A Diverted Fate (Sally Face x...

By surrenderurtoes

11.9K 347 128

On the night where everything went wrong, Sally was unaware to what could happen. When he received a strange... More

Hospital Beds and Flowers
Back Home
A Crazy Night
Making Moves
Dreams and Breakfast
Dream Journals
Pizza Parlors
Sleep, Finally
Ghost Hunters
Demons? Demons.
Surprise Visits
ayo part 2: electric boogaloo


1K 31 6
By surrenderurtoes

We got back to Todd and Neil's house like half an hour later.
After I made sure Larry was set up for the night, I wandered back to Addison on my own.
Larry didn't want me to, but I insisted I had to feed Gizmo. He didn't seem happy with me, but I didn't want to bother Todd and Neil.
It was just getting dark when I walked into Addison. I wandered up to my apartment.
"Dad I'm home," I called. When I was met by silence I grew a little confused.
"Dad?" I called again. I walked through to kitchen to see a note on the fridge.
Hey bud, sorry I'm not here. I had to stay at work. I want to hear all the interesting hospital stories when I come back! There's food in the fridge and Lisa is always just downstairs. - Dad
I sighed. Guess I'm alone tonight.
I fed Gizmo then I wandered to my room. I pulled off my mask, grabbing the one that Larry had gotten me off of my wall.
It was in the shape of a cartoon skull. That's when I remembered that I was still in Larry's sweater and shirt.
I sighed, grabbing some new underwear and heading to the bathroom.
I reviled in the hot water for a while, Sanity Falls playing from my speaker.
I got out after a while and dried myself off. I was towelling off my hair when I passed the mirror.
I stopped, poking at some of my scars, scowling a little. I shook my head, pulling on my boxers.
I pulled Larry's Sanity Falls shirt back on and flopped into bed. I realized how cold it was in my apartment, so I snuggled under my covers, letting the smell of Larry and home envelope me.
Speaking of which, I'm worried about Larry.
Me: Hey dude, how's it going?
Lar: I'm fine dude, I wish you could have stayed tho
Me: I know, Gizmo needed me dude!
Lar: I'm serious Sal, it's not good at Addison
Me: I know, and I'm sorry. I thought my dad would be here tonight, but he's at work
Lar: will you let me know if something happens or you something?
Sal: Larry, I'll be okay. You don't need to worry dude
Lar: I do though.. so be careful please?
Me: I will, get some sleep dude
Lar: you too. I'll stop by in the morning to get you
Me: sounds like a plan. Night LarBear
Lar: night Sally Face
I sighed, setting my phone on my bedside table. Gizmo strolled in and plopped himself beside me. I ran my fingers through his soft fur, sighing loudly.
"Giz, am I being dumb for worrying this much?" I asked Gizmo.
He let out a little meow. "I know he's my best friend, it's just I feel like I'm being suffocating? I dunno dude. It's just I like being around him and just hanging out, like it makes me feel really good. Dude! And like he always smells really good. Is that weird?" I mused aloud.
Gizmo started purring and meowed sleepily. "I just want to help him, and I want him to be happy, y'know?" I asked.
Gizmo kept purring. "Good chat," I said jokingly.
I yawned widely. It was only like six, but my sleep schedule is still super messed up.
I curled up around Gizmo and snuggled in.
Blood. There's so much. Too much. Chug, Soda, Lisa, Dad, everyone else, all of them.
My fault. It was me. Evil. No good. I had no choice.
Todd, bloodied and crazed. Raving about the cult. I had no choice.
A child, pale and mutilated. All my fault. Might as well off myself and do everyone a favour. Make up for my mistakes.
Larry, pale and eyes lifeless. An electric chair and orange jumpsuit.
Proof. Too late. I had no choice.
I woke up, shaking but sweating. My breathing ragged as my eyes dart around my dark room.
I heard something in the kitchen. I slipped from my bed, Gizmo no longer there.
I snuck around, putting my ear to the door. I heard quiet and muffled Sanity Falls.
I cracked my door, sticking my head out a little to see a figure in the bright kitchen.
Morning light filtered in through the window as the person busied themselves in the kitchen.
They turned around and I saw that it was Larry.
I stepped all the way from my room. "Fuck sakes dude! I thought you were here to murder me!" I exclaimed as I wandered to the kitchen.
Larry laughed. "No, just here to make some killer pancakes," he said with a laugh.
I laughed and shook my head. "That's terrible," I said through a yawn.
I sat down at the table, resting my head in my hands.
I got up shortly after sitting down, "I'll be right back," I said as I wandered to my room.
I clipped on my mask, just out of habit. I grabbed my phone and Larry's sweater.
I wandered back out, realizing halfway down the hall that I forgot to put on pants. I just gave up and walked to the kitchen again.
"Here's your sweater back dude," I said, handing it back.
He blushed a little, "oh thanks dude," he said with a smile.
I realized that it is now increasingly obvious that I wore his shirt to bed.
So? It's fine... I felt my face heat up too, and I was glad for this prosthetic.
Larry turned back to the pancakes and I sat at the table again. "Okay, on a scale of one to ten, how much does it look like a tornado went through your room?" I asked jovially.
Larry laughed, "uh I don't know where a bunch of my socks went," he said.
I groaned. "So this moving thing requires cleaning first," I said, feigning my pain.
Larry laughed, "it's not that bad dude, we'll get through it," he said, passing a plate of pancakes to me.
I took off my mask and started wolfing down my pancakes. I realized now that this was my first hot meal in a few days. I had been living off of random vending machine foods before.
"Whoa, slow down there dude, you're gonna make yourself sick," Larry joked.
"I love pancakes so eat my ass dude," I said after swallowing a mouthful.
He laughed and shook his head. We finished our pancakes relatively quickly. Larry stayed and did the dishes as I went and got dressed.
I pulled on some black jeans first. I then wandered around as I debated what shirt I wanted to put on. I decided on a dark red sweater.
I pulled off Larry's shirt and put on my sweater, sighing loudly. I love the feeling of getting dressed, I don't know why, it just feels like I'm productive or something.
I wandered out again, putting the folded shirt on top of the sweater. Larry finished up the last of the dishes and dried his hands.
"Ready? Mom is home so behave," he warned jokingly.
"Are you talking to yourself? Because I don't think it's me we have to worry about," I teased, pulling my hair up in a bun and putting my mask back on.
Larry laughed. "Fair enough. Come on, let's get this shit show on the road," he said, leading the way out of my apartment.
We went down the the basement, the elevator slow as always. Larry went into his apartment quietly, then snuck to his room.
Once we were inside I turned to him. "Why are we sneaking?" I asked.
"I think mom is asleep, usually she would be busy around if she wasn't," Larry answered, his deep voice low.
I made a noise of understanding. "Makes sense. Alright, let's get started."

