The hallways were packed as I shoved myself into the sea of bodies. People were pushing and shoving each other to get to their next class because we only had four minutes to get from class to class before the bell rang and tardies began being issued. I could already hear teachers shouting at students to stop loitering and move to their next class as I came upon building X once again. My schedule was put together oddly and I wasn't sure why they didn't group the classes that were within the same building around the same time.

As the first bell rang, I jumped at the sound and hurried along to the room at the end of the hallway where something sweet greeted me. I could smell it all along the hallway and the scent wafted around me pleasantly.

The classroom seemed half full by the time I got there. I breathed easy, smiling at Ms. Allen who was already decked out in her chef coat with her blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun. I heard the door behind me slam shut and I turned, surprised and utterly disappointed as Danielle came through with a smile on her face.

"Sang, please sit with Silas, you know how the class is operated already and I'd like you to mentor him." Ms. Allen told me, gesturing to the dark-haired giant sitting hunched over in his seat. "And Danielle, please sit over on Lucy's table."

I frowned, blinking in surprise at the hunched form of Silas across the room. This was Home Economics II, how did Silas get into this class being new?

I felt puzzled but I couldn't ignore Ms. Allen's encouraging look as she smiled at me. My eyes shifted to Danielle who had a slight frown on her face as she walked past and over to Lucy's table, a girl in junior year. Looking over Silas, he seemed awfully big for the small stools, that didn't seem designed to suite his frame.

Silas turned his gaze my way. If he seemed surprised to see me, it didn't show but he sat up straighter on the stool and smiled at me. I approached his table rather reluctantly, my hands shaking as I pushed my glasses up my nose.

The classroom was designed to be laid out like a kitchen with a small section of rectangular tables and stools for writing assignments. The other half of the classroom consisted of prep tables, two big ovens, and a couple of reach-in refrigerators and sinks. This section of the school was old and I wasn't surprised that there still wasn't the new oven that Ms. Allen requested from Principal Hendricks.

Silas grinned from ear to ear as I pulled myself up onto a stool next to him. I was nervous and anxious as I placed my bag on the table with my gaze going anywhere but at him. Being this close to him, Silas smelled absolutely amazing and there was a distinct manly smell that was just a bit intoxicating. I swallowed uneasily, feeling my face heat.

I was hyper aware of Danielle's presence a table over and it truly felt like my every move was being watched. But it was harder to ignore Silas, with his easygoing smile and his dark, intense eyes.

As Ms. Allen began the class and started in on how the class operated, I tried my hardest to concentrate but that was easier said than done with Silas staring right at me. I don't know if it was just because I was more aware of him than anything else but his presence was hard to ignore.

"I never thought I'd get another chance to see you, not after you ran from me and North last Friday." Silas said softly. The deep baritone of his voice shook me and I gripped my hands together as Ms. Allen passed around a paper.

When it came to our lonely table, I took two with a thanks and handed one to Silas. He thanked me quietly as I stayed quiet, unsure what to say. What did I say? 'I'm sorry I'm such an awkward weirdo who can't string together a concrete sentence or have normal conversations without having a panic attack?'

Inwardly, I winced. No, that would be the worst thing to say.

Just as I went to take out my pencil case, Silas placed a hand over one of mine, halting my movements. His big palm covered my shaking hands and I found they were so warm, like the sun. I shivered, looking up at him through my too-big glasses.

"I just wanted to apologize for Sunday night. North and I, we must've scared you and for that, I'm sorry." He told me quietly, dipping his head towards me as he gave my hand a light squeeze. "I'd like to be friends, if that's possible."

The inviting warmth of Silas hands sent a shiver up my spine and I swallowed nervously, forgetting Danielle, Ms. Allen and the other students for the time being. The earnest look in his eyes surprised me, but there was a small, doubtful voice at the back of my head that brought me back to earth.

I took my hand away, avoiding his gaze and the intense look on his face as he stared imploringly at me. "W-we should get started, Ms. Allen doesn't like slackers." Was all I said as I got off the stool and followed the other students to the prep tables.

