When Hate turns to Love

By goth-girl-22

9.3K 202 20

*Bellarke* when a dropship full of 100 teenage criminals lands on earth what will happen when the two leaders... More

Rough Landing
Camp Bellamy
"Fake" Dating
Shit Hits the Fan
The Plan
Unity day
Blast off
Getting down and dirty
A Simple Mistake
A Good Ole Snatch N' Stab
Peace and Love Can Heal
The cave
Tea Spills Sis
The Ark
Can You Keep a Secret?
Pink is my Least Favorite Color
Chocolate cake?
What the hell Abby??
Time flies
Congratulations! its a....
The time has come :(
Abby back off
Welcome to Polis
It Begins
Welcome to the World
6 years later

Well. That sucks

203 6 0
By goth-girl-22

So. We have people on board with the plan.
1. Get bell inside with a little help from Lincoln
2. Find a way trough security
3. Try to safely get everyone out. Including grounders
4. Never see them again.
It sounds good. I hope it works. We have joined Anya in hopes of getting them out as well. No one is left behind. Bellamy leaves in 2 days to get inside. Lincoln will be dressed up as a reaper and Bellamy will be a grounder. They will take him into the blood room and hopefully take out a guard. He'll take his uniform and boom all access pass. I hope he doesn't get caught. Considering that these people have all own each other forever. The baby is getting bigger soon it will be hard to hide. We never did find out the gender but I don't think it matters. I'm going to have to tell my mom. She's going to be delivering the damn thing. I don't know how she'll react. She doesn't trust Bellamy. No one is aloud outside of camp unless they are hunting. Only adults so Bellamy can't even leave. And on top of that how are we going to get out? So to fix our issue raven and wick, some engineer, are going  to turn off the power to the electric fence. And then we can leave. I don't want Bellamy to leave. What if he gets hurt or worse. I start to tear up. I'm sitting by the fire pit that was made yesterday. A few people sit around me. I hear a few people shout and the gates are opened. Who's out there. The hunting squad isn't supposed to be back for hours. Then I see him. The worst person possible. Finn. My eyes widen and I run trying to find Bellamy. Everyone is confused on why I ran away. They don't know what he did to me. Or tried to do. I find Bell in mechanical. "Bell! Finns back!" I tell him scared out of my mind. "Oh shit" he says. He starts to leave but turns around to hug me. "I'll take care of this you stay here with raven. I love you." He says before kissing my head. "Love you to." I say. "Come here." Raven says. She looks out a window we watch as Bellamy approaches him.
When Clarke told me he was back I was pissed. I wanted to beat the living shit outta him. I walk up to him. He smirks at me. "You need to leave." I say "why" he says "because you were banished." I say getting angry. "I was banished from your camp, and last I checked Kane and Abby were in charge." He says. I am so furious. I walk to Abby "can I talk to you for a second." I say through my teeth. We walk to the medical ward "what's wrong?" She asks worried "Finn needs to leave." I say to her "why he just got here." She says "he tried to rape Clarke!" I say "he's leaving now!" She says storming out toward Finn. I follow not sure what's going to happen. She pulls him by his shirt and throws him out. Everyone is confused "THIS BOY HAS ATTEMPTED RAPE ON MY DAUGHTER!" She yells getting the camps full attention. "HE IS NOT ALLOWED BACK HERE. IF I OR ANYBODY IN THE GUARD CATCHES YOU BRINGING HIM BACK YOU WILL BE PUNISHED TO THE FULL EXTENT!" She yells making sure her point was made. "You are banished from this camp. You will NEVER see anyone here again especially Clarke." She says to Finn. He stares his eyes full of rage. He stands up and storms away. Hopefully leaving the camp forever. I look over and see Clarke smile at me. She jogs over and hugs me. "Thanks babe!" She says wrapping her small arms around me. Her small belly is slightly exposed. I look over to Abby and she has a look in her face that she wants to say something. She walks over "I need to talk to you both....privately." She says. We nod and follow her to the medical ward. Clarke sits down on one of the cots. "Clarke we need to have a serious talk." She says "who's baby is it?" She says bluntly. We stare at her completely in awe. Clarke's mouth is hanging open. "Mom...." She starts "it's mine." I blurt. She looks at me. Oh god. She's going to say I can't be with her anymore. "Thank god." She sighs "I thought it was Finn and I was scared." She says in relief. "I found him before he could do anything to bad." He says  "good so how far along are you?" She says "Uh about 5 months." Clarke says holding her stomach. "Okay so we have time to make some stuff." She says "well......we had told the 100 about it and they made some supply's back at the dropship. We can run over and get it we hid the stuff Incase of emergency." She says "no no no. I'll send the guard over to look." She says " but they don't know where to look!" She argues. They go back and forth for awhile. "Stop!" I yell. "I'll go. I know where it is I'm trained and I'm not pregnant." I say. I smirk at the last bit. "Fine. I'll assign you a gun and then you'll leave. Well do it later today." She says. Perfect it won't get in the way of the plan. "Okay. We leave in an hour." I say

Oooo mom found out. At least she's okay with it. And now Bellamy has more to do and less time for Clarke.

This was over 900 words ahhhhh

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