Young Justice Shadow

Oleh IronMan2105

6.2K 97 3

about a girl named Kc who was ship wrecked and found on the beach of Nanda Parbat and found by the League of... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 (the Beginning)
Chapter 2 (the team)
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (alone time)
Chapter 6 (Rescue)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Training)
Chapter 9 (Not Good)
Chapter 10 (this isn't goodbye)
chapter 12 (My Demons)
Chapter 13 (I'm Fine)
Chapter 14 (Miss you already)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11 (Do not weep i am not there)

220 6 0
Oleh IronMan2105

No one pov

"do not stand at my grave and weep i am not there i do not sleep i am a thousand winds that blow i am the diamonds glint on snow i am the sunlight on ripened grain i am the gentle autumn rain when you awaken in the morning's hush i am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight i am the soft stars that shine at night do not stand at my grave and cry i am not there i did not die"

Damian pov

i just stand there looking at her hologram i should have saved you i thought i just watch it hoping that she would come back to me my love my friend gone never to come back then i felt a hand on my shoulder i look up to see father "I'm sorry Damian" he said i nodded "i need to get back to the titans" i said taking a deep breath walking out all my happiness i used to have is gone now along with Kc

Batman pov

it's been about a week and all Damian would do is stare at her hologram she was his light and now she's gone she sacrificed herself so she wouldn't hurt any of us i put my hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry Damian" i said he nodded "i need to get back to the titans" he said leaving sigh i shake my head

third person pov

everyone in the young justice took Shadow's death hard each one of them talking to Canary but it seemed the pain never went away


Third person pov

the assassins finally arrive at Nanda Parbat carrying Shadow's body to the chamber of the head of the demon "did you receive her" they heard Ra's say they nodded "good good"he said he took her body from the assassin and submerged her into the green water lightning striking it the water bubbling

everyone including Talia waits anxiously hoping they are not too late to save Shadow knowing she sacrificed herself for Damian once they got word that their best warrior and adoptive child and betrothal to Damian died by sacrificing herself they knew they had to do something then out of no where she jumps out of the water

cutting down anyone in her way running out of the building into the night Ra's and Talia look at each other "not good" Talia said "agreed" Ra's said "scout the island find her!" he yelled

Kc pov

it was peaceful where i am then i wind started to get rough the clouds got dark the trees blowing roughly

next thing i know I'm sucked back into a vortex everything goes black i jump out of water and cut down anyone in my path i can't think straight next thing i know I'm in gotham i look down I'm in a beautiful black lace dress

i have my sword i can't remember anything my head is fuzzy and hurts i feel darkness i have a feeling this isn't my look I'm on top of wayne tech it starts to rain i have this darkness in my heart i have a mask over my face still the last thing i remember Damian i thought then i hear a scream i slide down the building to the scream a lady being cornered" let her go!" i yelled the men look at me and smirk "what are you going to do about it girly" i grab my sword impaling the man

"run" i told the woman she ran the other man charged me i pull my sword out of the first man running towards him and impaling him after that i hear sirens i jump up the building running i don't know what I'm doing i don't know what's happening i find a abandoned apartment building i walk in and see myself in the mirror my eyes dull blood over my face the girl in the mirror i don't recognize her anymore

Batman pov

i arrive at the crime scene that Gordon told me about Damian and Dick arrive what do we have i asked Gordon "i don't know what to make of it" he said guiding me to the ally as robin and Nightwing followed we see blood everywhere my eyes got wide he uncovered the bodies and see sword wounds in both bodies "then theres this" he said we followed on the wall written in blood it said "HELP ME!!"

we all look at each other i see a finger print and lift it we all go to the cave where Jason and Tim were i put the lifted print into the computer "do you think its the league" Dick asked "it can't be" Damian said "they never kill to that extent" as were talking the computer started beeping Damian stopped when he saw the match "that can't be possible" he said his eyes got wide "Kc" he said "but how" Dick said "only one way to find out" i said we all went to her grave and started to dig finally hitting the coffin i look back at them Damian nodded i opened it and we all gasped she wasn't there i glared "Ra's" i whispered storming off to go see him myself

Kc pov

im stand on a roof still in the same clothing no shoes on my hair braided to the side my sword strapped to my waist i close my eyes and all i can see is darkness not the kind of darkness where you can't see but the kind where you see demons fire pain suffering i feel like I'm going mad as i look down i see people at the docks loading drugs "hurry!! boss wants this done tonight" one thug said i jump off the roof i can't help myself like some kind of blood lust i feel like i need to kill "what the hell!" they look in my direction "you know a pretty girl like you walking around like that you'll find trouble" he said i didn't answer he tried to touch me and i buried my sword into his stomach then all of the thugs surrounded me i cut each and everyone of them down blood everywhere stepping in the blood i walk away from the docks calmly and slowly

Batman pov

i walked into the building finding Ra's and Talia "what have you done!" i said walking up to him "i saved her detective" he said "no you haven't she's killing people" i said "thats the side effect of the Lazarus pit" he said "you resurrected her" i said he nodded "she has yet to live her life how do we stop the side effect" i asked "you don't" he said walking away i left back to Gotham to the young justice cave calling an emergency meeting the league and young justice are all around "what's this about" arrow said "something bad" i said i brought up the picture of Shadow "Ra's has resurrected Shadow" i said everyone's eyes got wide "she doesn't know what she's doing i said we need to find her but use caution she will not hesitate to kill you i said she's not herself" i said they all nod Damian crossed his arms "I'm going to find her" but before he left a beeping went off Gordon called "batman at the docks hurry it looks the same as the Ally" he said i nodded "were on our way" i said we get to the docks and see a massacre of bodies blood and a foot print in the blood pool and on the ground in Arabic "what's it say" i asked Damian "someone help me" he said my eyes got wide we need to find her

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