The Risen [John Seed]

By lxurente

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》they call her an angel. then she met him... 《 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

454 19 63
By lxurente

They took him. They did it.

Angelina did not even want to think about it. Until then, she had physical pain, and now? Her psyche was destroyed. They will kill him. She knew it. But they will not do it immediately. They will torture him worse than her. It was obvious.

Through tears she noticed that one hand is free. However, it took a few hours for the situation to calm down. So, she waited. When the outside subsided, the girl quickly moved her hand to solve the other. However, the pain won and she gritted her teeth as her hand slammed back against the arm of the chair.

One more attempt. This time much slower.

Angelina smiled very gently when her hand was already on the other. Now, the hardest thing. Solution. Just touching this rope reminded her of this pain. However, after a moment she pulled at the tip. Something in her wrist broke, but she just gritted her teeth and continued to pull with tears in her eyes.

At one moment the rope fell from her left hand. She breathed a sigh of relief. Slowly raising her newly released hand, she noticed how miserable it was. But she did not give up. After a short moment both legs were free.

She was free but weak.

"You can do this, come on" she whispered to herself and, supporting herself by sore hands, tried to get up. It was so close to success, however, she fell to her knees hitting the metal table with her hip. Fortunately, it did not make any sound.

Lying on the ground, breaking in pain, she heard a scream. The scream she never heard but she knew the voice that made it. A voice that she heard a few hours ago. John.

She was terrified. Ignoring the pain, she stood up on the trembling and weak legs with the help of a wall. Each step gave such agony as if every bone was broken and each tendon was torn apart. Shaking, she reached out the door, and tried to open it that slowly and quietly as it could be.

The corridors were empty and quiet. One ran forward, second to the left. She managed to hear heavy breathing at the end of the corridor on the left. That's where she tried to approach. Leaning on a wall with a blurry image, she walked. There was a little to her fall and lost her consciousness. Angelina knew that. Around three days and nights without food or drink, in frightening cold, beaten, with serious bodily injuries, almost without sleep, couldn't do anything to her organism.

The girl reached the metal door where the sounds came from. "John?" she whispered, but she did not get an answer. Suddenly she saw the flap where there was a small window. She pushed it away and closed her mouth with her hand. Tears flew one after another. He was there. Alone. On his knees with his hands chained to the wall. His face was all beaten, and he had deep cuts on his body. He was bleeding out slowly. Unconscious.

She immediately grabbed the handle, but before she could open it, she felt someone's hand on her lips. The man did not have to make an effort to overpower her, even though she tried to escape from his grip. Then she lost her last remaining strength and closed her eyes.

"Hey, hey, take this" someone's whisper made her raise her eyelids. Some blonde haired man was kneeling in front of her, with a bottle of water in his hand. Angelina was back on this chair but with a stronger rope around her wrists and ankles. She gazed back at that man. He tilted the bottle of water above her lips, which were chapped. She closed her eyes when she felt the cold liquid in her mouth. After a while, a half-liter bottle was emptied. She caught her breath and seemed to feel a little better. However, the man looked quite confused and was careful, like he wasn't supposed to be there.

"God bless you" the girl replied, with a dry and hoarse voice, putting pretty much effort in making these words. "Could you.." Angelina suggested him solving her.

"I'm really sorry. That's all I could do. I've heard that they want you to die of thirst. I couldn't let it happen" he admitted, in a calm tone. Staring at her and at the door, all the time.

"Why?" she muttered, frowning. However, he got up and went to the door but he stopped in front of them. The man stared back at her, and stated "I think that I'm the only one here with some humanity left"

As he left, he passed a black-haired man. The same as what he was responsible for her torture. He entered the basement, closing the door behind him.

"Beautiful day, isn't it? Oh, sorry... I forgot you can't see it. Even though, you apparently tried to see it yesterday" his voice echoed through the room, making her feel disgust. She didn't even stare at him till he grabbed her chin to make her to.

