My Hero Academia One Shots

By nebulaictimes

242K 4.8K 1.4K

A collection of one shots of my favorite boys from My Hero Academia :-) *these are all fem!reader because th... More

[Shinsou] Unravel
[Aizawa] Home
[Midoriya] Doctor Deku
[Bakugou] In The Small Hours of The Morning
[Shoji] Care
[Kaminari] Charge
[Mirio] First Date
[Mirio] Oops
[Bakugou] Lookin Out For Me
[Todoroki] Despite
[Toshinori] Nightmares
[Midoriya] Friends With Benefits Part One
[Midoriya] Friends With Benefits Part Two
[Midoriya] Friends With Benefits Part Three
Toshinori Drabbles!
[Bakugou] Unrequited
[Kirishima] Sharky
[Shoji] Cocoon
[Midoriya] Cool Off
[Tamaki] Howl's Moving Castle
[Kirishima] My Rock
[Kirishima] My Rock Part Two
[Hawks] Slippery Slope
[Tokoyami] Savior

Iida Drabbles!

6.7K 146 44
By nebulaictimes

[This one is different! I'm not super into Iida but I saw these little headcannons and figured why not! Inspired by the picture above.]

Word count: 1789

Annoying him by copying him constantly

[Y/n] giggled as she bounded down the street, her frantic boyfriend following her in a speedy walk. "[Y/n], are you insane?! Get off the road, you'll get run over!" He was doing that funny thing with his arm where he karate-chopped the air in a manner of authority and [Y/n] laughed harder before turning around to jog backwards.
"Get off the road, you'll get run over!" She deepened her voice as she mocked him, and even mimicked his arm movements.
Iida groaned in frustration and used his quirk to catch her and moved them both back to the safety of the sidewalk.
"You are a pest." He grumbled, grasping her hand securely so she wouldn't run off again.
[Y/n] grinned up at her grumpy partner and bumped into his shoulder.
"Maybe, but you still love me somehow."
A blush crept to his cheeks and he answered with a kiss to her temple.

Scolds you when you get bad grades

[Y/n] turned her report card in her hands nervously, walking subconsciously. She had gotten a B minus in Math and she was more afraid of what her boyfriend would think rather than her parents. Her mom and dad would just assure her that she did her best and claim she still had time to pick it up, but her boyfriend on the other hand...

Iida caught up to [Y/n] and greeted her with a chaste kiss to the cheek. "Hello!"
[Y/n] jumped in surprise and crumbled the paper she was holding, shoving it in her pocket. "H-hi, Tenya!"
"What's got you on edge?" Iida questioned, regarding her behavior and voice.
"Ah, I'm just tired as all." [Y/n] lied through her teeth, refusing to meet his gaze.
He didn't believe it for a second.
"Oh, alright. Would you like to see my report card?"
[Y/n]'s internal conflict grew. If she said yes, she knew he'd ask for hers after. If she said no, he'd be disheartened - after all, he loved sharing the status of his academics.
[Y/n] faked a smile and nodded. "Yeah, of course!"
Iida wasted no time in retrieving the neat paper from his book bag and handing it over to his girlfriend, awaiting her reaction.
He had all A's. Who'd expect less from the class rep?
"Wow, Tenya! You're doing so well, I'm proud of you!" [Y/n] beamed, genuinely happy for him.
"Thank you, my love. Mind if I see yours?" He inquired delicately, a faint smile gracing his lips.
[Y/n] swallowed and hesitantly pulled the ball of paper out, offering it to him.
Iida raised an eyebrow at its condition and unraveled it.

"[Y/n]! A B minus?! But- how?" He asked in disbelief. [Y/n] was a very smart girl, so he had no clue how she could be behind.

She sighed, rubbing her arm self-consciously. "Well I've been struggling understanding some of the new concepts we've covered but... I was too afraid to ask for help."
Iida felt his heart ache a little at her confession. She was suffering alone when she didn't have to!
"Sweetheart, I will commit myself to helping you catch up from this point forward! We'll study every other day wherever you wish until there's an improvement in your grades! I promise you, you won't be alone in this any longer!" Iida said confidently, determination laced in his voice.
[Y/n] smiled, glad to see this turn of events.

Talks a lot about you but won't ever admit it

[Y/n] hummed as she gripped the straps of her school bag loosely, on her way to homeroom.
She saw her boyfriend and two of her close friends, Midoriya and Uraraka, just outside of their class. The female and smaller male both looked bored and annoyed (although politely feigning interest) at whatever Iida was going on about, and so [Y/n] popped up from behind him and spooked them all.
"Hiya!" She greeted with a giggle as they recovered from the shock of her sudden appearance.
"Whatcha guys talking about?" [Y/n] asked curiously, smiling a little.
"Homework!" Iida answered before the other two could and they simultaneously tilted their head at the blatant lie.
[Y/n] caught wind of the cover-up but didn't press on. "Ooh, it was tough. I spent maybe two hours on it."
"Yeah, it was kinda difficult." Midoriya added, eyeing Iida.
Uraraka was going to blow his cover but before she could, Iida spoke up.
"Well I'm going to get my materials ready so I can head to the podium and read announcements when everyone arrives." Iida stated, rushing inside.  In reality, he wanted to hide his burning cheeks from his girlfriend and his friends.
'Damn it, could you act any more suspicious?!' He scolded himself.

