Fleeting Embraces, Falling Fe...

By Ak1zaV

58.4K 1.5K 854

You're a girl with a love and knowledge for flowers. With a fleeting encounter with a man who possesses eyes... More

Author's Note
A Young Freesia Bud
A Fleeting Encounter
Meeting The Five Gems
Was It A Worthwhile Trip?
A Sliver of Trust From The Heart
Blossoming of One's Yearning
Deep Feelings Within Shallow Waters
Shattering Ice On Frozen Memories
Final Beauty of The Young Freesia
Goodbye Greeted By A Reunion
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Knowing The Real Him...
Unity of Two Souls
Falling Feelings
Unraveling Hidden Pasts
Silver Silk, Amber Crystals, and Crescent Moon
Mirroring A Once Upon A Time
Deceiver Becomes The Deceived
Picking Up Where We Left Off
Flaring Rubies Amongst The Quiet Flames
Intertwined Passion
Arrival of An Unexpected
Judgement of The Foreign Divine
A Merciful Intervention
Searching For The Hope
Gateway To An Awakening
A Sacrifice Worth Giving
That Faint Guilt Deep Down
Just One Kiss
It's Only When They Are Gone...
Renewed Clarity
Flames In The Darkness
Nothing Left To Fear
Let The Flower Petals Float Free
Beating Parallel To One's Heart
Muddy Water Is Once Again Translucent
Fleeting And Falling Feelings, Fair Flowers Wilt, But Will Bloom Once Again
Author's Note


2.6K 83 18
By Ak1zaV

Since that day that I met Kagome and the others, I haven't seen them since. Nothing interesting has happened since then, except for one occurrence when the sky went dark and a bright purple-pink light illuminated the sky, then the next day, everything was back to normal. 12 years has passed since then, and now I'm 22. Now that I'm an adult, my life feels as if it just started. Sazanami is now 26 and she has grown into a beautiful woman, and she will forever be my older sister figure. My parents has reduced their traveling since their age is catching up to them, so if they have errands to run, they'll call on one of our guards or messengers, or me in some occasion. I actually like it, I want to go out and explore, see the world and the wonders that it holds. Just my luck one day, my parents needs to deliver a parcel to the same town that we went to 12 years prior. I'm sitting in front of my parents in the social room of the estate.

"I'll delivery the parcel to the lord, you don't need to call on someone else." I say to them with a smile.

"We don't know if it's safe or not, it's a 2 day trip." My mother says.

"Mother please, I'm not 10 anymore, I'm 22. I can take care of myself. Besides, it's nice to explore a bit, go out and see what's beyond the mountains again." I tell her taking her hand.

"If you're going I feel that I should assign some guards with you just to be safe." My father says.

"We rarely hear of demon attacks anymore, we haven't heard of any since a few years ago. Besides, not all demons are bad. Don't worry father and mother, I'll be fine. I remember the way there and back, and it's only 4 days or so. Maybe longer if I decide to stay." I say with a playful smile.

My parents look at each other and let out a unified sigh.

"Stubborn as ever, alright. I suppose it won't hurt for you to go out and get use to the outside world. Let your wings spread out a bit. Just stay safe alright?" My father says.

"Don't worry I will." I say to them with a bow.

The rest of the day goes on smoothly, Sazanami helps me pack up some essentials for the trip tomorrow when night arrives.

"All right, looks like you're all set for tomorrow. Stay safe alright? Especially when out alone." Sazanami says taking my hand.

"Don't worry Saza, I'm all grown up now you don't need to worry about me anymore. All you need to do, is be my big sister and help me water my Freesia when I'm gone." I say to her with a smile.

"Alright, it's hard not to worry after taking care of you since you were 6." Sazanami sighs.

"I know, time flies and a constant routine is difficult to break. Eventually though, you'll go out and explore the world yourself, and hopefully with a husband by your side soon." I say to her.

"Hopefully, that's the word that requires emphasis. Alright, get some rest." Sazanami says ruffling my hair with a smile.

"Goodnight." I reply back to her.

She stands up and exits out the room. I blow out my candle and the golden room is suddenly covered in navy blue. I lay down on my futon and close my eyes, soon, sleep takes over me. I wake up to brightness filling my whole vision, I get up and grab my kimono and head out to wash up. The birds has just started to chirp, signaling a new day. After washing up, I change into my kimono and head out to the dining hall. I ask the maids if they can just prepare something simple for me, because I want an early head start. If I can get to the town early then that would be the best, I do want to look around a bit when I get there. After finishing up eating, I get up to retrieve the parcel. As I enter into the hallway, I see my parents and Sazanami.

"Oh, father, mother, Sazanami, good morning." I say to them with a morning greet.

"Good morning dear, you heading out now?" My mother asks me.

"Yes, I'm just going to get the parcel and then saddle up." I reply.

"Did you eat yet?" Sazanami asks me.

"I did, don't worry, I asked the maids to pack me 2 days worth of food, I'm coming back and getting it after I get my bundle." I say to them.