"I would love to kill you and tell your lover in the face with satisfaction, watching him suffer" whispering, the man's mouth curved into a smirk.

"You don't have a permission to kill me. Even if you did, you wouldn't do this" her response sounded way more spicy, and boldly. He didn't hide his curiosity.

"Why's that so?" he leaned against the table.

"Because you know that it will not be a day since my death, when the Seed family will find you. But you can live peacefully, they will not kill you... for now. They will start with your relatives, families and from whomever you mentioned a word"

"Shut up"

"They will make sure that you see it with your own eyes. At the end will be you. You will be tortured until you beg for death. But you will not get it. Maybe Faith will need a new angel..."


Suddenly she felt a huge pain in her nasal bone. With one blow he broke her nose. Warm blood flew pass her dry mouth. Stopping the tears inside, she took a deep breath and laughed ironically. The guy was in shock. Was not it enough?

"You see? That's the world. You get in the face for telling the truth" the girl admitted, and he scoffed with annoy, before he took another attempt to hit her.

"Are you mad?! I would like to remind you that we do not try to kill her but we try to find out something!" Grace walked in with a shout, at what the man immediately took a few steps back and looked at the floor.

"She threatened me" he mumbled.

"This is a poor excuse. Honestly, I would do the same if someone kept torturing me!" she kept on shouting at him, not putting attention at Angelina, till he left.

The woman stared at her with disgust. I think it was a normal reaction. Seeing girl with a pale face with bruises, cuts, dirt, dried tears and blood, and rest of the mascara in some places, can awake compassion in almost everyone. Not mentioning her dirty in blood hair, and burns all over her body.

"I'll tell you whatever you want, if you let John go free" the girl stated with this dry voice. Grace knelt in front of her.

"Funny. You know he told me exactly the same, when I cut his chest with a dagger?" she informed her, with no emotions. Tears again were trying to get out from Angelina's eyes but she holded them inside. "But that was yesterday. Today... well... he isn't really able to say anything"

First thought which crossed her mind. He is dead.

"You bitch..." she mumbled, loud enough to let her hear this, but the black woman just smiled. She grabbed the chair, and sat in front of her. Having her arms leaned on her knees, she glared straight into her eyes, which were red because of the fatigue.

"You realize that you are almost dead? But you keep on going. Fascinating. Apparently, you are not as weak as you look" Angelina ignored her words. Then Grace took Angela's left calf in her both hands. "Tell me, The Risen, where do you keep the bliss stores?"

"Are you really so stupid that you can not find stores?" the young woman spoke, and at that Grace twisted her leg so strong that it made her scream. "Are you mad?!"

"Fortunately, I was taught how to break bones without special devices" she told it, and twisted harder than before. Angelina was too weak even to scream this time. "Anything?" she kept on repeating that question for about an hour, and torturing. However, the girl was not supposed to say anything, and she did not. Grace left her, when she reached the point and the bone in her calf was terribly broken.

Only when she was alone, the girl let out her tears. They were not because of pain. That, she could handle. They were because she had no idea what is happening with John. When she heard his screams, it hurt but she stayed calm because she knew he was alive. And now? No sounds, no signs, nothing. Just this terrific silence.

Angelina felt guilty. If she stayed that day, none of this would happen. She did not even know what was happening to the rest of the family. Whether they were okay or not. Another day she sat in the same room. Another day she blamed herself.

She missed the moments from a few days ago. She missed his touch, feeling of security. If that was true, if he was dead, what is the meaning of further life? What does it matter if she survives or not?

All these thoughts brought her closer to closing her eyes. This time forever. Joseph will reconcile with time. Like everyone will. This pain was too huge. This exhaustion.

What does it matter if she survives or not?


I need to write these chapters faster because omg it's already 14th hah
thank you for reading and all the support!!
I really hope you are enjoying the story uwu

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