Rough Draft

Von MadamMuffins

1.2K 40 4

As a novelist Tina has no problem creating the trashy love scenes that played out so often in her 'erotic fri... Mehr

Glass Heart
Boom of Your Heart
Wrap My Heart in Cellophane
Don't Phunk With My Heart
Stereo Hearts
Heart of Stone
Take These Chains From My Heart
Rhythm of My Heart
Somewhere in My Broken Heart
Heart of Gold
Straight From the Heart
Secret Heart
Last Song for Your Heart

Groove Is In the Heart

65 2 0
Von MadamMuffins

Zeke stepped into the store, as the norm these days. Tina was sweating over the grill and fuck if his heart didn't flip in his chest at the sight. His stomach erupted into butterflies; tingling and giggly, as she looked up and cast him a quick grin, waving her spatula before turning her attention to the patties before her.

The restaurant was hopping; at least twenty-three customers had arrived in the lunch rush. Today was the day; the day of Bob's surgery. The tension in the air was palpable. He took a seat at the bar, watching as Louise bustled around with plates balanced on her arms, her face pale and her eyes watery. Rudy was standing at a table being his charismatic self. Gene turned from the register and waved before striding to the back to chop vegetables and prepare more ingredients. Zeke's eyes drifted to the Burger of the Day.

'Cancer See Me Now'
Burger on a bed of sprouts with fresh avocado and chipotle mayo.
Round your order up to the nearest dollar and received 10% off next meal with receipt.
All proceeds go to Bob's Cancer fund.

Something about that made his chest tighten. A bucket at the corner of the bar was half full with dollars and spare change. A big sign on the front taped crooked over the jar sported a plea for donations towards their father's cancer surgery costs.

"Yeah," Louise bumped him with her elbow, startling him. "People have really pitched in. It helps that Rudy thought to rent out a radio ad earlier. Tina put out a clip in the newspaper, which-" Louise snorted derisively, "we know no one reads but..." she looked around, "I think they really helped. Like, we've been swamped all day. We made twice our normal preps and we've already run out. I'm going to have to make a grocery run soon."

"That's awesome Louise!" Zeke smiled wide.

Louise shook her head, her hand rubbing at her stomach. "I'm really not feeling well." Se swallowed visibly. "I think it's all the stress. It's making my stomach hurt. Stupid weak stomach." She grumbled at herself.

"You sure you're not getting sick girl?" Zeke leaned away, "You were sick a couple days ago too, remember?"

"Nah." Louise waved him off as Tina placed a plate in the serving window, catching her sisters eye meaningfully. "That was something different."

"Whatever you say girl, just don't breath on my food."

"Zeke!" She slapped his arm quick before rounding the bar and grabbing the plate, following it with a second dish and bustling out into the crowded restaurant.

His heart leapt into his throat as Tina rounded the corner. Her face was flushed, sweat made her skin glisten. Her shirt was damp under her arms and around her chest and breasts, but Zeke didn't care. Her jeans were faded and marred with food and sauces that had missed her stained-to-hell apron. Her hair had been pinned back but strands had fallen out, some blew around her ears, others plastered against her neck with sweat.

He'd always liked her. Always. It was heartbreaking for him to watch her demean herself for Jimmy Junior in high school and middle school. Hell, even after that when they ended up stuck in this rat-town before college. She had the capability to be so much more than someone's arm candy... or someone's beard. She smiled at him, her eyes dropping shyly as she ran a hand through her hair. His own grin split his face in response as she called his name, stopping in front of him and leaning on the counter.

"I thought maybe I could get away from here for a minute." She breathed heavily, she smelled like avocado and garlic. "But we're just too slammed. I don't think any of us managed to get a break in yet and-" Zeke stood, striding around the counter, squeezing his large body through the crowd. "Zeke?" A confused Tina followed him as he rounded the corner into the back room. "What the f-?"

"Louise is going to the store, which means you'll be down a server, right?" He pulled a waist apron off the wall. "So, I'll cover the gap."

