༄I Wanna Be Just Like Yo...

By onfleekbagel

149K 4.7K 7.7K

Meet Bakugo (Name). The exact opposite of her brother, Bakugo Katsuki. (Name) is very shy and reserved but he... More

a/n 著者注
1 つ
a/n 著者注
11 十一
quick a/n!
not a chapter but something b e t t e r
a l s o not a chapter, but still something better

9 九

7.2K 272 538
By onfleekbagel

(Name) winced as Katsuki flicked her forehead.

"Why." She looked at him in all seriousness.

"Next time you bring a turtle home, it'll be my whole fist." The boy scowled.

"But he didn't want me to leave!" (Name) whined.

Katsuki's head snapped his head towards his persistent sister and growled, "That didn't give you a right to take him from the zoo, idiot!"

"I-. . .yeah, you're right." (Name) didn't want to admit that she had stole a turtle from the zoo without getting caught. Luckily, Katsuki was able to sneak back in at midnight and return it. It was a baby and was able to hide inside her shirt pocket.

He rolled his eyes and tch'ed before ruffling her hair. "I won't lie, it was a funny stunt." He snickered and walked out of the living room.

Normally, Katsuki would be able to just brush it off and say that (Name) could keep it but he knew their parents would have a freak out of they knew it was from the zoo.

Katsuki peeked back around the corner and with a wave of his hand, (Name) got up and followed him. He walked into his room and (Name) gladly followed and played with some of his action figures.

"So," the ash blonde began,"you don't stutter so much around our classmates anymore?"

"Well, I'm getting a lot more comfortable around them!" (Name) grinned. Katsuki gave a half smile before sighing.

"You got real comfortable with Kirishima." He said in an accusing tone.

"Bitch, so did you?" (Name) snapped back.

"What'd you say to me, pipsqueak?" Katsuki towered over (Name).

"That it's okay to be. . .prideful." (Name) smirked. She knew about her brother's prideful attitude but if she didn't tease him about a different prideful attitude, how would she match up to him?

Katsuki's hand grasped the top of (Name)'s head and picked her up like that. "Don't make me crush your head here and now, (Name)." He dropped her before he went in his closet and threw (Name) a pair of pants and a shirt that was identical to his outfit. She looked back up at him with a confused look as of saying to explain.

"We're going to the mall. I need some fresh fucking air."

"(Name), god, we're not window-shopping. If you want to buy something, ask!" Katsuki growled as (Name) looked at all the manga in the store.

"Y-Yeah but-" She turned around to tell him that he didn't have to but his glare shut her up. She did smile, though, before walking towards the more NSFW part of the store. It wasn't on purpose but (Name) loved to explore the entirety of stores.

"Little shit, I swear to the old hag, if you do not buy anything I will beat the shit out of you. Then you'll just be little." Katsuki's patience began to grow thin. Out of the corner of his eye though, he could've swore he saw the same purple bastard in his class.

"Everything here is kind of expensive, let's just go to Game Stop." (Name) smiled sheepishly before beginning to head for the exit of the store.

"Bakugo?" A voice with a slight lisp asked. Both siblings turned around and saw Mineta.

"M-Mineta?" (Name) stood, a little shocked before bending down to his height and smiling at him. "W-What's up? W-What're you doing here?" The girl admitted to being happy to seeing her classmate without actually expecting.

"I was just shopping for. . .things?" Mineta hid the hentai books behind his back.

"Yeah, but this is the porn section." (Name) stated, Katsuki snickering behind her.

"Um, duh? They had an exclusive sale for some of the best hentai books out there! I couldn't miss this chance. Or your thick thig-" Katsuki grabbed the back of (Name)'s shirt and dragged her out the store before the purple balled bastard had more time to speak about more sexual things.

"Fuckin' grape being a fuckin' pervert. . ." Katsuki growled under his breath, obviously not happy with Mineta's words.

"Katsuki, I'm fine." She patted his back to which he swatted away but nonetheless still brought himself slightly out of his pissy mood. "Anyways, this is on sale," She waved a game in front of his face, "and I wanted to know if you wanted it. I know you like more barbaric games so I would think it would suit you." (Name) smiled.

