Fleeting Embraces, Falling Fe...

By Ak1zaV

57.2K 1.5K 846

You're a girl with a love and knowledge for flowers. With a fleeting encounter with a man who possesses eyes... More

Author's Note
A Young Freesia Bud
A Fleeting Encounter
Was It A Worthwhile Trip?
A Sliver of Trust From The Heart
Blossoming of One's Yearning
Deep Feelings Within Shallow Waters
Shattering Ice On Frozen Memories
Final Beauty of The Young Freesia
Goodbye Greeted By A Reunion
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Knowing The Real Him...
Unity of Two Souls
Falling Feelings
Unraveling Hidden Pasts
Silver Silk, Amber Crystals, and Crescent Moon
Mirroring A Once Upon A Time
Deceiver Becomes The Deceived
Picking Up Where We Left Off
Flaring Rubies Amongst The Quiet Flames
Intertwined Passion
Arrival of An Unexpected
Judgement of The Foreign Divine
A Merciful Intervention
Searching For The Hope
Gateway To An Awakening
A Sacrifice Worth Giving
That Faint Guilt Deep Down
Just One Kiss
It's Only When They Are Gone...
Renewed Clarity
Flames In The Darkness
Nothing Left To Fear
Let The Flower Petals Float Free
Beating Parallel To One's Heart
Muddy Water Is Once Again Translucent
Fleeting And Falling Feelings, Fair Flowers Wilt, But Will Bloom Once Again
Author's Note

Meeting The Five Gems

3K 90 24
By Ak1zaV

I open my eyes to the morning sun shining in through the tent that I'm in. I sit up and I have a slight headache, I look beside me and I see Sazanami slightly stirring. I step outside of the tent, it's still pretty early it seems my parents aren't out yet. I stretch my body out and I look around the open green field that's being illuminated by the warm sun. I squint my eyes under the bright sunlight, this headache is bothering me.

"Why do I have a headache? Also, why does it feel like I was outside in the middle of the night?" I ask myself feeling something seems off.

I suddenly remember going out to use the washroom, then washing my hands. Then I suddenly remember seeing a firefly and coming up to a cherry blossom tree in an open area.

"What happened afterwards? What was I doing?" I ask myself again like I'm going crazy.

Also, why does it feel like I met someone? Why can't I remember what I was doing last night? Was it all a dream? I let out a sigh, not being able to remember a time in your life is quite bothersome. I lift my right hand up to smooth out my hair when it lands on something soft, I gently trace the soft velvety feel of the surface and I gently take it out of my hair. I look at it and I smile at the thing.

"A cherry blossom petal. I was really there at the place. But who put this in my hair? Was I with someone? Why does it feel like I was, I just wish I can remember who..." I say to myself with a frown.

Although I'm a bit down that I can't remember who that person was, but I'm hoping that my memories will return if I happen to see that person again one day. The trip ends successfully and we return back home in one peace. About a month goes by and everything's running smoothly, my parents are still going out and meeting up with other lords. I'm out with Sazanami one day looking around town, when I stop at a flower shop and start admiring all the flowers.

"These are beautiful." I say out loud.

"Yes these are aren't they?" A voice answers beside me.

I look beside me and I see a girl with a peculiar outfit kneel down beside me. She looks about 15 or 16, she has sleek black back length hair and big dark eyes. Her outfit isn't like my kimono, she wears a pair of brown shoes that doesn't look like sandals. Her outfit is green and white, a green short bottom with frills and a white top with a red bow in the center. On her back is a wooden bow and arrows, she has a beautiful smile.

"They are indeed. I'm glad to see that someone else that likes flowers as much as I do." I say with a smile.

"Flowers has so many varieties just like people, it's hard not to admire their colors and fragrances that makes them so unique. Are you here by yourself?" She asks me.

"Exactly! Flowers has so many meanings and I've learned most of their meanings. No, I'm here with my personal maid, Sazanami. How about you? Oh my name is___________. Nice to meet you." I say with a slight bow.

"You're quite polite, nice to meet you too. I'm Kagome. You must be a very smart girl to know every flower's meanings." She says kneeling down to my eye level.

"Kagome is a beautiful name. Are you here by yourself? And are you a priestess? I hear that priestesses use bows, but you don't look like you're from around here." I ask her.

