The Moment Before We Kissed

By MissCookie00

219 5 0

"The moment before we kissed... I still remember. The passion. The music. Ben was playing his guitar in the b... More

The Moment Before We Kissed
Booty Bumps and Taco Bell
It's not what it looks like?
Sweet Buns
Sugar honey iced tea
Elevators and First Loves
Please Read!

A Team

24 0 0
By MissCookie00

Everyone sees the youtube video right? Well play that at the part where the "person in the room" starts singing and stuff. You'll see it, it's in italics. It's a good song btw :D

"I'm Melodi--" I introduced myself. "Hi, Melodi." They all sounded like those sharks from Nemo. "And umm... What am I supposed to say again?" Leanne smiled patiently. You could see smile lines forming. I honestly thought she was in her late 20's. "3 things about yourself, 2 things you know about music and 1 reason why you came here!" She cheerfully stated. I bit my lip.

3 things about myself...

"Well umm... I was born in England... and no I'm not british my mum just loved to travel... I like to bake cookies! And... I'm 17." I explained. "We should bake cookies together sometime." Someone in the room said. "Sounds like a plan." I replied.

"Okay, now 2 things you know about music." Leanne informed me. "Hmm... it's pretty and... it varies?" I hoped that was somewhat logical. And I guess it was because Leanne simply nodded and gestured for me to move foward. "And... the reason I came here is because my mum thought it would be great. And so far the highlight of this camp is Taco Bell so..." There were some giggles around the room before we moved on.

"Uh, hey I'm Keith." A guy introduced himself. I turned my head to acknowledge him, realizing he was a familiar face. The hazel eyes... the light brown hair. And man he was sexy. His name only makes things better!

"Hi, Keith." The class replied. "Uh, I play lots of instruments... I sing a little.. I also love Taco Bell." He looked at me and smirked. My face grew hot. "Lets see... I know that music can be an escape.. it lifts or darkens your mood."

Vanessa leaned over and whispered, "Man that's deep." I nodded. "Not as deep as-" I cupped my hand over her mouth. "Don't even start." I said, slowly removing my hand from her mouth as she smirked mysteriously.

"...I really love music." Keith finished. "Great! You're definitely a keeper." Leanne said as she set down her cup of coffee beside her.

Am I not a keeper? Well forget you too.

Today we're going to a theatre to see Wicked, the musical. Leanne says it's really good. Trent says they should create another version. Vanessa said let's sneak out. I almost went with Vanessa's plan until Trent said, "Vanessa can sit with me... ya know... to stay out of trouble." then walked away smirking.

So goes sneaking out.

I was just slipping on something decent to wear when Vanessa caught my attention. She had her face pressed against the door and was squinting. "Vanessa, what the--" She shushed me. "Vanessa I--"


I looked at her funny then walked over to the door. Sure enough there was some kind of noise behind the door... not just any noise, but a beautiful noise. It sounded like a guitar. And me, being so attracted to it, opened the door leaving Vanessa to stumble. "What the heck?" She complained. I walked over to the door across from us and listened. The person was playing A-Team by Ed Sheeran... not only that, but singing too. Like an angel.

White lips, pale face, breathin in the snowflakes, burnt lungs, sour taste.

Light's gone, days end, strugglin to pay rent, long nights, strange men.

And they say she's in the class a-team, stuck in her daydream

been this way since eighteen, but lately, her face seems

slowly sinking wasting, crumblin like pastries

and they scream, the worst things in life come free to us cause we're

just under the upper hand, and go mad for a couple grams,

and she don't wanna go outside tonight

and in a pipe she flies to the mother land,

or sells love to another man,

it's co-oold outside, for angels to fly... angels to fly-y-y

By the second verse I was sitting by his door, patting my thigh softly to the beat. In the middle of the song, I got a text. Remind 101. We had 5 minutes before we left to go see Wicked. The person behind the door stopped playing the guitar and I quickly stood up and went back to my room.

"Did you have yourself some fun out there?" Vanessa asked when I walked in. She was sitting on the bed playing flappy birds with a really concentrated face. "Yep... you still play that?" I asked her. She nodded. "It keeps me busy. My fingers can't--- AGGGHHHH" She chucked the phone across the room and I dodged it just before it could hit my ear.

"VANESSA WHAT THE HECK?" I yelled, covering my ear in shock. She took the pillows off the bed and started throwing them at the door and when there were no more left on the bed, she threw her sunglasses. "YOU IDIOT!" I screamed. "UGH. THAT GAME IS AN IDIOT. I HAVE TO PLAY IT AGAIN." I slapped my palm against my forehead.

"Good luck with doing that on a cracked screen." I informed her. Her mouth dropped open. "IT'S CRACKED?!?" she squealed. There was a knock on the door. I opened the door gently to see Trent standing at the door. "Uhh... is everything alright in here?" He asked, looking around. "Why don't you ask Vanessa." I told him. He shook his head.

"Well it's time to head out... Vanessa." He gave her a look that said, 'especially you' and then he turned and left. I softly closed the door and went to go and get my converses. As I slipped them on I realized something... Trent might actually be attracted to her.

