In Too Deep

By HeavenlyDreamerBlog

13.8K 601 309

Meet Lexy. She's heading for a new life in LA, hoping to leave behind traumatic family memories in Louisiana... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 21

334 15 4
By HeavenlyDreamerBlog

Hope you all enjoy this latest chapter. Feel free to give your opinions (good and bad) because I love hearing what you all think!

I pulled into the parking lot and switched off the engine. My phone vibrated from deep inside my bag. I sighed, digging past paperwork and my diary before eventually finding it nestled underneath a tub of body cream and a spare pair of old socks.

I noticed it was a missed call from the office. "Hey Jess," I answered as she picked up the phone. "I'm on my way in now. Is there a problem?"

"No problem my end. What about you though? Where've you been for the past 36 hours Lex? "

I decided not to answer that. "I'll be 15 minutes max. I'm just picking up some coffees and I'll be there. Is Carrie in the office?"


"In that case I'll make it three coffees to go," I shouted before ending the call.


I pushed open the door to hear Carrie shouting down the phone – hopefully to a supplier not a client – and Jess tapping away on her keyboard. She looked up as I cursed, coffee spilling from one of the mugs on to my jeans.

"Here, take these will you Jess," I called, trying to balance bags, coffee and files in my too-small arms.

My desk was full of post-it notes and paperwork piled high next to my laptop. "God Jess, I haven't been gone that long! What's all this stuff waiting for me?"

I listened to her talking about new clients while I rubbed at the coffee stain down the front of my jeans. I'd showered at Jared's before leaving but the memories of what happened weren't quite so easy to wash away.

"So where have you been Lexy?" The abrupt turn in the conversation caught me off guard.

The look of confusion on my face must have spoken volumes. "Lexy, have you been listening to anything I've been saying for the past five minutes?"

"Sorry Jess," I muttered. "This party's gonna be the death of me. I've been going over last minute details with Jared this morning. We're almost there, it's just the little things he's demanding that are taking up my time now."

I sighed and pulled out my desk calendar. I preferred old school writing into little squares rather than using my phone. I pointed to today – March 7. "Ive got two more days before the party. Two more days Jess." My voice was a whisper. Wow, surely nobody screws up better than me. Two days, two brothers and two colleagues who need me in the office working round-the-clock to clear a never-ending workload.

"Lexy, come over here for a moment!" Carrie was off the phone and straight on to the next task, which for my sins seemed to be me.

"Hi Carrie, what's up?" I asked, pulling up a chair at the side of her desk.

"Christ Lexy, you look fucked. What's been going on while I've been away? I need updates."

If only she knew how fucked I was. I took a deep breath. "Let me get my notebooks and I'll tell you where I am with everything."

I walked back to my desk and sifted through piles of paperwork before finding the relevant documents.

I sat back down and spent the next twenty minutes filling Carrie in on the party planning and reassuring her we were on schedule for delivering the ultimate Hollywood bash.

"OK. Stop there for a minute," she said. I held my breath for as long as Carrie held my gaze. It was too long and I looked away.

"So what's it been like working for Jared Leto?" The question was a fully loaded pistol waiting for me to pull the trigger.

I paused, thinking how best to answer without prompting any further probing questions.

"Well, he's been demanding and not the easiest person to work with," I replied, looking anywhere other than at Carrie.

"It's taken up a huge chunk of my time but as I've just shown you, we're almost there." I hoped this would satisfy her curiosity.

I looked up to see her eyes locked on mine. "One moment Lexy. Stay there." She pulled out her phone and tapped on a contact.

Silence and then I heard the phone picking up the other end.

"Hi, it's Carrie from Blue Sky Party Planners. You OK?" I listened, smiling at the way she schmoozed her clients, soothing their egos while promising them the world.

"So I'm told it's all going to plan yes? I was wondering if it's OK for me to pop over and take a look. Yes, I'll bring Lexy with me because she's been in charge of this project from the beginning. Lovely. See you in an hour. Bye Jared."

WTF! My expression would surely have me hanged in the court of Carrie. "Ummm, surely you need to be getting on with work here Carrie?" I stammered, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt while trying boldly to hold eye contact with my boss.

"Yes, but I've still got time to check up on my clients and Jared's top of my list for the next couple of hours. Grab your bags and paperwork and let's go."

I swear she was out of her chair like a rocket launching into space, a roar of fire and energy dragging me in her wake.