"No I'm here with four of my friends, they're just exploring the town a bit. I guess you can call me a priestess, I know my clothes aren't exactly in this era. But I'm not a weird peson." She says with a laugh.

"I know you aren't, you seem really nice." I say with a smile of my own.

"___________." A voice calls from behind me.

"Oh, Sazanami!" I call out as I see her walk up to us.

"Be careful out here by yourself, thank goodness I found you. Oh, this is..." Sazanami asks me as she meets Kagome.

"I'm Kagome, nice to meet you miss Sazanami. I met _________ here as we both stopped to admire the flowers. She told me she knows a lot about flowers." Kagome says with a small laugh.

"Nice to meet you too miss Kagome. Yes, __________ here studies flowers from her teachers and she knows a lot about them. Are you here by yourself?" Sazanami asks Kagome.

Kagome looks to her side and smiles.

"No actually, I'm here with 4 of my friends,here they are now." She says turning back to us.

We turn to look at a group of people coming up to us, 2 of them look normal and 2 of them look so different. A girl about the same age as Kagome is among the group, she has sleek black hair like Kagome's. She's wearing a magenta, lilac, and green kimono and she's carrying this big boomarang like object on her back, in her arms is a small cat like creature. Beside her is a young man about 17, 18 years of age, from the way he's dressed he looks like a monk. He's carrying a golden staff and purple monk outfit. Then there's a small kid, or what I assume. He has bright green eyes and auburn hair tied in a ponytail. He's wearing a teal kimono with an orange furry vest and dark blue pants. He's very short but the thing that makes him look so different is that... he has fox legs and a tail. What is he? Then, there's the last person. He has amber colored eyes and silver white long hair. He's wearing a bright red kimono and on his hip is a sword. He's barefeet and on his head is a pair of white fluffy dog ears. What is he? Is he the same as the small fox like child? They come walking up to us and stop beside Kagome. They greeted Sazanami and I and we to them.

"Guys, this is__________ and her personal maid, Sazanami. I met________ while looking at these flowers. These are my friends. Miroku the monk, Sango my best girl-friend, this is Shippo, he's a fox demon, this is Kirara the cat demon, and this right here is a half demon, his name is Inuyasha." Kagome says introducing everyone.

So those two are demons... so that's what demons look like, they don't look much different than us humans. Except for some unique qualities. We talked for a bit and Sazanami and I showed them around town, they are traveling and they also told us that they were demon slayers. Surprising but fascinating. They all seem like really good people, Inuyasha on the other hand has a bit of a temper. We talked till the sun has set.

"Will you all be staying here?" Sazanami asks them.

"It looks like we will be, we'll be finding an inn." Miroku says with a kind smile.

"Why don't you all stay with us? We have plenty of rooms. You guys can all have dinner with me since we're all friends now!" I say with eagerness.

"We don't want to trouble you." Sango says.

"Oh no, please, we welcome you to stay the night. __________ seem to have taken a liking to you all. Finding an inn with vacancy may be difficult since our town is pretty lively. It's not trouble at all, _________ parents' are out of town so it's be nice for her to have some company to talk with." Sazanami says placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"You're not afraid of us?" Inuyasha asks me.

I smile at his words. In the beginning I might have been nervous and shocked, but after getting to know them, they're not any different than me.

"Not anymore. You are all nice and kind. I like to make new friends and have fun conversations with you all. So please come over and stay the night." I ask them.

They all look at each with a smile and back at me.

"If it's not trouble for you, then we will humbly accept your offer." Miroku says with a bow.

"Hurray!" I shout.

They all let out a kind laugh at my hyperness. We all then head back to my estate. Since they all feel bad about staying the night without giving anything in return, Miroku offered to do a cleansing and exorcism around the house just in case if there were ghosts and evil within our house. We ate dinner together and talked, our maids went to prepare rooms for the five of them as we talked. They told us more about themselves, and I got to know them better. I got to know Shippo and Inuyasha better and what it's like being a demon from their point of view. Shippo is so cute and hyper, but he's actually older than me. Inuyasha is over 300 years old, but he looks 17 or 18. Looks like demons don't age like people either. There are good demons and bad demons but it just depends what happened to them that made them who they are, I suppose it's the same thing for people. There's so much in common between the two races. When midnight start to roll by, we all turn in. Kagome and the others all thank us again for the hospitality. After they all turn in, Sazanami sees me to bed as well.

