Tennessee Rose

By lolalittlelegs

40K 1.7K 488

Rose has been in a dark place after a life-changing tragedy, but she is slowly beginning to heal. Her family... More

Chapter One - Rose
Chapter Three - Rose
Chapter Four - Marshall
Chapter Five - Rose
Chapter Six - Marshall
Chapter Seven - Rose
Chapter 8 - Marshall
Chapter 9 - Rose
Chapter 10 - Marshall
Part 11 (part 1) - Rose
Part 11 (part 2) - Tristan
Part 12 - Marshall
Part 13 - Rose
Part 14 - Marshall
Part 15 - Marshall
Part 16 - Rose
Part 17 - Rose
Part 18 - Marshall
Part 19 - Rose
Part 20 - Marshall
Part 21 - Rose
Part 22 - Marshall
Part 23 - Rose
Part 24 - Marshall
Part 25 - Rose
Part 26 - Marshall
Part 27 - Rose
Part 28 - Marshall
Part 29 - Rose
Part 30 - Marshall
Part 31 - Rose
Part 32 - Marshall
Part 33 - Rose
Part 34 - Marshall
Part 35 - Rose
Part 36 - Marshall
Part 37 - Rose
Part 38 - Marshall
Part 39 - Rose
Part 40 - Marshall
Part 41 - Rose
Part 42 - Marshall
Part 43 - Rose
Part 44 - Marshall
Part 45 - Rose and Marshall
Part 46 - Marshall
Part 47 -Rose

Chapter Two - Marshall

1.4K 58 4
By lolalittlelegs

Written by Lolalittlelegs

I'm really not sure why we had to come to a bar to watch the game, I mean none of us drank alcohol any more and security can't drink on the job but Royce insisted we had to come out to get a better atmosphere so here we were the five of us and a handful of other people in this one bar watching the game, so much for the awesome atmosphere I thought to myself.

Glancing around at the people in the bar awhile I waited for Royce to come back with our drinks there was a couple of old dudes propping up the bar, a couple smooching in the corner and a girl sat at the bar on her own.

I wanted to be back in the relative luxury of the hotel not because luxurious was my thing but I could kick off my shoes, put my feet up on the table and swear at the tv in comfort with no one else to judge me, sit with my hand down my pants kind of thing, basic male comfort.

Instead I was sat on an uncomfortable wooden bench, jacket on because it was so fucking cold in here and my cap pulled down over my eyes.

The girl at the bar was watching me closely and I signalled to security that she might be one to watch although to be fair she looked perfectly harmless, I tried to study her in return but I couldn't make it obvious I was looking.
I can't see much of her face but I know that she doesn't smile much, she has short dark hair there's nothing outstanding about her but I find myself unable to tear my eyes away, the next moment with the guys distracted shouting and hollering at the game, I find myself on my feet approaching the bar next to where she's sat and standing beside her stool like an idiot.

The bar tender approaches and I order a diet coke quietly not wanting my voice to draw attention and give me away but I watch her as I speak and her body tenses, she turns to look at me and this close up I can see she's actually quite pretty, large spectacles framing her pretty eyes, she scrunches up her eyes looking at me and so I hold out my hand and introduce myself using Royce real name

"Hey, I'm Ryan" she's not convinced, she looks puzzled at my lie until something becomes clear in her head, inside I'm praying she'll play along with my game, she lifts her small hand up and shakes mine, her hand is warm and soft

"Rose, pleased to meet you Ryan!" she smirks and turns away from me placing her attention back on the game.

"Why are you alone?" I blurt out suddenly, real cool Marshall I think to myself! Rose turns on her stool to face me.

"Why are you in here..... RYAN?" she emphasizes the fake name I've given her. I glance around at the guys at my table looking for help but they are too into the game to help apart from one security guy who's keeping a close eye on me.

Rose sighs taking pity on my dumb ass "I was exploring and forgot the time, thought I'd dive in here to watch the game before going back to my hotel" she explains quickly, She uses her hands alot to talk and it's distracting.

"Exploring on your own?" I reply "Yes Ryan, I came here to spend some time alone" Now I feel awkward like she really doesn't want to talk to me at all, I'm fighting walking away and heading back to my table but surprising the pair of us I pull up a stool next to her and sit by her side, I can't explain it I just feel compelled.

"This your team?" I gesture towards the screen and she nods sucking the coke through a straw noisily, it makes me laugh but I notice she doesn't join in.
"You could have picked a better team to support!" I'm trying to push her buttons and get her to talk, she turns her face slowly to mine, I'm a tiny bit fearful for a second until she punches out a quick laugh "They're winning RYAN!" she says sarcastically and turning away again.

"Who are you supporting?" she asks waving her hand at the large screen.

"Neither, there's no other games on tonight though so I gotta suffer this second rate Shit!" Rose glares at me the first sign of any emotion since I first set eyes on her tonight "Second rate!" she grates out the words, seething at me, I'm intrigued by her.

"I'll have you know" She carried on berating me but the words just rolled into one another and I couldn't hear them as laughter bubbled up inside me, I finally let it out and Rose sat open mouthed gawking at my rudeness.
She's so cross that she grabs her purse and slips down off the stool "Fuck you Marshall, you rude asshole" she's so cross she's forgotten to call me Ryan, I grab her wrist and pull her back
"Take it easy Tiger, sit back down I was enjoying our chat" My voice sounds soothing but she continues to glare at me whilst taking her seat once more, I call the bartender over and order us both another coke, I'll be up pissing all night at this rate. "You live here?" I ask as I pay the man. "Nope just here for the weekend" she glances over at the TV something deep inside me tells me not to try and delve too deeply into her at the moment, I get the feeling she'll run if I pry too much so I keep my chat light and keep talking down her favourite team which earns me a couple of slaps the top of my arm.

I like this girl not romantically or anything but she's nice to talk to, she doesn't ask personal questions and as yet hasn't punched me in the face for being so rude.

"Can we meet for lunch tomorrow?" I ask her pushing my luck and wait and wait for an answer.

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