In Love With The Swordsman

By XxMusicalHowlxX

61.4K 827 413

Princess Asuna's Life was tough, With her mother trying to pair her off to the richest prince or her tough de... More

Princess Asuna Irene Of Aincrad
Evening Of Thought
Decision Of A Life Time
Shout Out Sweepstakes!
Running Away
Falling slowly
Fianlly feeling loved
New life
A little bit of love
My great return
Escaped Into the Forest
Taking A break~Not a chappy
SURPRISE-teaser chapter!
~Running fast~
Coming soon...
Im sorry ( not a chapter )
Thank you

Safe, For now.

2.2K 36 11
By XxMusicalHowlxX

Asuna POV

We were finally home. Safe and sound in our little cabin in the woods.

I felt safe, Kirito has been very clingy to me lately and I can't blame him.

After what happened I feel like he's just being overprotective of me not only cause he loves me to death but also because I am carrying our baby.

He has already set up a small room that will one day be the nursery.

I really had no idea how far along I was but I had guessed about 2 months.

Right now, however, I was resting in our hammock that set on the porch of our home. I was just laying there looking at the clouds above.

Kirito had been fixing up something inside and told me to go outside for a while.

As I laid there I suddenly heard the sliding glass door open.

Kirito stepped onto the porch and walked towards me.

He reached his hand down towards me and stroked my cheek." How are you feeling?" He asked while moving onto the large hammock beside me.

I rested my head on his chest and sighed in content.

" I'm fine, like always," I said as I nuzzled my head further into his hold.

" that's good. I'm glad you feeling okay. Considering.." he started and I put my finger to his lips.

" Let's not talk about it okay? I want to enjoy this peace." I said and smiled and nodded.

we laid there on the hammock until night fell across the sky and it began to get chilly.

I must have fallen asleep cause when I became Conscious again I was being lifted up by Kirito.

I opened my eyes a little and Kirito looked down at me.

" It's okay love, go back to sleep." He said quietly. I took it as an invitation and immediately fell back into a peaceful slumber.

I felt myself being lowered onto the soft bed that we both share and sighed in content when Kirito pulled the blanket up to my chest and laid next to me.

I really did enjoy his presence is soothed me in many ways that only I couldn't explain.

The next morning I awoke with a wave of sickness that washed over me in a blink of an eye.

I ran into the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach.

man this morning sickness is going to be a pain in my rear, I thought to myself.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen to make me some herbal tea to hopefully ease my stomach

Once i had made my tea, i sat down on the bar stool by the counter and quietly sipped my tea.

From the corner of my eye  i saw our two beautiful equines grazing happily in the morning light.

they looked almost peaceful as i should be, but how could i be so peaceful when my mother could find us at any minute?. 

its sad i have to live my life in fear because of her, even though i felt safer when Kirito was around i still felt some fear in my gut. 

i watched our horses grazing but after a little while i felt  familiar hands wrap around my shoulders and a welcome kiss placed atop my head.

"good morning gorgeous" he said with a deep toned voice.

"good morning handsome" i said back trying to sound sexy as his was.

he unwrapped his hands from around me and walked over to the coffee machine to make coffee.

i sat there, watching his every move noticing when he wakes up his shoulders become more relaxed then they are at any other time of the day. or the way he seems so exhausted but he still moves on like he isn't tired at all. 

It makes me admire him  because even i always tired during the day and cant really seem to get enough sleep. 

when he was done making his coffee i had already finished my tea and i placed my cup in the sink to be washed later and i made my way into our living room. 

I sank into the couch  and breathed out a heavy sigh. Kirito came into the living room and sat down on the recliner and drank his coffee.

"So Asuna, What do you want to do today?" he asked me to break the silence.

"Hmm, i was thinking we go on a ride today. its been a few days since our last ride" i suggested

"sounds good, we can go after i finish my coffee if you want."

I smiled " yeah sounds good" 

After he finished his coffee, we went to get dressed in some more appropriate  clothing for riding and headed off to the barn. 

Kirito went to the fence and whistled, the horses soon came running to the gate and he opened it to let them inside.

I smiled when I saw my stallion who seemed more proud then usual as his head was held high.

i giggled thinking he was just showing off to his lady friend. i patted his shoulder and he whinnied in happiness. 

I took a small brush and began brushing the dirt and mud out of his dark coat. kirito did the same with angel but he seemed to notice something off. it seems he was inspecting angel.

"Whats wrong kirito?," i asked

" im not quite sure, but i believe angel is pregnant" he said and smiled wide and i gasped.

Okay so I realized that my computer didn't save the rest of this chapter so I am fixing it currently. Please come back soon to finish this chapter

Edit ( the chapter is fixed!)

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