By beepidy-beep-richie

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By beepidy-beep-richie

Thursday, 1st November 1956 || Tuesday, 3rd September 1940

I woke up. It was still dark, which seemed kind of weird. I took my watch from the night table. It was four o'clock. I still had on clothes from yesterday but I didn't bother to change them. I silently stepped on the floor, hoping that floorboards wouldn't creak. Trying to flatten my dress and hair. I opened my door. It creaked a little but nobody seemed to wake up. I wanted to find something to eat because I had slept through the dinner. I walked down the stairs as quietly as possible. I stepped in the dark kitchen. Standing there for a little trying to make my adjust with the darkness.

Finally when I could see something, I walked through the room. There weren't many options. So, I took a red shiny apple from the counter. Biting into it as I walked up the stairs. I had almost reached my room, when I heard somebody cussing. I walked down the hallway and saw a light beaming through Enoch's door. Does this boy ever sleep, I thought to myself.

I opened his door quietly and peeked in. The room was dark, except for the light coming from his desk. He was sitting behind his desk doing something with, clay, I was confused. Enoch playing with clay. He hadn't noticed me yet. I closed the door and walked closer. When I was behind him, I knocked on his shoulder. He jerked and when he turned around to see who it was, he looked like he was ready to shout. When he saw me standing there, his face softened and he looked me.

"Hi," I said hoping he wouldn't be too mad. "Hi, what are you doing up this late?" he asked me. "Couldn't sleep any more," I said. "Is everything alright?" he asked. I jerked out of my thoughts. Enoch worrying about me? What was going on? Is sleeplessness hitting Enoch and his going soft? I had no clue. When I looked him, he looked me with questioning look. I nodded. Then I asked him : "What are you doing?" He looked at me like he hadn't understood me. I repeated myself but he interrupted me: "I understood what you said, no need to repeat yourself. I don't remember if I have shown you my peculiarity, so. I'm a dead-riser, which means that I can take one's life and gift it to somebody or something." He looked at me hoping I would be scared or disgusted. Why? It's not like he thought he was dangerous.

I nodded with interest. I wasn't scared. It was really interesting. I hadn't seen anybody with this kind of peculiarity. Well, I hadn't really seen any kind of peculiars before coming here. I yawned. The sleeplessness was kicking. Enoch noticed but didn't say anything. I yawned again and my eyes started closing. It was like something or somebody was calling for me in the dreamland. I tried to fight it but it didn't work and I felt myself falling into deep slumber.

Enoch's •POV•

I looked up from my work and saw Dorothea yawning. She yawned again, I didn't think much of it, because it was still very early and she had to be sleepy. Suddenly I see her eyes shut and her body go limp. She started falling, but before she could reach the floor, I stood up and caught her. There she was, laying in my hands, her eyes closed. It almost looked like she was dead, but she wasn't, I thought. The longer she laid still, the bigger my panic rose. I picked her up and carefully placed her on my bed. She just laid there. I had no idea what to do, so I just sat on the bed, watching her, hoping she would wake up. I checked if she was still breathing. She was. It just seemed like she was sleeping.

Dorothea's •POV•

I found myself in a big dark space. I couldn't see much and couldn't reach the walls. I was scared. Genuinely. Maybe I am dead, maybe not, I thought to my self. A door appearing interrupted my thoughts. I started to approach the door carefully. The closer I got, the clearer I could hear a child's cry coming behind the door. My instincts kicked in and I almost broke the door making my way through it.

I found my self in a dead-end street. It wasn't the nicest. Actually it was quite opposite. It was bordered with trash cans. It looked quite filthy and a rust colored cat with no eye ran by the wall. Then I heard it again, a child's cry but this time it was closer. I started looking for the source. After few minutes I found a pink lump behind the trashcan. I approached it, hoping to help it . The pink lump looked up and I saw Claire's tear-stained face.

She looked up and when she saw me she seemed visibly relieved. I asked her what happened. "The bad men," was the only thing she said. I thought maybe somebody was following her.

I helped her up and took her by my hand. We walked out of the street. I let Claire lead me, because I was hoping she would now where to go or where we were.

She led me to an old shop. We walked in but it was empty. All of the shelves were empty and no people were around. Claire led me to the back of the store and there was a stairway. I guessed it would go upstairs and I was right. We walked up the stairs. Claire was holding my hand the whole time. When we reached the top, it was a big apartment. I thought maybe it was Claire's home. But it didn't make really sense so I didn't bother my head.

Claire sat down on a couch and told me to sit next to her. I sat down and looked her. She looked so different, her always perfect locks were dusty and sloppy. The small blush from her cheeks was gone. She looked starved and her pink dress had holes in it. She stood up and walked around the room. She stopped by a bookshelf. She took a big old book from it and dragged it on the couch. "Read to me please," she said with a pleading voice and I agreed.

It was a fairytale book and I picked "The Velveteen Rabbit". In the middle of the reading the door opened and a man walked in. Claire stiffened. I looked at the man. He looked normal except that his eyes where plain. No iris, no anything, his eyes were white. I told Claire to go to the another room as the man watched everything I did. When Claire had left, the man took a knife from his pocket. It was all so surrealistic. I took a crystal ashtray from the counter and hit him with that. The man fell on the floor blood coming out of his head. I felt a sharp pain coming from my ribs. It was all too much for me and I fainted.

I didn't wake up in that apartment. I was in my own room. I looked around and saw Enoch sitting on my bed, looking out of the window with a glassy look. I tried to move but a strong pain came from my ribs. I groaned. Enoch quickly turned around and watched me to make sure I was really up. Then he said with his thick accent: "Gonnae no dae that, pal.*" I told him: "I don't understand anything you're saying, but sure."

*I will literally kill you if you do that. again.

A/N: Hi, we have 200 reads omg I love you all. I hope you like this part because I'm so tired and it's too late. My computer broke while writing this chapter but I wanted to publish it as soon as possible so here you go, love you all.


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