"Coats, hats and aprons are assigned. I'd like to get your names printed on them by the end of term if you pass the class. Be aware it is your responsibility to wash and keep them in pristine condition." Ms. Allen said as she had us form a line. There were two big boxes on a prep table near the back storage and a clipboard in her hands.

Silas and I stood in the middle, with Lucy and Danielle at the very end. I could feel her cold stare from here and it made me anxious. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt and adjusted my glasses every few seconds as a distraction. It seems Silas and I fell into an awkward silence but with Danielle watching my every move, I wasn't sure how to act. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea about me but on the other hand, I still wasn't sure why he was even speaking to me at all.

Guys like Silas didn't talk to girls like me. And it was just....strange.

"Do you enjoy cooking?" Silas asked me suddenly. I had to tilt my head back to look at him, since he was so tall. He was nearly two or three heads taller than me and the size difference never failed to amaze me.

I shifted awkwardly, angling my body so it wasn't turned to Silas just in case Danielle caught our interaction. "I-I do, it's the one thing I'm really good at." I told him, my gaze going to the floor and anywhere but at Silas.

"I'm not a very good cook, but I guess if I have you to help me out, I think I'll be okay." He told me in reply and my eyes shot to his in surprise. His accent seemed thicker with certain words but the way the corner of his lips titled up into a half-smile, a genuine one, sent a thrill of happiness through me.

I looked down at my feet, sure my face was growing hot again as a strange flutter filled me. As we got up to the front, Danielle's cool gaze caught my eye and the dopey smile on my face fell in an instant. I really hoped she didn't see or hear our minuscule interaction.

Home Economics passed in companionable silence. My attention warred between watching Danielle and keeping Silas at a distance; I was on constant alert and anxious through the whole period. Silas could tell something was bothering me, I could see it in the way he stared at me and glanced at Danielle, a permanent frown forming.

He said nothing, seeming to leave it alone and for that, I was glad. Ms. Allen allowed us some free time for the rest of the period and I spent it doodling in my notebook while Silas pulled out a book to read.

I recognized it vaguely as one of the Hardy Boys books. I was a bit surprised, I didn't know a lot of people my age who read that series but I smiled secretly to myself, happy knowing Silas reads them.

The rest of the period passed in relative silence, with Silas glancing over at me every now and then. Part of me felt like this was the perfect chance to ask him how he got in this class, but figured it was none of my business.

Danielle's piercing glare seemed to have let up because when I glanced over at her table, her attention was on the phone in her hands.

"You should have lunch with me and a few of my friends, I know they wouldn't mind you joining us." Silas asked me after as the class was slowly emptying.

I blinked at him, surprised he had friends already after the first day. Besides North and possibly Luke, I wasn't sure if Silas knew anyone else. But then, they were all very good-looking and with Luke as North's "brother", I was sure it wasn't hard to have people clamoring to be your friend.

I bit my lip nervously. What did I say? Should I say yes? I usually had lunch with Karen but I hadn't seen her at all today so what did I do? Tell him no and watch his face crumble? I winced at that thought, knowing I was going to regret this but also knowing I could not at least sit and have lunch with him. Maybe just part of the lunch would be okay?

Silas jutted his lip out and gave me the most adorable puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen on a guy. "Please? What if I told you it would be just me, you and North, would you be okay with that?" He asked me, his dark eyes earnest and almost pleading.

I bit my lip, unsure. "I-I don't want to take you away from your friends..." But even as I said that, part of me hopes he insists and still wants to have lunch with me. And wasn't that a strange feeling. It seemed selfish of me, because I usually had lunch with Karen but then Silas was so nice...

Silas smiled at me then, a roguish kind that made my toes curl. "They won't mind, I'm sure. They'll probably be too busy with some stuff anyway. Plus, I'm not sure I want to share you yet." He said, his accent bleeding through.

It was just like that night at Jade's party and the intense look in his eyes sent a slight thrill through me. I looked down, suddenly embarrassed as the other students milled back and forth beyond the classroom. The atmosphere here was slighter better than being surrounded by drunk teenagers.