Katsuki looked in thought before snatching the game and kept it in his hand, a way of saying that he was gonna buy it. He walked behind his sister as she was looking at the best possible things to buy. Sure, he was the one who suggested going out but he just wanted to be out with the sweet girl in front of him. But he did want some fresh air.

"I don't think we need anything else from here, we can go." (Name) voiced to her brother who grunted and walked over to the cashier.

"What do you want?" Katsuki asked as they walked into a fast food place. He knew that his beloved sister was too shy to actually talk to the people so he was usually ordering for the both of them while (Name) hid behind him.

"Eh, like a four for four or something." (Name) shrugged, she wasn't picky and would probably eat anything you gave her.

"'Kay." He walked into the line, ignoring the grip that (Name) had on his forearm. "Oi, little shit, I'm not making you speak. Get your claws off of me." Katsuki growled.

"Y-Yeah but, looook!" She dragged before pointing out into the plaza which was in a seen distance. Katsuki looked down at her before looking out and seeing the rest of their class outside. He muttered a curse before quickly ordering to go and made (Name) follow him to the least crowded part of the plaza.

(Name) bit into her burger and looked at the huge water fountain that Katsuki made them sit in front of. Even though he saw his classmates, he didn't want to have to deal with them and (Name) completely understood. She just went with his flow.

"Y'know," (Name) swallowed her chicken nugget, "there's a big Toys R Us by where the manga shop was. You wanna go?" Katsuki looked down at (Name) like she was crazy. "N-No! W-Wait! I don't want any toys or anything like that but I just wanted to go for nostalgia, you know?" She quickly tried to redeem herself.

Katsuki chuckled before giving a subtle nod, sending (Name)'s happiness meter through the roof.

"Whaaaa~! It can't get any cooler than this!" (Name) gawked at the huge dinosaur that moved. Katsuki couldn't help but smile at his sister as she began to show her inner child.

"Katsuki!" (Name) called out to the boy. He took his attention off the robot dino and looked at (Name) who had a dinosaur that kind of looked like it was wearing his hero costume.

"Coincidence? I think not!" (Name) laughed but she knew it simply was. Katsuki took it from her, trying to hide his inner child as well, and put it in their basket.

"Anything else you wanna buy?" Katsuki queried as he walked down the isles with the barley-even-thirteen year old. (Name) looked at the isles' offers one more time before picking up a Bubble Guppies poster and placing it in the basket.

"Really?" Katsuki rolled his eyes and walked over to the cashier while (Name) laughed and walked behind him.

While they payed, the cashier looked at both of them and the situation that they picked up was two people that seemed like if anyone were to ask them why they went to Toys R Us, they'd say that it was like for a younger relative.

"You need more clothes." Katsuki grunted while walking into a unisex clothes store. "I'm sick of seeing you ruffle through your closet and stealing my clothes."

"What? I just wear your clothes cause they're comfortable." (Name) snorted. Katsuki clicked his tongue and softly hit the back of her head.

"Well, whatever you do it for, you need your own style. I mean, you look like a mini me right now." He claimed even though he gave her the outfit.

"You're just mad cause I do you better than you do yourself!" (Name) snickered but felt a harder hit to the back of her head.


Katsuki waited impatiently outside of the dressing rooms. "You done yet?" He called roughly.

"Uh," (Name) came out with a Rilakkuma shirt on and matching sweatpants, "what do you think?"

Katsuki smirked at her, "Fucking adorable. You like cute things, might as well show everyone you do."

"Now, dress back into your normal clothes so I can finally leave this shitty place. If one more person gives me a dirty look, I'm blowing their asses up." Katsuki growled with complaints.

"What about you?" (Name) asked subtly as she came out of the dressing room with her normal clothes on and had the clothes she was buying in her hand.

"Me? What do you mean?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow.

"You need to get something." (Name) frowned at her brother.

"What? No. I don't need anything." He scowled.

"Yeah, well, I didn't need anything but you still made me buy things." She protested.

"Um, maybe because you always copy me. Even you're hero costume looks like mine-"

"But softer." (Name) interrupted.

