Falling For A Hijabi (part 1...

By MaladaptiveDoc

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#1 in spiritual in 16/6/2019 Previously known as " My very own hijabi" Two young people finding shelter with... More

👑 Part 1 👑 chapter 1 Me, myself, and my family
chapter 2 The Fight that started everything
Chapter 3 The bet
chapter 4 The war is on
chapter 5 James who ?
chapter 6 The coincidence
chapter 7 On the way home
chapter 8 Lunch with the family
chapter 9 Inside the devil's den
chapter 10 The shock
chapter 11 Repentance
chapter 12 The teacher
chapter 13 My brother
chapter 14 The decision
chapter 15 In coma
chapter 16 Fighting for life
chapter 17 Welcome back
chapter 18 The date that Almost happened
chapter 19 Dinner with his family
chapter 20 The date
chapter 21 Islamophobia
chapter 22 Facing the truth
chapter 23 The prom
chapter 24 The shooting
chapter 25 Between life and death
chapter 26 Dreams coming true
👑 Part 2 👑 prologue
chapter 1 Him, again
chapter 2 Remembrance
chapter 3 The truth revealed
chapter 4 Letters from the past
chapter 5 The girlfriend
chapter 6 Awake
chapter 7 Conspiracy revealed
chapter 9 Old memories
chapter 10 Assassination
Chapter 11 Hiding from the world
Chapter 12 Face To Face With The Beast
chapter 13 Departure
Chapter 14 Understanding
Chapter 15 Hostage
Chapter 16 The Speech
Chapter 17 In The Middle Of The Lake
Chapter 18 Come back for me
Chapter 19 The Path Of Allah
Chapter 20 In The ICU
Chapter 21 Seeking Approval
Chapter 22 Blessing
Chapter 23 Surprise!!!
Chapter 24 Preprations
Chapter 25 The Plot
Chapter 26 Again And Again
Chapter 27 Hidden Past
Chapter 28 Officially Married
Chapter 29 The Wedding
Chapter 30 Falcone Is Back
Chapter 31 Suicide Note
Final Chapter A Happy Closure
Epilogue : Our Happily Ever After
Epilogue 2 Meet Hamza
👑Bonus Chapters👑
Bonus Chapters 1 From Friend To Enemy
Bonus Chapter 2 Jealousy
Chapter 3 Hamza's First Words

chapter 8 Missing

3.5K 406 33
By MaladaptiveDoc

Jannah pov

" What do you mean he is missing? How could this happen? " I yelled at her.

" I don't know, I went to check on him in the morning and couldn't find him...I searched the whole department and couldn't find him " she explained.

" Okay..let's go check the security cameras of the department " I suggested.

I had this feeling in my heart that this wasn't okay, James was exhibiting signs of severe depression lately, I hoped he didn't hurt himself.

We went to the security room, there was a big security guard sitting inside, watching every move in the department.
We explained that situation to him, and asked him to help us.
He started reviewing the records of the security cameras, until we found him in one of them,

" Yes, there he is " I said.

" Okay, let's see where did he go? " The security man said, hitting some keys on the computer in front of him.

After some moments the security man said,

" Yep, he used the elevator to go to the roof. "

" Oh my God " the nurse started to panic.

" Okay, okay, let's make a quick decision here. I'm going to bring him down " I said.

" Are you sure you don't need any help? " The security man suggested.

" Yes I'm sure " I answered.

I ran towards the elevator like crazy, pushing all the doctors in my way, praying internally that James didn't hurt himself.

I got into the elevator, and kept making dua' that I'm not too late.
When I reached the roof, James instantly saw me, he was standing on the edge..

" Ya Allah, help me " I prayed.

" Don't come any closer or I'll jump " he threatened.

" No, but if you'll jump, I'll jump after you, I'm crazy " I said to him.

He looked at me in misunderstanding, and said,

" I'm just one of your patients, you don't care about me " he said.

" No, I do care " I answered.

" You are just saying that to stop me from jumping!! " He said.

" No, I'm not, I genuinely care, remember when I said I knew you, yes I did, we went to high school together and... " I stopped here.

" And..what? " He asked.

" And you were in love with that girl, you were her whole world, you restored her faith in love, you helped her, and I want to help you like you did " I said.

" How do you know? " He exclaimed.

" I was that girl.....'s friend " I said in hesitance.

" But I don't remember you, I don't remember anything, I don't remember anybody. There are these two old people who say that they are my parents, but I can't identify them. There is this hot girl that says that she is my girlfriend but I can't even remember her name. It's like being kidnapped, and sombody else's personality is being forced on you. Everybody is telling me who I'm and who I should be, but I don't know who I'm, I'm lost... " He started to cry.

" You will remember, give it time, I'm speaking now as your doctor and you....old friend, I've seen many cases like yours before, it's gonna be okay I promise, just come off the edge, please, don't hurt yourself, because if you do, you would be missing on an amazing life ahead of you, please James " I begged him.

" But I don't know who I'm??!!! " He said.

" Then be yourself, be who you are James, and everything will fall into the right place " I said.

" What if I never remember? " He asked.

" The chances of that are very low, one in a million, I promise " I said, trying to calm him down.

" I'm afraid " he said.

" Well, you shouldn't be, we are all here for you, James " I reassured him.

He just looked, as if making sure I was telling the truth, then he stepped off the edge.

And with him doing that I let out a sigh of relief.

We headed back to his room, and he got into the bed,

" Promise me you won't do anything like this again, promise me you won't try to hurt yourself again " I begged him.

" I can't promise you, I'm sorry " he said.

" Why.....? " I said before his parents interrupted us,

" Where have you been, son ? " His father said.

James didn't say a word, he just looked away.
I understood that he didn't want to speak to them so I asked them to step outside.

" Okay, I guess Mr Wayne needs some rest now " I said.

As we were leaving him, James grabbed my arm and whispered,

" Thank you "

I smiled at him and said

" You are welcome, just stay alive for me " I whispered back.

His mother noticed and held my other arm, almost dragging me outside.

As soon as we got outside, I freed my hand off her grip,

" I'm sorry ma'am, what was that? " I asked her angerily.

" Stop wrapping my son around your fingers, again " she yelled at me.

" First, stop yelling, we are in a hospital. Second, I'm doing my job, Third, your son was about to take his own life " I said.

" What? " She screamed.

" Yes, he wanted to throw himself off the roof. Alhamdulilah, I reached him before doing anything harmful to himself " I explained.

" Thank you, thank you Jannah " the father said.

" I'm telling you this because your son is in a severe state of depression, you have been pushing him to remember, and to him we are all strangers, he can't remember any of us " I explained.

" What do you want us to do, doctor?" The father asked.

" Don't visit him so often, just give him some time to recover his memory, I know it's hard, but this is only solution I can think of now " I replied.

" You are saying this, so that you can complete your evil plan to control him? " The mother said.

" Oh, please, shut up " I said, rolling my eyes up.

" Selina, stop it, the doctor is right, we have been pushing our son to remember, she is right we need to pay him less visits " the father said.

" Are you going to listen to what she is saying, Bruce? " The mother scorpion yelled at her husband.

" It's the final word, Selina " the old man said, rendering victorious over his snake of a wife.

Then they left.

A week later

Everything began to become better after James suicide attempt, he eats now and began to regain his normal weight.

He speaks to memore often, even joking that he couldn't remember anything about his past life.

His body has been responding better to the physiotherapy.

Until one day, after finishing surgery, I went to check on him.
I was standing by his bed, checking his vitals, when suddenly I saw him holding a scalpel against his wrist.

" This is it, I'm done acting " he said, crying.

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