I crumbled, decision made.

"A-Alright," I conceded, giggling at the little whoop he did with his hand. There was a full blown grin on his face and I melted inside just a little bit at the fact it was because of me.

Inside, I wanted to facepalm myself. What was I even doing?! Jade was surely going to kill me slowly if she found out I'd be sitting down having lunch with Silas and North.

Danielle eyed me as she went out and I ducked my head, internally panicking. I'd completely forgotten she was there! I pulled my head up as Silas slung his backpack over one shoulder and said goodbye to Ms. Allen as I awkwardly stood near the door. Danielle wasn't outside when Silas stepped up beside me but still, I tried not to let it show how incredibly nervous and scared I was at the thought of getting caught having lunch with Silas and his friends. Why was my life so complicated? It was only high school!

Rather reluctantly, I followed Silas out into the throng of students heading to the cafeteria. I fiddled with the frame of my glasses as a distraction from the shaking in my arms and legs. The earnest look on Silas face as he glanced down at me seemed to make Jade's eventual showdown worth it. If I was going to go down, at least I could tell Karen I had lunch with a couple of guys who were actually friendly to me. And if they were handsome, that was just a bonus.

The courtyard was packed by the time we managed to push and shove our way through the hallways. They gave Silas a wide berth considering his giant frame and for once, I wasn't getting pushed around or lost in the chaos. I was sorely tempted to grab out and catch Silas bag just in case I lost him but he always looked back at me and gave me that blinding smile I was weak to.

I barely knew him but he was so nice and I got this strange feeling at the pit of my stomach that always seemed to be doing somersaults around him. My face flamed at the thought and I tried to shake it off, deciding to put it out of my mind.

I looked around, with Silas standing beside me, trying to scope out a good seat and spotted a picnic table under a large tree near the center of the courtyard.

One thing hadn't changed at this school: crowded cafeteria lines. I was pretty sure all the good food was gone and I was about to tell Silas we could just get a snack from the vending machines when he went straight to a corner that was secluded from the noisy courtyard next to the cafeteria.

I frowned, following him reluctantly before he stopped and turned to me.

"Sang, just go grab a table. I'm just going to say hi to my friends first and then I'll be right there." He told me, gesturing with his head to the group of guys sitting on a bench.

Curious, I peeked around him and my throat closed up as I looked over at the table he was talking about. There were a lot of people already crowded around them but I recognized a few faces there. I froze, seeing Gabriel leaning back on the table with his elbows. Luke was next to him who was sat talking with another guy that I didn't recognize in the slightest. It was hard to really see him from here but even I could see that he was handsome; wavy, brown hair brushed back and sharp, cut features that seemed to fit the finely pressed clothes he wore. They were simple enough, clean slacks and a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. But the cool expression he wore and the way he sat just a little straighter than his other companions made me think he stood just a little taller than them.

I cut my eyes away as Silas left and approached their table. I was too nosy for my own good and sometimes I had to leave well enough alone. But it was strange, seeing the differences between them and everyone else.

New students were common at Ashley Waters so nobody blinked an eye whenever somebody new enrolled. They let students in by the bucket load and it seemed as if this year wasn't any different, considering Silas and his friends. I still found it odd they all knew each other but I suppose that wasn't any of my business.

With more and more students piling into the courtyard, I hurried over to the large tree where the picnic table was unoccupied and sat quietly, waiting for Silas.

I was hyper-aware of everyone around me, chatting and talking without a care in the word. Most were too occupied with Luke's presence and their last companion seemed to be garnering a lot of attention himself. Though it seemed as if he wanted to be anywhere but here.

Turning away, I tried not to stare at how odd it was seeing Silas standing next to the lot of them. His frame was a lot bigger but even I could tell that he fit in easily and it was then that I knew, they really seemed to be in a world all their own.

All it took was a split second for the doubt to start trickling in and already I felt like getting up and walking off to go mop in a corner by myself. I shook my head, putting those morose thoughts out of my mind just as Silas turned and smiled at me. His friends cut their eyes to me, with Luke waving a hand at me with a large grin on his face.

