Never Been Fixed (Demi Lovato)

By topdowndevonne

125K 3.3K 677

When a young girl is found lying helpless and alone on a park bench, famous teen popstar Demi Lovato decides... More

Never Been Fixed (Demi Lovato)
Brought home
Robyn's Story
Eat and Sleep
Getting Ready
I don't know what to call this chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Read this!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Ms. Lovato
Chapter 39

Chapter 34/35 (cuz I messed up)

1.5K 84 28
By topdowndevonne


Jaiya left the room and I threw my head back on my pillow, exhausted from the exchange. My arms hurt, my head hurt, everything hurt, not to mention my heart hurt just as much. I felt terrible about what I had said to Demi and I knew I totally overreacted, but there was no way I could take it back now.

Almost as if she had read my mind, there was a knock at the door. I sprang up in the bed a little too quickly and simultaneously heard a snap below me. Motherfucking cheap hospital bedsprings. If I ever get out of here I'm getting Demi to donate enough money to at least buy some cool ass bunk beds from IKEA.

"Robyn?" Of course it was Demi.

"Demi! You came back!" I said, relieved. "I'm SOOO so sorry about what I said, I didn't mean it at-"

"Rob! No it's okay, I'm sorry too. It was stupid of me to tell the family without consulting you first. I should have known you would have reacted that way. I would have too, if I was in your shoes. I wasn't thinking about your feelings."

"No seriously, it was my fault," I insisted. "I'm actually happy you told your family, because now I don't have to do it myself. Can we just...forget about this whole thing and hug it out?"

Demi smiled widely. "I like that idea," she agreed, coming in for a bear hug.

Right before she got to me, I stopped her. "Wait! Did you tell Bea too? Like, about my problems?"

"No, actually, I didn't. Fortunately for you. I figured I should at least let you decide what you want to do about that. Obviously it's your decision if you want to keep this to yourself."

Reading Demi's face, I could easily tell what she wanted me to do, and even though I didn't really wanna do it, I knew it was best for me. "You know what, Demi? I think I'll tell Bea. She's been such an amazing friend that she honestly deserves to know everything. Anyways, it shouldn't be something that I am ashamed about, right?"

Immediately, I could tell I had said the right thing. The gigantic smile on Demi's face made it clear enough. "I've trained you well, haven't I?" she laughed. "I'm proud of you, baby girl. I really am so proud of you. I love you so much."

"Thanks Demi, I love you too. Now where's my hug?" And then, clearly, we hugged it out like the cool kids we were.

"Now, it's okay if you're not quite ready yet, but I'm under the impression that there's a certain beautiful bleached blonde girl waiting outside this room to see you. Are you..."

"Fuck it, bring her in," I interrupted. "I mean, I don't have a speech prepared or anything, but....YOLO right?"

"That's my girl!" Demi cheered. "I'll see you later, okay? I'll bring in the rest of the family too, when you're done with Bea. The doctors say you should be able to leave by tomorrow at the latest."

With that, Demi left the room and Bea came hurtling in, screaming her head off.

"ROBYN YOU BITCH YOU FUCKING SCARED ME YOU IDIOT!" she yelled, bouncing onto my bed and grabbing me into a death grip (more commonly known as a very tight hug). "Don't EVER do that to me again, you promise?"

"Hoe, you weren't the one fainting on the bathroom floor, that was fucking ME okay, you should feel bad for me!" I joked. "But seriously, I'm so happy you came. Thanks for visiting, babe."

"Ooh, we're calling each other babe now? I didn't think we were THAT far into our relationship," Bea replied teasingly, bopping me on the nose.

"Oh, shut up, BABE. You know you like it."

"Okay, okay, I do. I admit it. But actually, you're lucky I love you. It was a pretty dramatic day getting here. The dumb receptionist wouldn't tell me what room you were in because apparently I actually have to be related to you, and "it's complicated" isn't a good enough relation. I mean, it's fucking good enough for FaceBook, who knew it wouldn't work at the hospital?"

I shook my head. "You are a piece of work, you know that? But I love you anyways. And you need to stop swearing. I'm gonna have to start washing your mouth out with soap like they did in the old days."