Jess looked up from her desk and I cursed the smirk writ large on her face. Good luck! She mouthed the words while wrapping her hands around her mug of coffee – yeah, the same bloody mug I'd so kindly brought her just moments ago.

I glared at her and mentally made plans to kick her ass in the house later.


"So Lexy, is this party over budget or are you managing to keep to Jared's detailed costings?"

The questions kept coming thick and fast and my mind was kept occupied for the entire drive over to Jared's place. My lap was covered in paperwork, the contents of my bag had spilled out over my feet and I was a complete mess.

Before I knew it, Carrie had pulled up outside and keyed in the pass code which Jared had obviously given her to gain entry. The gates opened and Carrie pulled in, parking up behind Jared's beaten up truck.

I'm constantly amazed at the woman's energy and ability to leave me standing; or in this case sitting in the car, unable to move. She'd bounded up to the door and rang the bell, leaving me to sort through the mess of paperwork.

"Jared, so lovely to meet you darling!" I looked over to see Carrie doing her usual air kissing and kissing ass while I desperately tried to restore order in the car.

"Where's Lexy?" Jared's voice cut through her schmoozy greetings as Carrie pointed towards the car. All I wanted was for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I hadn't had time to go home and change, my jeans were now stained with coffee, my hair was a dishevelled mess and I didn't feel up to facing Jared, especially with the forced of Carrie in tow.

But Carrie was now in charge and I knew they were talking about me. I looked up to see Jared walking slowly towards the car. With his back to Carrie, he grinned before opening the door.

"Let me help you with that," he laughed, smiling at my obvious discomfort.

"I couldn't stop her Jared," I whispered looking over at Carrie. "I'm so sorry if we're wasting your time. I'll try to keep her on track and get away as soon as possible. I promise!"

"Don't rush on my account baby." He bent over, scooping all my shit back into the bag.

"And on no account will you call me baby in front of Carrie," I replied sharply. "This is the business end of the deal and she wants to know we're on top of things. OK?"

"That's fine with me baby girl," he nodded before looking back over his shoulder and then dropping his head to land a soft kiss on my lips.

"Shit J! Do you listen to anything I say?"

"Sshh. Emma's taken Carrie inside. We're OK."

I swear that man could talk the pants off a nun. "Take my bag and let's get inside before Carrie comes looking for me." I swung my legs out of the car, turning round to scoop up my papers before heading into the house.


"So this is the poolside with the bar and DJ," I explained, showing Carrie Jared's chilled back yard before leading her inside. The caterers will be inside. They're arriving tomorrow to prep the food.

"We've arranged a valet service, photographer, cloakroom and ...." I dropped my voice, "a special surprise upstairs ... but Jared knows nothing about that, so keep it secret."

"What in God's name have you planned Lexy?" Carrie's voice was low and stern. "And is it covered by Jared's budget? Please Christ say yes."

I nodded and placed a finger on my lips, spotting Jared walking down the hallway.

Carrie turned and walked towards him. "So, are you pleased with what Lexy's achieved so far?"

He glanced over to me and smiled. "I couldn't be a happier man Carrie." He leaned over and kissed her cheek before raising his finger to beckon me over.

"Honestly Carrie, this woman's bent over backwards to meet my every demand. I think I've totally exhausted her." He dragged me into his arms and hugged me in front of her. Was this a test to see how far he could push me? I laughed nervously and shoved him away.

"All in a day's work Jared," I muttered, feeling caught between a rock and hard place.

"Jared! You've just made a member of my staff blush!" Carrie's voice seemed to echo down the hall. The woman has no filter on that mouth.

Being the total gentleman for a change, Jared smiled and led us back to the kitchen.

"Have you got time for some tea because there's something else I need to discuss before you two go." Jared pulled out two bar stools and gestured for us to sit down.

I sipped some tea and waited for him to start, wondering what other demands he had planned with just a day to go before the party.

He spoke slowly as if not wanting us to miss a word. "First of all Carrie ...." he looked at me before continuing. "Lexy's been amazing and I couldn't have asked any more from her. You're really lucky to have her and I hope she's appreciated." He leaned over and put his arm around my shoulder. "I'm proud of everything she's achieved while working for me. And I mean everything." I felt his hand squeeze my shoulder.

This was so loaded I didn't know where to look. I cleared my throat and looked at Carrie, who knocked that same goddamn look straight back at me.

"Thanks Jared. It's been a complete pleasure." The words came out confident, belying the utter confusion swimming around inside of me. "You said you have something else to discuss," I prompted, wrapping my hands tightly around the mug of tea.

