By olivewoj

44.2K 1.4K 349

" CAREFUL CREATURE MADE FRIENDS WITH TIME SHE LEFT HER LONELY" In which Florence Morrell exists in a soulmate... More



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By olivewoj



" Clamps . Release the clamps " The Doctor yelled as he pushed away the boxes scattered against the wall and madly began sonicking the large metal door . Florence stayed put next to a puzzled Amy as she watched the Doctor .

" Why ? what's through there ? what do they need ?" Amy shouted towards the doctor who just gave a grunt in response .

" They need to breathe " Florence muttered , realisation hitting her and she turned to River who gave her a nod of approval .

The rear of the wall slowly slides up to reveal a large forest. Florence glanced up towards it and her mouth twitched to form the slightest of smiles .Even in times of darkness the forest was , nerveless beautiful .

"Oh that's clever  " Florence announced as the doctor stood back next to her , his posture becoming relaxed as they might have finally found a way out .

" but - That's a forest  " Amy deadpanned to the group and River gave her a small laugh as she corrected her : " Oxygen factory ".

" And if we're lucky , an escape route "

" Eight " Florence breathed out as she stood in awe , now noticing the doctor fully staring at her in the corner of her eye .

" What did you say ?" He asked her , upon response Florence turned around to the others - who weren't really paying attention and gave a quick " Nothing " . She was glad to see the doctor quickly dismissed it and got back to work .

" Is there another exit ?" The doctor asked  Estelle who was luckily nearby.

" Scan the architecture , we don't have time to get lost in there ."

" On it . Stay where you are until i've checked the rad levels ." She answered back as she ran to the control panels .

" But trees , on a spaceship ?" Amy asked the doctor ridiculed.

" Killer stone angels on a spaceship " Florence muttered , mostly to herself but she was certain the doctor heard her anyway .

" More than trees , way better than trees . You're going to love this " He walked into the forest to reveal different wires coming out of the mossy parts . " Tree borgs , tree plus technology , branches become cables and become sensors on the hull . A forest sucking in starlight breathing out air .It even rains . There's a whole mini climate  . This vault is an ecopod running light through thr heart of the ship . A forest in a bottle on a spaceship in a maze . Have i impressed you yet , Amelia Pond ?" The Doctor finished grinning up at the red head .

" Seven " Florence grinned at the pair as she leaned her hips against the main control panel.

" Seven ?" The doctor snapped his head towards to Florence and made his way over to her , his brows furrowed in confusion and Florence gave him the same look back.

" Sorry , what?" Florence asked as she came face to face with the doctor who eyed her suspiciously before saying : " You said seven "

" No i didn't ?" Florence stated as her eyes scanned the doctors puzzled face .

" Yes you did " He pushed .

" No i didn't " Florence huffed out in defeat .

Luckily the doctor got side tracked and gave up trying to imply to Florence that she was in fact ,muttering numbers .

"Quick as you like " The doctor told Octavian as he started plotting a safe path to reach the primary flight deck .

The buzz of the com filled the room and Florence's head snapped up as she quickly handed the device that rested in her pocket , back to the doctor .

" Doctor ? Excuse me ? Hello , Doctor ? Angel Bob here , sir "

" Ah there you are , Angel Bob . How's life ? sorry bad subject ." the doctor greeted as he made him self comfy in one of the spinny chairs and Florence took that as her her queue to pull her self up on the control panel . And rest .

" The angels are wondering what you hope to achieve "

" Achieve ? we're not achieving anything . We're just hanging . It's nice in here . Consoles . comfy chairs , a forest . How's things with you ?" he wondered aloud and Florence gave a small huff as she started swinging her legs off the console , at least it occupied her thoughts .

" The angels are feasting , sir . Soon we will be able to absorb enough power to consume this vessel , this world . And all the stars and worlds beyond "  Angel Bob's monotone threat hung loose within the group .

" Well . we've got comfy chairs . Did i mention ?" The doctor answered eagerly as Florence used her feet to start twisting him in his spinny chair , earning a playful smile off him .

" We have no need of comfy chairs "

He looked up at Florence with a proud grin plastered on his face :" ha - i made him say comfy chairs !"

Florence gave him a goofy smile back and held up her two thumbs up before saying:

" Six "

His smile disappeared  instantly and he abruptly got of his chair to start pacing around the edge of the forest . " Okay Bob enough chat . Here's what i want to know . What have you done to Florence ?" He asked borderline angry .

" There is something in her eye "

The comment made Florence reach up to her eyes in fear as another piece of grey dust pooled out of the corner of her waterline .She held out  her palm up  to show the doctor .

" What's in her eye ?" He asked as he picked her hand up , eyeing the dust closely.