"Aww, lookit Zeke being all chivalrous." Louise teased, pulling her own apron off and stuffing the cash in her hand into her back pocket. "I'll be back in about 45 minutes guys. At the latest."

"Thanks Louise!" Tina shouted as her little sister walked out the door.

"Drive safe!" Rudy supplied, earning himself a quick glare and middle finger though his beaming grin said that he was looking for that reaction.

Zeke squeezed past Tina, back out to grab the plates that Gene had been steadily piling up in Tina's absence from the grill.

"And..." Her voice was small, insecure.

What stopped Zeke in his tracks was the feel of her hand on his forearm, burning into his skin, feeding a hunger for more. Her eyes met his and fire erupted over her skin in a violent blush.

"Thank you, too Zeke."

"Ain't no problem T-Bird." He nudged her, his grin shit-eating and consuming. She mirrored his expression almost unconsciously. "I just see it as practice for when I'm workin' here-"

"Zeke." Her hand fell away, her voice taking on a warning tone.

He popped his hands up as he backed out of the kitchen, "I didn't say nothin'! Just that I'mma work here one day. That's all girl." He chuckled, "Nice to know where your mind goes to when you think of me though."

To her dismay he winked before turning around and moving to grab the dishes to be served, Gene going over the tables and which order went where. The odd jitteryness in her hands didn't mean anything. And neither did the way Zeke's gaze would meet hers or how she jumped when their hands had brushed, making her burn her elbow a little. It wasn't anything. It wasn't a big deal. It wasn't.

It wasn't.


Louise paused in front of the freezer section, looking over her grocery list before shrugging and grabbing the ice creams and throwing them in her cart.

"Do you really need that many?" A woman scolded, the child walking beside her had his finger shoved halfway up his nose.

Carefully Louise reached back into the freezer adding another box, her eyes never leaving the nosy shoppers.

"That's just-" Another one. "You're gunna take them all!" And three more.

"Keep it coming, lady." Louise intoned, her face a mask as she put another in the cart. "Remember this face well." Her eye twitched, "it's the face of chaotic evil." She laughed, adding another to the cart. "And another." The woman began walking away, slowly at first, then running as Louise announced each ice cream she added to the cart.

Finally alone she chuckled, looking down. "Well now I gotta put all these ones back, dammit." She tsked, setting to work fixing her stupid decisions.

Her stomach churned tightly, "Uhg." She groaned, rubbing her abdomen. "All this stress." She pulled out her phone, putting ice creams back with one hand, texting Rudy with the other.

Babe, I'm really feeling sick here. My stomach hurts.

She moved to the next isle, weighing her produce options. She was bagging the sprouts when her phone shouted 'Booyakasha!' to announce her text. Ignoring the stares she opened her message.

I really think we need to see a doctor, Lou. I'm really worried about all the throwing up and the stomach pains.

Angrily she shoved the phone back in her purse, rushing through the rest of the list and checking out. It was then that her phone rang.


"Hey baby." Linda's voice sounded tinny, but beyond that she also sounded exhausted. "Your dad's surgery is done. They got as much out as they could."

"And?" Louise felt her stomach clenching again, she stopped loading groceries to double over, rubbing her stomach to help with the pain, clenching her teeth.

"We have to stay for about a week to make sure they got everything." Linda's voice went far away and mumbl-y for a minute. "Your dad thinks you'd really like to wound. He... uh.."

Louise could hear Bob telling Linda, most likely in a drugged state, to go on and spit it out already.

"They had to graft skin to cover the mass they took out." Linda's voice went clipped as she let out a shaky breath. "He might not be able to use his arm the same way again. It might actually be essentially useless."

Louise found herself sitting on the asphalt, her stomach rioting. "Oh God." She whispered, quickly muting her phone before leaning over and vomiting on the sidewalk.

"Louise?" Linda's voice raised in pitch. "Louise you okay?!"

Louise wiped at the tears and snot, unmuting her speaker. "Yeah Mom. Just... you know. Shaken." She stood on wobbly knees, her heart plummeting as her stomach cramped again.

"I know baby. We'll be home soon and thank you. You guys are such good kids. Your dad and I are really proud. We love you."