"They are really nice people aren't they?" I ask Sazanami.

"They sure are, you have a very good eye for people. We had a good time with them today, they'll be leaving tomorrow unfortunately." Sazanami says.

I let out a frown as I hear those words.

"Hope I can see them again after tomorrow." I say looking at my Freesia.

"The world is a small place, I'm sure you'll see them again in the future." Sazanami says with a smile.

"Having that hope up. Never thought that I got to see a demon in real life today." I say suddenly remembering Inuyasha and Shippo.

"I know right? We always thought that demons were evil from all the news that we've heard from other towns of attacks. Meeting Inuyasha and Shippo today just shows that, we need to meet and see these wonders in the world with our own eyes before we judge." Sazanami says.

"Yes, definitely. I think it goes for people as well. I'm gonna miss them. Get some rest Saza, I'll see you tomorrow." I smile at her.

"Goodnight__________." She replies.

I give her a hug and I lay down onto my futon again, Sazanami exits out of my room and shuts the door, the quietness fills the room. I close my eyes and I try to blank out my mind and let slumber take over me. I probably fell asleep for about an hour or two, I suddenly wake up. I flip onto my back and I look up at the ceiling, the moonlight giving my room a dark silver wash from my window. For some reason something's eating away at my mind, something or someone. The cherry blossom petal comes back into my mind all of a sudden, that night at the tree, was I with someone? How did I have cherry blossom petals in my hair and perfectly snuggled between my black locks. There were no petals or flowers on the ground, did I climb the tree? Or did someone put it in my hair? Why can't I remember? After having so many thoughts running through my mind, I suddenly feel my room becoming stuffy. I sit up and I open my door. The estate is quiet due to everyone sleeping, I want to go out and get some fresh air. I step out onto the patio and into the cool night that is covered in a silver cloth from the moon. I turn to my right and I see someone leaning against one of the wooden beams, I almost got a heart attack but I squint my eyes and I see two things protruding out from the person's head, they look like ears. I then realize that it's Inuyasha as the red of his kimono becoming more clear as my eyes slowly adjust to the night. I smile and walk up to him, I see his ears twitch and he turns his head to look at me, his golden amber eyes glistening in the night, for some reason it kind of reminds me of someone. His expression suddenly turns into one of surprise as he sees me.

"_________? Why aren't you sleeping?" He asks me.

I sit down beside him and I look out at the tall mountains in the distance. The gentle night breeze blowing my bangs.

"I couldn't sleep, I had some thoughts going around in my mind and I wanted to get some fresh air. How about you Inuyasha?" I ask him.

"For a young human like you, why do you have so many thoughts? I don't need sleep as much as humans do, I'm still a bit unfamiliar with this place so I'm just taking in my surroundings I suppose." Inuyasha says looking out at the night scenery with me.

"I see, I guess it's understandable. I know, I find it weird that I have a lot of things going around in my mind for my age. For some reason, I feel like I lost a part of my memories and I can't seem to remember them no matter how hard I try." I say looking at the dazzling stars.

"What, did you suffer some kind of amnesia or something?" He asks me.

"I'd like to think that I didn't but I'm beginning to think that I might have something similar. It's not a huge part of my memories, perhaps a few hours only. It's been bothering me ever since I came back from a trip about a month ago." I say furrowing my brows as I try my best to remember.

"Well, did you ask anyone such as Sazanami as to what you were doing at that moment? Or who you were with?" He asks me.

"That's the thing, I can't remember who I was with. I feel that I was with someone but I can't remember who it was for the life of me, I woke up in the morning and I was sleeping beside Sazanami in our tent. I remember going out and coming upon a cherry blossom tree when I had to use the washroom in the middle of the night, but I don't remember how I got back. Also, I woke up with a blossom petal placed neatly in my hair. I know it wasn't from me because I don't remember climbing the tree." I say groaning.

"Losing a part of your memory can be hard, but what if it's for the best? What if it's something that wasn't meant to be etched into your mind? You can try to find it again, but what if it's something that you'll come to regret in the future if you manage to gain it all back?" Inuyasha asks me.