" we are "

Florence drew in a large breath as she heard angel Bob . She tried connecting the dots but she was feeling confused as to why they would keep her alive .
"What's he talking about ? Doctor , i'm five "

" i mean five , fine . I'm Fine " She cried.

" Yeah because that sounded very convincing " Estelle said from the back of the room , sucking in a large breath .

" Hold on , you're counting " Amy added .

" Counting ?" Florence asked as she held onto her head , feeling another headache coming on.

" You're counting down from ten " The doctor replied . " You have been for a couple of minutes "

" But why - what happens when i use my countdown ? " She asked suddenly becoming terrified . Upon realising that the doctor placed his hand over hers before looking into her eyes , trying to not lot let his worry for her show .

" I don't know " He admitted truthfully .

" We shall take her . We shall take all of you , we shall have dominion over all time and space"

" Get a life bob!" Estelle yelled back into the com , enough for angel Bob to hear .

" Oops! , sensitive topic Estelle " The doctor mocked through the device before continuing.
" There's power on this ship, but nowhere near that much "

" With respect sir ,there's more power on this ship than you yet understand "

An ominous screeching sound filled the control room , paralysing the group in an instant .

" What's that ? dear God , what is it ?" River asked in fear .

" They're back " Estelle announced to the group .

" It's hard to put in your terms , Doctor Song , but as best as i understand it , the angels are laughing "

" Laughing ?" The doctor questioned in disbelief .

" Because you haven't noticed yet , sir . The doctor in the tardis hasn't noticed ".

" Doctor " The bishop warns .

" No wait , there's something i've missed ".

The doctor slowly turns around , and the group follows suit . Florence cant help but gasp at the sight before her - a massive crack running along side the wall with blinding light pouring out of it .

" That's , that's " Amy stuttered in shock
" That's like the crack from my bedroom wall from when i was a little girl "

" Yes two parts of space and time that should have never touched " The doctor answered quickly still staring at the crack in a mixture of disbelief and fear .

" Okay enough . We're moving out " Octavian ordered to the group .

" Agreed " River and Estelle said at the same time as they looked over to Florence in confirmation.

" Doctor ?" River asks him , his back still facing the crack and not her .

" Right with you " he replied , reaching inwards to his pockets for his sonic screwdriver .

" We're not leaving without you "

" Oh yes you are - Bishop ? "

" Florence , Miss Pond , Estelle and Doctor song !" Octavian yelled at them .

Florence was going to call out for the doctor but she was pulled away by Estelle before she even got the chance .


Florence's walk became staggered as the pounding in her head grew more and more . She grabbed onto the hem of Estelle' jacket making her halt to a stop . Her breath hitched as her vision became impaired and the forest around her began swimming in circles . Florence was sure she was about to faint .

" Florence , Florence , what's wrong ?" Estelle asked worriedly as she grabbed her by the shoulders , stabilising her .

" Flore , what's wrong " River asked with a concerned Amy by her side .

" Four " She managed to choke  out through her strangled voice , tears swam in her eyes as she managed to sit down on the nearest bark and then rest her head again the damp moss .

" Med scanner now " River demanded as Estelle crouched next to her form , gently stroking her head as she shook .

" Doctor Song we can't stay here . We've got to keep moving " Father Octavian ordered and in response River gave him a curt glare .

" We wait for the doctor " Estelle demanded as she checked the med scanner from River and her eyes widened slightly .

" Our mission is to make this wreckage safe and neutralise the angels . Until that is achieved -"

River cut him off :" Father Octavian , when the Doctor's in the room , your one and only mission is to keep him alive long enough to get everyone else home . And trust me ,it's not easy . Now if he's dead back there i'll never forgive my self and neither will his companions .And if he's alive and she's not - he'll never forgive us .And doctor you're standing right behind me . aren't you ?"

River turned around to see the doctor behind the group ,this time without his tweed jacket on.

"Oh yeah " He grinned .

" I hate you " River grumbled .

" No you don't , and who's dying ?, oh and also Bishop the angels are in the forest " . The doctor rambled quickly before he clumsily ran towards a terrified Florence .

" We need visual contact on every line of approach ".

" How did you get past them ?" River asked intrigued as she passed the med scanner to the doctor who practically grabbed it off her .

"I found a crack in the wall and told them it was the end of the universe " . He told her .

"What was it ?" Florence asked in a small voice as she stared ahead into the forest , following the curves and edges of the trees to keep her self distracted .

" The end of the universe " He replied casually . " Lets have a look then "

" So what's wrong with me ?" Florence asked as the doctor started to scan her weak figure .

"Nothing you're fine " Estelle tried to reassure her .

" Everything . You're dying ." The doctor said in disbelief as he tried hard not to show his panicked state .

" Doctor !" Amy scolded him from the back .