"Ooh, I wouldn't mind that if you used your tongue to clean it," Bea said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh my god, STOP!" I yelled, trying not to laugh. "C'mon Bea, just shut up for a sec, I need to talk to you about something."

Bea's face turned serious. "Okay. Okay, I'm quiet. Tell me whatever you need to."

"Bea, I...I self harm. That's why I'm in the hospital," I said quickly, knowing that if I waited any longer, I wouldn't be able to say it. "I was at cheer practice and I cut too deep and I fainted and ended up here. I've been doing it for years and I haven't ever able to stop, nor do I want to. Also what we told you about my parents being on vacation and me just staying at Demis house, it's not true. Demi adopted me because my family is a total mess and my drunk ass depressed mom kicked me the fuck out." I let out a long breath. "So yeah that's the truth and I hope you don't hate me."

Bea's eyes were sparking with tears. "Baby, of course I don't hate you. Plus I kinda knew about the adopting thing anyways. You really suck at lying, FYI. And about the self harm, I really don't know how to help you with that because clearly I'm not an expert, but I swear on my life I will help you in whatever way I can. You want me to do something, I will do it. I just want you to get better, for me and for you. Also I swear I'm not crying, I just got a...little fire and gold in my eyes. Beatrice Miller doesn't cry."

"Thank you SO much for understand, Bea. You have no idea how much it means to me. And you totally are crying, you little baby."

"Wait, I know there's one more thing you're not telling me," Bea said quietly.

"'s it," I said uncertainly, not quite sure what she was getting at. I didn't want to confess something and have it turn out that it wasn't even the secret Bea was thinking about, because in truth, I had a ton of secrets and I wasn't sure which one she was talking about.

"Seriously Robyn, I know there's something missing, and if you don't tell me, I'll tell you for you, if that even makes sense."

"No really," I insisted, "I actually have no clue what you're talking about."

"You have an eating disorder, Robyn," Bea almost shouted, her voice exasperated.

"No! I don't!" I denied quickly. I might have a problem with eating, but honestly you couldn't call it an eating disorder. I was too fat to have an eating disorder.

"You do, Robyn, and you need to accept it. I've seen the way you look at food, and at your own body, and it's not pretty. I'm not judging you or mad at you in any way, I'd just like you to admit it so that we can get through this together. I'm on your side, I'm here for you."

"Okay. I eating disorder," I rushed. "Happy? Now can we just lea-" I tried to get out of bed but Bea pushed me back down.

"Not so fast, Lovato. We're totally not done with this conversation, by the way, but for now I'd like to move onto another serious but admittedly more happy topic. Us."

"Us?" I questioned.

"Us." she confirmed. "What are we? Are we anything?"

"Honestly, Bea, I have no clue. I don't even know if I'm bi or gay or straight or what."

"Who cares?" Bea shrugged. "Labels are for jam jars, not for people. You don't need to decide on anything right now. I mean, I don't have to know anything about myself to know that I'm...I'm falling in love with you."

"You love me?" I asked, incredulous.

"Woah boy! Slow down, hunny. I said I'm FALLING in love with you, not in love. Don't get ahead of yourself now, big head. But yes, I suppose I do have to admit I like you a lot. Very much, if I'm gonna be real truthful."

"Aw, that's that's the sweetest thing to ever come out of your dirty little mouth," I teased. "How much are you getting paid to say that?"

Bea almost looked offended, so I continued quickly. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I really really like you too. But I don't know, I feel like I'm not really ready for something super serious yet. I mean, you're only 15 and I'm only 13. We're ninth and eighth graders. I don't know if I'm ready for this yet."

"I have an idea. Since we both 'really really like' each other, for now we can be really really good friends until we're ready to be something more."

"I like that idea," I replied. "Beatrice Annika Miller, would you like to be my really really good friend?"

"I'd like that. I'd like it a lot, actually."

We both smiled at each other, the cheesiest grins on our faces. There was a moment of silence, and then...

"Robyn, do you think really really good friends could, you know, kiss?"

"Bea, you know, I'm not really sure, but I think that in this case, we can make an exception."


After our little, um, intermission, we got back down to business.