Cleaning with Larry is painful. It was around eight in the morning when we started, and it was nearing three when we stopped.
"That should be enough for now. I can always come back and get more stuff whenever, we're just gonna be down the road," Larry said, putting his hands on his hips and looking around his room.
It was clean for once. Boxes were stacked around the room, and he clutter was cut down a lot.
His bed was made, curtesy of me. His paintings were all packed away with all his art stuff along with his clothes and other nicknacks.
"Let's go see what Lisa is doing an then we should load up your car," I said, admiring our good work.
Larry nodded. "She'll want to know how I'm doing. I told her about everything last night. That I needed to get out, and Todd has been gracious enough to let me stay. She was understanding and told me to do what felt right," he said, his eyes focused on nothing.
"She's happy that you're making the choices that will help you. She wants what's best for you, we all do," I said, smiling up at him.
He smiled and nodded, "Let's go see mom," he said, leading me from the room.
Lisa was in her room, she was sitting on her bed and reading.
"Hey mum," Larry said as he slipped into the door.
"Oh! Larry and Sal, what a pleasant surprise. How are you boys?" She asked, marking her spot in her book and setting it down.
"We're good. We just finished packing," Larry said awkwardly.
"His room was a mess but I made it clean," I said, putting my hands on my hips.
Lisa laughed. "I'm glad you did Sal, I've never been able to. So, you two are out tonight?" She asked, smiling at us both.
Larry nodded, "yeah, we're gonna load up the tank, we just wanted to come see you," he said.
"That's sweet boys. Sal, can I talk to Larry alone? You can start loading up the car if you want," she said.
I nodded, "of course. It was nice seeing you!" I said as I slipped out of the room.
I grabbed Larry's keys off of the rack and I grabbed a box. I took the back exit and wandered to Larry's car.
I unlocked it and put the box inside.
I managed to bring three other boxes out before I came back into Larry's room and he was there.
He had a joint, and was smoking it. He had a deep blush on his face, and was rubbing his face.
"What's up Lar?" I asked as I strolled in.
He jumped a little. "I just needed a break. Want a hit?" He asked, his voice shaking a little.
I nodded, taking the joint and passing it back after 'taking a hit.' I don't do this very often.
I started coughing. Larry seemed concerned, "you alright little dude?" He asked.
"I was before you called me little dude," I said, laughing and then coughing again.
Larry laughed. "Hey, what did Lisa want to talk to you about?" I asked.
Larry cleared his throat. "Just saying she's proud of me and teasing me about... stuff," he said, his voice uncertain.
"Come on dude that was the most shifty answer ever," I said, laughing.
Larry shrugged. "What did you expect of a dude smoking weed that listens to heavy metal?" He asked, smiling wryly.
I laughed and shook my head. Larry blew out a puff of grey smoke. "Hey dude, what's been eating at you?" He asked, clearly trying to avert attention from himself.
I shrugged. He raised his eyebrow and I sighed. "Fine. I'm worried about you dude. You're, like, my best friend ever and I..." I felt tears rising to my throat so I stopped talking.
Larry sighed. "I'll be okay as soon as I'm out of this fucking apartment complex. I appreciate the worry, but you don't have to Sal," he said.
I laughed and shook my head. "Dude, I'm gonna worry about you. Even if this whole thing didn't happen, I'm still gonna worry!"
Larry laughed. "Jesus, do you ever sleep?"
"Whenever I do I have nightmares, so no," I said, sighing and picking up a box.
Larry followed suit. And followed me to his car. "Dude, are you sure you're okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'll be okay. Are you?" I asked, putting the box into his car.
Larry sighed, "well, actually I wanted to tell you something," he said, his voice nervous.
I felt a little flutter of nervousness in my chest. It was like a caged bird, fluttering against my ribcage.
The terms 'I wanted to tell you something' or 'we need to talk' are never good.
"Yeah man, what's up?" I asked, my voice surprisingly even.
Larry leaned against the car and looked out over the yard of Addison Apartments. "Well, I think I'm pan," he said.
"Like the sexuality?"
"No Sal, the kitchen utensil. Yes the sexuality!" Larry said between laughter.
"Dude you have the big dumb," Larry teased.
I punched him lightly. "Rude! I only have the little dumb," I said before bursting out into laughter.
"So, all cool?" He asked nervously.
"Larry, our two best friends are the gayest men I've ever met. Of course it's cool," I said, lifting my mask off and smiling widely at him.
Larry smiled wide, and nodded. "Thanks Sal," he said.
"Of course. Now, let's get to moving!" I said, faking enthusiasm.
Larry groaned, then laughed and followed me back into the basement for more boxes.
It was about six or seven when we finally got all the boxes out. To our defence, it took so long because we kept getting distracted.
We were delirious from all the cleaning, and we were both exhausted.
Larry slammed the trunk down of his van we call 'the Tank.' "Alright, that's the last of it. Climb on in Sally Face and we'll head off," he said, wandering to the drivers side.
"Shotgun!" I yelled as I practically threw myself into the passenger seat.
Larry laughed as he got in. "Dude, it's only us, you're gonna get shotgun," he said as he pulled out of the parking lot.
We made it to Todd and Neil's not even five minutes later. Neil was waiting on the porch with a welcoming smile.
"Hey guys! Needs some help?" He called when we got out of the car.
"Yeah, that would be nice," Larry answered as I opened the back and grabbed two boxes.

