The Darkest Days

By likeidk

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{ Book Cover Credit : @stellardreams- } Loyalty killed me. Passion killed her, literally. They say let your p... More

1. How It All Starts
2. Privacy
3. Meet The Fam
4. A Day In The Life Of
5. It Broke
6. Nothing Would Ever Be The Same
7. Duty And Love
8. It All Starts With A Coffee
9. Day One
10. Heart On Fire
11. Highs And Lows
12. Leave Everything Behind
13. Work, Work, Work!
14. Birthdays
15. This Was Just A Taste, Darling
16. Bitter Dreams Of Revenge
17. She Deserves Bigger And Better
18. Spread Your Wings, Sister
19. Ready, Set, Fly
20. All In Or All Out
21. The Formula Of Success
22. End Days On The Road
23. Blue Hearts
24. Shoots And Calls
25. Seventeen
26. Tour With Emma
27. Sudden Surprises
28. As Seen From A Camera
29. Silence Broken
30. The Rise Of The Son
31. Clever Talks
32. Summer With You
33. The Americana
34. Power
35. Star Friends
36. Beyond The Atlantic
A Letter To My Readers
37. The Dirt
38. Woman In White
39. Changing Times
40. Caleb Knows
41. Do It For The Drama
42. You Fix This
43. When He Came In
44. Blue Eyes
45. First Meets
46. Detours
47. Conflicts
48. Stars On Earth
49. The Morning After
50. Lies And Drunken Truths
51. Relationship #1
52. Our Secret Romance
53. I Am Not His
54. "Hello? Excuse me, are you alright?"
55. XI
56. What We Started As
57. All Comes Down To Him
58. Searching
59. Next News Material In Line
60. When Your Girl Is Another's
61. Journals
62. Right And Wrong
63. Disclose The Depth
64. Illusionary Happiness
65. I Literally Can't Think Of A Chapter Name
66. Out Of Lo(neliness)ve
67. Company
68. My First Friend
69. Stay Close
70. Safety And Danger
71. Out In The Open
72. Repercussions
73. Everyone Has Their Demons
74. The Space Next To Her
75. "I Don't Know"
76. Us Happy Family?
77. A Day
78. Hired
79. Audrey
80. Good Things
81. I Can't Think Of A Title: Part 2
82. Who Gets It Their Way?
83. Love One, With Another
84. Love Can Be Awfully Lonely
85. Begin
86. Coexist
87. Roots Crawl Deep
88. Eccentric
89. Twenty One
90. Work/Home
91. Let's Just Sleep
92. Actions Of A Boy
94. Intense
95. Weak Hearts
96. Glitter In My Veins
97. Layers
98. Let Me Off
99. Eighteen Already Seems Interesting
100. Milestone
101. Family Vs Family
102. Exhausted And Afraid
103. Strong Girls
104. Little Princess
105. Ends And Starts
106. The Company Doesn't Interfere
107. The Seed
108. Graduation
109. Outbursts Of Sibling Love
110. Start Of A New Dream
111. Year End
112. Twenty Two
113. Revelations
114. Wobble
115. My New Year Was Better Than Yours
116. Lioness Of The Jungle
117. Blood Family
118. What If?
119. Easier To Get
120. Nineteen
121. Building Walls
122. Round Two
123. 23
124. I Just Don't Start
125. The Riots
126. The Player
127. Vanessa's Plan
128. Round Three
129. Twenty
130. Pitch
131. The Red Carpet
132. All That Glitter Is Not Gold
133. Reminder
134. Mayhem
135. On Our Own Now
136. 25
137. Convincing

93. World At Their Feet

19 2 3
By likeidk

"Audrey, I swear to God!"

Audrey sleepily opened her eyes to hear something being thrown into her room and crashing by her side.

"What!" She gasped and sat up.

"How many times have I f*cking told you to put your shoes at the right place!" Vanessa yelled from the living room.

Audrey's eyes landed on the shoes by the bedside.

"Did you just throw my shoes in here?" She yelled back.

"Didn't I tell you the last time that I would?"

"Are you f*cking stupid?" Audrey got up and walked out. "You could've ruined them!"

"Well, you clearly don't care about them or you'd put them properly in their place-"

"Why do you even care? Are they biting you?"

