Lipstick Stains - Regulus Bla...

Per honeeyloveee

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What if there was another Potter? A sister perhaps? What if that said sister was the same age as her brother... Més

They only wanted love
•ONE •


8.2K 213 241
Per honeeyloveee

December 27th, 1977, Tuesday.

Potter mansion, Second Living room.

Christmas had come and gone and like every year it was magical, my parents always went that extra step as it was their favourite holiday by far, mum always cooked too much (not that any of us complained), my dad always over played muggle Christmas music and Sirius and James were like five-year-old boys the entire week running up to the special day (you better believe the wake the entire house up at five AM) no one ever really minded though as it was exciting for everyone, my mum would get up and make everyone cups of tea or Sirius a coffee and my father would get the fire started and we would all sit in the living room in our pyjamas exchanging presents. I was gifted with so much gifts this year that I can't really remember all of the gifts I got, my favourite was a Queen record that I got from Sirius, I was so excited that I actually tackled him and accidentally made him spill his coffee on himself as I did.

Everything was great and I loved every second of being home in the mad house except for the constant feeling of anxiousness that I felt every single time that I was alone in the company of my parents myself, I was petrified that I would just blurt out the fact I'm in a relationship with Regulus.

Myself and Regulus had sent each other our presents the day after Christmas, and I had gotten him a new sweater that had a horrible pattern on it because I knew that it would make him smile and cringe at the thought of him having to wear it. He had gotten me a more serious present that I plan to give him a row for as it looks far too expensive, it was a silver locket necklace that had my initials engraved into the front with a two fresh water pearls hanging from the chain. It was beautiful and I have not taken it off, strangely I find myself touching it constantly as it warms up a few times throughout the day it's not enough to burn me but enough for me to notice

I thought today would be a good time to tell my parents as it was now two days after Christmas and things were settling down and I was also sitting with my parents in our library or second living room as you could say across from them, my mum was reading a cook book that James got her for Christmas taking notes on a piece of parchment beside her. My mother was one of the most caring women I had ever met, she loved her kids and everyone else's kids. If you looked up the definition of a mother it would just say Euphemia Potter, she was just a warm woman that cooked amazing meals and brownies. I wasn't really worried about telling my mother as I knew she would love me no matter what I did, but there was still a little bit of doubt she would be disappointed or worried about our relationship.

My father on the other hand, was reading a book that I had gotten him from Christmas about the history of a muggle sport called football. My father is a little bit different from my mother in the sense that he is a little bit stricter and protective when it comes to his 'little Kathy', so I wasn't sure how he was going to react to the news I had a boyfriend never mind it was a boy whose family was die hard blood-purity crazy people! I know what you're thinking "Wait a minute Sirius is still technically apart of that family?" fair enough he isn't blood status crazy, he's just stupid.

Putting down my muggle book 'Great Gatsby' that Lily got for me that I was trying to read to maybe help calm my nerves but I could feel my chest growing heavier by each breath, like I was breathing in thick smoke and it was getting chocking me. Attempting to slow down my breaths I started taking in a large breath enough to fill my lungs and letting it out as well as my worries and I can assure you it didn't work, At all.

Staring at my parents at what felt like forever trying to think of the right way to even start up a conversation of boys with them. I just needed to push myself that little bit further and grow a pair of balls but I just couldn't and if it wasn't for my father looking up from his book at the right time I most likely wouldn't have said anything and just never said anything to them ever.

he was looking at me through his thick rimmed glasses like I had grown three heads, "You okay Kathy?" Shit, Now I had to say something, anything, come on Kathleen just ask about his book or say something sarcastic back, ANYTHING!

Now that my oh so kind father spoke this it caught the attention of my mother as she also put down her book and is now looking at me full of concern. Dammit dad.

Taking in another deep breath and letting it go this was it, now or never.

"I have a boyfriend." Dammit.

I had said it loud enough for it to sound like I screamed in my head it but in reality, I had just barely said it loud enough for t to be classed as a whisper.

I opened up one eye to just a peak at them hoping that I had just imagined it and I hadn't actually said anything. Sadly, I had said those three words and to my horror my parents were smiling at me, my mother smiling sweetly but my father was smiling as if he was on the edge of laughter.

"Who are you and what have you done with my parents?" these aren't my parents I expected my dad to flip the table shouting his little Kathy wasn't allowed to date until she was thirty-five. Who the heck are these people?

"Oh darling, we know about you and Regulus." it was my mother that broke the weird silence and stares I was giving them first.

Wait, hold up. I only said I had a boyfriend how the flying shit do they know its Regulus. Sirius swore he wouldn't tell my parents! Once I see him, he best hopes he has a good defensive system because he is going to hurt for a few days after I'm done with him, and he can kiss goodbye to his 'luscious locks' after today.

"wait hold on- I didn't say who it was, why do you think it is Regulus? it might not be him!" once again I have started sweating, seriously I have a problem I think I was a pig that lived in the dessert or something because I sweat all the bloody time.

My dad is trying so hard to keep in his laughter now he's gone bright red in the face and his shoulders are shaking from how much he is actually trying and honestly, it's just making me even more nervous and irritated.

"Kath, you left your diary here when you left for Hogwarts this summer, I insisted that your father put it back in your room but knowing him he had already read it." she was now glaring at him as my dad had let out all his laughter and it boomed throughout the room I'm surprised Dumbledore's office didn't shake.

Me on the other hand represented a beetroot with how red my face had transformed in a matter of seconds. My diary I had kept since I started Hogwarts's and I basically wrote down all of the things I hadn't said and whatever I thought and I had just thought I lost it during summer as I couldn't find it, I had hoped I had lost it in a fire when I left because I vowed never to show anyone it's it was so embarrassing the things I had writing to my diary and knowing that my father read it is just the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to myself.