"Love you too Mom. Thank you." Louise felt the tears welling again as the burning rose in her chest.

"Oh," Lind alaughed wearily, "Doctor's here. Gotta go. Talk to you later."

"Bye Mom. Give Dad a kiss for us."

"Will do." The phone went dead, which was just as well.

Louise wiped at her chin, feeling as though she weren't even a part of her body.

Rudy, I need to go to the doctors. I just puked blood.


"Finally." Gene sighed, obviously exhausted as he locked the door.

Zeke lay in one of the booths, feet kicked out. "It's never that busy at Mr. P's place." He nodded out the window where Jimmy and Jay-Ju were obviously arguing in front of the already closed restaurant.

"God look at this tip jar though!" Tina's voice was quiet with awe, her eyes skimming over her brother's face, the Zeke's. "You guys think Louise is okay?"

Gene laughed nervously, "Of course she is. Probably just stress and the throwing up. Like Rudy said."

"I knew she was sick man." Zeke muttered, "Maybe it's just, like, a tear in her mouth or something?"

Silence fell over them as they finished cleaning; Zeke making preps for the next day, Tina balancing the till, and Gene washing the floors.

"Wanna go out to dinner?" Gene shouted from the back as he threw the dirty rags into the laundry cart and wheeled it around to the door.

"I don't have the energy to go anywhere." Tina confessed, "We've got left over Chinese upstairs though."

"Your stir-fry doesn't count as Chinese." Gene shot back, grinning as Zeke and Tina followed him out of the restaurant.

"Good night." Zeke grinned, flipping the light switches and shutting the door firmly as Tina turned the lock.

"Uh, well..." Tina took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Wanna come and eat with us?" She smiled as she moved towards her door. "I'm no expert chef like you, but my stir fry is half decent."

"Nothing would make me happier." Zeke responded, running a hand through his hair. "As long as you've got a lot of food." He pat his stomach. "I eat my weight at every meal. Like a gorilla."

Tina rolled her eyes though the grin didn't leave her face. "I'm sure that feeding you is like feeding Gene or Dad."

"C'mon love birds!" Gene shouted down into the street. "We gotta eat and get ready for tomorrow."

"Alright." Zeke shouted back, following Tina inside their house and up the stairs.

The smell of reheated teriyaki and soy sauce made Tina's stomach ache with hunger. Gene had already set a couple bowls of food on the table, utensils wedged in the food.

"Thanks G-man!" Zeke crowed, extending a fist for knuckles.

Gene complied thoughtlessly, pulling his own bowl from the microwave before the timer dinged. "Have you heard from Louise or Rudy?" He spoke into his food as he stirred.

Tina shook her head, pulling out her phone. "They'll get a hold of us as soon as they get results. Don't stress too much. Just eat. I'm sure she's fine."

"Yeah, but she is the baby." Gene shot back, speaking around a cheek stuffed with food. "As her older brother, it's my job to worry."

Tina smiled, rolling her eyes.

And then the house phone rang. Thoughtlessly Zeke leaned back, grabbing it off the receiver. "Belcher Residence, this is Zeke speaking."

He straightened in his chair, nodding while frowning. Then his face opened up in surprise, his eyes looking around to the older siblings. "Okay. Yeah, no. Don't worry I'll let them- Did you wanna-" He pulled the phone from his ear with a quizzical look. "Guess not." He tilted back again, hanging up the phone.

"Well, that was Rudy. Louise has developed an ulcer. They think it's stress related. The blood was caused by the repetitive vomiting. Guess she puked her throat raw. Should heal on it's own with a bit of antacids and meal monitoring."

Tina visibly sagged against her chair, her hand pressing to her chest. "Thank God it's nothing serious."

"Unlike my seriously sick beats." Gene quipped, drumming for a moment on the table before resuming eating with his usual gusto.

Zeke caught his gaze drifting to Tina's face, much less gray and lined now that some of the burden had been lifted. On the kitchen counter sat the surgery donation jar.

Damn what he would have given to have a family like theirs.


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