I turn to look at him, his words hits me hard. Perhaps he has a point, what if it's meant to be like that? Perhaps I wasn't meant to remember it... Inuyasha then stands up, his long silver white hair swaying behind him slightly.

"I'm heading in, you going back in?" He asks me.

"Yea, I think your words helped me figure out some things. Thanks Inuyasha." I say with a smile.

Inuyasha shows me a kind smile, I can see one of his canine tooth sticking out slightly. He holds out his hand and I take it, he pulls me up gently.

"Demons are really like us humans, you guys have a lot of emotions and understanding for feelings." I say to him with a giggle.

"Hey! What do you mean? Of course we demons have feelings, we understand people perfectly just as you people understand each other, we're not heartless monsters you know." Inuyasha says with a pout.

I laugh at his cuteness, we walk back inside to our respective rooms, he's sharing a room with Miroku.

"Goodnight Inuyasha, thanks for the talk." I say to him before entering my room.

Inuyasha looks back at me and gives me a nod and a smile, he then enters his room and closes the door quietly. I smile and I enter my room, my heart and mind calming down a bit. I slide into my futon again and I close my eyes. In time I'll forget about what I'm forgetting, but it'll take time. And the will to forget. The night draws out and I wake up to the morning sunlight and the chirps of birds, I wake up with a start because Kagome and the others are leaving pretty soon. I get up and I dress up in my pale pink kimono, as I'm just tying up my obi, Sazanami enters.

"Oh, __________ you're up early." She says surprised to see me.

"Ya I am aren't I? I want to get ready so I can see Kagome and the others off. Besides, I'm getting older each day, so I should start doing things on my own." I say spreading my arms out with a smile.

"That's great to hear, you're growing up into a wonderful young lady. Come on let's wash up and eat breakfast with the others and then see them off." Sazanami says taking my hand.

We walk to the bathroom and I washed up and tidied my hair. Then Sazanami and I went to the eating hall, Kagome, Sango, Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara are all there waiting for us. Each of them laced with a morning smile, except for Inuyasha, he has a neutral expression pretty much. But in just this one day, I've come to understand his personality a bit. I sit down across from them and we all enjoy a nice lively breakfast, after an hour rest, it's time for them to leave. Sazanami and I go out to see them off, the clear blue sky spreads across the space above us, the emerald green grass covers the land below our feet.

"Thank you so much again for the hospitality, it was wonderful to meet you as well." Kagome says with a bow.

"Please, it's nothing, having some company over once in a while is nice. Please do come again if you happen to pass by." I say to them.

They all look at each other and then Kagome turns back to us.

"We'll see if we manage to come back." She says with a slight smile.

"What do you mean if you manage to come back. You're traveling aren't you? Aren't you guys going home after the trip? Also you guys are demon slayers, I'm sure nothing will go wrong." I ask them confused.

"It's not just any trip, we're on a quest to destroy one of the most evil half demon out there." Miroku says.

"Most evil half demon? Who is he may I ask?" I ask them.

"His name is Naraku." Sango says petting Kirara in her arms.

Naraku... hell? His name is hell?

"Naraku? How bad can he be for him to have the reputation as the most evil half-demon and to have the name such as Naraku? Also if he's a half demon like Inuyasha, he must have some kind of human qualities and conscience too right?" I ask them.

"If only you knew all the bad things that he has done, you'll come to realize that the name Naraku fits him perfectly." Inuyasha says crossing his arm.

"I see, I hope you'll all reach your goal and destroy this Naraku. We'll be praying for your success and future. Stay safe out there and hope to see you all soon in the days to come." Sazanami says with a bow.

"Yes, thank you for the luck and hope. Take care_________, miss Sazanami." Kagome says.

We bid them farewell, and I watch as the five of them disappear towards the town and the exit. As I watch them leave, the name Naraku swirls in my mind. Where have I heard of that name before? Why does it sound so familiar? In this world, you don't have a lot of people with the name that means hell, in fact, there might only just be one person in this world who has that name. But, if I find that name so familiar, why can't I remember who that person is? I look up at the blue sky and I see a cloud slowly drifting over the natural color of peace and serenity.

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