When we left the room, we saw Keith walking down the hallway and Trent just a few steps ahead. Vanessa ran over to Trent while Keith simply stopped and turned around. He smiled at me. I waved. "Hey," I said to him. He said hi. When I caught up with him he said, "how has your first few days been?" I shrugged. "Learned some things."

"You don't know much about music do you?" He asked with an amused look. I honestly shook my head. "Looks like we've got a lot to learn then." I made a confused look and he said, "Just remember I'm gonna make this the best camp experience you will ever have." I nodded and smiled. "Well.. Okay."


I decided I'd sit next to Keith during Wicked. He suggested it anyway so, why not? Keith was on my right, Vanessa on my left and Trent on Vanessa's left. And remember that Tiffany chick? The one that was obsessed with Trent's chest? Yea. Right next to Trent. Poor Trent, hopefully she doesnt do anything stupid.

The spotlights turned on, shining on a woman with a bun so tight in her head, I could see her veins from four rows away. She had on a polka dotted collared oxford and a grey pencil skirt. And oh. My. Gosh. Her voice was so annoying. She sounded like the girl from little shop of horrors! Everytime she said, "Seymour" I cringed.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the casting of Wicked the Musical!" She began. "Is it just me or is her voice ear peircing?" Keith whispered to me. I giggled and whispered back, "Seymour" which almost made him burst into laughter.

"My name is Cassandra Doiley and I'm here to present you with this wonderful musical. It may leave you with the emotions... but it's a heart touching musical. I hope you enjoy!" And with that, she walked off the stage and the curtains opened.

Before any dialogue began, I heard whispering coming from the beside me so I turned my head towards Vanessa and Trent who were just sitting there, whispering up a storm. Like I said. He's immature! Why he's our mentor? I don't know. But he cleans up really nice for that Leanne chick.

"Honestly, this isn't one of my favorites." Keith whispered to me. "Really?" I replied. "I like the message and the songs and it's a pretty good musical but... I have to say that Les Miserables was a favorite." I gasped. "Me too!" I said, grinning from ear to ear. He shifted his head to look at me and smiled. "You're cute." Then he turned his attention back to the stage.

Towards the end while Glinda and Elphaba sang "For Good" is one of my favorite parts. Apparently it's Keith's too. The song is so touching a pretty and... What's that on my hand?

I almost flinched but when I looked down I saw that Keith had ever so lightly placed his hand over mine. I started to smile and looked up to see him, also smiling, but eyes still on the play. Thank God for the dark theatre because I sure was blushing a storm.

After the musical ended, Trent's group was outside standing next to the building, waiting for a taxi. We were all about to go to eat at Chick-Fil-A but we had to take seperate taxi's. While we were waiting, my phone started ringing. I took my phone out my pocket and looked at the caller ID.

It was Harry... Oh God.

"Hello?" I answered. "DEE DEE!!! HAYY GIRL." He answered. Oh, by the way, Harry is gay. And by the way he sounded, he seemed pretty excited about something. "Guess where I am right now. Guess. Take a good guess." I could hear Harry tapping his fingers on his cell. "Umm--"

"FRANCE! How did you know?" He cheered through the phone and I could hear him squealing. I shook my head. "Are you gonna let me ta--" I heard him talking to someone else who was with him and before I could ask who, he said, "Guess who took me. Guess. Take a wild guess--- GEORGE. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH." I gasped. "Really!?! Man, see I knew what I was doing when I told you to hang with him!" He laughed.

"Girl, all you said was, 'I have to go, you'll be fine, bye' AND THAT WAS CAUSE YOU HAD A GYNECOLOGIST APPOINTMENT." I went wide eyed. I looked around and made sure no one heard him and saw Trent talking to Vanessa, Tiffany trying to get with Justin who, poor guy, was backed up against the wall, and Keith had his hands jammed in his pockets.

"See that's why you didn't say nothin." He said. "Pfft!" I replied. Harry laughed and then said, "Well, I got to go, I'll talk to you later, we're at a french resteraunt! BONJOUR." Then he hung up before I could even say anything else. I shook my head. I love that crazy dude.

"So... Melodi... who was that?" Keith asked me. "Oh, my best friend Harry." I replied. "Oh" He said with a look of worry on his face. I wasn't sure what it was for... so I quickly added, "he was calling to tell me that his boyfriend took him to france." He looked up at me, his expression shifted to relief. "Well, that's cool." I nodded.

The next two people hopped in the taxi which left us with Trent and Vanessa. Yep. Obviously Trent was planning this. Because as soon as the taxi took off, he looked around and said;

"You guys up for a party?"

"Trent... Trent, Trent, Trent." I replied. He smirked. "Don't worry about it." I looked at Keith who shrugged and Vanessa who was obviously all in for it. So that's what they were whispering about.

"I never thought you'd ask."


Don't you guys just adore Miles Jai?

Okay, but seriously, add this to your library if you haven't already... vote... comment your favorite part or comment anything at all! I really hope this was good. And if you actually read until the end, wait until the next part... the party.



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