By FruitSaladDad

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The year is 5027, Earth has been completely destroyed.. but the human race hasn't. Now living on a artificial... More

Crossing over
City if the sick
Familiar faces

The two worlds meet

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By FruitSaladDad

Word count: 1447

The year is 5027 and earth has been completely destroyed, now the scientists of 3043 were able to create a new planet for the human race to escape to if the occasion were to rise, which they did. So while the earth was soon to be destroyed a good number of humans were able to escape to the new planet, some weren't as lucky. They called the earth Mir (which I believe is Russian for earth or life), in the beginning of Mir the nations of earth were at war but as they fought the planet started to split and so to prevent Mir and the human race to be gone forever they all came to an agreement. A living system for both humans and aliens. They announced that there would be two cities, city to the healthy and average. And city to the sick, gifted (hybrids of aliens and humans, they usually get cool powers) disabled, and aliens. The people of the healthy city were called Merces and the people of the sick were called Junkers aka junk. They created a building called he birthing home where children would live till the age of ten to see if they'd be a junker or a merce, how they'd find out is they'd give the kids a test, the ones who score an average grade would be a merce unless they had a disability, powers, or sickness. The extremely smart and talented kids became Junkers.

Raphael, a merce.. a boy who had a love for history. Especially in the time where humans lived on earth, customs are much different now, some are better than the old.. others not so much.. lately he's been noticing a strange person. This person always seems to lurk in the shadows in all black.. Raphael would grow curious and follow the "shadow man" but loosing them quickly... Today Raphael spotted the shadow person and once again decided to follow it, Raphael was able to get closer and soon it noticed him Raphael called out to it but 'He' ran, Raphael followed and they ran till it was cornered, it looked at him with its piercing icy blue eyes

"I'm on Pursuit of the "shadow man"..... it had escaped me for the past several days.... but I have made progress of tracking it.... I'll... finally be able too.... figure out what it is..."

Raphael spoke into the recorder in his hand as he kept pace with this shadow man. But with him talking into the device, keeping an eye on the figure, and running he was running short of breath. He took deep breaths as he rand and kept on talking. Finally catching up

"I have bought the Shadow man.... will now see who this is"

He had recorded the last sentence a bit winded now.

"Hello? I am Rafa, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.... uff, sorry I'm a bit winded..."

Raphael took a deep breath that's d looked into the eyes of the figure before him his had went for knife on his leg ready for anything, the icy blue eyes stare given off made the hairs on the back of his neck stand. And with a reserved tone of voice.

"May, I ask your name, and who you are?"

"S-stay away.."

The figure spoke she reached her hand out, she was trembling, the other hand was holding a fairly large bag, she pulled it close to her and whatever was inside rattled, only leaving anyone to assume it was pills of some sort

"I don't want to have to hurt you.."

As she spoke her hand glowed a dark shade of purple

"I know you've been following me.. I let it slip by because- what was it the old humans used to say? Curiosity killed the cat?"

"Hurt me?"

Raphael wanted to step back even if the figure in front was right. But to hear the voice of a woman now that got his Curiosity all tiered up and desired to take a step forward.

"Well the old humans also had said there is no sense in adventure if there is not a hint of danger" (Romeo santos)

He hand withdrew from his knife and kept it sheath

"Well will you answer my question?."

She shook her head and took a step back bumping into a brick wall behind her, she broke eye contact and looked up

She sighed and looked back at Raphael

"My names Eryn.. I'm.. a junker.. if that wasn't already obvious.."

Raphael had pulled out a note pad and a pencil and began taking note.

"Eryn, E, r, i, n right... I mean never mind, okay and your a junker."

he gave off a warm smile as he just looked at the paper and back up to Eryn's face

"Well I did figure out that much, may I ask what the purple power does!? What's your relation to the old humans, and where did you get that saying."

Raphael was more interested then ever.

She flinched at his sudden enthusiasm and she held her hand close to her chest

"W-Wait, slow down.. w-why aren't you calling for anyone.. to take me away..?"

Raphael looked at Eryn and cocked his head to one side. He seem obviously confused.

"What do you mean take you?....."

He had sighed deeply he looked deeply to the girls eyes standing before him. And answer her as genuinely as he could.

"Well I always wanted to learn about the old earth. And what better way then through a junker. Never thought I get the chance, and thought that this so called shadow man was just my imagination making me go crazy, I never thought I was going to meet someone like you."

"You're quite an interesting Merce..."

She mumbled

"I know as much about the old earth as anyone else... I don't understand how you find it so fascinating, it was a world full of mans hate and hunger for power..."

Raphael just laughed the threat of her voice seem to just not phase him.

"Well that's why I'm so curious, what makes man so power gingery. Plush this utopia I'm forced to live in does not feel right. I feel out of place here....."

He had looks back at the girl who did not move much and involuntarily got closer.

"And What brought you here to this side of this utopia? Did Curiosity killed really kill the cat?"

"Why I'm here is none of your business.."

She said firmly

"I've wasted too much time standing here.."

She was hesitant to walk by him, she couldn't predict what his actions be if she approached him

Raphael sighed, this time in a bit of annoyance. He stood his ground and clear his throat.

"Well I'll give you a proposal that you can not refuse, be my guide in your world and one I'll not call the guardians to come and get you and two..."

Raphael wrote on a pice of paper ripped it out of the note pad and held it in between his fingers. extending his arms to length had gestures for Eryn to take it

Eryn's eyes moved to the paper, then back at him. She raised her hand and the paper was surrounded with a purple glow, she gestured it to come to her and floated to her and she grabbed the paper

"I'll tell you now, my home isn't something you should be wanting to see.. you'll need a mask if you're really wanting to go.."

She said glancing at the note

Inside the pice of paper was an amount and then the symbol for the currency. His eyes had widen at the sight of the girls abilities to move things with her power. His mind wondered off before he came back to himself and cleared his throat once more.

"I am offering you four hundred thousand credits for your services. I'm sure with someone with abilities like those could be useful to myself."

Raphael gave off a mischievous smile.

"This utopia bores me, and I had prepared something for that."

he pulled a mask and put it over his face

She pulled out her own mask and pulled it on. She began walking towards him

"Let's go then.. gotta get these.."

She held up the bag

"Back home.."

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of the year 5027 I haven't quite thought of a proper title for this but if you have any suggestions please let me know! I feel really good about this story and I really hope y'all like it! Next chapter will be out very soon!!

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