By HeraValla_Haddock16

1.7K 23 3

Hiccup had won the honor of killing an agressive Monstrous Nightmare. Since, he wouldn't kill a dragon, his o... More

Growing Up

Lost and Found

251 8 0
By HeraValla_Haddock16

- A S G A R D -

It has been fifteen years since Vali was sent to Midgard by Loki. Despite having his mother dead and his father currently in prison, Heimdall-- who promised the god of mischief to watch over the young prince of Asgard-- couldn't help but feel pride. Even if Vali is at Midgard, he is slowly developing actions that he has done before but took no knowledge of it. The boy is still confuse but he use that as an advantage to learn more and to find answers to his questions.

Heimdall's lips twitched up, seeing as Vali once again learns how to fight.

"How is he?" A deep voice asked. Heimdall needn't to look behind to see who it was.

"He learns quickly from his past, but took no knowledge of who he truly is." Heimdall stated firmly as his eyes watched below him from the rainbow bridge.

The bifrost is currently now in no use due to Loki's plan upon using it to destroy Jotunheim as his revenge for Laufey who killed his wife but Thor was quick to think and used his hammer to destroy half of the rainbow bridge, so that the bifrost can no longer balance itself. Loki failed and Thor was quick to send him to prison before his brother do something he will regret. Sadly, Loki is slowly forgetting about his son that is on Midgard and only Thor is the one who did his best to keep Vali on his brother's mind. In hopes that maybe Loki could change.

"What about her?" Thor asked, his voice sounds hopeful.

Heimdall smiles. "She's finally awake."


- B E R K -

Meanwhile, on Berk, Astrid was true to her words. Early on the morning, she literally dragged Hiccup away from his bed and all the way through their secret cove.

They started training since then. Astrid started from exercise to increase his stamina and speed once more before doing some basic self defence, until Hiccup doesn't tire out fast and quickly learns. They continue their training using weapons of all kinds. Although, sometimes, they both hang out, read books, play around, go swimming on the pond and occasionally stealing kisses, hugs, and cuddles and just sitting down and enjoy the day.

Although, they are not in a relationship, well not yet officially, but then they often just do some casual kisses which were so normal for them. Little did one know, they secretly have feelings for each other.

And no one, not even Stoick, Astrid's parents or Gobber, know about this little endeavor and they intent to keep it that way.

Hiccup once told her that Stoick tried to teach him how to wield an axe. But after a lot of tries, Stoick easily gave up on him. Luckily, Astrid was patient on Hiccup. On their fifteenth training, Hiccup was struggling to weild a sword that is until Astrid saw the problem. Stoick tried to teach Hiccup how to weild an axe using his right hand when Astrid knew that he was lefty, and as such the axe was too heavy for him.

Using Hiccup's left hand, they tried using different weapons until they found what was easy and suitable for him. Hiccup was more balance with a dagger and a sword, they discovered. So she suggested for him to make his own sword so he would feel at ease with them on training.

He did what he was told and made his very own sword at the forge. Hiccup first call for help with his Gronkle friend that he named Vulcan. He started to collect limestones and other stones that could result to gronkle iron, one of the lightest and strongest metal on Midgard. Once finished, he thanked his friend and made his way back at the forge.

The sword and dagger he created was both thin and has sharp edges that could cut through anything. The metal was shiny and from it, there were carvings of an asgardian runes that kept appearing on Hiccup's mind and he couldn't help but feel like he have to put those runes on his sword and dagger. The handle itself was painted in pure gold with a dragon's scaly twisted body. It's head rest at the top with an open mouth while it's eyes held two small emerald.

It was truly one of a kind and Gobber could tell because he was the only one to witness the creation of both weapons, including Astrid.

Then Astrid realize, if Stoick had a little more patient with Hiccup, he could have found out what Hiccup can't and can do. After five years of fighting together, Hiccup can finally keep up with duals against her for hours, maybe even more. And he got better and better with each passing duals that sometimes he would win against her, and sometimes she would win against him.

"Hah!" Astrid attacked and Hiccup immediately avoids it by deflecting it using his sword. Astrid was quick to give him a hard kick on the side.

Hiccup grunted. "Wait! Wait!" He called, dropping his sword and panted.

Astrid let out a breathy laugh. "Getting old grandpa?" She teased.

"You know, I wonder where you get all that energy from." Hiccup retorted with an eyebrow raised. Astrid laughed.

"I think this is enough training for now." Astrid said and nodded her with a teasing smile.