"Yeah, sure. The pastels and all my jagged edges are round on yours." He sighed before realizing this wasn't getting anywhere.

"Just give me whatever you wanted me to wear, little shit." (Name) grinned and shoved clothes into his hand then shoved him into the dressing room.

He came back out with an Aggretsuko shirt with the red panda littered on his shirt as its design and jeans that had her microphone peeking from the pockets.

"I said you could wear cute things," Katsuki groaned, "not me."

"But you look manly! After all, what's a strong man if he doesn't wear the occasional cutesy thing?" (Name) cooed.

"You're lucky that I tolerate you." Katsuki smacked his sister upside the head before going to change and buy their new clothes.

When they had walked out, (Name) asked if some of their outfits that they picked and didn't try out would fit.

"I know both of our sizes. We're good." Katsuki nonchalantly replied.

"Y-Yeah but-" Katsuki hit (Name) again before she could speak.

"Just open your book bag so I can put the clothes in there."

While the sun was getting ready to set, (Name) and Katsuki had gotten ready to leave and head to maybe a beach to relax, Toru had noticed them and told the class.

"What's in the bag~?" Mina stepped around (Name) with a curious look on her face.

"Just s-some things we bought." (Name) moved slightly so Mina wouldn't open the bag.

"How long have you guys been shopping?" Sero asked, "You have a pretty big bag there."

"All day." Katsuki simply replied.

"Really? How come we didn't see you?!" Denki whined childishly.

"Yeah, if you guys would've come earlier, there would've been a lot more of us here!" Kiri frowned.

"Y-Yeah, we knew." (Name) smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

After a little bit of chit-chat, the group dispersed, everyone going their separate ways.

"Katsuki?" (Name) poked her brother's muscular arm.


"I need to get somethings before we fully leave." (Name) gave her bag to Katsuki before quickly running into a. . .dye store?

She came back with a few things, put them in the bag, and thanked Katsuki for waiting.

"What was that for?" He asked on their way to the secluded beach, the sunset blaring over the city.

"I wanted to dye my explosions, y'know? I was gonna make it as so when my grenades blow, the dye goes with it and changes the color of the smoke it leaves! Like our gloves! I'd put dye inside of it and when I use my quirk, the smoke is any color." (Name) explained with absolutely pride in her eyes with what she'd come up with.

"Wow. . .that's actually really smart." Katsuki felt slightly stunned, it wasn't something he thought of before. "I'll give you that. B-But don't let it get to your head!" He quickly covered up his pride for his sister.

"I may even add sparkles or something! Or is that too much? I don't know. I just want to do that!" (Name) continued to talk.

The siblings sat on the sand, a comfortable silence filling the air. The crashing of waves almost lulled them both to sleep. (Name) suddenly took the bag and laid her head on it, obviously ready for a nap. Katsuki looked towards the younger one and decided.

"Fuck it." He mumbled before laying on her stomach, letting sleep consume him.

It had to be the water touching her feet that woke her up to the moon being high above the sky. The tide had moved in, the moon obviously making it worse. (Name) took her phone out of her pocket, careful not to move to much to wake up her older brother, and checked the time.

"About half past ten, huh?" (Name) mumbled. (Name) noticed no missed calls from her parents and assumed that meant that hadn't expected the both of them to come home so early. (Name) hesitated before gently waking Katsuki. He yawned loudly and almost rudely but eventually got off and began to walk his way home with (Name) trailing behind.

(Name) woke up the next day and immediately checked her phone to see what time it was. Just barely reaching five o'clock in the morning. Sun wasn't coming up anytime soon.

She moved herself from her bed before yawning while stretching. She the plopped herself back on the bed and kinda just sat in thought. Nothing too deep. Just ideas about how to improve. However her thinking was disturbed by the sound of rain. This almost made (Name) burst with glee. Katsuki absolutely despised rain, it literally disabled him from using his quirk and he very much did not like that but (Name) on the other hand could care less. Sure, she doesn't like getting wet but she absolutely adores the sound.

(Name) laid in bed for awhile before falling asleep again without even knowing.

