Psychotic love//a jimin ff

By EvilWithinLies

78K 2.5K 243

Her name is Y/N and his name is park jimin known as the craziest psycho in town.How will Y/N feel when she fi... More

First day
Who are you?
The dark thoughts
Bad memories
The past
Tense atmosphere
Do I know you?
My doing's
Mysterious firgure
Im fine.
Day off.
Amusement park fun!
Amusement park fun! Pt2
Remembering my past.
Is this the end?
Full recovery?
Whats the truth
Five years ago
Only my patient?
I remember
finally home
back to work
unspoken feelings
The kiss

take my mind away

1.2K 45 1
By EvilWithinLies

Y/n p.o.v
Last night me and Lisa had fallen asleep while watching some movies on Netflix and binge eating a hell lot of food. So when I woke up this morning to the sound of Lisa making food in the kitchen I was slightly confused. Rubbing my eyes slightly I lifted the blanket off of my body and got up off the sofa to go see what she was doing. In the kitchen I saw Lisa dancing and singing while making pancakes, I immediately started laughing at her as she flipped on up and it landed on the floor. She jumped at the sudden noise behind her which I caused and spoke up
"Hey!!! Don't scare me like that, I thought you were a demon or something" I laughed at her reaction as I began walking up to her
"Why are you making so many pancakes for did last night's feast not satisfy you" I watching as she picked up the pancake off of the floor and put it in the bin before turning back around to make another one.
"That was a whole other day, so far today my stomach hasn't eaten anything sooooo" I shrugged my shoulders agreeing with her as I myself was hungry as well. I messed her hair up before walking past her and heading for my bedroom
"I'm going to have a shower and get dressed" I yelled at her as I was walking through the living room.
"Okay! We are going shopping in a few so look good!" I closed my bedroom door and headed over to my bathroom to quickly take a shower and brush my teeth. 15 minutes later I came out of the bathroom with only a towel on and headed over to my walk in closet to pick an outfit for the day.
"It's hot outside so I might as wear something which shows skin so I don't get to hot in the mall" I walked over to where I keep some of my summer clothes and immediately picked out a cute little outfit to wear, I placed it down on the side and quickly blow dried my hair. Once my hair once fully dry I removed my towel and put on my clothes
This is what you wear:

I put on my white hightop converses and head over to my make-up table in my bedroom to finish off my look with my hair and makeup.

Satisfied with my look I grab my small bag and head out into the living room to find that Lisa is already dressed and ready to go.
"Let's eat some pancakes and go shopping!" She smiled at my before we both walked into the kitchen and began eating.
A few minutes later, once our hunger was dealt with we headed to the front  door and I grabbed my car keys deciding to drive us this time. We walked outside and while I locked the door Lisa stood in the sun closing her eyes
"I can't remember the last time we had weather like this, it's been so miserable latley" laughing at her I nudged her to get her in the car. Once we were inside and pulling off the drive way I decided to ask Lisa a question which has been bothering me ever since I woke up from my coma
"Hey Lisa, ever since I woke up and my amnesia has been cured I think I've noticed that my brother is at the institution where I work" she looked at me completely shocked and started to smile
"I can't believe this, you have a brother! Is he younger, what's he like?" Laughing slightly at her eagerness to find out more information I spoke up more about what I know
"Well his name is taehyung, he is younger than me and he is 17. From what I remember he absolutely loved me and would always take care of me when needed.." I started to drift off thinking about what he must e gone through after I was in the car incident and lost all my memories.
"Why don't you do speak to him, if he works with you surley you can bring it up" Lisa started to smile at me extremely happy for finding some of my family but it immediately turned into a frown once I spoke up again
"That's the thing Lisa, I don't work with him he's a patient there and I feel like I might be the reason as to why he's locked up in the institution. Hell I don't even know if he remembers me" a tear dripped down my face as sadness over came me but Lisa wiped away my tears and comforted me like the best friend she is
"Even so y/n, you can't do nothing about it. What if he does remember you but is scared you don't remember him and doesn't want to loose you. If you can finally get your brother back don't you think it's worth a try?" She gently stroked my shoulder as I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah I guess you are right!"

30 minutes later:
Me and Lisa had arrived at the mall and had already decided as to which shops we were going to go into.
"One second I'm just going to go try this on" she walked over to the changing rooms holding onto some clothes leaving me by myself. Ignoring the sudden coldness that passed over me once Lisa's presence had left me I carried on picking up some clothing and accessories which I was going to buy. The lights started to dimmer around me and all the people in the shop suddenly vanished, my breathing increased as fear washed over my body, making me freeze in place.
"Y/n.... Y/n I'm coming for you"
Sweat dripped down my face as I felt paralyzed in place, too scared to make a single noise or movement. Soon enough everything had gone so dark that I couldn't even see a thing and I felt a sudden presence behind me. I could feel their breath on my neck. Shivers ran up my spine as I screamed for help inside my head.
"Found you..."
Suddenly everything went back to normal and a hand touched my shoulder. I jumped back in fear and turned around to find Lisa looking at me worried.
"Everything okay y/n, you look a bit pale?" Pushing everything that happened to the back of my brain not wanting to worry Lisa or anyone else more I smiled at her and replied
"Oh yeah everything is fine I was just checking if I wanted or needed anything else" I walked past her and headed over to the check out, but in my mind I knew something had just happened and whatever it was, it wasn't good.

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