"Yes, they are! Would it kill you to just put them-"

"God, Vanessa. I am not doing this right now." Audrey slammed her door shut, muffling Vanessa's voice as she kept yelling.

Audrey sighed and checked her phone to find a lot of messages that she had to reply to.

All of them were work related.

"Spoiled my whole morning." She grumbled under her breath and started to get ready for another long day.

Within an hour, she was already at the practice studio.

"Alright, people," one of the staff heads gathered everyone and said, "it's our day back at the tour rehearsals after the weekend. I hope everyone is feeling rested because we have to burn up more fuel this week. Let's make our first tour memorable for not only ourselves, but for the fans as well."

Everyone cheered and clapped.

Vanessa felt the need to boost up the morale and was about to say something when Audrey hushed her down.

"We should start right away, Vanessa, I'm sure what you have to say can wait."

Vanessa narrowed her eyes as Audrey walked past her and the staff looked at each other.

"You can speak, V." Jeff smiled.

"It's fine." Vanessa dismissed with a laugh and went to take her position behind Audrey for the opening song.

The gruesomely long practice sessions ended late at night with Audrey and Vanessa still not talking to each other other than about professional stuff.

"Thank you." Vanessa waved at the dancers as everyone packed.

"See you tomorrow." Audrey smiled. "Have a good night."

"Get home safely, everyone." Jeff said.

"Bye, thanks." Audrey waved one last time as they moved out of the studio and headed for the car.

"Vanessa, I'm dropping you off at a hotel. Sebastian called and insisted for some time with you." Jeff said as they sat inside the car.

"Right now?"

Jeff nodded.

"But isn't everything already finalised?"

"He said he wanted to make a few changes to the song and would like your opinions on it."

Vanessa sighed. "I'm too tired."

"He won't take long." Jeff turned the car into a new lane.

Audrey stared out of her window silently.


Expecting to come back to an empty house, Audrey slowly climbed the stairs.

Her mind rewinded all the events of the day, all the worries she had about the future, and all the things that scared her could be harmful.

She missed having peace of mind in moments of solitude.

Her phone buzzed on the way from a call from Vanessa. Before she could pick up, it stopped.

She didn't think much of it and went back to her thoughts.

As she unlocked the door, she received a message from Vanessa.

V : Comr hrer hdk.   Hejkbe

She raised her eyebrows questionably. Again dismissing the message as an accident, Audrey went straight to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine and loosen her muscles and mind.

Minutes passed in absolute silence.

She took a breath in, feeling at home.

Her hand reached for her phone and dialled a number off of her memory.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice whispered.

"You're late. Again."


"Your class began five minutes ago, Mason. Wake up."

There was a pause on the other side before some shuffling sounds and then a string of curses.

Audrey laughed as Mason hurriedly tried to make himself presentable.

When he still hasn't gotten back to his phone and his voice could he heard from afar, Audrey suddenly turned silent.

She hung up, knowing he won't have the time to talk to her.

She wanted to talk to him, maybe to anyone but he was the first who came to mind. His words have comforted her and helped her to reexamine her own thoughts.

But he also had a life of his own.

The reality of her singularity became known to her.

Just as thoughts of loneliness started to build up, her phone rang. This time from Jeff.

She cleared her throat and picked up. "Yes, Jeff."


Audrey and Jeff reached the hotel they had dropped Vanessa at in a hurry.

Audrey saw the police cars outside but no media. "Thank God they're not here yet."

"Yet." Jeff emphasized as they got off the car and hurried towards the 23rd floor.

Vanessa was sitting amongst two female cops as they talked to her.

"Vanessa." Audrey rushed to her. "I'm sorry I didn't call you back."

Vanessa stood up and hugged her sister tight. "I was so scared." She mumbled.

"Are you alright?"

Vanessa shook her head.

"You will be." Audrey rubbed her back.

"What happened?" Jeff asked the cops.

"Miss Pierce called the police from the bathroom after Sebastian supposedly tried to sexually harrass her. We've taken him into custody and will look into the matter."

Audrey's heart sped up after hearing the words. "Did he.. di-"

"He groped me. I tried to call you but he took my phone away." Vanessa lowly explained.

"Then how did you call the cops?"