"Oi, little shit." Katsuki nudged (Name). "Wake up. You've been sleeping like you own the world."

"W-What? What do you mean? What time is it?" (Name) asked groggily, reaching out for her brother's face which was right above her's.

"Seven." He grunted before leaving her room.

That's like barely anytime, what the hell? (Name) thought to herself before getting up and walking downstairs.

Mitsuki turned around when she heard a pair of footsteps come towards the kitchen. She simply smiled when she saw her daughter.

"Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, ma." (Name) yawned and gave her mother a quick hug before sitting down on one of the seats by the island.

"What do you want for breakfast? Oh, and your father has a incredibly long shift today so he's already gone but he'll be back around eleven tonight." Mitsuki clarified at the end.

"Eh, whatever you make, I eat." (Name) laughed.

"Cause what I make is," Mitsuki posed, "delicious." She winked.

"God, never do that again!" (Name) wheezed and Mitsuki laughed along with her.

"You're brother is in the living room by the way." Mitsuki informed as she began to get things out to make breakfast. (Name) simply hummed in response and watched her mom cook, helping her with the occasional thing.

"So, how has school been treating you?" Mitsuki asked while whisking the pancake batter.

"It's actually been really cool! The people in the school in general are just, well, nice!" (Name) grinned.

"How has Katsuki been in school?" Mitsuki queried with a little more curiousness.

"Er. . ." (Name) hesitated. "He's doing well in the hero exercises and his grades are still amazing i-if that's what you're asking!" (Name) beamed at her brother's feats.

"What about socially?" Mitsuki gave a knowing look.

"W-Well. . .so like, er. . .he has a group of friends but I don't think he likes to admit it. And he doesn't really remembers their names. He kinda just calls them things based off of their appearance. L-Like, do you remember Kirishima?" (Name) referred back to the time when she told her mother about the boy to which Mitsuki nodded, "Well, he calls him Shitty Hair."

(Name) watched as Mitsuki chocked on air, almost dropping the bowl of batter while laughing hard. The older woman slapped her hand on the table while trying to regain her balance. Once she finally did, she smiled at her daughter. "As long as he doesn't blow up his classmates with that ego of his, I don't mind." Mitsuki snorted.

(Name) then helped her mother finish breakfast and served them to their individual plates.

"Katsuki! Get over here, breakfast is ready!" Mitsuki called to her presumably ungrateful son to which he came in grumbling.

They sat down by the dining table, the T.V. set to cartoons.

"So, what'd you guys buy at the mall yesterday?" Mitsuki asked her children who were just stuffing their faces with food.

"Useless shit." Katsuki said before drinking his orange juice in one gulp.

"We bought things that we thought were cool but nothing that we needed." (Name) clarified.

"Exactly what I said, useless shit." Katsuki shot a glare towards (Name) to which she just stuck her tongue out at him.

"Katsuki! Language." Mitsuki growled. "Anyways, since you didn't go grocery shopping for your dear old mother," she grabbed her back playfully, "I'm going to have to ask you guys to go back out. I didn't realize but we are kind of running out of seasonings and snacks that you both take to school. Actually, we're all out of those. But I still need things like milk, heavy whipping cream, maybe onions, scallops." Mitsuki eventually just handed them a list instead of talking their ears off.

"I want to see both of you ready and out of the house by ten," Mitsuki demand while talking the plates off the table to wash them, "then you can do whatever you want for the day."

"This is a lot of stuff, mom. . ." (Name) trailed off.

"I know. I didn't realize and I should've realized sooner, sorry babies." Mitsuki pouted and left the dining table.

(Name) looked at the time, just about nine. Guess breakfast took longer or Katsuki's bad at telling the exact time.

Katsuki turned off the T.V. before walking upstairs. (Name) sighed and got up to go upstairs as well.

She sat on her bed and pulled her phone from the floor, It probably fell off when I was sleeping she thought.

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: heard u were at the mall and didn't tell me ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

you/daddydeliciousness: oof

you/daddydeliciousness: who told you ┬┴┬┴┤⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ)

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: kirishima

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: but apparently you knew I was there

you/daddydeliciousness: i was out with katsuki

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: oof I take it back

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: not kacchan

you/daddydeliciousness: lol

you/daddydeliciousness: we were only shopping

you/daddydeliciousness: how're you?