"So, Rob, when do you get out of this ratchet ass sorry excuse for a hospital?"

"Demi said probably tomorrow, no later," I replied.

"TOMORROW? Bitch, I'm not letting you sit in this torture zone for another night! Let's go." Bea got up off the end of my bed and turned so that her back was facing me, her knees slightly bent.

"What do you think you're doing, silly butt? Come sit back down."

"I'm giving you your ticket out of here. Come on, I'm piggybacking you outta this place." She gestured for me to get on her back.

"And where are you planning to take me once we make it out, my knight sir?" I asked, playing along and also subtly checking out her butt as she was bent towards me. So sue me.

"I dunno, just trust me, get on," Bea demanded, snorting with laughter. "You need to learn how to have fun, Uptight Girl, live a little. It'll be fun, I promise."

"Famous last words," I muttered. "And that's Mrs. Uptight to you, thanks." Nevertheless, I obeyed the shorter girl's words and clambered onto her back from my bed, one arm wrapped around her neck and the other bandaged and dangling uselessly by her waist.

"Okay, now go, horsey!" I ordered, slapping her butt.

"Ouch, okay!" Bea began galloping towards the door and out into the hall, me bouncing along on her back.

As we traveled down the hallway, my sleeve brushed against my face, and as I looked down at it, I realized I was still wearing a hospital gown. You know, the type where it's buttoned once in the back like they specifically want your entire ass to be showing? Yeah, that type.

"Bea, my butt's fucking hanging out!" I screamed, trying to make her stop.

"Sucks for you, bitch! Shoulda thought of that earlier!"

"We're gonna be in so much trouble," I screamed as she ran down hallway after hallway. "If we get caught I'm putting all the blame on you, I hope you know that."

"Yo, traitor, I thought we were in this together!" Bea yelled back as she continued to run. We eventually ran past a large staircase, and I directed Bea down it on a whim. We bumped down the stairs and came out, to our surprise, in the lobby.

"Home free!" Bea shouted, elated. "Let's gooooo!" She charged towards the automatic entrance doors. Bea had one foot out the door when we heard it.

"What do you idiots think you're doing!" We turned around guiltily to see a fuming mad Demi with her hands on her hips.

"It was all Bea's idea!" I shouted, while Bea screamed, "Robyn made me," over me.

"Phones, both of you!" Demi ordered, holding out both hands.

"Y'all know the friendship's real when you get grounded by someone else's mom," Bea grumbled as we both meekly handed over our phones.

"Do you guys know how much trouble you would have been in if you had left the hospital? They would have called the police! They would have started an Amber Alert! They would have had to file a missing persons report! They would-"

One of the doctors that had been in my hospital room cut Demi off, coming up from behind her and laying a hand on her shoulder. "Ms. Lovato?"

"Oh, yes sir?" Demi turned around, straightening her jacket and standing up tall as to look at least mildly parent like.

"Well, we were planning to keep Robyn for another night, but from what we just saw, she seems to be okay, so we're letting her go now. We'll just need to take her vitals one more time, you know her height, her weight, stuff like that."

"Boo-yeah!" Bea cheered. "Told you this would work!" She held her hand out for a high five.

"And we lost our phones in the process, dummy," I replied, refusing the high five.

"And Ms. Lovato, please make sure to consider all the treatment options we talked about earlier," the doctor said, turning to Demi. Ahh, yes, the conversation I had eavesdropped on.

I gave Demi a death glare, and she gave an innocent shrug in return, as if to say, "I have no idea what he's talking about." Yeah right, as if. Bitch can't trick me.

"So Robyn, if you'll just come with me for the last check up," the doctor interrupted, gesturing me to follow.



GUYS HEY COMMENT "Bobyn" if you read the chapter so I know how many people read it!

SO I was thinking about starting a Camren ship fanfic for all you harmonizers out there and I was wondering if you guys would like that? Comment if you would read it or not

Alsoooo this chapter is dedicated to Cony-loves_lovato because after the last chapter when I gave out my kik! she actually KIKED me and it made me SOSOSOSO HAPPY because I am a sad sad sad loner so okay kik me kids don't hesitate it's @emitt98210



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