"Yes Lexy." He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. He padded back over to the bar, in no rush to let me know what else he wanted from me.

"The party will be brilliant. I know it'll be amazing," he assured me. "What I haven't planned though is how to get Shannon here without giving the game away. And so I thought this was where I could use you."

He smiled as he watched my reaction. I tried to keep my face neutral but I could feel my cheeks burning up and my stomach churning.

"What are your plans," I asked tentatively, hardly wanting to hear the answer to my question.

"You will be his date for the night." The words were delivered clearly and concisely. There was no question, it was a statement and he watched me with those blue eyes, waiting for my response.

"Here, have some water." He offered me his bottle, allowing his fingers to brush over mine as he passed it over.

I breathed slowly and deeply before answering. "How will that work then?"

"I promise you it will work Lexy. You'll love him. I'll introduce the two of you tomorrow and then we'll organise it from there. And more importantly ... this way you get to meet my brother before the party," he explained, his voice soothing, but making me aware there would be no discussion. This was a done deal and I would comply with his wishes.

Carrie raised an eyebrow, her lips resting on the rim of her mug as she watched the scene play out in front of her.

"This seems all a bit above and beyond the call of duty don't you think Jared?" She was watching to see how he'd react to her questioning.

Jared stared her down. "Carrie ... most of what I ask of Lexy is above and beyond our contract ... but I'm your client remember.

"Lexy? Are you OK with my plans?" His eyes met mine, demanding an answer.

I felt dizzy and drained with everything happening so rapidly. "Yes, we're OK Jared. I'm just getting my head around everything. When will you speak to Shannon?" I asked, watching Carrie, watching me.

We broke eye contact and turned as Jared reached over the bar for his phone. He keyed in his code and hit the call button. "No time like the present is there. I'll speak to Shannon now and organise things for the two of you tomorrow."

I panicked. "Jared can't this wait for a moment? You haven't given me time to even think about what you're asking of me," I gasped, listening to the phone ring ... and then connect.

"Bro! You got a minute?"

Oh for the love of God, beam me up! This surely wasn't happening. I walked out to the poolside with Carrie in hot pursuit.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on Lexy?" Carrie grabbed my arm, forcing me to face her.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. What's the problem and what's with Jared making all these demands on you?"

Dammit. I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. This was neither the time nor the place for having a minor breakdown.

"Can you just leave me alone for a moment Carrie, Please!" I begged, turning away, wanting nothing more than to hide away from this monster of a problem I'd brought on myself.

What did they say? Something about being the architect of your own downfall. Shit! I was up there at the very pinnacle of the mountain waiting for my fall from grace.

I looked over at Carrie, silently begging her to give me space.

She reached into her bag and removed the car keys, holding them up for me to see. "I'm going back to the office Lexy. What are you doing?" She watched and waited for my response.

But she didn't have to wait too long. Jared's voice sliced through the late afternoon breeze.

"Lexy, we have to talk!"

Carrie raised her eyebrow. "I have to go Lexy. Call if you need me and don't take any of his shit," she whispered, giving my arm a slight squeeze for reassurance.

I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady myself before going back into the kitchen.

Carrie said her farewells and left me and Jared alone and in silence.

I stood by the open door, my body silhouetted by the dipping sun outside.

Please go easy on me. That's all I could think. His features were inscrutable, his blue eyes drilling into my soul. "Baby, baby girl. Come here," he said, leaning against the wall, waiting or me to make the next move.

I held my ground though, determined not to let him get to me. "Have you discussed your plans with Shannon then?" I asked, glaring at him.

"What if I have Lexy?"

"Cut the crap Jared!" I was losing patience with his games. "What did you say to him?"

Whatever they'd discussed, I had to brave it out now. I closed the distance between us, not wanting to show any of the fear that was balling up in the pit of my stomach.

We were standing toe to toe, my face turned up to meet his steely gaze. "What ... did .... you ... discuss Jared."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "I told you what I needed from you Lexy. Tomorrow you WILL meet my brother and you WILL work out a way of bringing him to the party. Do you understand what I'm asking of you?"

His hand gripped my arm, pulling me closer. "And you will do anything necessary to get him here. I mean ... anything!"

I nodded, looking back towards the open door and the great outdoors.

"And Lexy." His fingers loosened their grip, reaching up to brush over my face. "Let's have no secrets between the three of us."

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