"What were you guys really talking about?" [Y/n] asked with a small voice, glancing between the green-haired boy and the brown-eyed girl.
"Iida was gushing about you!" Uraraka nearly shouted from trying hard to hold it in.
"Yeah he was going off on a whole tangent about how sweet and smart and funny you are and even shared some memories like a recent date you went on. He's really head over heels for you, you know." Midoriya scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not sure if he should've elaborated so much.
"Really..." [Y/n] replied, her voice just above a whisper as she stared off at nothing in particular.

Later that day, Iida paid a visit to [Y/n] at her dorm for a spontaneous date. She was pleasantly surprised, and frankly embarrassed as he had caught her in her bunny pajamas and matching slippers.
"Tenya! How... unexpected." [Y/n] said after opening the door. She quickly pulled him in so as to not risk anyone seeing her in the cotton shorts and tank top.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out! I can come back if you want to, er, change." The same blush from earlier rose to his cheeks when he mentioned his girlfriend's attire. It wasn't like she was in her undergarments, but it still felt weird to see her in those clothes.
"No, it's okay! I mean, you're my boyfriend so what does it matter, right?" She shrugged, plopping back onto the comfort of her bed to sit criss-cross. She then patted the space next to her. "Come on!"
Iida gingerly set his stuff down on her desk and took a seat beside [Y/n], shifting the bed more to him since he was heavier.
"Whatcha wanna do?" [Y/n] asked with a small grin.
Iida pondered activities suitable for an inside date. "Maybe just watch a movie?..."
"Way ahead of you!" [Y/n] laughed and pulled the laptop from her bedside onto her lap.
They settled on a thriller and watched intently, shoulder to shoulder.
[Y/n] started daydreaming and remembered the ordeal from earlier in the day.
"Tenya... What were you actually talking to Midoriya and Uraraka about?" [Y/n] questioned, staring up at him expectantly. Of course she remembered what they admitted, but wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth, since he seemed to get flustered about it.
"Wh-what do you mean? I had told you, we were talking about homework."
[Y/n] gave him a look that expressed she knew it was a lie and he sighed.
"I may have been rambling to them about, well... you." He sheepishly confessed, glancing at her from the side.
[Y/n] smiled so hard, she had to bite her lip, and she flung her arms around Iida's neck, attacking him in a hug.
"I know. Midoriya and Uraraka ratted you out. I just wanted to hear you say it." [Y/n] giggled into his shoulder and Iida tensed.

Gets really scary when people insult you

Iida and [Y/n] had both made it into the final round of the Sports Festival, but there wasn't too much friction between them. It was more of a playful rivalry.
They wished each other luck and parted ways into their break rooms.
Iida was nervous to say the least. Anyone having to battle their significant other would be. But they both swore they wouldn't hold back and would give it everything they had. His plan was to run behind her and push her out of bounds so as to not harm her, but he knew she'd guess that that was his plan of action and figure out a counter.
Iida was calculating a game plan while slouching over the table when Bakugou kicked the door open and sauntered inside.
"Oh, it's you." He muttered, sitting at another table and propping his feet up.
Iida wanted to snap at him and say he shouldn't disrespect the furniture graciously put there for the students, but his mind was occupied.
Bakugou crossed his arms and narrowed his eyebrows at his class rep.
"What's got you all distracted?" He asked, pulling his chin up.
"Hmm?" Iida simply replied, barely coming back down to earth. He sighed and rubbed his temples.
"I'm fighting my, er, romantic partner next."
"The airhead from that class of sidekicks? What an easy win!" Bakugou mused with a smirk.
Iida crinkled his nose at the uncalled for rudeness.
"She is NOT an airhead nor a sidekick! She's actually very strong and great in combat!" He exclaimed, defending her.
"Tch. You're biased. I've seen her in training. She's weak." Bakugou taunted, wanting to get a reaction out of him.
Iida abruptly stood up and stomped over to his obnoxious classmate.
"You're wrong." He sneered, looking down at Bakugou.
Bakugou stood up as well, not at all intimidated by the towering student before him. "I'm never wrong about the wannabes at our school. She's an extra, taking up space. Her only purpose is to make the rest of us look better-!" Bakugou was cut off by Iida picking him up by the collar with one hand. Without missing a beat, Bakugou activated his sweat and exploded the hands on his shirt just enough for Iida to release him but Iida raced to a near wall, putting the fire out and slamming Bakugou against the wall.
"If you speak another word about her, you'll regret it." Iida's navy blue eyes darkened and a shadow cast on his features.
Bakugou hesitantly nodded and Iida immediately dropped him, causing him to adjust the gym uniform shirt he had on.
Present Mic announced the next match nearly starting and Iida walked away, secretly surprised at himself for pulling that off. He knew it was illogical to overreact, but he couldn't help it.

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