"I grabbed his phone when he wasn't looking and locked myself in the bathroom."

"Let's her take home. She's scared." Jeff patted Vanessa's shoulders.

"Is there any media-"

"No." The cop said. "We made sure it'll be a private matter."

"We should go home." Audrey said as she saw the hotel staff whispering to each other.

Jeff nodded and guided them through the way.

On the way, Vanessa explained the situation better.

"He was normal at first. I've met him before so even I didn't suspect him."

"Why did he call you?"

"He said that he met with our group of songwriters and they've removed all the lines that I've written in this one song that we were working on for Monica."

"Wasn't that song originally yours?"

"Exactly. He wanted to pitch me against our writers for some reason. He said they're doing this because they want to get paid more for songwriting."

"Money wars while songwriting, seriously?"

"This was my reaction, too. When I tried to close the conversation, saying that I'll talk to everyone myself, he said that I can't because those people want bad for me and I should stay away from them."

"And what does he want, good?"

"He thought I'm new in the industry so I'll like his professional guidance and do whatever he asks of me."

"What did you say then?"

"I sensed his intentions when he kept grabbing my hand and saying that he'll be good to me."

"I never thought Sebastian would turn out to be this stupid." Jeff sighed.

"I genuinely thought I'll die or something. I was so nervous, I couldn't even think straight. I have no idea how I managed to call the police, everything was so fast yet slow."

"What matters is that you're safe."

"I'm never working with him again."

"Of course not."

"Does Cedric know?"

"I don't know. I've not spoken to him." Audrey shrugged.

"I think the media not getting informed might be because of him."

"He would've shown up." Jeff said. "Maybe."

"He works from the inside." Vanessa looked down at her hands. "I miss Mom."

Audrey placed her arm around Vanessa.

Jeff saw them from the rearview mirror and thought to himself. They fought all day today. All it took was one weak cry of help from Vanessa for Audrey to rush by her side.


The next day went in rehearsals again.

Around 4PM, the girls left while the dancers practiced more.

The sisters took a half an hour nap in the van which would help them stay awake for the whole night for the appearance event they had signed to go on.

The media had advertised the event as the special guests called for a lot of attention.

As the preparations were going on full blast, the girls slept soundlessly on their way to the venue.

Once they reached, it went even wilder. They were groomed and polished and after that it was all ready to go, go, go. No time to think.

They made their entrance and photos were clicked from left and right.

When the interviews began, the expected happened.

"There's a rumour going around that last night police showed up at a hotel that you were in." A blonde interviewer asked. "Can you tell what that was about?"

Vanessa was made to memorize her answer hours before so she took it without trouble.

"I was the one in the hotel. Audrey was at home. I had gone to visit a friend and somehow, a man recognized me and started to follow me to see where I was going. I wanted some privacy so I thought I'll talk to him a little and then ask him to leave. But the person turned to be little more aggressive and wouldn't leave even when the hotel staff asked him to. They ended up calling the police to escort him out."

Audrey nodded.

"Oh my goodness." The interviewer responded. "How do you deal with such type of obsessive fan culture?"

"We focus on the good side." Audrey began to answer. "Not all fans are like that. Some are just passionate and respectful and that really motivates me.."

Vanessa's mind drifted to the conversation earlier that day when the meeting at their label concluded with the decision of accepting the offer from Sebastian of remaining silent and not defaming him publicly as he apologized.

"We have to be on the good side." William had said. "He has apologized. Reporting could make people reluctant to work with you thinking that you're too stubborn and uptight. For people, that wasn't even an abuse."

Though she didn't want to, she saw their perspective and had to agree.


The sun rise and the sisters reached home.

Vanessa told Audrey that she hadn't talked to Cedric yet but was so tired that she'd sleep first.

"Yeah. You'll anyway need energy for a conversation like that." Audrey said.

"What day is it?"

"Um, Friday."

"It's Friday already? Wow. The week flew by."

"I know, right? I didn't even realize we're already two months in into this year."

"I've been dreading March since October last year. Too many things, important things are gonna happen."

"March is almost here."

Vanessa sighed. "I think I'll have to increase my medications."


The biggest stars have the most pressure inside them.
~ whether space objects or people.

Have a nice day! ❤️

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