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: I'm good and yesterday was fun too

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: it would've been cool if you were there (naaaaame)

you/daddydeliciousness: it's only ever cool if I'm there ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)

cinnamonrollbroccolibo: ah no sparkles pls

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: it reminds me of the way aoyama texts

you/daddydeliciousness: his sparkles show up through text?

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: they show up e v e r y w h e r e

you/daddydeliciousness: impressive lololol

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: oof ttyl

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: my mom needs me

you/daddydeliciousness: ttyl

(Name) just surfed the Internet after talking to Izuku till ten o'clock hit. She got up and changed into a different shirt that Katsuki bought for her yesterday. This one actually just had cute Japanese aesthetics.

She slipped on sweatpants and shoes that matched and jogged towards the front door to which Katsuki picked up the list and walked out the front with (Name) following.

"Katsuki?" (Name) looked at her brother for help, the older boy looking at her. "I can't reach the cereal." Katsuki smirked and effortlessly took the cereal down and put it in the cart.

"What else does it say?" (Name) attempted to look the the list but her brother was just holding it really close to his face.

"Hold on, pipsqueak." Katsuki grabbed (Name)'s head and held her in place.

The younger girl pouted and began to explore the aisles.

Somehow, she had stumbled into the pet section. Unfortunately, nothing for turtles. But plenty of stuff for cats and dogs.

"(Name)?" (Name) looked up after hearing a gruff voice call her name.

"O-Oh! Mr. Aizawa, h-how're you?" (Name) out on a crooked smile, for she was very scared of being alone with her teacher. She never got comfortable with her teachers before.

"I'm doing good, how're you?" The stubbled man tilted his head slightly and gave a very small smile.

"I'm g-good!" (Name) accidentally raised her voice a bit.

"Is Katsuki here with you?" Aizawa questioned, completely brushing off the fact that (Name) was getting nervous. He didn't mind all that much.

"Y-Yeah, he is. Do y-you want me to get him?" (Name) offered.

"I'll just follow you back to him, after all, you don't have any pets so you shouldn't even be in this section." He commented while gesturing to lead the way.

"And where the hell did you go?" Katsuki growled before he was about to smack (Name) but caught notice of his teacher.

"Good morning, Katsuki." Aizawa greeted.

"Morning." The ash blonde grunted before picking up ice cream cones and putting them in the cart.

"If you don't mind me asking, why're you both out with such a full cart at about eleven in the morning?" Aizawa didn't really care but (Name) was the only student that couldn't hold up a conversation with him, so he did need to focus on her social skills with her school staff.

"M-My mom kept forgetting to buy things so we're her last resort." (Name) laughed slightly.

"The hag could've done it herself." Katsuki grumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry," (Name) apologized to her teacher, "he's r-really n-not a morning person."

"Neither am I." Aizawa nonchalantly said.

"Although, there is something I wanted to talk about with you." Aizawa turned his head to look at (Name). He watched as she paled slightly and how she began to sweat. "It's nothing bad." He watches as she slightly relaxed but just barely.

"Recovery Girl told me that she didn't stitch your arm or bandage you." He began, "in fact, she told me that you didn't know that she could just heal you at the cost of your stamina. That you stitched yourself. That you bandaged yourself."

(Name) averted her eyes.

"I didn't know that you had history with more medical business. It's not bad and in fact, Recovery Girl was highly impressed. She told me that after she had her healed you, she wanted to ask more questions but you're classmates dragged you away." Aizawa finished off with a slightly proud look on his face. God, he was turning into a dad.

"You didn't tell me you did that shit." Katsuki gave half-smile and smacked his sister's back hard causing her to cough.

"Oh, look at the time," Aizawa said without looking at the time, "I have to go. Have a good day Bakugo's." He left and waved behind him. He wasn't buying anything but he just wanted to let (Name) know that he knew.

"So, we gonna finish this grocery shopping?" Katsuki asked while throwing some more things into the cart.