"Alright, since we met here, we won't be seeing you off then, remember to stay safe out there. Take a sword just in case." My father says.

"You don't need to worry about me father I'll be fine alright, I'll bring a sword with me just in case. Have a nice breakfast, see you all in a few days." I reply with a smile.

My parents nod and I give Sazanami's hand a gentle squeeze. I then head to my room to get my bundle and the parcel, I then return to the kitchen to retrieve the food and head out to our barn. I saddle up my horse Nagareboshi, I call him Boshi for short. I tie up everything and the parcel, the sword that I brought is neatly tied to the side of the saddle. Without another second to waste, I hop onto Boshi.

"Let's go Boshi, we got a long travel ahead." I say to him.

I snap the reigns and Boshi heads off, the wind quickly picks up as I galloped on the ground. It's such a nice experience, I can go my own pace without having to wait or be restrained. I travelled long. The morning sun soon turned into afternoon, then the bright blue slowly transitions into fiery fire, and eventually darkening into the colors of the shadows. We got far I have to say, we passed the forest area where we camped last time, I found a small village nearby and stayed at an inn. I eat my dinner and after an hour of walking around the small town, I head to bed. The crickets acting as my lullaby, I quickly fall asleep after a long day. I wake up to lively chatters outside, although it's a small town, but the people are quite lively. I get up and get dressed, I wash up and finish the remaining of the food. I should arrive at the town around late afternoon, I quickly pack everything up again and go out to retrieve Boshi. We then set off onto the golden brown road again, the sun accompanying us and lighting our way beyond the green grass and fields. Hours go by and we finally arrive at the designated town, it's just as lively as I remembered a few years back. People are roaming the streets, vendors selling their goods and restaurants packed with people. I smile at the scene and head to the estate of the town's lord. As I arrived the guards at the gate greeted me and went to call their owner. Not long the lord comes out, he has aged since I last saw him. Which was 12 years ago, he's in his late early 60's now.

"Ahhh, lady_______ my have you grown, please come in." He welcomes me.

"Nice to see you again too." I bow to him.

I enter into the estate and give him the parcel after we sit down in the gathering hall. He opens up the bundle and within the wrapped cloth is a chunk of green crystal, or perhaps jade, it's a gift for the lord. After talking with him and his wife for a bit, evening soon rolls in, and we eat dinner together. I'm leaving tomorrow so I want to walk around the town a little, the streets are always lively at night. I go out by myself and I walk along the crowded streets, bright lanterns of yellow and red floats just above our heads. I see jewelry, food, and many different items. I happen upon a kimono shop, seeing that I'm now grown up, I want to buy a kimono by myself. The little shop is filled with colors made in silk, the reflective shine of the kimono making them look elegant and delicate. As I roamed, my eyes lands on a crimson red Kimono with a white collar and obi. The sleeves and the bottom of the kimono has white flowery dots as decorations, simple but beautiful. Seeing that when I was younger, I wore a pale pink kimono, now to wear a red kimono, it seems like I officially grew up. Also, as I saw the crimson red, my mind began to tick again, why does this red bring back a long lost memory or something? I tried it on and it fits me perfectly, I paid the seamstress and I take it back with me to the lord's estate on where I'll be staying tonight. The night ends, I folded the kimono neatly and I lay down on my futon, I turn onto my side and look out the window of my room. The stress of the forgotten memories of that night is slowly clouding my mind once again. I sigh and click my tongue, I close my eyes and relaxed my heart and mind. Soon, I'm pulled into another slumber. The sun rises again just like every other day, I wake up to the ray of the sun lightening my vision. I need an early head start again, I get up from my futon and I grab the new kimono that I bought last night, the softness of the red silk glides pass my skin awakening me from my drowsiness, I smile as I touch the embroidery of the flowers. I take it with me as I head to the washroom, after washing up I put on my new kimono and tie my obi. I let my hair flow down my back, and I braid a section of my hair and pin it behind my head. A maid leads me to the eating hall, and the lord and lady is sitting there waiting for me.

"My lord, lady, good morning, you're all up quite early." I say sitting down.

"Yes, at our age, we always get up around this time." She says with a gentle smile.

"I see. That just shows how much we change as we get older." I say with a laugh.

"It sure does, I have asked the maids to pack you some food for the trip home." The lord says.

"Thank you so much my lord for the hospitality." I say with a bow.

"No need to thank us, you travelled for two days to give us the beautiful gift. Taking care of you was the least we could so. Tell your father that we love the gift." He says.

"I will." I reply with a smile.

We enjoyed a nice breakfast and they come out to see me off. One of the groundskeeper brought me Boshi from the barn. I hop onto Boshi and look back at them.

"I'll be off then, please take care." I say to them.

"We will, be careful on the way home." His Lady says petting Boshi.