"Dear Diary, Reggie's hair smelt so good today when he hugged me goodbye! Reggie looked so cute today in our Herbology class, I just couldn't stop staring! Dear Diary, Reggie was so kind today, he picked up my book I dropped!" my father was speaking in a higher-toned voice as if it was mine, mocking me and the embarrassing things I wrote.

If anyone would be so kind and dig a hole big enough to bury me because I no longer want to be on this plant.

Without thinking the only way, I could shut him up was by throwing my book at him which hit him on his chest, it was an impulse that I couldn't help I just needed to get him to stop!

"Fleamont! Kathleen!" my mother was still sat in the same place, now massaging her temples in annoyance, "I don't even sound like that!" I shouted hiding behind the pillow on my lap.

My father just kept on laughing holding his stomach as I hope it was now hurting, drying his eyes he tried to gain his composure but every now and again would let a giggle slip that would earn a hard glare from his wife, "Darling, just know we don't mind you dating and we definitely don't mind you dating Regulus, just because of his family doesn't mean that he is bad like them too," She moved to sit next to me on the couch opposite and placed her hand gently on top of mine , "look at Sirius, he is from the same family but is normal, ish." she sent me a wink and I just chuckled as it was an ongoing joke in this house that he was so vain it wasn't normal.

"You have nothing to worry about darling, we will support you in anything you decide to do and we will be there to hold you steady and reassure you that your doing nothing wrong. You're our little Kathy, we will always love you and accept your choices." I couldn't help it I just cried, and I cried so hard as all of my worry and doubt that I had kept inside me for so long came out as my mother said those few words that I desperately needed to hear, I was crying into her shoulder as she rubbed my back and whispered reassuring things into my ear.

Feeling the other side of the sofa dip next to me I could tell my dad had joined us on the couch and he also rubbed my back to help comfort me, "Hey, hey stop crying Kathy, you don't need to cry." this was the first time in our chat that he has actually said something serious to me and it made me feel even more comforted that he too accepted my relationship with Regulus.

Drying my eyes and wiping my nose on the sleeve of my sweater I looked at my fingers as the fiddled with each other, "I love you guys so much, I was so worried you were going to shout at me," I had started and as I was going to continue my father interrupted, "We can shout at you if you want?" he winked at me, I just chuckled but my mother gave him a whack to the side of his head.

"As I was saying dad Amy found out two weeks ago and she still hasn't talked to me, she basically said I was a shit friend for not telling her, I wanted too! But we just didn't know how to tell people." I finished and I was kind of hoping for my mother to be the first one to speak but once again my dad opened his mouth and nonsense came out (as usual) "O M G she did not! She is such a troll snot!"

"No dad, no." shaking my head at him he just winks and nudges my shoulder with his own, "Made you smile though."

"Ignore your father Kathleen, he is just being a troll snot, Fleamont be sensible this is meant to be a serious talk."

"Yeah, stop it dad."

that is one thing my mum is also good at, keeping my dad in check but sometimes he is right and you just need a little bit of stupid in your life, probably why James is so stupid.

"Now darling, dry your eyes and hold your ground with Amy, she will surely come around and if she doesn't, she is the one that isn't being a good understanding friend. She is probably just a little shocked." kissing my mum's cheek as she always knows the right things to say I could only think to thank her, "thank you mummy."

Kissing my dad's cheek to I stood up about to get out of the room and into my bedroom ready for bed my dad stopped me half way, "Oh, Kathleen Dorea Potter!" this is just weird because we were just having a sentimental chit chat and now, he's using my full name like he does when he has a bone to pick with me, "Yes?"

"We now need to have a talk about the birds and the bees now that you are dating." he was holding onto my shoulders and staring at me like he wasn't joking. Surely, he's joking?

"FLEAMONT!" clearly my mother isn't getting the joke either, "Dad you are SO funny, Ha Ha Ha."

"Your joking, right?" he still hasn't flinched, this is not good.

"No, you are now in a relationship with a boy and you need to learn the dangers of boys!" what the actual fuck.

This is not happening my father is not trying to have that talk with me, no this is just NOT happening, "No, nu-uh, nada, nope." clutching my ears with my hands so I can't hear anything he or my mum is saying just mumbles. Escaping from my father's grasp I shouted behind me as I tried to make an escape, "You can give James and Sirius the talk because I'm sure they need it more than I do!"

Getting to the door I could hear my father call after me, "this isn't over Kathleen, we will speak about the birds and the bees!"

Slamming my bedroom door just for the emphasis that I did not want him to speak to me about this topic. Jumping in my bed and hiding under my pillows in shuddering in utter disgust at the thought of my father even attempting to speak to me about sex.

Knock. Knock, knock.

Not even looking up I just called out to him, hoping he would finally take the hint.

"I don't need to know about any birds or bee's dad!"

"As much as I love the topic of birds and bees, I don't really want to have that kind of chat with my brother's secret lover."

Great, Sirius fucking Black is now leaning up against my door frame with a stupid smirk etched onto his face.

"could this get any worse?" groaning into my pillows I kicked my feet.

"Could what get any worse? Also, what is this about birds and bees and secret lovers?" James asked next popping his head into my room looking back and forth between me and Sirius curiously.

"Fuck my life! Get out the both of you."

And at that two books from my bedside table somehow ended up in the air at some great speed and shockingly hit both boys, wow what a coincidence.


Sorry for it being a short chapter but I'm going to do an important chapter next so I had to spilt it into two but thank you again for all of your continued support it means so much ❤️

Danielle Xx

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