They had finished in the afternoon with heavy bags and they trotted their way home.

Mitsuki helped her children put away the groceries while thanking them.

"Welp, you do what you have to do, once again, thank you for going out for me!" Mitsuki then walked up the stairs into the master bedroom to do whatever.

"So," (Name) looked towards her brother, "what do you wanna do?"

"I don't fucking know. But I do not want to sit around doing nothing all day." Katsuki groaned.

"We can. . .um, maybe take a walk in the park. Kinda just lay in the grass? Or go swimming! I don't exactly know." (Name) suggested.

"Or," an idea finally popping into Katsuki's head, "we could just take a walk around the city. I wanna see if there are any Deku's for me to blow to pieces." (Name) agreed but sighed at the last part.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaacchhaaaaaan." (Name) dragged on as she grew tired of the endless walking.

"Shut the fuck up and suck it up!" Katsuki barked at the tired girl. They'd been walking for about three hours straight, and (Name) wanted a break.

Suddenly, (Name) ran in front of Katsuki and sat down on a bench. This didn't make said boy happy, at like all.

"YOU LAZY SHIT! GET OVER HERE!" He threw (Name) over his shoulder before (Name) had rearranged herself so she'd just be having a piggyback ride.

The boy hmph'ed and kept walking with his younger sister obviously enjoying not having to walk.

"Do not leave this spot. I'll be out in a second." Katsuki demanded before going to the bathroom.

(Name) sat by herself outside on a bench. Sunset was soon but it hasn't started yet. She looked at all the people who seemed to be enjoying their time. Some people with big families, some exercising, other couples, just a variety of people.

She moved slightly over to the side when she noticed somebody sat next to her but luckily on the other side of the bench.

"Excuse me, young lady." The man spoke. "Is there any reason why you're sitting here on your own?"

"Um, yeah. M-My brother is using the uh b-bathroom." (Name) rubbed her arm nervously.

"Do you need," he scooted closer, "company?"

(Name) shot up from the bench and stood at the entrance of the bathroom. "I'm sorry but I very much respect personal space." She growled.

The man laughed, "Relax kid, I'm not a pedophile or anything. I just recognized you from T.V. The Sports Festival, right? Can I see your quirk?"

(Name) looked at him uneasily but nonetheless let out mini explosions in her palm.

"That's a pretty cool quirk there you've got! Make sure to use it with the right people though, you wouldn't want somebody to mistake you for a. . .villian? Would you?" The lanky man 'asked.'

(Name) shook her head but she noticed something that made her feel incredibly dumb, the fact that she hadn't noticed the skin of the man and the excessive piercings. He had weird stitches with his under layer of skin showing. He looked like he was in his twenty's but damn did he look like a villain.

"Don't get too scared of me now, (Name)," said girl flinched, "after all, I'm no one scary." The man then got up and waved behind him.

"Oi, little shit, why do you look pale?" Katsuki asked as he dried his hand with paper towels.

"J-Just a w-weird encounter." She tried to ensure her brother but seemed to be trying to ensure herself too.

"Whatever, let's head home." Katsuki said, obviously noticing that his sister was badly shaken up.

"Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep." (Name) dragged on. Katsuki was very tired and just wouldn't go to sleep. It was late night, the both of them should've been asleep anyways, they had school tomorrow.

"No, I'll sleep when I'm fucking dead." He barked. Dragging and a bark back was a very causal thing that went on.

"KATSUKI GET YOUR ASS TO BED!" Mitsuki roared from upstairs.

"SHUT IT HAG!" He yelled back.

"Katsuki," (Name) frowned, "get off the couch. I'll even let you sleep on my bed just got to fucking sleep." Vulgarity wasn't usual but (Name) was having none of it.

Katsuki glared at his sister before getting up and going up stairs, the girl presumed he had just went into her room to sleep. She followed after turning off all the lights downstairs.

"Katsuki, if you're gonna sleep in here, you have to make room." (Name) pushes her brother over and plopped herself on the bed.

"Fuck off." His muffled voice came from a pillow.

She sighed and easily fell asleep, ready for the internships that Aizawa had promised to talk about.

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