Hiccup chuckled before he abruptly attack Astrid which results to both of them landing on the ground with Hiccup on top and Astrid underneath, his hands gripping Astrid's wrists and pinned them just above her head

Astrid laughed. "Do you really have to do that?" She asked, amusement is visible in her eyes.

"You did say the element of surprise is always effective." Hiccup smirked. Astrid nodded her head mockingly.

Hiccup's smirk widened, his green eyes meeting ocean blue before his eyes trailed down to her pink lips. He wasted no time as he dip his head down and his lips met hers, who gave out a quick surprise yelp before melting into the kiss. Hiccup angled himself more before deepening the kiss.

Moments later, Hiccup broke the kiss with a small audible pop while Astrid stared daze at him which made Hiccup chuckled before kissing her once again and broke the kiss immediately.

"What was your for?" Astrid asked.

I love you. Hiccup thought. "A thank you." His mouth said.

Astride frowned but immediately replace it with a smile. "Your welcome." She peck his lips before smiling.

"Come on, we should pack up." Hiccup nodded, grunting before letting Astrid go who immediately got in her feet.

"Hey, Astrid?"


Hiccup fidget a bit. "S-Since we're doing nothing tomorrow, I-I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" He asked, nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

Astrid smiled. "Yeah, sure." She grabbed her axe and slowly approach Hiccup. "It's a date."

Hiccup smile widened. "See you tomorrow, M'lady." He peck her cheek before leaving the cove with Astrid smiling at his form.


"Are you seriously going to look for that dragon?" Astrid asked, her voice sounded nervous and concern for Hiccup. She knew he was stubborn in every possible way.

Days later, a raid just happen earlier ago. Astrid and the others were sent to put the fires out that were caused by the dragons while Hiccup-- being small and a runt, was put to the forge once again and help Gobber with weapons. Hiccup stayed at the forge the whole raid, occasionally wincing and flinching every time he hears a cry of agony from dragons that were being killed by his tribe. He could feel himself losing energy every time a dragon dies.

Hiccup tried to ignored such feelings and continue his focus on his task. That was until he heard a familiar whispered which made him jump out in weird surprise feeling that he hasn't felt before. It was like, a part of him has finally return. His heart skip a beat and Hiccup immediately look out the window just in time to see the mighty Night Fury blasting one of their catapult. The Night Fury was known to be the most feared dragon and Hiccup was practically in awe upon seeing it the first time.

Hiccup was only brought to reality after Gobber shouts at him to get back to work. Hiccup reluctantly went back inside the forge with a sigh of defeat. He starts to hammer the heavy sword back to its original state for a few minutes until a loud ZAP! was heard being followed by a loud shriek of agony before it quickly disappear. Hiccup accidentally dropped the hammer and suddenly staggers on his feet.

Gobber was surprise to hear a noise from Hiccup's side of the forge and immediately went to his side only to see him in pain. His right hand on his heart and his left, massaging his left foot.

"'Iccup! Ye elrayt?" Gobber asked, worried about his apprentice.

Hiccup winced. "Gobber, it hurts." He whimpered, wincing once again.


"Everything!" Hiccup exclaimed. "But mostly my left foot."

"Maybe ye sheed teek a rest fur naw." Gobber said as Hiccup nodded his head. Gobber helped him stand back up and made their way at Hiccup's workshop at the back.

Hiccup stayed there the whole night until the raid was finish. Astrid noticed Hiccup gone and immediately look for him, and found him on his workshop at the forge, resting. After Hiccup saw her, he immediately told her what happened-- knowing Astrid could be trusted and because she too knew of Hiccup's fond about dragon and the fact that he did not like them being killed. And now they found themselves in the outskirts of the forest.

"Yes," Hiccup sigh and continue their walk until they both reach the center of the forest. "I need to see that dragon and look if it's okay after I saw it took a hit."

Astrid rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I really don't understand how your so kind and friendly to dragons." She retorted which made Hiccup scoff in amusement.

"You know, you can just let me go alone and look for it." Hiccup crossed his arms and gave Astrid a look who didn't made any move.

"And leave you to deal with that dragon alone? Nope." Astrid protested and walked lass Hiccup who sigh. "Not after knowing that the dragon we are talking about is a Night Fury."

"Now I wished that I didn't told you what dragon it was." Hiccup grumbled with an eyeroll before sighing.

He didn't even notice Astrid stop dead on her tracks and looked up only to see broken branches and the ground below looked like something heavy did land on it-- or more like someone. Hiccup's chest collided with Astrid's back which emit a pain 'oof!' from Hiccup. He gave her a confuse look before gazing at what Astrid is looking. His mouth fell agape before his eyes twinkle and a wide smile replace his mouth.