"Yes you're right ." He snapped . "If we lie to her she'll get all better . Right . Flore , Flore , Flore . What's the matter with Florence ?- something's in her eye . What does that mean ? Does it mean anything ? " He brain stormed out loud , clearly aware of everyone listening to him .

Florence gave a wince as her head started to break into tiny shards , her vision swam in the midst of the lone tears coming out of her eyes and to say the least . She was petrified .

" Doctor " She whispered .

" busy " He responded , although he still grabbed her almost limp hand , giving a soft squeeze .

"Scared " Florence responded almost sarcastically .

" Of course you're scared . You're dying , shut up " the doctor winced as his sentence came out.

" Okay , let him think " Estelle said as she sat next to Florence on the floor .

" What happened ? she stared at the angel . She looked into the eyes of an angel for too long -"

" Sir angel incoming !" On of the clerics called which made Florence give a slight shiver of terror.

" And here "

" Keep visual contact . Do not let it move " the doctor called .

"Come on , come on . Wakey wakey . She watched an angel climb out of the screen . She stared at the angel and , and "

" The image of an angel is an angel " Florence finished for him in a tiny voice , like she was too afraid to admit it .

" A living image in human mind . We stare at them to stop them getting closer , we don't even blink and that's exactly what they want . Because as long as our eyes are open , they can climb inside . There's an angel in her mind !" The doctor cried out and then instantly placed a hand over his mouth in realisation.

Florence didn't process what was said , instead she focused on breathing in and out . Her fear shut down every sane part in her body and she was left paralysed.

In and out .

"But why the countdown , what for ? - why ? " The doctor asked , mainly to himself but he was open to suggestions .

" Doctor ! , three more incoming "

" Ask angel Bob , im sure he can hint as to why" Florence muttered , earning a pat on the head from the doctor .

" We are going to die " Amy cried in panic as she noticed the deadly statues nearing .

" Please just , shut up - im making deductions " The doctor said as he pulled the com out of his pockets ,holding down the button as he contacted angel Bob :
"Bob why are they making her count?"

"to make her afraid , sir " he replied .

" Okay but why ? what for exactly ?" the doctor insisted growing tired of the situation .

" For fun , sir " angel Bob simply replied .

The answer made the doctor jump up in frustration and throw his com away into the distance . Estelle watched in worry as the doctor placed his hands onto the side of his head , clearly angry . His face read something unreadable - something dangerous .

" Doctor what is happening to me ?" Florence cried as more tears slipped out of her eyes , now wetting the mossy surface bellow her .

" Inside your head . In the vision centre of your brain , there's an angel " The doctor knelt in front of Florence's face and looked into her eyes , where in fact an image on an angel stood staring back at him . " It's like there's a screen , a virtual screen inside your mind and the angel is climbing out of it , it's coming to shut you off" He finished .

" Then what do you suggest i do ?" She asked him , meeting his gaze with pleading eyes .

He gave a sigh before saying " If it were a real screen , what would we do ? we'd pull the plug , but we can't just knock you out , the angel would just take over !" He exclaimed .

" Then what ?! " Estelle exclaimed as panic began to dawn on her .

" We've got to starve the angel - pull the plugs " The doctor replied stressfully as his hands ran through his hair continuously.

River looked down at her med scanners in horror : " Doctor she's got seconds "

"How would you starve your lungs ?" He asked her quickly .

" I'd stop breathing " Florence whispered .

"Florence , close your eyes " The doctor asked Florence urgently , his thumb stroked her hairline gently and he stared down at her in hope .

"No , no i really don't want to " Florence pleaded as her posture shook with fear.

"Good , because that's not you , that's the angel inside you . It's afraid . Do it . Close your eyes " He practically begged her .

"Please " He added in a whisper.

Florence drew in a sharp breath before slowly sealing her eyes shut , the image of the angel lurking inside her mind still scared Florence , but she pushed the feeling down when she felt Estelle's arms wrap around her tired form .

"Oh thank god " She breathed into the hug and Florence couldn't help but agree .

"Shes normalising oh you did it !  you did it " River sighed in relief .

" Sir . we've got two more incoming " One of the clerics called .

" Three more over here ."

" Still weak , dangerous to move her" River announced as she lifted Florence's arms up to help her settle into a sitting position , eyes still closed .

" But can i open my eyes now ?" Florence asked hopefully , she hated this , hated not being able to determine what's happening or what will .

The doctor responded by grabbing Florence by the shoulders and gently kneeling down , eye level to her - even if she didn't see it , she felt it . "Florence listen to me , if you open your eyes for more than a second , you will die . The angel is still inside you . We haven't stopped it , we've just sort of paused it . You've used up your countdown . You cannot open your eyes " He insisted and Florence nodded weakly .

"Doctor we're too exposed here , we have to move on " The Bishop called .

