Hide N SeeK

By candybandy1

103 8 9

The Hide and Seek Nationals are tonight. You have all the supplies you need, you want something? Just ask. Th... More

Acknowledgements & Rules
High And Mighty
Ah, that's more like it.

I Call It Hell

18 1 0
By candybandy1

Rider's POV:

I fly south, rising above the clouds. For some reason, I'm not myself. I'm a middle aged woman and my pale tan skin is somehow darker than my sisters charcoal hair.

A sudden air ripples from beneath me.

My cheeks burn in realization, the air that's lifting me towards the sky is...my farts.

Out of nowhere, my farts turn into something stronger, and I'm --I mean the woman-- is blasted torwards the sky.

She passes the stars and sighs in satisfaction. But what she doesn't know is that she can't breathe in outer space.

Her head explodes.

"Mr. Storm, that was your dream," Dr. Brice speaks into the mic behind a glass wall that seperates us.

I could break it and kill her.

"I'm not dumb," I turn so that my back faces her on the bed.

I have a month and 7 days until The Tonight is here, and I expect to annoy the shit out of every soul who has a part in this 'game.' My life.

"Neither am I, and what I have learned from you-"

"--is that I don't believe in the impossible. Wow, you really aren't dumb!" I clap my hands, congratulating her. I turn and face her, giving her a blank stare only a Hider can muster.

"If you don't check yourself, I guarantee that you won't be participating in The Tonight." Dr. Brice crosses arms and fixes me with a stare.

Like I want to be in the games.

"Yes, sir," She glares at me.

     "What, Ma'am then?"

The doctor exits the room.

Now that I think of it, she's not that bad. The other doctors are worse. By far.

I shudder, remembering me and Dr. Alice's last talk. She tried seducing me.

"Patient 644 please enter the Hiding room." Someone speaks into the one of many speakers in the room.


The lock on the door unhinges and I tread carefully around the broken glass on the floor.

From my last Tantrum.

B = bad

G = gaurenteed

M = maybe

I remember what they taunt us with.

If the place is marked with B, it means it's a bad hiding place. I've never hide in a B.

G means its a gaurenteed hiding place. It's where I always hide.

M is a maybe. If you're lucky, maybe the Seeker will be Tracy and Darwin, the two dumb twins, and they won't see you. The only reason they're in the games is because they're related to Dr.Fate. That's seriously his name. He owns the show.

B, G, and M's are in a code language and written big inside the clay obstacles. Hiderz have lessons on the code every Wednesday to guarantee our understanding. To make sure Seekerz don't understand, they only teach us in signs, carved into the clay. It's our upper hand.

After stalling for a bit, I enter the Hiding room.

"Show us what you got." They chant.

I roll my eyes. They'll never see me coming.

Within a second, I disappear.

All of the crowded obstacles that we hide in are made of clay. They are made to be ripped apart and mended into a hiding place.

I tiptoe around the clay obstacles, careful to not make a sound. The Watcherz are here.

They help the Seekerz.

While we get the B, G, and M's for help, they get watchers. Little ugly clay children are made in the lab to scare us, causing for us to make a sound and be found. It's their upper hand.

We have 30 seconds until they come to insure our failure. Only the best of the best respond quickly enough to seek shelter in the scarce amounts of G rated clay obstacles.

Other Hiderz are here too, in the shadows. I stall too long.

Quickly, I jump into a random clay model, carving it into a big enough shape for me to fit in. Luckily, it's in a dark corner.

I trace the sides of inside the clay. It's dark so I have to rely on my hands to tell me what it says.


I clasp my hands over my face. This is it. I'm gonna get caught.

It's an M.

"Shit, shit, shit," I mutter.

"What's that?" I hear from behind the thick clay. "I thought I heard something."

"Shutup Tracy, they're gonna know we're here."

Oh jheez, I'm so lucky. It's the two dummies. Tracy and Darwin. I have a good chance of not getting caught. I quickly thank god before carving a small hole so I can see whats going on around us.

  I decide I'll make a run for it and jump into a good looking hiding spot across from the one I'm currently in.




  I slowly rip a piece of clay until it's big enough that I could fit my whole hand through.

  Step one. Completed.

  I keep repeating that until I can slip my slim body through.

Another cruel rule us Hiderz have to follow. We have to stay slim. Our mentor, Mrs. Haren, lets us eat one meal a day. She calls it mercy.

I call it hell.

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