He wasted no time and ran towards the crash site, passing by Astrid who blinked in realization. "Hiccup, wait!"

Astrid groaned in annoyance but followed Hiccup nonetheless, who abruptly stop in front of a huge boulder. Astrid stood by his side and together they climb up only to duck back down after seeing it. The dragon, it's there!

Astrid rolled her eyes after seeing Hiccup panting heavily at the sight. She climb back up and saw the dragon, a Night Fury, in a tangled mess and laying on the dirt-- looking like it's dead. At least, that's what Astrid think.

"I think it's dead." Astrid whispered. Hiccup shook his head.

He grab his dagger on his waist and nervously pointing it on the dead Night Fury. Though, in reality, he's not really planning on killing it. Astrid followed behind, narrowing her eyes at the black creature and carefully gave it a nudge, much to Hiccup's protest.

It growled weakly, which made both Vikings jumped in surprise.

"On second thought. . ." Astrid trailed off, her voice slowly disappearing after her eyes caught the dragon staring back at her and Hiccup with its emerald green eyes. "It's alive."

The Night Fury caught sight of Hiccup's dagger and suddenly found himself tied on ropes, along the tails and wings causing it to immobilize himself. He soon gave up and it's own fate decide whether he should live or not. He waited and waited but nothing came. Not even a quick pain of a knife hitting his own flesh. The Night Fury opened his eyes only to see Hiccup kneeling down in front of him and carefully touching the dragon's scaly wings.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Hiccup soothed. Soon, he let his own magic do it's work. His left eye glowed bright green causing the ebony dragon's emerald eyes to glow bright green as well.

The dragon audibly gasped, but to Astrid, it's sounds like growling deeply. "Vali?"

"Sorry?" Hiccup made a confuse face that made the Night Fury rethink his words.

"How are you able to talk our language?" The ebony dragon asked out of curiosity and confusion.

"I think I've been able to talk to your language since the beginning." Hiccup chuckled humorously which the dragon did not return and glared at Hiccup with intense eyes. "But now that you brought it, I guess it has to do with our left eyes glowing. I've been having that effect with every dragon I come close with."

Although Hiccup is still looking for answers, the Night Fury already knew the answers, since it has been marker on his mind the look of his previous owner. The young boy named Vali he met when he was just a hatchling. Vali is just like the boy that's talking to him right now and is known for being the god of dragons. He couldn't forget that face. And he is certain, Hiccup is him.

"Listen," The Night Fury was brought back to his senses by Hiccup's voice. "I'm-- we're going to let you go."

"Wait, what?" Astrid exclaimed in panic but Hiccup calmed her down.

That sentence made the Night Fury perk up in alarm while he stared at Hiccup's eyes, searching for the truth.

"So, just-- just, once you're free, please don't kill us." Hiccup wince as he closed his eyes while Astrid nodded her head vigorously.

Astrid cut the ropes that got tangled on the ebony dragon's tail while Hiccup cuts the ropes on the dragon's wings and upper body. It was total silence until the Night Fury stood on its feet while shaking it's head. He let out a low growl at Hiccup and Astrid before flying away, leaving Hiccup and Astrid flabbergasted.

"He just flew away." Astrid said, stating the most obvious thing.

"Yeah." Hiccup playfully rolled his eyes at her.

"Do you think it was a good idea to set it free?" Astrid asked as she slowly stands in front of Hiccup with a small frown.

"Him." Hiccup corrected.


"Not an 'it', 'he'." Hiccup clarified. "He's a boy." That made Astrid slowly nod her head in understanding.

"Okay, he." Astrid corrected herself before she stared at Hiccup who looked deep in thought.


Hiccup blinked. "Astrid, you have to promise me that you won't say anything about this. This whole thing will stay here a secret." He said which made Astrid stare in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" Astrid exclaimed. "We just found a Night Fury. One of the most dangerous dragon of all. We could even be the first to see it and live to tell the tale!"

"Please, Astrid." Hiccup begged, using his puppy dog eyes that seems to grow wide and brighter which made Astrid look away.

"It just that, everytime I see a dragon. I felt weird, like-like a connection, or something. And when they get hurt, I can feel their pain. I know, it sounds crazy but you have to trust me on this. Please." Hiccup grab hold Astrid's hand which made the young shield maiden to look at the boy with a frown before sighing in defeat.

"Alright." She replied. Hiccup couldn't help but smile widely which made the girl smile too. Hiccup pulled Astrid into a hug which made both of them relax against each other.

"Thank you." Hiccup whispered.

It may seem like the situation ended happily, both the young Vikings didn't even know what would hit them in the end.

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