" We're too exposed everywhere , and Florence can't move , anyways that's not the plan "The doctor shot back , standing back up .

"There's a plan ?" Amy asked intrigued.

" I don't know i haven't finished talking yet . " He admitted truthfully and Florence gave a slight grin at his wild antics .
" Right ! Father , you and your clerics , you're going to stay here anD look after Florence . If anything happens to her i will hold every single one of you personally responsible , twice . River , Amy , and Estelle we're going to find the primary flight deck which is"

There is a slight pause as the doctor sticks his tongue out and wets it with his finger , putting it up in the air . " A quarter of a mile straight ahead , and from there we're going to stabilise the wreckage , stop the angels and save Florence " He said boldly .

" How ? " River asks unamused .

" I'll do a thing " He replies .

" What thing ?" Amy joins in crossing her arms .

" I don't know . It's a thing in progress . respect the thing , Moving out !" He declared .

" Doctor im coming with you  . My clerics will look after Miss Morel . These are my best men . They'd lay down their lives in her protection .

" I don't need you " The doctor bit out .

" I don't care . Where doctor Song goes , i go ." he declared .

"What ? you two engaged or something "

At the doctor's comment Florence couldn't help but give a small snort , or so she thought but instead it came out louder than expected .She for sure felt several eyes on her , two of whom belonged to the Bishop .

" Something funny , Miss Morel ?" He asked , rather loudly and clearly annoyed .

"No , im sorry please continue " She said in a smaller voice , coughing a bit before she grew silent once more .

"As i said Flore , sucker for a man in a uniform"
River announced , grin evident in her voice . Florence gave a little smile at the comment , but it soon turned to confused at the new nickname she apparently inherited .

" Doctor " Estelle spoke up next to Florence .
" Can't she come with us ?" She asked as she placed a hand on top of Florence's and the doctor walked over to do the same .

"She'll slow us down " Octavian added bluntly .

"Listen , not to be selfish or anything - but you guys would really speed me up " Florence grumbled and gave a little smile when she felt Estelle's and the doctors low chuckles vibrate through her palm .

" I promise you'll be safer here . We can't protect you on the move . I'll be back for you as soon as i can , i promise and i swear that as long as i walk this planet - nothing bad will ever happen to you " He said softly .

" You don't even know me " She replied back in a small voice that made her realise how ridiculous the situation must look .

"No , but you know me somehow. That's  enough for you to earn my trust "

And with that , the doctor slowly lifted his hands up to Florence's head and pressed his mouth onto her forehead to create a short lasting kiss .

Estelle also gave Florence a quick kiss on the cheek before taking her stance with River .

"Good luck everyone , behave . Do not let Flore open her eyes and keep watching the forest . Stop those angels advancing . Florence see ya later , River going to need your computer . Estelle, Amy lets get moving " .

" Be safe " Amy called out to her as Florence remained sat on the mossy surface , all sorts of emotions swimming through her mind .

"Yeah see ya " She said , mostly to her self since the group was no longer in sight .

However Florence grew confused at the set of hands that enveloped her own , she gave a slight jump upon contact and she could only guess they belonged to the doctor . A tweed wearing doctor to  be specific .

"Florence -" He began before giving a deep sigh . He reached out for her left arm and slowly caressed the mark on it that bonded her with another .

Her soulmate mark , that she was so ashamed of .

She hesitated , She could of pulled back , shouted at him or done anything to stop him from even looking at her wrist . But she didn't . She let him take pity on her , but little did she know its not pity that he was seeking .

" You can trust Estelle " He told her , still caressing the numbers on her wrist .

Florence let her self pause before answering .

"I do trust her " She breathed out .

"I can't tell you how or why exactly , but you can  Flore " And yet again her face scrunched lightly at the nickname given , was this like a future thing ?

" Let me guess wibbly wobbily ?" She muttered as a light grin pulled it's way in from the corner of her mouth .

"Timey wimey " He replied slightly as he flicked her nose , to which she gave a small laugh  at .

Florence felt the doctors warm hands on the side of her cheeks before the doctor placed his lips longingly onto her cheek again .

" And remember , you're not alone " He whispered to her . And then he was gone .

"Doctor ? " She asked quietly , reaching her arms out slightly to see if she could some what touch the man .

"Doctor ?" She tried one more time , this time a bit louder and she was met with cold silence .

" What do you mean im not alone " She asked to her self as she rubbed at the familiar mark she had stamped on her wrist .


An update , a day apart ?! Wow I'm really on a rolll tbh .

So any thoughts on what The doctor meant when he said Florence can trust Estelle ?! Or ' you're not alone '

Word count : 4000ish

Also slight disclaimer : I really love writing this book , so even just voting on a chapter or leaving a little comment is widely appreciated and genuinely makes my day so pls do if you can x

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