"Oh, and I don't know if you know or not, but if I remember on the road, there's a cherry blossom tree that stands in an open area somewhere. It's been years since I saw it, but if you happen to come upon the forest before sundown, you should try looking for it. It's the beginning of Spring, it should still bloom for another 2 weeks or so." He says.

Suddenly, the long forgotten memory that I tried to forget all together for years has rushed back to me. Maybe by finding it, I might regain some memories. I smile.

"Yes, I'll definitely will, I have only seen a blossom cherry once, and it was the last time I came here, it was the same tree I believe that you're talking about. I happened upon it by curiosity." I say.

"Oh, how nice, yes, definitely please do see it again. Not a lot people know about it, if I was back in my youth, I would go find it again." He says with a laugh.

"How nice to be young again, in a blink of an eye, 12 years went by since I last came here. I'll be off then." I say to them with another bow.

They nod, I then snap the reigns on Boshi and he turns to gallop off into the horizon, back home again. The day goes by just like how I came here. I know I'll be staying at the same inn on the way that I came. I'll spend the morning or afternoon to look for the cherry blossom tree. The sun travels with me as Boshi's hooves kicks up dirt. The sky turns from cool to warm and then back to cool tones on the color spectrum, I finally arrive at the Inn. The inn keeper remembers me and gives me a room. The night goes by smoothly. The next morning comes around as the world turns in a full circle. I wake up stretching my arm as my back cracks, the morning air is fresh and clean. I put on my red kimono and finish up all my morning routine. I saddle up Boshi and I ride to the exit of the village, the white clouds floating above and the serene blue of the sky brightens my mood.

"Time to look for that cherry blossom tree. Let's go Boshi." I say patting his mane.

With a snap we set off to the open plains, a few hour goes by and we finally arrive to the same area that we camped at 12 years earlier. I can still remember the forest vaguely. I tie Boshi to a tree, and I recollect my memories 12 years prior. It's late afternoon now, I'm not too worried about the sun going down. I enter into the quiet forest with quiet chirping of birds, I walk under the tall trees, branches snapping softly below my faint steps. Not long I arrive at the flowing stream, I then face the direction of the open area that I remember. I then head off to it. The gentle Spring breeze carrying my hair around slightly. A few minutes goes by, and I finally see the sunlight shining through at an open area. I smile as I see the clearing, I step out of the forest's border and onto the emerald green grass. There it is, in the center of the clearing is the very same cherry blossom tree. It has bloomed splendidly, its golden brown trunk adorned with vivid pink and magenta of the flowers that sprouts from its branches. I walk up to it , and I'm taken aback at its beauty that I remember so long ago.

"It's still blooming, I'm glad I caught it at its prime moment." I say to myself.

As I walked around the tree, I stop under a branch when I hear a bird's chirping. I look up and within its veil of cherry blossoms, I see a bird slightly sitting on the edge of the branch, one of its wings is opened and hanging slighting on its side. It's hurt.

"I have to help it, it looks like it's going to fall." I say as I look at it.

I look back at the tree trunk and I find little grooves within the trunk, I'll be able to climb it and hopefully reach it. The branch looks thick enough for me to climb on. I rearrange my kimono and lift up my sleeves, I then walk up to it and grab onto its trunk. I then start to pull myself up, and for some reason, it kind of feels familiar. I climb a few feet off the ground, and I grab onto the thick branch on where the bird is resting on. I carefully lay myself down onto the branch and did my best to slide across it, problem is, the branch thins out as it reaches its end, so I have to stop at a certain point or else it will snap.

"If I was younger, I can probably reach the end of the branch." I say clicking my tongue.

The bird is resting there, unable to fly. I reach out my right arm to reach it, while trying my best to not snap off any blossoms. I'm practically stretching my whole body at the moment, I can't reach it.

"I'll have to stand up somehow to reach further." I say.

I look down at the ground, and I can barely see the green of the grass, the cherry blossoms filled my whole vision. I must be pretty high up. I try my best to reposition myself, but now that I'm older, my limbs are thicker, not to mention, my kimono is also a problem. I try to crouch onto the branch when my right foot slips off the branch, and immediately I feel my center of weight shifting to the right. I start to fall off the branch, I let out a gasp and a beginning of a scream. I close my eyes as my hair start to surround me, suddenly, I feel someone grab me in mid air. I immediately grab onto the first thing my hands can find, and it wraps around the person's neck. I let out a gasp at the sudden rush of air, the person pulls me close to their chest as I feel them carrying us down onto the ground gracefully. I open my eyes when I don't feel the movement of the air around me anymore. I see slightly curly pure black hair in front of me mixed with my own, the person feels quite muscular. I'm still holding onto their neck, no words were exchanged between us. I slowly look up from under them and they turn their head and looks down at me, my eyes suddenly falls upon their defined eyes. My eyes goes wide as I see theirs, they aren't like mine, they aren't brown. They are crimson red with white pupils, and for a second, I feel a slight rush of memory faintly coming back to me. Do I know this person somehow? Why do those eyes feel so familiar...

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