It took us like twenty minutes now that Neil and Todd were helping. Neil was able to carry the most boxes.
Once we were finished we all collapsed onto the couch. Todd on Neil's lap and resting against him, and me sprawled across Larry's lap as he sunk into the couch.
"I never want to move again," he groaned.
"I feel ya," I answered, rubbing my eyes under my mask.
I heard footsteps behind the couch and when I looked up I saw Ash leaning over me. "You guys didn't even do that much. I feel for Sal thought, he had to pick through the mess that is Larry's room," she teased, a bright smile on her face.
I laughed. "It actually wasn't that bad."
"Shh, honey you're just delirious. Dinners ready by the way. It's literally just a big batch of chicken noddle soup. Todd, why'd you leave me in the kitchen to cook? I know nothing and I almost burnt down your house," she laughed.
Todd shrugged, "I dunno, it's just how things played out," he answered.
"Assshhhhhh," Larry whined. "Will you bring us soup?"
She laughed, "get up you lazy ass," she said jovially as she went back to the kitchen.
Todd and Neil got up first, then me, then Larry. We shuffled into the kitchen and grabbed our soup.
We ate in silence for a while. "Hey, could I stay a little longer? Stuff is still really rocky back in the city," ask asked, breaking the silence.
Todd nodded. Neil did as well, " of course Ash. You're always welcome. You too Sal," he said with a goodnatured smile.
I nodded. "Thank you Neil, I appreciate the gesture but I can't possibly intrude," I said, laughing nervously.
Todd shook his head. "Sal, we're offering. We want what's best for all of you," he said, smiling widely at us all like we were his children.
I smiled under my mask. "Thank you, I should really stay at home until my dad comes back from work, then I might take you up on that," I said softly.
Neil nodded. "Of course, but think of all the fun we all could have living together," he said smiling.
"We lived together before?" Larry said, raising an eyebrow.
"Not Neil and I. We lived away from that haunted apartment," Ash said jovially.
We all laughed, and it felt like a weight had been lifted from my chest. Maybe I really should take them up on that offer to live here.

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