I waved back timidly, returning his smile tentatively though I'm sure it came out more as a grimace. Gabriel rose an eyebrow at me, and the expression on his face looked cool from here but otherwise I couldn't see what he was thinking as he stared over at me. Their last companion had a frown on his face as he glanced from Silas to me but a playful slap from Luke tore his gaze away. The glasses made it hard to focus on their expressions  and part of me couldn't tell if it was nerves making me see things or if there was any merit to it.

After a few seconds, Silas was leaving them with a wave and I ducked my head, finding the zipper of my bag the most interesting thing in the world. My face felt hot and I had the distinct feeling of getting caught with my hands in the cookie jar. I peeked a glance at the seemingly popular table that everyone suddenly wanted to sit at, finding Luke and that other guy talking together while Gabriel was still staring over at me. I quickly looked away just as Silas approached my table.

Silas smiled as he sat down, setting his bag down next to mines just as North began walking over with a tray ladened with food on it.

"This place is a joke when it comes to food. Nothing but burgers, fries and more burgers. The salad section is ridiculous." North muttered as he slammed the tray down on the table angrily. The sound of it startled me and I jumped, shooting wide eyes up to his scowling a face.

"North, cool it. This is fine. Right, Sang?" Silas asked me with a smile, right before he and North traded looks. It went right over my head but I felt nervous at being in the middle of it, so to speak.

Nonetheless, they didn't have to get me lunch. "T-this is fine, thank you North." I said, genuinely grateful.

North sat down with a grunt, pushing the tray between the three of us. He muttered out a curt apology to me and I returned it with nod, not quite able to meet their gazes just yet. I felt strangely nervous now with the realization that I was once again alone with North and Silas.

I blinked, as North placed a cheese burger in front of me along with a carton of milk and some apple slices. Silas took the other cheese burger while North kept the plain hamburger for himself. They split the rest of the apple slices between themselves and took a milk each.

I pushed my glasses up my nose to hide the nervous shiver in my hands, managing a rather lopsided smile at North and Silas, who practically beamed at me as he bit into his burger.

We fell into a comfortable silence, with the chatter of the courtyard surrounding us.

Being here with them, like this, it was nice. We didn't need to speak and I was happy enough just being able to sit with them normally, for once.

A flash of green caught my eye and I stood immediately, seeing Jade in a green mini dress by the entrance to the cafeteria with Danielle next to her. She was whispering something, her eyes cutting to me briefly before going back to Jade.

"Sang? What's wrong?" Silas asked me, raising an eyebrow at my actions. He followed my line of sight and his normally bright smile dipped into a frown as he saw Jade and Danielle making their way to our table.

North's usual scowl deepened into a frown, matching Silas expression but he looked more annoyed than anything. "Do you know her, Sang?" He bit out, his eyes narrowing as Jade got closer and closer.

I swallowed uneasily, grabbing my bag as North's question hung in the air. "S-something like that, yeah. Jade's pretty popular around school. I-I shouldn't have been here, I'm sorry." I apologized, turning swiftly from their confused, concerned gazes. I could feel their stares on my back but I ignored it, because I wasn't sure I could explain myself without burdening them with my problems at the same time. And the last thing I wanted was to see them get all chummy with Jade and Danielle.

I knew this was a bad idea, but like always, I made an impulsive decision. I guess this was my comeuppance and now I had to deal with the fallout of being Jade's target. She told me to stay away and I didn't, because why should she rule my life? But now I was terrified of what she would do to me once she managed to corner me later. And she would, once she got her claws into North.

I left the courtyard, feeling the weight of a thousand suns upon my shoulders. There was a definite black cloud over me though and I wanted nothing more than for it to go away. My once happy mood bled away and in its place, the anxiety and depression settled in. I was drowning again and I hated it, I hated it so much I could scream.

A/N: I hope you all don't hate me too much! Next chapter will be a North POV because I know everyone wants that bit at the end to be resolved. It will! I promise Jade won't get her claws into North, he won't let her.

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