Hoping Never Ends Well With Us

By _tweetster_

823 50 1

This book contains sexual, mental, and physical abuse. Some viewers might find this disturbing, viewer discre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

60 3 0
By _tweetster_

"Mom, Dad. Ty is here."

I've been to Jay house a few times, but it was always when his parents weren't here. I mean they both were very busy people.

Soon a man who Jay inherited his looks from showed up with a short petite woman. Even though Jay inherited almost everything from his dad, he did get his mothers vibrant blue eyes and dirty blond hair.

When their eyes landed on me, both of their smiles flattered. The mother smile was replaced with a look of worry for a second but then was replaced again with a phony smile. The father didn't bother to hide his displeasure.

Seeing their reactions was like a punch in the gut. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole, disappearing from the sight of these two displeased people. Jay began to cough.

"Come inside honey, dinner will be ready soon."

So Jay, his dad, and I were led through the house and sat at the lavish dining room table. Everything about this meeting so far has been awkward and painful already. The silence at this table was killing me.

"Jayshun, how long have you been dating this young lady?" His dad was looking at our hands that were intertwined on the table. It wasn't hard to tell that the sight disgusted him.

"I have been dating Ty for three years now." Jay responded squeezing my hand. A look of shock crossed his fathers face and slowly melted into a frown.

"Three years son and you are now just presenting?" He questioned.

I looked at his father. I couldn't believe his choice of words. He seemed like the type of guy who saw women as objects not humans.

"You know why."

His father began to say something, but his mother came in setting out all the food on the table. We said grace and began to eat in silence.

"So where do you live, um umm.... " his mother said a she tried to remember my name.

"My name is Ty." I said with a small smile and she threw me a smile back.

"So where are you from Ty? Where do you live?" She said trying to make small conversation.

"Well I have lived in this town my whole life. My house is actually not to far from here." I said. I was getting a bit more comfortable with his mother. She seemed nice enough.

"Surprising." I heard the father say.

"Richard!" His mother said angered.

"What's surprising about it?" I questioned trying to keep my rage at a minimal.

"Babe don't-"

"No son, I have no problem with sharing my thoughts. I just find it interesting that you live around here is all.  What kind of jobs do you parents have?" He questioned with a mock look of curiosity while swirling his wine around in his glass.

"Dad what the fuck!" What type of question is that!" Jay exploded.

"Jayshun Thompson, I will not tolerate that language." His mother said sternly. I just shook my head and stood up.

"I assume you asked these questions because I am black. But my race has nothing to do with where I live and whether or not I am good enough to be with your son. My father is one of the best doctors that ever touched this town. So I'm pretty sure I can afford living here sir."

He looked up at me with his green eyes filled with disgust.

"Do not allow my son to disgrace this family for your selfish desires to be with him." He spat at me. That stung. It hurted more than ever.

"Don't worry I think you have already done that sir." I said trying to hold myself together and I walked out the house.

I felt numb when I first began my journey to my house. And it hit me as I walked home through the cold icy night, that this is the reason that he didn't want me to meet them.

His parent, well I don't know about his mother, but his father is a fucking racist.

And you know what made it even worse?

It was the fact that Jay didn't even come after me. He didn't give a fuck.

After awhile, I was finally at my house and all the rage that once filled every nerve in my body turned into overwhelming sadness and depression. My heated tears seemed to be endless now.

I approached my house and before I could touch the knob, the door swung open. Rade stood staring at me with a look of worry and confusion. I walked right past him heading up the stairs. Then suddenly I was pulled back.

"Did you just walk here? Oh god you're so cold!" He said rubbing my cold and lifeless arms.

"Yes, now let go." I replied trying to get out of his grasp.

"Ty why in the hell Jay didn't drop you off?  What happen?" He questioned with anger lacing his voice now.

"Nothing really. It just turns out that his parents are racist, so I left and I didn't have a ride." I said nonchalantly.

"You could have fucking called me!  It's dangerous out there!" He said wrapping me in his arms.

"Honestly I preferred to walk." I retorted once again trying to free myself. He finally let me go looking a bit hurt by my words. I sighed. Seeing him anything other than happy was torture.

"Ty I never meant to hurt you with what I said earlier. That came out wrong and I want to apologize. I know better than anyone how you feel. So please believe me when I say that I didn't mean to hurt you." He said with a lowered head.

I have to admit that I shouldn't have gotten upset with Rade for that. I knew all that already. All of us have our problems with our loved ones.

My father was once around. But when my mother left him for another man when I was 6, he was never the same. Slowly he withdrew himself from me. Maybe because I reminded him too much of her. Maybe because he wasn't ok and didn't want to take anything out on me.

Once I was 15, he didn't come home anymore. He paid the bills and stocked the house with food. Every once in awhile he would visit. But he was always so cold and emotionless. I already lost my mother and in a way I lost him also.

"It's cool." I whispered and hugged him to reassure him of my words.

"Good now you can explain what the hell happened." We heard a voice say. We looked up to see Camren walking down the stairs.

"I'm assuming that you been there for awhile." Rade said with a smile.


Then they both turned towards me for the details of my horrific night.


After I showered, we were all cuddled up in my king size bed and I explained to them everything that happened.

"Calm down Rade. Murder isn't such a smart idea." Camren told Rade.

While telling the story, I began to cry again and I know that the sight infuriated Rade and Camren. Even though the Thompson family were assholes, that doesn't mean we fight them. No matter if they deserve it, the pigment of my skin voids it. I mean that would just prove their point wouldn't it?

Camren shushed my cries as she pulled me into her arms. Suddenly it was a loud banging on the door causing Camren and I to jump. We all hurried downstairs and Rade looked out the peephole and turned to look at us with a look of anger.

"It's Ronald." He sneered. The banging became even louder echoing through the house.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Camren muttered with fear pacing the floor.

"Camren you don't have to go." Rade said sternly. You could see him pleading in his eyes as he looked down on her. We all didn't want her to go.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" A drunken voice screamed.

" I have to go guys. I won't let what happened last time repeat itself." She said making her way to the door.

"No." Rade snarled. I know that it hurts to see these things go on with Camren. Hell, I hated myself for not being able to do more. Yet, I can't do anything.

"Move. I'll be fine." She lied. We all knew she was lying. She knew she was lying.

I grabbed Rade from the door and he was shaking with rage. I told him to go back to the room. He did go, but along his way I heard the sound of things crashing and breaking. I turned around and gave Camren a tight hug. I knew my words would do little to convince her not to go. I let go and she wiped my tears away.

"I'll be back." She mumbled and turned around. Camren opened my door to her once again drunken step-dad. He snatched her arm into a tight grasp and drug her to his truck. She said nothing. She didn't fight back. She knew the consequences. I closed the door.

In tears once again, I made my way up to my bedroom to find Rade with his head in his hands.

"It's okay." I whispered, lying through my teeth.

"No." Suddenly he stood up stalking towards me with pain and rage and sorrow written all over his face.

"You know what going to happen? He is going to take her home and beat on her and she is going to take it to protect her sister. But her mom isn't going to do shit! She is just going to watch!" He yelled in my face making me shrink back. He stopped and guilt masked his beautiful face. He turned around and fell back down on the bed.

"I'm sorry. But it's not okay. You guys are my friends, my family. You two never want me to intervene, to protect or help you. I feel fucking useless. Her mom won't press charges or leave him. I want to fight him, but what would that change. We cant call anyone for help because Camren don't want to be separate from her sister." He said in a strangled voice. I went to stand beside the bed looking down at how broken he was.

"You know when she graduates, she is moving in and taking custody of Maddy right?"

"I know, but it doesn't get any easier seeing her go through this." He looked up at me. Eyes filled with such sadness and sorrow. Suddenly his arms were wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to me as his head rested against my breast.

Shame courses through me. Why does his touch make my stomach do flips and my cheeks cherry red at moments like this. I was a helpless victim to his touch. Soon I calm myself enough to speak.

"Today has been a long day for everyone. Let's hope that tomorrow will be a better one." I whispered.


never ends well with us, I know. Let's just rest." I said cutting him off.

We then laid down in my bed, both drained of energy from this horrific night. Sleeping in this bed was never the same when one of us was missing. Falling asleep, although tired,  was nearly impossible, but somehow during that night I slipped into unconsciousness. I really hoped tomorrow will be better although it gets me nowhere.

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